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Don't make us have a ghost zone - People start to turn on land privacy

Ruslana Koskinen

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Ok ok ok i think i understand. See, how i read the OPs post was she wanted the whole neighbour living in harmony thing. I didnt read it as, allowing people to cam into your house while you are INSIDE your private house. If she meant to allow people to see me inside my home while i dress and so on, then nope privacy will be set as on. BUT if she meant, she went for walk down her street and saw the neighbours rping like bbqing in the back yard or gardening, she could wave and say hello from the pavement and so on. If they invited her in then so be it but dont just go invite yourself in. 


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1 hour ago, ananoelle said:

Oh lord 🤐  i never knew the word 'honey' was offensive. Where im from its just a everyday word. We use it for someone we talk to.


Actually you should hesitate to use it towards foreigners. When I first was called "Hon" by a woman in SL i was rather starteled. At the VERY first thought I thought she called me "Hun" and as I am German I didn't like that at ALL. Second thought she might be lesbian and making up to me. ... ;)

By now I got used to it and know people mean no harm. I also got used to USA and UK people in RL calling me first name who I don't know from Adam, even in strictly business matters -We would say "Mrs. Smith"! ... Customs vary a lot - between countries ... even sometimes between states.


PS: that is what @Fox Wijaya probably meant to say "...Compare it with, for example, Germans, they will never ever use the word "you" to parents or others, but will always use "Sie" the "thy/U" in english/dutch "

We have two different words "Du" and "Sie" for both  "you"s and usually we call grownups "Sie" and "Mrs.Smith" even our hairdresser or collegues in our job. only after getting to know and like them we offer the "Du" and by that make friends. In UK / USA you allways obviously say "You" but it is a difference wether you call someone by his surname or christian name. But even THAT (Christian name) you use at ONCE with almost EVERY person - or so it seems to me. - Different countries different customs. No harm meant one must just get used to it.

2.PS: But to our parents we off course use the "Du" at first sight! ... or as soon as we can speak! biggrin_girl.gif



Edited by Leora Jacobus
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5 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

Actually you should hesitate to use it towards foreigners.


This is a virtual world everyone is the same pixelated form as i am. There is nothing foreign about that, until you get to know them and they tell you they dont like this and that. 

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4 minutes ago, ananoelle said:

This is a virtual world ....until you get to know them and they tell you they dont like this and that. 

no you turn it around, it should be you (in general not personal (explain to avoid next confusion) ) should use the internationally accepted forms to adress to somebody. It doesn't have to be very formal, but also not the slang that slipped into languages.

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I keep my privacy off, I like to see people travel by, and I'm certainly happy for them to see me especially if I'm sitting in my garden. But I have no problem with people that keep their privacy on.

I have a family that live next door, they seem to meet up at a certain time of the day, but I've never seen any of them. They keep to their parcel, and as it's private I cannot tell if they're in their garden. But should they ever take the privacy off, or come off their parcel, I shall be happy to wave and greet them in a neighbourly fashion. But in the meantime, I respect their privacy and leave them to it.

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1 minute ago, ananoelle said:

@Walpurgisnacht I think the OP and yourself have the same kinda mindset going on. Too bad you two aren't neighbours.

I like to invite neighbor sitting on my roof garden even I am not online. Sharing them is not any lose to me. I don't think come to my house and sit down without prior appointment is an intrusion of my privacy - please just say "Hi here!" I even do not think there are any actually privacy in avatar. The anonymous of us from avatar to real life is the real wall of privacy protecting us.

I will wave to those travel around me on sky and on their boats. Mostly I like to crtl+enter "AHOY". I like to see others around on dock, on roof, on balcony while I am on sailing.  I still remember uncountable times new players told me SL has no people around. All they saw the houses were empty.  I want to feel and see people around, but not a technical green dot on map. New Linden Home is supposed a new page for community tradition. We should be the pioneer to change the community shape, not just to go gathering on those would otherwise lag creation party.  

Once I had a shop in Teffelaw which under a broken bridge had few tables in the shop front. Where it would have few odd people came every night. It just liked neighbors came together chatting after dinner. Why it can not be in Bellisseria?



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I'm always down to be cammed and I cam those nearby occasionally as well. We're a curious bunch. I rarely hide my parcel (hey if you see anything you don't want, 99% of the time its your fault). I'm on a river/lake so I often sit out and watch the boats go by, so it's only fair they can see me too in my eyes. But I agree with the general consensus that the roads and community areas get enough traffic (for now. will depend how the rest of the rollout goes if they remain popular). 

Edited by stlshayne
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Sheesh, people sure do like to tell everyone else how they should enjoy their homes. "Put in more furniture!" "No, not THAT kind of furniture!" "Let us see you inside your home!"

I have parcel privacy on and it will stay on. I'm not gonna fool with switching it on and off because someone else wants to have a peek in my windows. You can see green dots on the map and names on the nearby list if you just want to know if anyone is around, which is more info than you get in a RL neighborhood. 

I'll also point out that the rules about maturity ratings regarding "behind closed doors" requires parcel privacy be ON. 

Really, pleeease, everyone, stop policing what goes on inside others' houses.



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28 minutes ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

 Why it can not be in Bellisseria

there is nothing against what "you" want, but you want others to do the same, and there your suggestion for a general ruling goes wrong ; what you want doesn't have to be what your neighbours want, and also isn't written in the guidelines or TOS.
If, for example, i were your neighbour you would be looking at banlines and red parcel on the map within a few days, so eager to have a shared SL with others would creep me out.

31 minutes ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

Mostly I like to crtl+enter "AHOY"

just aside and teasing.... you know shouting is not a prefered way to talk in the LL guidelines of good neighbourship in the Linden Home wiki? :)


  • Use local chat say, rather than shout.
  • Respect your neighbors' privacy.
32 minutes ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

All they saw the houses were empty.  I want to feel and see people around, but not a technical green dot on map.

.. not everybody will use the Linden Home as you think they should,  "should" is a wrong point of view, A Linden home is tied to a premium account, they can use it at the way they like, and that's most likely not your way.

36 minutes ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

 We should be the pioneer to change the community shape, not just to go gathering on those would otherwise lag creation party. 

again.. you want that, but i see no role to pioneer in that matter at all. .. "we should" is in real "i want", i think it's better to let it flow instead of the forced be sweet/happy and welcome everybody.

Don't take this as attack of any kind, go the way you think is right, , but can't just say, we need, we must, we should ... there are as many opinions on SL as there are people.

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I will allow people to see in most cases accept when I am making new outfits for the avatar. Not like anything Mature is going on on the parcel, my partner and I are together in RL and SL has no purpose for that. 

Everyone will have different needs, and privacy will be needed. I generally don't have any need for security to be on and neighbors are welcome. If I am building of have a private grup over of family that logs on thats the time i turn on security. 

My avatar is to cute to not be seen. Especially after shoppign at mancave for outfits. 


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4 hours ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

Removal of  ban line is good move. But, if everyone put up privacy 7x24 for no reason, Linden Home area before look like a ghost city.  Please consider turn it up on necessity.  Personal, I hope there has privacy orb. so the invisible is sticking to a place, rather than a land. Further, privacy should be changed single side. Current privacy just make us isolated from each others.  

Land privacy should be added to the house control panel. So it can be managed by friends or alts.

So it means what... That in my own home I should open my privacy to everyone see, what I do there? I thought, that biggest reason for having home is that fact, that you can setup privacy there and no one see, what you do there, cause honestly... Many times we do at our homes things, what we can't do at public, right? And we don't want people see it, that's why we put privacy in our home... Simply logic 🙄

What will be next? We should turn off privacy orb or land privacy setup and let you go in our homes, to you feel more like in neighborhood, or you feel more socialize? Btw... if you need so much know, what other people do in OWN homes, or parcels, you can choose some community roleplay living sims, many of them have not allowed land privacy...

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I am pretty sure the starter of this thread did not mean she wanted to watch what you guys do in private, I understood it more in the direction that when you walk past a garden ...then you in RL normally can see your neighbor doing garden work or what other outdors activety. Like a living neighborhood.. That was all I think this thread meant. And again I do fully understand those that do not want that..as much as I understand those that want. I chose to take of privacy when i sit on my deck.. and stuff like that. But thats me, not all agree with that and its fine. Just please everyone, hug it out lol

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Just now, Quiet Mirabella said:

I am pretty sure the starter of this thread did not mean she wanted to watch what you guys do in private, I understood it more in the direction that when you walk past a garden ...then you in RL normally can see your neighbor doing garden work or what other outdors activety. Like a living neighborhood.. That was all I think this thread meant. And again I do fully understand those that do not want that..as much as I understand those that want. I chose to take of privacy when i sit on my deck.. and stuff like that. But thats me, not all agree with that and its fine. Just please everyone, hug it out lol

She's still telling other people how they should live their SLs. AIn't nothing to hug out about that one. 

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2 minutes ago, Quiet Mirabella said:

I am pretty sure the starter of this thread did not mean she wanted to watch what you guys do in private, I understood it more in the direction that when you walk past a garden ...then you in RL normally can see your neighbor doing garden work or what other outdors activety. Like a living neighborhood.. That was all I think this thread meant. And again I do fully understand those that do not want that..as much as I understand those that want. I chose to take of privacy when i sit on my deck.. and stuff like that. But thats me, not all agree with that and its fine. Just please everyone, hug it out lol

Maybe she didn't mean it like this, but still it is about, what we should do in our own homes. What is nonsense, cause I expect, that in my home I can do all, what I want. That's why we have homes, not?

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3 minutes ago, Quiet Mirabella said:

I feel a lot of people in these threads telling eachother how to live ... why cant we just stop already..and be nice

That's pretty much what I am saying. Everyone needs to mind their own business when it comes to what others are doing, especially inside their homes, unless something is a nuisance or against the covenant. That would indeed be very nice.

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Parcel privacy in SL is lacking some functionality. When you turn it on anybody outside the parcel cannot see avatars in the parcel. And avatars inside the parcel cannot see avatars outside the parcel even when those avatars are on public land. So it's kind of "sack on the head" on both sides.

A cool solution would be that nobody outside the parcel would not see avatars inside the parcel, but avatars inside the parcel would see avatars outside normally. Even more cool solution would be if the avatar visibility could be set not only to the whole parcel but also to a specific area inside the parcel. Like for example only for the footprint area of the house.

When in RL I'm inside the house nobody outside can see me. But when I go outside the house, still being in my parcel, everybody can see me and I can see them.

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5 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

Parcel privacy in SL is lacking some functionality. When you turn it on anybody outside the parcel cannot see avatars in the parcel. And avatars inside the parcel cannot see avatars outside the parcel even when those avatars are on public land. So it's kind of "sack on the head" on both sides.

A cool solution would be that nobody outside the parcel would not see avatars inside the parcel, but avatars inside the parcel would see avatars outside normally


I never even realized it worked that way. :( And, frankly, that's kinda silly: not being able to see avi's on your parcel, from the outside in, makes sense (if you chose to set the privacy). But why on earth would I not be able to see avi's, from within my parcel, that are on public streets?! The very definition of 'public areas', IMHO, should mean those areas are exempt from the effects of parcel privacy settings.

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The mainland rule changes were mainly made to make flying easier across the continent and thus be more inclusive of the kinds of activities people want to do there.  There was no intention to strip home owners of any privacy.  Community is a wonderful thing and I think that Bellisseria has gotten off to a great start on that front.  Community doesn't mean living in a commune though and the community will not evaporate just because people want to be invisible to others camming, whether temporarily or all the time.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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