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Private Message Spam

Perrie Juran

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Is there a way to report private message spammers? 

I got one of those 'Hi, are you lonely, send me your EMail addy and I'll send you my pictures and we can see if we click" messages today.

Of course I know I can put the user on ignore. 

Might be a good feature to have if it doesn't exist already.

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I've just received two of them:

hello my name is [removed] i saw you profile here today please i will like us to hold a strong relationship i will like you to contact me with my email address ([removed]) so that i can be able to send my picture to you and for you to know more about me.I will be anxiously and eargly waiting to hear from you soonest through my private email address [removed] Have a nice day, Best Regards Yours [removed]

  Of course I ignored it.



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You guys are so lucky!  You obviously attract a better quality spammer than I do.  I got a PM too, but mine said:


**** off and d**!  Your posts make me r***** and v**** and I wish you'd go somewhere a million miles away from me!

Of course, mine was signed "The Moderators"


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mine says

"HELLO, How are you? i hope you are fine, My name is [name], my heart is seeking for a true lover that will bring joy and happiness back in my life,I am looking for a long term relationship in a man of your kind who understands the need to love and be loved(Remember the distance or colour does not matter but love matters a lot in life)i am waiting for your reply to my email address. so that i will send you my picture for you to know who i am,Take care and have a nice time. [name]"

at least the spammer has the creativity to customize it for each one of us

when a person ask you to contact them outside of Second Life, instead of in-world or using the private messaging system, be careful.

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I got the same message, too.

I'm wondering about replying, explaining that my late uncle was the oil minister of a West African republic until his untimely death recently and, as a result, I'm faced with the task of smuggling out of the country the several kazillion dollars he embezzled while in office, and wondering if my new friend would care to assist me, in return for an absurdly generous share of the loot...

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I got the same message, too.

I'm wondering about replying, explaining that my late uncle was the oil minister of a West African republic until his untimely death recently and, as a result, I'm faced with the task of smuggling out of the country the several kazillion dollars he embezzled while in office, and wondering if my new friend would care to assist me, in return for an absurdly generous share of the loot...

If you have a bit of time to kill and want a good laugh, this site is dedicated to 'scamming the scammers.'


First the email exchanges with  a nigerian scammer:


What's so awesome is he gets the scammers to send him pictures of themselves.  Some of the pictures are a riot:



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Vania Chaplin wrote:

I've just received two of them:

hello my name is [removed] i saw you profile here today please i will like us to hold a strong relationship i will like you to contact me with my email address ([removed]) so that i can be able to send my picture to you and for you to know more about me.I will be anxiously and eargly waiting to hear from you soonest through my private email address [removed] Have a nice day, Best Regards Yours [removed]

  Of course I ignored it.



I got this one too. Did the name start with a v?


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Genn Moderator wrote:

Hey guys :]

I'm going to forward this thread to the Lindens so that they're aware this is going on and maybe something can be done about it. Thanks for the heads-up.


Um, um, um, um, um........I thought all the Mods were Lindens????

/me scratches my head.

btw, is Um spelled with one "M" or two?

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Richard Parkes wrote:

You guys are so lucky!  You obviously attract a better quality spammer than I do.  I got a PM too, but mine said:


**** off and d**!  Your posts make me r***** and v**** and I wish you'd go somewhere a million miles away from me!

Of course, mine was signed "The Moderators"


Tal, Dude! In an act of Alt Solidarity Day (concurrent with RL Global Love Day) I support you 100%. Not that a Tarn Master of your Warrior Caste standing needs support of even a Proud Free Woman. I specifically came at the behest of one Exiled Scribe, Sir Pepperonious, based upon one of his secretly coded messages. Strange turnings under the 3 Moons, indeed, but we are all One once the Home Stone is threatened! I tried to find one of the mythical Kudos button thingies for this most glorious of postings of yours but the Sleens apparently do not allow such favoritism in this locale. That or I couldn't find it through this darn veil. (Typing with gloves on is a real problem, too.)


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