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The "We know it so well we think others know it" Thread

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11 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

PRO TIP: In all viewers, you can create Graphics Presets, it's the little icon in the top-right of your window. The one setting that is always there is "Default" - this is the default graphic settings your viewer has set based on your graphics card capabilities for optimal performance and experience.

Chances are that you have changed your graphics setting to beef things up (computer ability notwithstanding) - so be sure to click the SAVE button and give that a name, I call mine "Main".

After saving that, now create another one that has the *MINIMUM* settings: non-imposters to 4 or 5, no "Advanced Lighting" turned OFF (this is the biggest slowdown and cause of Computer-side lag, I believe) - turn down draw distance to really short, like 96 or 128, turn all sliders down to minimum except, maybe avatars or a few other things, like LOD to 4, etc..

Save this prest and name it. I call mine "Crowds".

Now, when lag starts really creeping up on you, pass your mouse over that little icon in the upper right and choose your minimum settings. Congratulations! You have just given your computer a VIagra pill! This also works when arriving at a really crowded place, too. I always set my display to "Crowds" then go walk around and get to where I want with almost ZERO LAG, if Scripts or rubber-band-walking are happening then that is certainly server lag, but you won;t be in for a crash, that's for sure.

Once in my chosen position where I will hang out, then I set to my "Main" and since most content (and avatars) are already rezzed, the rest is now added in about 2 seconds. :D

Im glad, i dont have any crashes at all. So my sentence was just a way to get out of a situation. :)
But thanks for the instructions. Sounds pretty useful to be able to change the settings in a convenient way when teleporting from home to a crowded club stuffed with 45 avatars.

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45 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

If you ever seriously screw up while editing an object, stop doing anything, press ctrl-z and cross your fingers.

This works on linkset child prims also - so does copy and pasting positions. And, while editing the linkset, you can change a child prim, then go do something on another child prim, then another, then return to the first and CTRL+Z to undo everything done to *that* prim (I say prim, meaning object - I am so old in SL LOL)

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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

While the majority of people in SL do use FS, let's try to avoid being viewer specific please. TPVs tend to have features the official viewer doesn't have.

I agree since most of the new residents will be using the LL viewer when they first register

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12 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

While the majority of people in SL do use FS, let's try to avoid being viewer specific please. TPVs tend to have features the official viewer doesn't have.

Stuff like "Dead Viewer Backwards Compatability Mode Inefficiency Menus" for example?

12 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Ever stop to consider typing "pie menu" just might be one of those habits I spoke of in the OP?


Didn't think so.

Ahhh... So you use proper rectangular menus, but just refer to them as "pie menus" out of habit, and apparently click the non-existent "more" button on your rectangular menus as if they were pies... Just out of habit...

You're right, I didn't think anyone would habitually click buttons their menus don't have, because they haven't finished mourning the corpse of Viewer 1.23 yet.

Shouldn't a thread with "advice from the veterans for noobs" concentrate on stuff the noobs have or will be subject to?

Not stuff you had 12 years ago, or things that don't happen any more.

So, no tips about how to use "voting stations" to boost their parcels appeal, right?

Or TPV only "Living Fossils of SL" pie menus... ;)


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52 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

"advice from the veterans for noobs"

Where have I even mentioned the thread being for noobs? It's for everyone, not just noobs. There are those who have been residents for many years that are just now learning some of these things.

And yes I do TYPE things out of habit.

Btw, FS does still have pie menus which I do use. Because it is my personal preference. I'm sure you'll have fun mocking me for that as well. 9_9


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6 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Btw, FS does still have pie menus

That was kind of my point...

You spoke about not dealing in TPV only features, pies are TPV only, and while FS is the most popular viewer, most of its users don't use the V-1.23 look-a-like mode.

8 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

pie menus which I do use

And, as I pointed out... You talk of pie menus not out of habit, but because they are what YOU use, and you just assume everyone uses them because FS right?

10 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I'm sure you'll have fun mocking me for that as well

If you think pointing out the obvious contradictions is "mocking you", you need to grow thicker skin.

You've already derailed the thread you started once with a foot-stamping rant about people giving advice that wasn't upbeat enough for you. Now you are stamping your foot again because "Lets remember that not everyone uses a TPV, and most don't use pie menus".


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14 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

You talk of pie menus not out of habit, but because they are what YOU use, and you just assume everyone uses them because FS right?

No. I have never assumed everyone uses them. I know all too well from having to deal with people in FS support that not everyone uses the same features of any viewer.

15 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

If you think pointing out the obvious contradictions is "mocking you", you need to grow thicker skin.

You've already derailed the thread you started once with a foot-stamping rant about people giving advice that wasn't upbeat enough for you. Now you are stamping your foot again because "Lets remember that not everyone uses a TPV, and most don't use pie menus".

You're doing a fine job of misconstruing things I have said and making a mountain out of a molehill.

The only one "stamping your foot" here is you. Apparently you think I am angry. Nope. Not even close.

You seem to be determined to continue derailing so the thread get locked. Since it seems to be wrong to try to keep a thread on topic so it doesn't get locked, I may as well request this one be locked.  

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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

You seem to be determined to continue derailing so the thread get locked.

remember.... bird... poop.

It is a great thread, cause I learnt...

14 hours ago, Vanity Fair said:

Use the + sign to combine two search terms when searching your inventory

Please. let's let it travel it's course. Cause amongst the normal forum derailing, there will be gems that we can all learn, from noob to seasoned... noob! :D


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16 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

Bahaha - You go ahead and keep using that Pie menu because you think it's superior. If it were a six-shooter and we were standing off, I'd out-gun you every time.

It is for me. With the square menu I have to read the list then move the mouse to what I want. With the pie menu, my mouse is where it needs to be before I've read it thanks to muscle memory. That saves me time on the functions I use most often. I'll quite happily trade an extra click to derender something for this.

If others find the square menu easier, that's grand. I just hope we always have a choice.

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3 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

But wearing the furniture folder is a gas.

Praise the lord, I thought that was a feature I only used.

2 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

With the pie menu, my mouse is where it needs to be before I've read it thanks to muscle memory

I prefer the pie for the same reason.  I like the square because I can see outfits easier there but usually for other things its pie for me

Edited by Cindy Evanier
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Using Firestorm. Be observant when detaching an item from your body/screen - instead of having an attached HUD in focus, I once had the mouse pointing to my shop and did not notice...  whole shop gone ending out of the to us known Second Life universe  - nothing in trash or lost and found - just gone 😮

Luckily I could rezz a backup of my shop from my inventory.

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Individual chats can be separated out from the main chat window and positioned wherever. (Icon with a square on it near the x to close button.) It's handy for keeping an eye on a couple of conversations and also very good protection against wrong window oopses.

I like it too because I can keep some group chats open but out of sight and then scan through them more efficiently and when it's convenient for me.

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4 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

With the pie menu, my mouse is where it needs to be before I've read it thanks to muscle memory.

Peoples wrist-lazy does not mean everyone uses pie menu. :) My only point is two-fold: Not everyone uses a third party viewer and 1: "pie" menu is seriously out of the UI norm and 2: Not everyone uses it even if it's the default, so shouldn't be presumed with offering help to others, always clarify both types, or better - just say which menu selection is necessary, no need to describe how to find it. I.e.: "To derender an object, right click on it and find 'Derender' in your menu." ~toothy grin~

ON TOPIC (Because this is a good thread, trolls notwithstanding):

I've mentioned this in other threads: Awesome keyboard camera controls:

Alt-click your target, then:

  • ALT+ arrow = Rotate around / Move forward and backward
  • ALT+CTRL - Rotate around / Rotate up and down
  • ALT+CTRL+SHIFT Crab (slide) left and right / up and down

Especially helpful if you use Depth of Field to defocus the background and yet want to set your in-focus subject off-center and fine-tune the background of the said subject.

Edited by Alyona Su
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I love to do a lot of stuff in Mouselook. Many viewers have a preference setting that allows you to show your normal interface while in mouslook, such as HUDs, chat box and so on. In most cases, you can also click on interactive objects while in mouslook. If a menu appears, or you want to "activate" (make focus) the Chat window or click a HUD, hold your ALT key and your mouse cursor appears - click whatever interface item you need. 

If in IM or something while in mouselook and you want to return to mouselook proper, just click your left mouse button and you return to full mouselook mode again.

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6 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Peoples wrist-lazy does not mean everyone uses pie menu. :) My only point is two-fold: Not everyone uses a third party viewer and 1: "pie" menu is seriously out of the UI norm and 2: Not everyone uses it even if it's the default, so shouldn't be presumed with offering help to others

I'm not sure why you're repeating your points when all I did was offer myself as a counter-example to the idea that square menus are faster and superior. I'm also not sure why you're throwing in words generally regarded as insulting (like lazy) when you do. Did you think I was saying you were wrong or misunderstanding you or something like that? All I wanted to do was add a bit more to the picture.


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If anyone is interested, FS has both styles of menus. You don't even have to take my word for it. This comes straight from the lead dev (in 2011):


Since there haven't been any official posts, I thought I'd throw one in as Firestorm's development lead. For those who were not aware, the Phoenix/Firestorm Team released the Firestorm viewer a few days ago. Right from the login screen, it can be configured to run in a V3 mode with Starlight skins, a V1 mode similar to Phoenix Viewer, and a hybrid mode that contains a blend of both. The viewer is highly customizable and configurable, with 3x the options of the standard viewer. It has a number of tools for builders that are not in the standard viewer. It supports both pie and rectangle context menus, and both solid and high-transparency looks.


Why? Because people have personal preferences and it was better to include both so that everyone who uses the viewer has the option. It's all about options. I'm just glad the dev team understood/understand just how important options are to SL residents, since LL doesn't seem to get that options are what people want. I hope they (FS devs) never decide that giving us options is more trouble than it's worth and we end up with zero options.


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