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Therese Tammas

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    Cat Lover & Mainland Enthusiast

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  1. Tried a restart twice. It's 2024 and in the Firestorm release this protocol is deprecated and does not work. Ah well
  2. I'm selling my Little Sea- access protected parcel 4096 sq meters- $159900L or 600 USD ... Keep my objects or return to rebuild the land as your own
  3. Hard no on this as a regular user. I support things that make sense for creators.
  4. Good luck! Then recreate the Operation Mainland group maybe after they fix the other group for you
  5. @Feorie Frimon I'm 10000% all for Mainland as you know...but perhaps for clarity, a separate group and website for the Forever Tourist Passport game, would be a good idea? ...to help people understand that it's for ALL Second Life not just Mainland exploration. (And you can link the Operation Mainland site from there too!)
  6. oh yes- this is still new, so I think it will take time to build the lists and get popular and more fun. The more who participate the merrier right @Feorie Frimon ?
  7. I think you: 1. wear the HUD. 2. There should be a seperate, website or at least a list published at the Operation Mainland Headquarters, with locations that have the kiosks. 3. You go to the location, find the kiosk, and while wearing the HUD, register that you were there, in exchange for having a "stamp" appear on your HUD.
  8. Yes! But no one else who are not Bellisseria residents, and might only own mainland, rent mainland, rent private, or just have private regions can't get the Passport HUDs as I understand? But yes isn't this wonderful? =D
  9. I believe the BBB from Bellisseria also allowed Mainland or other spots- I think I've seen some spots in there- but I could be wrong....still this is a great enrichment and the more passport games the merrier!!! Okay - Update: the BBB only offers passports to those who have a Bellisseria home- so this is definitely needed, a universal SL game for ALL of SL residents! =D
  10. Oooh driving's another perspective too! Depending on what I want to do, I'll be up close like I am while sailing or further up up to the point that I see the whole car too, if I wanted to see more or just be better navigating The pics look great!
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