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Should Paid members get more

greek Wingtips

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1 hour ago, greek Wingtips said:

You have not got a clue about how things work,  " Value for money" this is not about personal greed you idiot,( should not assume) it's about me paying for a service that over the years has deteriorated but the prices have steadily gone up, am not the only one complaining about prices, why do you think many land owners have walked away from thier land parcels or left SL, some because thier bored with sl but most is they cannot afford it anymore or is no insentive to stay.  

And the personal insults have started. This is how i can tell i hit really close to the mark. What you are complaining about it the very definition of personal greed. You want more land for less money, because you think LL should charge less for it. Personal... Greed.. 

 If you read past my first couple of lines you would see i am paying LESS than you are for the same sized parcel. So, your complaint about paying more is BS. If you are so upset over the cost of your land, MOVE! Stop paying LL for overpriced mainland. When was there ever incentive to pay for mainland? 

44 minutes ago, Hintswen Guardian said:

umm... Nice made up quote?

You cant blame greek too much.. They have only been here for 9 years and still cant figure out how the forums work... 

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3 hours ago, Hintswen Guardian said:

umm... Nice made up quote?

Yes, it's strange. The quote links to your post immediately above his, but your post doesn't say anything that is in his quote, AND your post hasn't been edited so you didn't change it. It's magic O.o

The reason I looked at it was because Drake said that the personal insults have started, referring to Greek's post, but I'd seen you start the insults in that (fictitious) quote in Greek's post, and I thought that Drake was mistaken. It's magic, I tell you, pure magic.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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A little off topic but related to what Greek mentioned as one of his main reasons LL should lower prices; quote "we talking about global recession for most". What is the condition of people financially within our small sampling of world citizens? Is it as grim as Greek Wingtips states? The financial news is positive worldwide. And I mean worldwide for the most part. The developed countries all have record high stock markets, very low unemployment, GDP's all on the mend etc. Seems wonderful. Or are the other stories/news correct? The divide between the top 10% earners and the rest of the populations continues to grow leaving the bottom 90% behind, scraping to get by? I am in neither one, so there is a middle ground, even if its only me. Secondlife seems like an inexpensive hobby and form of entertainment. You have to make choices. 

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Greece has been badly hit in recent years, unable to make payments on the country's loans, and needing to borrow more to make payments. For a time, it looked like they weren't going to be allowed to borrow more. Severe austerity measures have in place for some years now. For a while it looked like Greece would need to leave the EU because of it. Financially, it's bad there. To Greeks, it may seem like there's a worlwide recession, because there is for them. There isn't a worldwide recession but, judging by Greek's userrname name, he may be in the middle of Greece's bad financial situation.

Greece isn't the only EU country that's either struggling or has been struggling in recent years. Unfortunately, governments tend to borrow their way out of disappointing their citizens, because its those citizens who elect them and can dismiss them at the next election. The UK is the same. We're not struggling too badly yet, but we are humongously in debt, and we keep borrowing more, increasing the debt, to please the population, so that they won't dismiss the government at the next election. All our governments have done the same thing for decades, regardless of party. We must be one of the very poorest countries in the world because of the debt, but, as a population, we insist on living as though we're among the richest. It's sheer craziness.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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50 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Greece has been badly hit in recent years, unable to make payments on the country's loans, and needing to borrow more to make payments. For a time, it looked like they weren't going to be allowed to borrow more. Severe austerity measures have in place for some years now. For a while it looked like Greece would need to leave the EU because of it. Financially, it's bad there. To Greeks, it may seem like there's a worlwide recession, because there is for them. There isn't a worldwide recession but, judging by Greek's userrname name, he may be in the middle of Greece's bad financial situation.

Greece isn't the only EU country that's either struggling or has been struggling in recent years. Unfortunately, governments tend to borrow their way out of disappointing their citizens, because its those citizens who elect them and can dismiss them at the next election. The UK is the same. We're not struggling too badly yet, but we are humongously in debt, and we keep borrowing more, increasing the debt, to please the population, so that they won't dismiss the government at the next election. All our governments have done the same thing for decades, regardless of party. We must be one of the very poorest countries in the world because of the debt, but, as a population, we insist on living as though we're among the richest. It's sheer craziness.

Just think if Hilary had been elected, we'd have a brand new program of free university education for everyone. Gotta love the Dems, they have never found a problem they thought they couldn't fix by throwing more money at it.. money we don't have and will never be able to repay, but hey doncha know, just make the rich pay their "fair share" and all our problems will be solved.

*rolls eyes*

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1 hour ago, encidious Opus said:

 The divide between the top 10% earners and the rest of the populations continues to grow leaving the bottom 90% behind, scraping to get by? I am in neither one, so there is a middle ground, even if its only me. 

If the population is divided between the top 10 % and the bottom 90%, that adds up to 100%. There no "middle". You are one or the other. Which one is it?


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2 minutes ago, rasterscan said:

Them pokey lil 117 prim crowded housing estates ?

I guess I got lucky with mine then.  Granted I only use it for an escape during restarts,  a quiet spot if my sim (business) is busy and just a change of scene but it's actually 175 land impact allowance,  I still have 82 left.  There is rarely anyone else on the sim, its not laggy and I am just too lazy to go looking for a parcel instead.  Works just fine for me

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18 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Just think if Hilary had been elected, we'd have a brand new program of free university education for everyone. Gotta love the Dems, they have never found a problem they thought they couldn't fix by throwing more money at it.. money we don't have and will never be able to repay, but hey doncha know, just make the rich pay their "fair share" and all our problems will be solved.

*rolls eyes*

And then where would all the money for our grotesque American military budget and tax breaks for The Donald's golf buddies come from, amirite?

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14 hours ago, encidious Opus said:

lol BilliJo, that's funny. At least I hope you were joking, if not; "pity the fool...." Anyways, to satisfy your OCD personality let me correct myself. There is a top 10%, and the majority 89.999999999999%. I am the other .000000000001%. SL is cheap entertainment for us .000000000001 percenters.

You are the one that divided the population in two, not me. I simply asked which part you belong to. 


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37 minutes ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

I don't debate politics with people who obviously haven't left their basements anytime recently.

And  I don't debate politics with people that do nothing but throw around insults.

However I do reserve the right to comment on any idiotic posts people make.


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15 hours ago, encidious Opus said:

lol BilliJo, that's funny. At least I hope you were joking, if not; "pity the fool...." Anyways, to satisfy your OCD personality let me correct myself. There is a top 10%, and the majority 89.999999999999%. I am the other .000000000001%. SL is cheap entertainment for us .000000000001 percenters.

Lets see, lets say the average log ins for a month is 50,000 different users. You claim they are the .000000000001 % of the population that are neither the exploitive rich or the left behind poor. Using these two numbers that means the world population must be  5,000,000,000,000,000,000.

I think you are several orders of magnitude off in your calculations. Please try again.

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
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as I said BilliJo, "pity the fool who lives with you". Greek Wingtips, who made the original post on this thread, stated the world is in a near recession, SL prices should be lowered. My readings of the news shows headlines of record stock prices, record low unemployment etc.  I was just trying to gauge the financial state of SL residents, thats all. You win the math quiz, congratulations. but you were the only contestant. Btw, I have had several grammatical mistakes somewhere in my posts also. Enjoy deconstructing them. 

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39 minutes ago, encidious Opus said:

You win the math quiz, congratulations. but you were the only contestant.

She was the only contestant perhaps, but she did speak for the rest of us, so you lost. However, when she corrected your maths, she was mistaken, because it could be that your are neither in the top 10% nor the bottom 90% of earners. You could be of those who don't earn. However, your subesquent post clearly showed that you were wrong. Not to worry though. There are plenty more who aren't very good at mathematics.


39 minutes ago, encidious Opus said:

as I said BilliJo, "pity the fool who lives with you"

That's very rude, and completely uncalled for.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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48 minutes ago, encidious Opus said:

as I said BilliJo, "pity the fool who lives with you". Greek Wingtips, who made the original post on this thread, stated the world is in a near recession, SL prices should be lowered. My readings of the news shows headlines of record stock prices, record low unemployment etc.  I was just trying to gauge the financial state of SL residents, thats all. You win the math quiz, congratulations. but you were the only contestant. Btw, I have had several grammatical mistakes somewhere in my posts also. Enjoy deconstructing them. 

I don't think you quite understand how life works.. Perhaps you don't go grocery shopping.. If you do, perhaps you should take a look at the prices of things next time and compare them in your mind to what they cost 10 years ago. Just an example, a can of tuna is about $1 in Mass at a 5 oz can.. Ten years ago it was 75 cents for a 7 oz can. "But but but... THE WORLD IS IN A RECESSION!!!! LOWER YOUR LAND PRICES LL!!!" If the cost of food has been steadily rising, why would anyone lower their costs? 
Have you seen a decline in the cost of things in SL on the MP or inworld? How much are the new mesh bodies? 4K, 5K? Slink is still 1500ish. Why don't the new mesh body makers lower their prices if THE WORLD IS IN A RECESSION???? Oh, right... They need to eat too. Why do you think LL has to lower land cost just because the world is in a recession? The world was in a much much bigger recession 10 years ago.. LL didn't lower cost then. 

Just another case of, "I WANT MORE STUFF FOR FREE!!!!" Grow up and put on your big girl panties. Life doesn't work like that. 

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