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Bakes On Mesh - Releasing Soon!

Vir Linden

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Just now, Gabriele Graves said:

I am not sure why it is so important to convince me in this topic.  If it works as advertised when delivered then my scepticism here will not matter.

But here is the thing, we are questioning your logic. It has nothing to do with the scripting or scripted appliers. How is it gonna totally screw up your avatar?


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2 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Question away, where did I say it was going to totally screw up my avatar?


4 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I am not enthusiastic at all.  At best it will have little immediate impact that I care about and at worst it could break all of my purchased appliers.  I don't have a great deal of confidence that breakage will not occur.

A mesh avatar with broken appliers is totally screwed up.

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" I am not enthusiastic at all.  At best it will have little immediate impact that I care about and at worst it could break all of my purchased appliers.  I don't have a great deal of confidence that breakage will not occur." I would say that right there, read the second part of it. " at worst it could break all of my purchased appliers" Clearly you are scared that it will do something to your avatar, and have little confidence for Bakes on Mesh. So yeah, you have it in your mind that the worst will happen. And that your avatar will get totally screwed up. When BoM has nothing  to do with applier or mesh body scripts.

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1 minute ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Not necessarily, it might just mean the appliers will no longer apply.  Whatever I might have on may stay that way.

It kinda is, if you can't apply an applier or replace an existing applier. Than a script screwed up somewhere. Also if it breaks your all your appliers, than yeah it is totally screwed up.

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Some of the problems with BoM that have been brought up and gotten no resolution with:

  1. Doesn't support texture repeats, offsets, rotations pre-bake so you can't have randomized effects with the same texture assets.
  2. Doesn't support materials.
  3. Trades one apply method for another. Instead of keeping a head, body, hands or feet with an already applied setup in an outfit folder, you're keeping multiple wearables and having to manually reapply them all every change in outfit.
  4. No alpha masking effect at the TOP of any stack so you can't have a "cut-off" or "punched hole" effect on any stack that mimics alpha mask assets.
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11 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

" I am not enthusiastic at all.  At best it will have little immediate impact that I care about and at worst it could break all of my purchased appliers.  I don't have a great deal of confidence that breakage will not occur." I would say that right there, read the second part of it. " at worst it could break all of my purchased appliers" Clearly you are scared that it will do something to your avatar, and have little confidence for Bakes on Mesh. So yeah, you have it in your mind that the worst will happen. And that your avatar will get totally screwed up. When BoM has nothing  to do with applier or mesh body scripts.


10 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

It kinda is, if you can't apply an applier or replace an existing applier. Than a script screwed up somewhere. Also if it breaks your all your appliers, than yeah it is totally screwed up.

These are all your words and your interpretation of my words.  Same with Theresa's interpretation and I disagree with that characterisation of what have I said.  For one, using language like "totally screw up your avatar" is not what I said nor even close, nor is it the way I meant it.  In addition using words like "scared" does not represent what I feel about it.  I have some concerns and I voiced them.  All I said was "at worst it could" stop overreacting to what I said, this is getting wearisome.  Move on.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
Added original quote for context
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1 minute ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Some of the problems with BoM that have been brought up and gotten no resolution with:

  1. Doesn't support texture repeats, offsets, rotations pre-bake so you can't have randomized effects with the same texture assets.
  2. Doesn't support materials.
  3. Trades one apply method for another. Instead of keeping a head, body, hands or feet with an already applied setup in an outfit folder, you're keeping multiple wearables and having to manually reapply them all every change in outfit.
  4. No alpha masking effect at the TOP of any stack so you can't have a "cut-off" or "punched hole" effect on any stack that mimics alpha mask assets.

It also doesn't wash your car or stay crunchy in milk.

By they way, your number 4 is only correct with the new, added channels. The three main channels, which are the ones that will be used for 99% of cases when this rolls out, do support alpha cut through when the avatar is set to alpha masking. (It will work with alpha blending too but you'll get the usual alpha blending glitches.)

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  • Lindens

Lucia, re: some of your items:

3. You can organize groups of wearables into outfits as well (historically that was what outfits were created for, before we had mesh). How is this more or less modular than the other approach?

4. For new channels, you can use alpha blending for the hole punch effect as Theresa notes, and as we mention in the KB article. Could either of you give examples of the kinds of glitches to look out for there? We'd like to make sure the docs are current. Longer term, we hope to add a "universal alpha" wearable which would allow hole punching in a consistent way for all channels, but this would be after the initial release of BOM.


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20 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Isn't this the moment @NiranV Dean adds his 2c and set the project back 6 months ?

There isn't much to say, really.

I haven't tested BOM and have no inclination to do so. I doubt that BOM could be as broken as EEP is. And if others are right the only thing i could complain about is the missing alpha masking and materials usage, which is a bit of a letdown considering that it would be a simple addition now that everything is in place, but nothing gamebreaking.

The only reason i went for EEP was because i was asked to.

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7 hours ago, Aemeth Lysette said:

Time for me to resume making cool classic layers of makeup again.

Since I'm still using the System head, I'm looking forward to more makeup creators including the system layers in their packages.  The ones that currently do so tend to get a lot of business from me, but there are a few Applier sets out there that I'd love to have.

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1 hour ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

Hmm - so it is bakes on what mesh? I might be slow (well that is obvious) but seem to have lost the thread about this whole thing.

It basically allows System layers (standard clothing and tattoo layers) to be applied to the mesh body/head and then it bakes it all together.  It is a bit more complicated, but that is the general gist of it.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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42 minutes ago, Therese Tammas said:

For a regular non-creator user how does it work? I just wear a system tattoo, as example, and...go? The knowledge article is catered to creators

The body needs to have special textures applied to it; after that, you can use system skins, tattoos, etc. on it just like you can on the system body.

The special textures can be applied using an applier similar to a regular skin applier; you can do this yourself as an end-user with most bodies on the market now.

Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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1 minute ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

The body needs to have special textures applied to it; after that, you can use system skins, tattoos, etc. on it just like you can on the system body.

The special textures can be applied using an applier similar to a regular skin applier; you can do this yourself as an end-user with most bodies on the market now.

Yeah cute or die has an applier that you can do this with. Also if you type Bakes On Mesh in MP you will be able to find a few of them on their as well.

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