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Looking for friends! :3


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Before we get into this, please read what I'm about to say.... 

 What I think of as a friend is someone who actually talks to you, takes the time to message you first when they see you've come online or when we haven't spoken for awhile. Friendship is a 2 way thing, I message you first sometimes, you message me first sometimes. If you're going to wait for me to message you first EVERY SINGLE TIME, I'm not going to do it and I'll most likely delete you because I assume you don't want to be friends anymore. Message me first sometimes, don't make me do it every single time. Also let's hang out, that's what friends do. They hang out and spend time together, do things together, have fun together. Don't just be another person on my friends list, sooner or later, I'll delete you. I don't keep people on my friends list if we don't talk. Just wanted to let everyone know before this happens, I'm sure it will happen still but whatever. I tried.


Hi there, my name is Matthew. Nice to meet you!

(Thanks for clicking on my post, hopefully I'm able to interest you enough into becoming my friend, a long term one at that.)

About me

  • In RL my age is 21, I like to think of my SL avatar being the same age as me. But if you're ever wanting me to become older, for role-playing purposes, then just let me know! And yes, I love role-playing, any kind really. So if you're into it as well then just let me know! Or just start role-playing out of nowhere, I'll do it back, hehe.


  • What I usually do on SL is just sit around popular sims and wait for people to message me, or look at people's profiles and see if they interest me and say hi. Most of the time they never respond or they say hi, we talk for a couple minutes then they disappear. But SOMETIMES I meet really nice and awesome people, which is how I found my few friends I have now. Other times I'm at my house sitting or decorating, I've never decorated before so it's fun to discover new things to put inside my house from the marketplace.


  • I currently have no job or school so that lets me play SL basically all day and all night, which is what I do. So you will see me online almost all the time. Even when I sleep in RL I will, 95% of the time, leave my game open with me sleeping in a bed. I live in America and I live in the EST timezone. That is SLT +3 if you didn't know.


  • I also play SL as if I were playing RL. I talk and act the way I would in a real life situation, it's just fun for me. I'm able to say all these things I would never be able to say to a real human face to face. I'm a very shy person in real life so SL is perfect for someone like me, I don't play as a shy person in SL because I hate being shy. I'm also able to do things I'm unable to do in RL as well, which is ANYTHING. I just love it so much.


  • So as I said, I spend most of my time on SL. I will have it running 24/7, usually, but that doesn't mean I will always be there. I have 2 monitors so I'm able to do 2 things at once. Most of the time when you see me AFK standing there or I'm not responding to your messages, I'm either watching youtube on my other monitor or I'm playing League of Legends.


  • Yes I play League of Legends. So if you do too then let's add each other! It'd be fun to play every now and then whenever we get bored of SL or have nothing to do, or just need a break from SL. Can always switch back and forth. I play on NA though, usually ranked but we can play normals if you want. I have multiple level 30 accounts and low level ones as well, mostly at level 1-15 that I need to level up eventually. My main account is ranked Platinum in Flex Queue and Gold in Solo Queue. We can talk more about it if you're interested, just let me know!


  • I'm a very open guy, you can ask me ANYTHING you want and I will answer it. I'm also a very honest and trustworthy person, probably the most honest and trustworthy person you will ever meet. I don't see any point in lying to someone. I also don't ever get mad, maybe sad sometimes but that's it. I try to be as happy as possible at all times, there's no time to be mad, angry or upset. I want to have fun with life and be happy all the time, not waste my time being mad and grumpy all the time. Especially to what people have to say to me, you think I care about what bad things people have to say to me? Hell no.


  • I have 2 accounts, 1 for playing as a female and 1 for playing as a male. If at all you ever want me to change genders then just tell me and I can do so. I love playing as both genders, obviously I'm a guy in RL. I do not hide or try to fake my gender to try to hurt people or trick them into having naughty times with me or anything else. I just like playing as both. I play on my male avatar 98% of the time, the only time I'm on the female is when I need to transfer some money over, that's it.


  • I've discovered my love for taking pictures and editing them from seeing other people doing it on SL. I have 1 flickr account for my female that you can see here if you'd like. I am going to be making another flickr for my male avatar soon and then start taking pictures with him. I've done it for only a couple days now with no experience before this, I've also learned it all by myself because I love learning new things especially by myself. Obviously they are not the best but it's what I've come up with, with only having about .. 4 to 7 days of experience with it. I'm always trying to become better!


  •  I'm very bad at writing things about myself without people asking me questions so if you'd like to know more, just talk to me for a bit and become friends with me, don't be afraid to ask me questions if you have any.


This is me. Hello there! Meow. :3




This is me standing on the road in front of my house, my house being in the background. We can always come here to hang out, talk, even bring your friends over if you wanted. Throw parties if we ever wanted or watch movies and stuff. We can do it all.

I have 2 people living here with me, it is my house and my land though. Both of them pay rent every week or month, 1 lives upstairs in one of my spare bedrooms and the other lives in the backyard in her own little tiny house she bought. I have 2 spare rooms available to anyone who wants to rent if anyone is interested. Just let me know!


Sorry for making such a long post and making it colorful and big. I thought it would be easier to read, if enough people complain about it then I'll change it, hehe. Also sorry for not putting as much stuff about me or anything else, I'm just really not sure what to put to be honest. I did as much as I could do and think about, hopefully it's enough to interest people into IM'ing me and wanting to learn more and become friends!

Thank you very much for reading if you did, hope to see some IMs from this post, would make me very happy and less lonely if I could make a few friends from this. Thank you! ♥

Edited by AceWalsh
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Hello :) I couldn’t help but notice we have things in common. I also like to hang out at social places and profile snoop and try to find interesting people to talk to. I also have two monitors and often keep SL running even if I’m not playing. I love to decorate as well. I’m very honest, I don’t know how to RP and I just don’t have a desire to. I like to get to know people. I’m also a gamer though not LoL. I do like MMOs and rpgs in general. 

We do have an age gap of ten years though, so if that matters I understand. But if you ever want to chat movies, books, games, or whatever, let me know. 

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31 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

Hello :) I couldn’t help but notice we have things in common. I also like to hang out at social places and profile snoop and try to find interesting people to talk to. I also have two monitors and often keep SL running even if I’m not playing. I love to decorate as well. I’m very honest, I don’t know how to RP and I just don’t have a desire to. I like to get to know people. I’m also a gamer though not LoL. I do like MMOs and rpgs in general. 

We do have an age gap of ten years though, so if that matters I understand. But if you ever want to chat movies, books, games, or whatever, let me know. 

Awesome! I looked you up and saw you love cats, I DO TOO! I have tons of cats inside my house and I'm going to get even more, hehe. 

It showed your status as offline but I sent a message to you if you ever come back online, just message back if you'd like! We can show each other how our houses look and how we did with decorations and stuff, even hang out. Sounds awesome. Age doesn't matter to me. 

Thanks for replying! ♥

Edited by AceWalsh
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I'm pretty insular in SL, keeping to myself and only having my fella and one other person I'm very close to on my contacts list. So I'm not replying because I want to be friends (which, I know, comes across as a bit... eh, but hopefully you get my drift!). I'm mainly replying because I want to say something about this:

12 hours ago, AceWalsh said:

Sorry for making such a long post and making it colorful and big. I thought it would be easier to read, if enough people complain about it then I'll change it, hehe. Also sorry for not putting as much stuff about me or anything else, I'm just really not sure what to put to be honest.

That bit there? Don't worry about it, mate. This is a great post and shows everyone a lot about you, even though you're not sure it does. If more people put as much effort into their "I want friends" post as you have here, they would have more success. And I hope that you have success and a busy contacts list very soon. Good luck :)

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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

I'm pretty insular in SL, keeping to myself and only having my fella and one other person I'm very close to on my contacts list. So I'm not replying because I want to be friends (which, I know, comes across as a bit... eh, but hopefully you get my drift!). I'm mainly replying because I want to say something about this:

That bit there? Don't worry about it, mate. This is a great post and shows everyone a lot about you, even though you're not sure it does. If more people put as much effort into their "I want friends" post as you have here, they would have more success. And I hope that you have success and a busy contacts list very soon. Good luck :)

Wow thanks alot man, that makes me feel better about my post then. I've never done something like this so thanks for the awesome reply! ♥

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1 hour ago, Kortney20 Crystal said:

Hi :) I felt like was reading my profile lol most of the things you typed we have in common ;)  i like RP too, even lived on RP family sim for a while where I liked to get into trouble :D feel free to IM me if you wanna hang out and go see places or just talk. 

Hello! I tried looking your name up on the search but was unable to find you, hopefully you see this! Feel free to IM me in-world if you're still wanting to talk, thanks for replying. ♥

Just search up "AceWalsh".

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On 1/13/2018 at 11:01 PM, AceWalsh said:

Before we get into this, please read what I'm about to say.... 

 What I think of as a friend is someone who actually talks to you, takes the time to message you first when they see you've come online or when we haven't spoken for awhile. Friendship is a 2 way thing, I message you first sometimes, you message me first sometimes. If you're going to wait for me to message you first EVERY SINGLE TIME, I'm not going to do it and I'll most likely delete you because I assume you don't want to be friends anymore. Message me first sometimes, don't make me do it every single time. Also let's hang out, that's what friends do. They hang out and spend time together, do things together, have fun together. Don't just be another person on my friends list, sooner or later, I'll delete you. I don't keep people on my friends list if we don't talk. Just wanted to let everyone know before this happens, I'm sure it will happen still but whatever. I tried.


Hi there, my name is Matthew. Nice to meet you!

(Thanks for clicking on my post, hopefully I'm able to interest you enough into becoming my friend, a long term one at that.)

About me

  • In RL my age is 21, I like to think of my SL avatar being the same age as me. But if you're ever wanting me to become older, for role-playing purposes, then just let me know! And yes, I love role-playing, any kind really. So if you're into it as well then just let me know! Or just start role-playing out of nowhere, I'll do it back, hehe.


  • What I usually do on SL is just sit around popular sims and wait for people to message me, or look at people's profiles and see if they interest me and say hi. Most of the time they never respond or they say hi, we talk for a couple minutes then they disappear. But SOMETIMES I meet really nice and awesome people, which is how I found my few friends I have now. Other times I'm at my house sitting or decorating, I've never decorated before so it's fun to discover new things to put inside my house from the marketplace.


  • I currently have no job or school so that lets me play SL basically all day and all night, which is what I do. So you will see me online almost all the time. Even when I sleep in RL I will, 95% of the time, leave my game open with me sleeping in a bed. I live in America and I live in the EST timezone. That is SLT +3 if you didn't know.


  • I also play SL as if I were playing RL. I talk and act the way I would in a real life situation, it's just fun for me. I'm able to say all these things I would never be able to say to a real human face to face. I'm a very shy person in real life so SL is perfect for someone like me, I don't play as a shy person in SL because I hate being shy. I'm also able to do things I'm unable to do in RL as well, which is ANYTHING. I just love it so much.


  • So as I said, I spend most of my time on SL. I will have it running 24/7, usually, but that doesn't mean I will always be there. I have 2 monitors so I'm able to do 2 things at once. Most of the time when you see me AFK standing there or I'm not responding to your messages, I'm either watching youtube on my other monitor or I'm playing League of Legends.


  • Yes I play League of Legends. So if you do too then let's add each other! It'd be fun to play every now and then whenever we get bored of SL or have nothing to do, or just need a break from SL. Can always switch back and forth. I play on NA though, usually ranked but we can play normals if you want. I have multiple level 30 accounts and low level ones as well, mostly at level 1-15 that I need to level up eventually. My main account is ranked Platinum in Flex Queue and Gold in Solo Queue. We can talk more about it if you're interested, just let me know!


  • I'm a very open guy, you can ask me ANYTHING you want and I will answer it. I'm also a very honest and trustworthy person, probably the most honest and trustworthy person you will ever meet. I don't see any point in lying to someone. I also don't ever get mad, maybe sad sometimes but that's it. I try to be as happy as possible at all times, there's no time to be mad, angry or upset. I want to have fun with life and be happy all the time, not waste my time being mad and grumpy all the time. Especially to what people have to say to me, you think I care about what bad things people have to say to me? Hell no.


  • I have 2 accounts, 1 for playing as a female and 1 for playing as a male. If at all you ever want me to change genders then just tell me and I can do so. I love playing as both genders, obviously I'm a guy in RL. I do not hide or try to fake my gender to try to hurt people or trick them into having naughty times with me or anything else. I just like playing as both. I play on my male avatar 98% of the time, the only time I'm on the female is when I need to transfer some money over, that's it.


  • I've discovered my love for taking pictures and editing them from seeing other people doing it on SL. I have 1 flickr account for my female that you can see here if you'd like. I am going to be making another flickr for my male avatar soon and then start taking pictures with him. I've done it for only a couple days now with no experience before this, I've also learned it all by myself because I love learning new things especially by myself. Obviously they are not the best but it's what I've come up with, with only having about .. 4 to 7 days of experience with it. I'm always trying to become better!


  •  I'm very bad at writing things about myself without people asking me questions so if you'd like to know more, just talk to me for a bit and become friends with me, don't be afraid to ask me questions if you have any.


This is me. Hello there! Meow. :3




This is me standing on the road in front of my house, my house being in the background. We can always come here to hang out, talk, even bring your friends over if you wanted. Throw parties if we ever wanted or watch movies and stuff. We can do it all.

I have 2 people living here with me, it is my house and my land though. Both of them pay rent every week or month, 1 lives upstairs in one of my spare bedrooms and the other lives in the backyard in her own little tiny house she bought. I have 2 spare rooms available to anyone who wants to rent if anyone is interested. Just let me know!


Sorry for making such a long post and making it colorful and big. I thought it would be easier to read, if enough people complain about it then I'll change it, hehe. Also sorry for not putting as much stuff about me or anything else, I'm just really not sure what to put to be honest. I did as much as I could do and think about, hopefully it's enough to interest people into IM'ing me and wanting to learn more and become friends!

Thank you very much for reading if you did, hope to see some IMs from this post, would make me very happy and less lonely if I could make a few friends from this. Thank you! ♥

I just decided, for some reason, that I wanted this quoted



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I'm really bummed out... like really bummed out. I was fooled. I talked to Jaxxur a week or so ago in game, and I talked to Ace/Matthew yesterday or the day before. We even had a conversation where I shared that I was getting really frustrated because my last few friend making attempts wound up in people just lying to me about stupid stuff. 

I know you can't trust what anyone says on the internet, but this is really bumming me out. Like four times in a row now I find out I've been lied to. 

And I know someone else is thinking it... I know. I know =( 


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14 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

I know you can't trust what anyone says on the internet, but this is really bumming me out. Like four times in a row now I find out I've been lied to. 

I would like to be your friend.

I'm 32, work as a children's advocate when not volunteering at the nursing home.  I follow a strict diet and exercise program and never use foul language.

Ok, so I'm old enough to remember the first moon landing, own fire arms and vote right, have a hedonist love of food and have been known to say ***** a few times.

But I do love cats.  I even married one in SL :)


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4 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I would like to be your friend.

I'm 32, work as a children's advocate when not volunteering at the nursing home.  I follow a strict diet and exercise program and never use foul language.

Ok, so I'm old enough to remember the first moon landing, own fire arms and vote right, have a hedonist love of food and have been known to say ***** a few times.

But I do love cats.  I even married one in SL :)


She can't say no that. Great offer. 

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I'm a reactionary monarchist, a cynic and a satanist. I have a fascination for the macabre, a dark sense of comedy and scale my admiration of art directly by how twisted it is. I'm a history buff, a grammar Nazi, and I judge people cruelly by their lack of eloquence, intelligence, wisdom and etiquette.

I'm not a cat person, but I do love dogs. And goats. Goats are awesome.

I have apprenticed as a baker, a carpenter and now as a bookbinder - I love working with my hands and paying attention to materials, method and detail.

I think that people who refer to themselves as 'designers' or 'artist' with that pretentious glint in the statement should be hung, drawn and quartered. ('Oh but my shelf is -designed- so I want 10 times the price for a perfectly fine, practical shelf'. Well surprise, surprise - anything manufactured by man is 'designed'.)

44 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

I'm really bummed out... like really bummed out. I was fooled. I talked to Jaxxur a week or so ago in game, and I talked to Ace/Matthew yesterday or the day before. We even had a conversation where I shared that I was getting really frustrated because my last few friend making attempts wound up in people just lying to me about stupid stuff. 

I know you can't trust what anyone says on the internet, but this is really bumming me out. Like four times in a row now I find out I've been lied to. 

And I know someone else is thinking it... I know. I know =( 

So, if that sounds at all interesting, send me an IM. =3

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7 minutes ago, Pandora Barzane said:

so is this now lets make fun of people who are looking for friends forum? Im confuse.


Go read all of the threads in the last few weeks by AceWalsh and Jixxur - especially the comments from today.  There were questions - the OP didn't like it.


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1 hour ago, Pandora Barzane said:

so is this now lets make fun of people who are looking for friends forum? Im confuse.


This is the "I sort of know Nalytha from these and other forums and I respect her deeply even tho I know our views and opinions are not aligned and I hope she finds friends that will treat her the way she deserves to be treated -- openly, honestly and sincerely" thread.

Now you made me get all mushy and ruin the mood :(
So here's a picture of a pair of nice boobies.



Come on, you KNEW that's what I was going to post.  Right.


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