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Belleza appliers not working on Belleza 5.1 Bento body

Dementia Obviate

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Has anyone else run into this issue or know what the problem might be? I recently updated my Belleza Isis body from V 2.01 to V 5.1 Bento and I've noticed that the Belleza appliers are no longer working. I tried both Firestorm and Official viewer, same thing. I switched back to the V2.01 and they work just fine. Luckily most of the appliers that I have also have the Omega version and that still works ok. It just bugs me when things don't work correctly.

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36 minutes ago, Dementia Obviate said:

@Wulfie Reanimator Thank you for your response. I didn't really think the viewers would matter, but I figured I'd try all the options before posting. And yeah, I'm always a little slow at updating. If there were automatic updates, I never got them. I finally got around to going to the store recently to get a redelivery.

It is probably a stupid question, but you took off all the version 2.01 parts and is wearing only 5.1 parts?

The only think I can think of, if you wear the new body + the old HUD.

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  • 10 months later...
15 hours ago, MysteriaBaskerville said:

I'm running into exactly this problem, almost a year later! I've bought a bunch of stuff that the Belleza appliers don't work. Have to make sure there's an Omega applier with everything?

Yes, exactly. When Belleza upgraded to the current version, they (apparently) upgraded their applier, too. Most creators have not updated to the current Belleza Applier, so their old appliers don't work. Any creator using the new applier - it works just fine. Another reason to never buy ANYTHING unless there is a demo you can try *first*.

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  • 1 month later...

Of course, try a demo before you buy. The issue is thousands of lindens worth of perfectly fine clothes for which one has already tried demos before purchasing now being instantly obsoleted. Fitmesh is wonderful but there are dozens of old flexi-skirt designs that are still better than anything coming out in fitmesh.


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23 minutes ago, Kerry Streeter said:

Of course, try a demo before you buy. The issue is thousands of lindens worth of perfectly fine clothes for which one has already tried demos before purchasing now being instantly obsoleted. Fitmesh is wonderful but there are dozens of old flexi-skirt designs that are still better than anything coming out in fitmesh.


i can miss something, but this thread is about appliers .. not fitmesh or flexi prim stuff

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Sorry, I thought it was implicit in posting to this thread. Those flexi-skirts I'm referring to require applier layers beneath them to cover all that bare flesh. Now they're all worthless because the old appliers are obsolete and many of the makers are out of business or not issuing upgrades. Belleza should have made certain old appliers work on their upgraded mesh bodies. 

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54 minutes ago, Kerry Streeter said:

Sorry, I thought it was implicit in posting to this thread. Those flexi-skirts I'm referring to require applier layers beneath them to cover all that bare flesh. Now they're all worthless because the old appliers are obsolete and many of the makers are out of business or not issuing upgrades. Belleza should have made certain old appliers work on their upgraded mesh bodies. 

Those "certain old appliers" were either pre-mesh (used system layers) or had their own proprietary applier system.

In either case, Belleza can't just "make them work" because:

  1. System layers aren't accessible to scripts. The creator of that skirt has to make the textures available somehow.
  2. If the skirt's creator already has a proprietary applier system, the skirt's creator must document how the applier communicates. Otherwise Belleza wouldn't be able to write a script that can understand what that applier is saying. The problem with this is that Belleza can't write code to handle everybody's arbitrary appliers, there must be some some kind of standard to make things practical, like Omega... Oh wait.

So really, the problem isn't Belleza like you're implying. It's the skirt's creator's fault that it can't be used with mesh bodies. (Well, at least until BOM comes around, but then you have to hope that there won't be seams in the texture because of small UV differences.)

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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9 minutes ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

Who is wearing flexi skirts in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN? Seriously, though. 

'flying on the sky' (flywyxwyx) does.  And I have met her inworld. And she is a lovely person. And her avatar is way retro cool.  Pic here:


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9 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

So really, the problem isn't Belleza like you're implying.


18 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

i can miss something, but this thread is about appliers .. not fitmesh or flexi prim stuff


2 hours ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

Who is wearing flexi skirts in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN? Seriously, though. 

The problem is absolutely Belleza's. I made appliers for Belleza bodies using their applier system. Those appliers worked fine for years up until they broke all appliers by changing the system scripts with the new Bento update. They relied too heavily on the possibility that creators had also included omega appliers. Many creators didn't make omega appliers. I am one of those creators. I will NOT go back and redo all my appliers. Belleza should fix this.

No one should have to give up using flexi-skirts and the required glitchpants if they like them. Why be so rude to suggest that someone not wear them just because it's not their own cup of tea.

If you have the old system layer glitchpants to go with your flexi-skirt, you can use Bakes on Mesh to use those ball gowns many of us still love. If you only have a Belleza applier for those glitchpants then you are out of luck unless the creator makes an omega applier or creates a system layer glitchpant. Hopefully, Belleza will rectify this mistake and fix their scripts so that the old Belleza applier system will work with the updated body. 

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19 hours ago, Kerry Streeter said:

Of course, try a demo before you buy. The issue is thousands of lindens worth of perfectly fine clothes for which one has already tried demos before purchasing now being instantly obsoleted. Fitmesh is wonderful but there are dozens of old flexi-skirt designs that are still better than anything coming out in fitmesh.


Because OMEGA is your friend when the Belleza version hasn't;t been updated. This is called the "Duh" factor.

As for those who never made Omega appliers: I don;t know why. I've made my own and they take about five seconds. Certainly Belleza's product support is slower than molasses and not always that great (shoe shapes do not raise hover-height either since Bento update, for example) ~shrugs~ But it is what it is. Either way, appliers will slowly fade away with the new BOM system. Just give it another 5, maybe 10 years.

Edited by Alyona Su
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14 hours ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

Who is wearing flexi skirts in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN? Seriously, though. 

Me.... actually some of the evening gowns for mesh bodies use flexi skirt components along with mesh skirts parts.

Look at some of the gowns made by Wild Orchid.

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12 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:
On 9/29/2019 at 3:40 AM, Blaise Glendevon said:

Who is wearing flexi skirts in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN? Seriously, though. 

Me.... actually some of the evening gowns for mesh bodies use flexi skirt components along with mesh skirts parts.

Look at some of the gowns made by Wild Orchid.

Precisely this. All-mesh gowns look gorgeous as long as you stand like a statue. They look ridiculously-stupid the moment you move and utterly laughably idiotic if you jump onto an intan other other dance ball.

Flexie is still a thing in SL, so long as it is used wisely. The better mesh hair, for example, always uses a little flexie to give it a more natural, realistic look.

Edited by Alyona Su
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On 9/29/2019 at 6:02 AM, Blush Bravin said:



The problem is absolutely Belleza's. I made appliers for Belleza bodies using their applier system. Those appliers worked fine for years up until they broke all appliers by changing the system scripts with the new Bento update. They relied too heavily on the possibility that creators had also included omega appliers. Many creators didn't make omega appliers. I am one of those creators. I will NOT go back and redo all my appliers. Belleza should fix this.

I demand SL work on DOS... And that my Tesla take gas...

Time moves this way ---------------->

Tech changes.

Belleza broke compatibility with ancient as freak stuff because reasons.

What reasons, I don't know. They listed some of them at the time. In fact when they did this was sooooooooooooo loooooooong agooooo I even done gone up and forgot already. Or maybe I'm just old... I need an upgrade... eventually I'll be replaced too...

I think it was perfectly reasonable to assume that anyone that wanted to wear a horse and buggy on this freeway of modern stuff would at least get a horse that supported Omega...

I also think that... as time moves (that way in case anyone forgot --------------------------> ), it's expected that some older than a dinosaur stuff might not be viable anymore.



No one should have to give up using flexi-skirts and the required glitchpants if they like them.

No one should be required to give up their stone knives and bearskin rugs either. I'd recommend it. My modern kitchen is handy. But yeah, it's not required.

/goes-shopping-on-a-gorean-sim-for-a-MESH-BENTO-bearskin-rug ;)



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2 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I demand SL work on DOS... And that my Tesla take gas...

Time moves this way ---------------->

Tech changes.

Belleza broke compatibility with ancient as freak stuff because reasons.

What reasons, I don't know. They listed some of them at the time. In fact when they did this was sooooooooooooo loooooooong agooooo I even done gone up and forgot already. Or maybe I'm just old... I need an upgrade... eventually I'll be replaced too...

I think it was perfectly reasonable to assume that anyone that wanted to wear a horse and buggy on this freeway of modern stuff would at least get a horse that supported Omega...

I also think that... as time moves (that way in case anyone forgot --------------------------> ), it's expected that some older than a dinosaur stuff might not be viable anymore.


No one should be required to give up their stone knives and bearskin rugs either. I'd recommend it. My modern kitchen is handy. But yeah, it's not required.

/goes-shopping-on-a-gorean-sim-for-a-MESH-BENTO-bearskin-rug ;)



So you're saying that Belleza used ancient technology when they designed their applier system? Interesting! You know it's kinda funny all the other mesh body creators have updated their mesh bodies and yet none, except for Belleza, has managed to break their applier system.

I actually hope that appliers will become as extinct as dinosaurs myself but that's not likely to happen because people won't give up the appliers they've already purchased. Belleza kinda did that though to their customer base when they broke their applier system.

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19 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

So you're saying that Belleza used ancient technology when they designed their applier system? Interesting! You know it's kinda funny all the other mesh body creators have updated their mesh bodies and yet none, except for Belleza, has managed to break their applier system.

I'm saying tech moves forward. I don't know any longer why they broke old compatibility. They did say so at the time. But time... moves on. Things change. Old stuff gets... old.

It's true that not everyone breaks compatibility when they update.

Look at Mac vs Windows. Mac has a long history of breaking all of your old apps every so many years. In the 80s/90s they did it, I am not sure how many times, but they did... O.o When they came out with OSX they broke all the stuff before it. And then when they switched to an intel chipset they broke even older OSX stuff.

- And they told people to just 'deal, sucks to be you'.

Apple gets away by being higher end targeted (we can debate whether or not they succeed, but I recently switched from Apple to Windows so my stance in that debate will end up all over the map - however it is long how they "consumer justified" what for good tech reasons was the right choice).


By contrast there is some DOS stuff that can still run on a Windows PC. Some things do get broken, but for years the policy was NOTHING MUST EVER BE PUSHED OUT and frankly... that held back Windows for a long time. People laugh about Blue Screens, easy hackability, lack of stability, and so on - this was all due to obsessing over backwards compatibility. The reason (one of many) Windows 10 is so stable, secure, and fast is that it's been allowed to tell older stuff to go retire...


I am NOT on the Belleza team... but they did note that it was for technical reasons.

I use Belleza because I know each version that comes out will be the ABSOLUTE BEST MESH BODY ON THE MARKET on the day it comes out... and that the next update, which will take way too long to come out... will when it comes out make a giant leap forward into being at the top of the tech curve again.


And the price of that quality is that I have to throw out some of my old stuff every now and then.

- It goes to the same place all my old butterfly knives, switchblades, ripped jeans, comic books, pet rocks, gas-powered cars, and so on went... things I used to value but outgrew.


If you go Belleza... you're going for quality, and you accept certain costs as a result.

You go Maitreya, you're going mass market and things are not as... refined... in some places. But everything stays in the system once it gets in, and yo can keep that pet rock. You'll probably also get the latest new shiny sooner, but half as developed (I predict backed on mesh will hit Maitreya 6-12 months before it hits Belleza, but I'm fine with that after seeing the results of so many past times where Belleza was 'too slow' but also 'too well done' once it got there - and when Belleza gets there, something I use right now might break, and I will adapt).



Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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