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failed delivery, no seller?


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Is there any recourse when purchasing from an affiliate vendor and no delivery occurs and no response comes from the seller over 3 days gone by?  I know it's a long holiday but now I'm wondering what do I do next, on tomorrow and tomorrow etc?   I find no method of redelivery either here or at the  DrLife Main Store which I wish to heavens I had found first!

I bought hair from a little spot owned by <REMOVED> on the region <REMOVED>, where she sells <REMOVED>.  It's actually a little cheaper than the main store.  Lesson learned for me, I guess!

I followed her instructions on her profile and sent a copy of the Transaction History found on my SL account webpage, which I dutifully copied and sent to her, showing the date, the transaction code, destination of payment,  region, and description of item and amount paid.

I'm standing here now at this forlorn little out-of-the way place wondering why I ever bought anything there, and It's now about to begin the 4th day after.   Any suggestions?   Do I just forget about it?  Is that how the game is played?


Edited by JuliVreese
i guess maybe a Mod(?) tells me I broke a rule
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10 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

Is there any recourse when purchasing from an affiliate vendor and no delivery occurs and no response comes from the seller over 3 days gone by?  I know it's a long holiday but now I'm wondering what do I do next, on tomorrow and tomorrow etc?   I find no method of redelivery either here or at the  [name removed] Main Store which I wish to heavens I had found first!

I bought hair from a little spot owned by [name removed} on the region [name removed] where she sells only [name removed ]hair.  It's actually a little cheaper than the main store.  Lesson learned for me, I guess!

I followed her instructions on her profile and sent a copy of the Transaction History found on my SL account webpage, which I dutifully copied and sent to her, showing the date, the transaction code, destination of payment,  region, and description of item and amount paid.

I'm standing here now at this forlorn little out-of-the way place wondering why I ever bought anything there, and It's now about to begin the 4th day after.   Any suggestions?   Do I just forget about it?  Is that how the game is played?


First you remove the names from your post.  Then you could contact the person who actually created the hair but 3 days on a holiday weekend isn't that long to wait for the affliate merchant.  

Edited by Cindy Evanier
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I'm rather shocked to see the answers to my simple questions are NO, there is no other recourse? And YES, this is how the game is played.

So, a newbie of 6 days spending limited Lindens to create an avatar must wait 3 or 4 or 5 days to receive an item purchased.  That is hard to believe.  Is that really true? 

Can no one on this Forum point me to where I can better seek answers to simple basic questions?   Knowledge is better than darkness and so far darkness is where I still am.

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6 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

I'm rather shocked to see the answers to my simple questions are NO, there is no other recourse? And YES, this is how the game is played.

So, a newbie of 6 days spending limited Lindens to create an avatar must wait 3 or 4 or 5 days to receive an item purchased.  That is hard to believe.  Is that really true? 

Can no one on this Forum point me to where I can better seek answers to simple basic questions?   Knowledge is better than darkness and so far darkness is where I still am.

Did you try to contact the hair creator and telling them that one of his affiliates is not delivering and nor can you contact the affiliate owner?

Edited by Cindy Evanier
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8 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

a newbie of 6 days spending limited Lindens to create an avatar must wait 3 or 4 or 5 days to receive an item purchased.  That is hard to believe.  Is that really true?

If that is what you are doing, then you are proof it is true.

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A tip: almost the only leverage there is in SL is, being nice.

Threats, accusations, name calling, insults, etc. do nothing except maybe get you blocked. Then you never get an answer or any help.

Not that you did any of this, but some reading this might have.

Being nice, patient, respectful, tho, can get you all kinds of perks. 

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33 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

I'm rather shocked to see the answers to my simple questions are NO, there is no other recourse? And YES, this is how the game is played.

So, a newbie of 6 days spending limited Lindens to create an avatar must wait 3 or 4 or 5 days to receive an item purchased.  That is hard to believe.  Is that really true? 

Can no one on this Forum point me to where I can better seek answers to simple basic questions?   Knowledge is better than darkness and so far darkness is where I still am.

I'm sorry this has happened to you!

The people who post here are pretty much, in my experience, the most knowledgeable, and among the most helpful, residents of Second Life. They are often themselves creators, and certainly are more experienced and committed to the platform than most. They care a great deal about SL, and they are also (the vast majority of them, anyway) welcoming, generous, and caring.

But, unfortunately, they don't control the fundamental mechanics of the platform, nor are they responsible for designing an economy that is, to a very large extent, founded upon the principle of caveat emptor.

For what it's worth, I've been in and out of SL for over 10 years, and have bought more than my fair share of things here, and I've never had the kind of experience you have had. That's not to say that I doubt you, and I've known others who have: my point is simply that it's actually fairly unusual. And there is an excellent chance that, with some patience, it will be resolved in a good way.

This kind of difficulty is, in some ways, the price we pay for a platform where almost everything is created and made available by other users. On the one hand, that fact drives innovation and imaginative new ideas here, and empowers us all: you too, with a bit of work and perhaps (but not necessarily) some money, can learn to build anything you want here, and maybe even sell it. But the downside is that there is no simple recourse when problems do arise: we don't have a single "customer service" desk.

I hope that your problem is resolved and that you persevere in giving the SL experience a shot. It's really a pretty cool place, despite the occasional speed bumps. And it's populated by some of the most engaging, generous, and creative people I've ever known.

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23 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

I'm rather shocked to see the answers to my simple questions are NO, there is no other recourse? And YES, this is how the game is played.

There was one answer when you posted this. I appreciate that you're frustrated but it can take time for people to log in.

While you're waiting for the affiliate merchant to log in from the long weekend, a useful (and often entertaining) option is to check out groups like SL Frees & Offers and FabFree and places like The Free Dove for very low-cost or free items. If I'm remembering correctly, FabFree has a group, a blog and an inworld location with notecards of stores organised by theme. I think they have one for hair. At any rate, there are stores with group gift hairs, lucky boards (if the first initial of your account name comes up, you click the board and get the prize), and more. Some groups cost L$ to join but there are many which don't. They can be a great way to check out a creator's work before you put money in.

I managed affiliate vendors for a friend's sim briefly years ago. Gave it up because they were so difficult. The weekly mandatory sim restart could really mess them up. The brand you mentioned is old too with a somewhat complicated history involving being sold to someone else with, let's say a different design philosophy. I haven't heard anything about them for years though so I don't know what's going on with it. Hopefully the problems were worked out. Anyway, I wouldn't use either that brand or affiliates as examples of 'normal' in SL.

Were you able to get a demo before you bought? Always a good idea to get a demo. And at this point, if hair doesn't have a demo it's probably out-dated and obsolete.

Oh, and we're about to begin the inventory-destroying chaos that is Advent in SL :) Starting 1st December, there will be a glut of gifts and that will probably include some hair. FabFree and other blogs compile lists of stores doing Advent. Groups like SLF&O are a good place to learn about Christmas gifts. Stick around long enough to get a taste of how wonderfully generous SL creators can be.

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18 hours ago, JuliVreese said:

Is there any recourse when purchasing from an affiliate vendor and no delivery occurs and no response comes from the seller over 3 days gone by?  I know it's a long holiday but now I'm wondering what do I do next, on tomorrow and tomorrow etc?   I find no method of redelivery either here or at the  DrLife Main Store which I wish to heavens I had found first!

I bought hair from a little spot owned by <REMOVED> on the region <REMOVED>, where she sells <REMOVED>.  It's actually a little cheaper than the main store.  Lesson learned for me, I guess!

I followed her instructions on her profile and sent a copy of the Transaction History found on my SL account webpage, which I dutifully copied and sent to her, showing the date, the transaction code, destination of payment,  region, and description of item and amount paid.

I'm standing here now at this forlorn little out-of-the way place wondering why I ever bought anything there, and It's now about to begin the 4th day after.   Any suggestions?   Do I just forget about it?  Is that how the game is played?


Affiliate sellers are not actually responsible for failed deliveries from affiliate vendors. The original creators are. The way it works is, the original creator sets up the affiliate vendors with the products loaded into it and then sells the vendor to someone who has agreed to abide by the creators rules. So whatever vendor system the creator is using is the system the affiliate uses. The affiliate seller has no control over the vendor itself.

Your best bet is to contact the original creator for re-delivery. It can take up to a week to get a response at times. There are many reasons why it can take so long such as the creator is on vacation, ill, hospitalized, family crisis or just flat out busy in RL. There is also the possibility that the affiliate vendor is an old one and the original creator no longer logs in.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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Thanks for the replies. 

I did think to go to the creator yesterday and found her name on a Demo, but her profile said, "Bye bye SL."   So, I respected that and did not contact her, and that is why I came to the Forums for maybe some broad answers to a broad question.  I was frustrated as a noob of 6 days waiting 4 days for something, a reply, a deliver or anything. 

I understand more today, and thank you all.  I've renewed my attempts and found how to contact the seller and so I've dutifully sent my info on. 

Thanks again for the help here.  Just a bunch of little twists of fate going on.  I can go with that.  :)

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If it's the vendor brand i suspect it is It could be the affiliate vendor you used is so old and and unsupported by the vendor creator if it was networked by a potentially now non existent external website, that you would not have got the item any way. if there is a re-delivery option for the vendor owner it wont send anything. your best bet is to contact the original creator
If the affiliate vendors are from Casper you can click on any vendor in any store and in the blue dialogue box is a re-delivery option that takes you to a website that brings up all your re-deliverable purchases from Casper vendors

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22 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

Thanks for the replies. 

I did think to go to the creator yesterday and found her name on a Demo, but her profile said, "Bye bye SL."   So, I respected that and did not contact her, and that is why I came to the Forums for maybe some broad answers to a broad question.  I was frustrated as a noob of 6 days waiting 4 days for something, a reply, a deliver or anything. 

I understand more today, and thank you all.  I've renewed my attempts and found how to contact the seller and so I've dutifully sent my info on. 

Thanks again for the help here.  Just a bunch of little twists of fate going on.  I can go with that.  :)

Also keep in mind that pretty much everyone at some time loses money in SL, sometimes hundreds or even thousands of USD. When mourning a loss keep in mind how much RL money you actually lost. We have people in the forums all the time who are nearly hysterical because they lost five dollars, or even fifty cents

Edited by Pamela Galli
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Thanks for the additional thoughts and perspectives.  It's been enlightening. 

It begins to seem possible in this game to shop at  a store that is all but abandoned an/or non-responsive, and to pay vendors where no products will be delivered and owners will not respond ?  That's really kind of amazing.  But, oh well.  I understand it's only it's only a few lindens, but it's not about that,  but rather trying to understand how things work.

I actually tried on a Demo at the mainstore but made the purchase at the small affiliate because it was some lindens less.  I'll just mark that up to getting an education, I guess..  :)

I've contacted someone at the main store and well wait on an answer.   I liked that particular hair, darnnit     :)  .



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9 minutes ago, JuliVreese said:

It begins to seem possible in this game to shop at  a store that is all but abandoned an/or non-responsive, and to pay vendors where no products will be delivered and owners will not respond ?  That's really kind of amazing. 

As you discovered, all of those things are possible.  Many other unexpected things are as well.  What makes them most interesting to me, though, is that they are really not all that common.  They become the stuff of conversation because they are unusual.  In RL, you learn somehow that there are some stores that sell quality merchandise and are well-managed and others that you will want to avoid.  There are safe places and times to walk around a city, and others when you'd be a fool to set foot there.  Street smarts and consumer awareness work the same way here.  You will gradually build your own sense of where to go and what to do, and it will become second nature -- being surprised every once in a while, but usually getting along fine.  The big difference between RL and here is that when unpleasant things happen, you can't be hurt physically and you will rarely lose enough real money to make much of a dent in your pocketbook.  Another big difference is that most people you meet here are good, helpful people.  You've met a few here already.

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Thank you for that. 

I wish to report that my contact with the creator, the owner of the Main Store, has succeeded and she spoke with me and explained what others here had already suggested, that the seller has been gone for well over a year,  her vendors don't work, and yet she still pays land rent where her store sits.  So, others may too fall susceptible.  No one can know what may have happened there, and I feel bad about that, and hope the seller is alright.  I was never blaming anyone for this, but the systems I didn't yet understand.

I see now that SL is much like RL in that markets are susceptible to all kinds of things.  I have been touched by the help I've gotten here.  One person sent me a personal IM and gave me advice on hair and even gave me an unsolicited gift of Lindens to move forward.  That was amazing to me and I thank her again here her kindness and help. 

And then too, the owner of the main store met with me just now, and while I assured her she was not responsible for my error nor of the mysteries at the abandoned shop,  and as I was about to go ahead and buy that hair I'd been wanting from her store, she gifted it to me.   She did not have to do that.  Nor did she even know I had been speaking of this stuff here on this Forum.  So I want to report that here, and that her store is indeed alive and responsive.  I will be returning.  She said it was her reward my kind attitude and understanding of my problems.  That was super nice of her.  So, I'm thanking her here again, too.

I feel fortunate to have learned and been helped.  Onward now..  


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10 hours ago, JuliVreese said:

I have been touched by the help I've gotten here.  One person sent me a personal IM and gave me advice on hair and even gave me an unsolicited gift of Lindens to move forward.  That was amazing to me and I thank her again here her kindness and help. 

And then too, the owner of the main store met with me just now, and while I assured her she was not responsible for my error nor of the mysteries at the abandoned shop,  and as I was about to go ahead and buy that hair I'd been wanting from her store, she gifted it to me.   She did not have to do that.  Nor did she even know I had been speaking of this stuff here on this Forum.  So I want to report that here, and that her store is indeed alive and responsive.  I will be returning.  She said it was her reward my kind attitude and understanding of my problems.  That was super nice of her.  So, I'm thanking her here again, too.

Now that is the SL I know and love.  :x

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On 11/27/2018 at 5:21 AM, JuliVreese said:

It begins to seem possible in this game to shop at  a store that is all but abandoned an/or non-responsive, and to pay vendors where no products will be delivered and owners will not respond ?  That's really kind of amazing.  But, oh well.  I understand it's only it's only a few lindens, but it's not about that,  but rather trying to understand how things work.


This can happen but actually it's pretty rare. The land that the store is standing on has to be paid for and on the whole, people who quit SL will stop paying for it. Eventually their paid time will expire and when it does, the land will be re-claimed and the store deleted. But I guess some people forget they have an annual direct debit running year after year so the store stays, with no-one paying attention to it at all. There are a couple of stores around Nova Albion info hub that are just the same as they were in 2006, still selling the same old fashioned gear that was state-of-the-art 12 years ago, the creators long-gone.

Even so, just because a store has been abandoned and the creator gone, doesn't always mean that you'll not get what you paid for. Most of them will carry on working anyway. It's only certain vendors made by a creator who turned off the service some time ago that now won't work, because the website that used to run them is offline. I think you were just unlucky; either the vendor you bought from was the abandoned one, or else it was from another very well known and still active one that just happened to temporarily crash due to overload over the holiday.

Buying form the Marketplace is a little safer in that sense, because the products are delivered directly from the seller's avatar inventory, there's no vendor in the middle that is subject to failure. Although the Marketplace too does occasionally glitch and fail, and if the seller has left SL there's no chance of re-delivery or refund.

(Which I think is a feature that ought to be included in the MP anyway, for automatic re-delivery requests of copyable items without having to rely on the seller's input).

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26 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

There are a couple of stores around Nova Albion info hub that are just the same as they were in 2006, still selling the same old fashioned gear that was state-of-the-art 12 years ago, the creators long-gone.

It is possible those stores/parcels are owned by a Charter or Beta member. They are lifetime accounts which were available at the end of beta for a one-time fee. Charter accounts receive a stipend of 500Ls per week, as well as a 4096m^2 tier for life.

@Cristiano Midnight can confirm this as he purchased a Charter account. *waves at Cris(tiano)*

Charter accounts have not been available for purchase since the end of 2003.


Edited by Selene Gregoire
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18 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:
44 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

There are a couple of stores around Nova Albion info hub that are just the same as they were in 2006, still selling the same old fashioned gear that was state-of-the-art 12 years ago, the creators long-gone.

It is possible those stores/parcels are owned by a Charter or Beta member. They are lifetime accounts which were available at the end of beta for a one-time fee. Charter accounts receive a stipend of 500Ls per week, as well as a 4096m^2 tier for life.

@Cristiano Midnight can confirm this as he purchased a Charter account. *waves at Cris(tiano)*

Charter accounts have not been available for purchase since the end of 2003.


It is also possible for a merchant/landowner to die, leaving no clue to the executor of his estate that he even has property in SL.  It can take a very long time to settle some estates, so a recurring bill for land fees may keep being paid automatically for ages.  A friend of mine died last spring.  She still owned a mainland parcel, the last time I looked -- clearly still being paid for 8 months later.

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