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The buyer is always right?


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I have never asked to have a review removed (but I am also a very, very tiny fish in this gigantic ocean). I do respond to them, when I see them (since the whole "seller gets an email when a review is left" bit is still as borked as it's always been for a lot of merchants), if I feel they warrant a response. I don't respond if someone is simply attempting to goat me into doing so-you know, to see if they can either A-get me into a pissing match(won't happen, lol) or B-get a free product. Those folks are pretty obvious in their tactics though. I always offer a replacement, and almost always issue a refund(whether asked for it or not) if an issue exists, because it costs me absolutely nothing to do these things, even if the customer doesn't deserve either.  I leave negative reviews put because, in my opinion, despite the crowd that actually reads them being quite small...there are some who DO read them.  I see no point in not being transparent. For me, having reviews removed, "feels" like I'm not being transparent, whether or not that's actually the case, it is how I feel. I have never been fond of retailers, merchant, sellers, whatever...removing negative reviews, and their reasoning seeming to be that they just don't want negative word of mouth, not because the product(or they, when applicable) aren't worthy of being criticized. It is a practice I do not stand behind. Now, there are *some* instances wherein it may be necessary, but I feel those are far fewer than some folks wish people to believe, or so has been my experience dealing with customer service areas over the last 20+ years.  Sometimes, folks just feel they need to get their frustration(s) out, and  a negative review is the manner they choose. It may not be fair to the merchant..but we can't always know that. It very well may BE fair to the merchant-since none of us really knows what may or may not transpire between a merchant and a customer. We typically, when we see them, only get one side of a story. If we're lucky, we might get both, but there's no way to really prove which one is right..often, it's a mix of both.  

So, just to use Tamara's example(sorry, it was the last one I saw listed here, lol), I would not flag to have a review like that removed. I would respond to it, in a kind manner, explaining that not all poses will work for all people, apologize that the product did not work out for that customer (refund if I felt so inclined..and I would in this scenario, even if it's only $1-not saying others feel the same, I'm an oddity in that regard, lol). But I would leave it all right there for the remainder of the potential customers to see, because it CAN be informative to them (yep even reviews that are filled with vitriol or "heated typed out speech patterns", because they CAN be informative, even when we think they may be damaging. 

Then again...I'm weird, and I haven't found a whole lot of folks that feel the same way about reviews as I do, not in sl, not in other places either. So  don't really expect anyone to agree with my opinion(s) on the whole thing.  Of course that doesn't mean the customer is always right. I have never believed this, it's not even a reasonable assumption, much less when put into practice. But, the merchant isn't always right, either. They are both equally wrong, and right, imo anyway. 

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You can't get negative reviews removed without a very good reason, like profanity, defamation, false or irrelevant information, etc. These types of negative reviews don't help anyone, and therefore it's quite justifiable to have them removed. 'Seller is an idiot' - do I get this removed or should I be transparent?

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7 hours ago, Rya Nitely said:

You can't get negative reviews removed without a very good reason, like profanity, defamation, false or irrelevant information, etc. These types of negative reviews don't help anyone, and therefore it's quite justifiable to have them removed. 'Seller is an idiot' - do I get this removed or should I be transparent?

Yes the reviews have the purpose of providing useful information to prospective buyers. If a review doesn’t do that, if it is just a rant having nothing to do with the product or indicates the buyer didn’t read the description, etc., it should be removed. 

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12 hours ago, Rya Nitely said:

You can't get negative reviews removed without a very good reason, like profanity, defamation, false or irrelevant information, etc. These types of negative reviews don't help anyone, and therefore it's quite justifiable to have them removed. 'Seller is an idiot' - do I get this removed or should I be transparent?

Shrugs, I'd leave it, apologize that the customer was displeased (yep, even if I did nothing wrong) and most likely simply issue a refund and be done with it. It says nothing negative about me to leave it put, but it does say something negative about the customer that put it there in the first place. Like I said, I'm an oddity, and rarely will I run into anyone that thinks the same way I do.

It's no skin off my nose if someone calls me an idiot. I know I'm not an idiot, the customer knows what he/she did wrong in the scenario, and by offering a response that takes the high road, I can show anyone reading it too. If someone wants to believe I actually AM an idiot, because of one review, odds are pretty good that person wasn't going to be a customer in the first place. So, again, it doesn't harm me. 

When I am wearing my merchant hat...I take the high road, always, even if that high road seems to get me nowhere, I still take it. I consider rising up against someone's negativity(ie, the above scenario), as taking the high road, being the bigger person, and showing whoever chooses to actually read reviews, that some customers are likely looking at a mirror when leaving those kinds of reviews ;) 

Whether or not others would have a review removed for something like that, is up to them, their mileage may vary. I only know what *I* do, and would do, so I can only speak for me. But I can tell you what I think when I see reviews like this, which the seller has responded to. A seller that takes the high road in the face of idiocy gets  my backing, as it speaks volumes to me about the kind of customer service they offer, a seller that gets into a pissing match-does not, because it places them on the very same level, for me. 

 Of course having a review removed isn't a pissing match, especially since odds are good if it gets removed that little to no other potential customers have actually seen the review. So, out of sight, out of mind, can't really comment on things that can't be seen, lol.  I just personally see no need to have them removed *for me and me only*.  Others should do what works for them ;) 


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You all said some really good things. As I wrote earlier, my opinion is somewhat like Tari's, its a plus if we can use the negative review and turn it into something positive - show how we deal with the negativity, show that we do respond (even if its nonsense like my case where customer leaves a bad review on a freebie item that by default can't fit everyone. And I BET she has one of those dinosaurs shapes with tiny little arms and over-sized legs, head being smaller than half of her left boob lol).

Something else got me to leave reviews; lately I've been buying more on eBay than SL and it gets on my nervs seeing merchants send me emails with 100 warnings about not giving them a negative review, not opening a case and rather sending personal email. Feels like begging. 

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9 hours ago, Tamara Artis said:

Something else got me to leave reviews; lately I've been buying more on eBay than SL and it gets on my nervs seeing merchants send me emails with 100 warnings about not giving them a negative review, not opening a case and rather sending personal email. Feels like begging. 

That kind of thing drives me bonkers, one informative "how to handle an issue, if it arises" message is perfectly fine, right after I purchase, more than one, and you're going to ensure you get a neutral, regardless of the product's qualities, or whether or not you got it to me safe and sound, etc.. Because on places like Ebay, you're rating the seller more than you are the item(though one can do both, the space for reviews is severely limited, lol) and I can't stand it when people "hound reviews", it's annoying and a terrible business practice, from all sides. The only problem with this, is that places like Ebay do little to nothing(mostly nothing) to prevent retaliatory feedback from sellers, towards customers that leave less than stellar ratings (and getting TPB to remove said retaliation, is almost impossible, so, a customer can easily screw over his or her own self by leaving neutral or negative feedback).

That's actually one thing I am glad the MP review system doesn't have....customer reviews. As much as some folks think it would be a good idea, I can only imagine the stupid rating wars that would ensue. The review system is already borked and needs an overhaul(has for years, lol). We definitely don't need anything to add to the madness. 

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  • 1 month later...

I have a different question on this topic. Is it permissible to delete an item with a so-so review and relist it? I recently left a review for a product I bought and in looking through the merchants other items, I ran across the one I purchased and my review was gone. I double checked my account to make sure it was the same item I purchased and lo and behold, the link did not work anymore but yet it was still listed by the seller. The "leave a review" is not available to me as it says I have to purchase the item first. But I did purchase the item. This leaves me to believe it was deleted and re-listed to remove my review (the only one). It was not a bad review, just that I thought the name of the product was misleading and to make sure you read the description carefully to understand what you are getting. Yes, I did demo the product (a landscape, which turned out just to be a sky platform) and it was difficult to tell just exactly what the designer had added separately to make it more appealing. 

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15 minutes ago, CaraTriple said:

I have a different question on this topic. Is it permissible to delete an item with a so-so review and relist it? I recently left a review for a product I bought and in looking through the merchants other items, I ran across the one I purchased and my review was gone. I double checked my account to make sure it was the same item I purchased and lo and behold, the link did not work anymore but yet it was still listed by the seller. The "leave a review" is not available to me as it says I have to purchase the item first. But I did purchase the item. This leaves me to believe it was deleted and re-listed to remove my review (the only one). It was not a bad review, just that I thought the name of the product was misleading and to make sure you read the description carefully to understand what you are getting. Yes, I did demo the product (a landscape, which turned out just to be a sky platform) and it was difficult to tell just exactly what the designer had added separately to make it more appealing. 


You can only assume that it was removed because there were some less than 5 star reviews.  I don't know how you could prove that.  Just thinking back to the great unlisting issue we just had on the MP,  ts possible the item was unlisted and the merchant relisted themselves without submitting a support ticket to get LL to do it for them. 


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Thanks for the information. I did read the description and found it confusing. I didn't know warning others to read a description carefully would be a cause for flagging and removing a review. It did indeed state it was a skybox and then later that only the landscape was included. Which led me to believe various items such as trees and rocks were not included. Never did it state the product was a platform. Perhaps I am wrong and a landscape is indeed a platform. I just wondered if a seller doesn't like a review if they can remove and relist an item to negate the review.

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2 hours ago, CaraTriple said:

Thanks for the information. I did read the description and found it confusing. I didn't know warning others to read a description carefully would be a cause for flagging and removing a review. It did indeed state it was a skybox and then later that only the landscape was included. Which led me to believe various items such as trees and rocks were not included. Never did it state the product was a platform. Perhaps I am wrong and a landscape is indeed a platform. I just wondered if a seller doesn't like a review if they can remove and relist an item to negate the review.

 If on careful reading the description was unclear, that is something legitimate to include in a review. Normally a seller cannot delete then relist  a listing but as has been mentioned, it may be a result of a recent bug that  required some sellers to relist 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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  • 2 weeks later...

Напишу на русском. Во-первых, мое знание английского языка достаточно корректное для понимания. Во-вторых, я не противоречу своим словам.

Если вы не умеете читать, то это не мои проблемы.

Множество владельцев магазинов страдают от изобилия людей с отсутствием образования и знаний Секонд Лайфа. Умничать я тоже могу в плане знания языка.

Я считаю вполне рациональным предложением ввода контрольной системы покупателей по тому, как клиент отзывается о товаре. Что непонятно в контексте «there is only a texture for the tattoo layer»? Мне надоело уже читать отзывы о товарах, на подобии «Я купил вещь, а внутри коробки!» и единицу к продукту по той причине, что покупатель не умеет открывать коробки. Большинство ответов, которые я здесь увидел, вполне нелогичны. Я говорю о детальном внятном и понятном описании к товару, которое не читают. Или же пишешь "no bento and facial animations", а в ответ получаешь негативный отзыв со словами "There is no face animations!", you don't say?

К тому же, когда пишешь ответ покупателю, то тот не всегда отвечает, покупатель хамит по тому поводу, что его побеспокоили. Если человек не умеет себя нормально вести и написать лично продавцу прежде, чем купить продукт (раз настолько непонятно для него написано), то почему от этого должен страдать продавец? Я считаю подобное некомпетентным. Продавцы такие же люди как и покупатели, имеющие право оставлять отзывы о своих покупателях и их внимательности. Естественно, если отзыв направлен в сторону покупателя попросту с оскорблениями, то подобные отзывы можно было бы помечать, дабы их убирали.

Если вам нравится прогибаться под чужое мнение и вы зависимы от этого - пожалуйста, возвращайте линдены назад. Но я этим заниматься не собираюсь, потому что у меня есть чувство достоинства.

Многие покупатели обманывают продавцов, пишут в личных сообщениях "Отдайте мне деньги, ибо товар меня не впечатлил." дабы получить и деньги, и товар одновременно. Я был бы вернул деньги если бы имел возможность удалить купленный у меня товар с инвентаря покупателя, но такой возможности нет. Поэтому я считаю нелогичных возмещать деньги людям, которые оставляют себе товар, сказав что вещь им не понравилась или они якобы по ошибке что-то купили. Единственный случай, при котором я возвращаю деньги назад - это двойная покупка. И то, если покупатель сообщил мне об этом лично (так как я не бегаю и не проверяю без причин кто и сколько чего купил). Возмещаю я ту сумму, которая мне пришла (то есть, без учета комиссии, которую забирает Линден Лаб).

На маркетплейсе нет кнопки "Refund", чтобы покупатель мог вернуть себе назад деньги, а товар был бы удален с инвентаря. И это не смотря на то, что подобную функцию вполне возможно ввести, раз уж ввели компиляцию перевода вещей в магазин при помощи VMM (View Managed Marketplace). Но эта функция является такой же нелогичной. Покупатель возьмет себе вещь, сфотографируется в ней, а когда ему надоест вещь, то решит вернуть, дабы возместить себе деньги.

Edited by KennyChidorie
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Theresa Tennyson, before answering, please, learn to express yourself tolerantly. Because honest opinion does not include insults about the knowledge of English. I did not show off my English. Do not hang labels on me "Therefore, I'll tell you that your grasp of the English language is much worse than you seem to think it is. " because I don't think so. If you are a great assistant professor of science, then be good to teach me English for free (piece of sarcasm on insulting reply for me). 

I do not contradict the facts, I only make proposals. I make proposals that are quite appropriate for the current market. And if my English is so complicated for you, then take a Google translator and translate the text that I left above in Russian. There is nothing complicated in such words as "This texture mod work only with tattoo layer of Avatar etc.!" or "This animation works only with classic avatars by Linden Lab." or this is very hard words from silly me? Lol.

Edited by KennyChidorie
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  • 4 weeks later...

Some people write - improve your customer service and product blablablab. Probably they never met people who does not care about your service and product. They just feel THEY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. Whatsofreakingever - they are right. And they are too much bloggers to pass it by and not to write their useless review because they should show how their opinion is important. Just recently I got 2 cases. One just said product does not work, though it works. I spent ages with her to understand why it does not work for her and even refunded full price (though i lost comission of MP) because I saw it is complex case of person. I was polite even when she started to put tons of sh.. on me. But still she found time to write my product does not work. Even her friends tested it and said her it works! But no, SHE is always right. Second case - person bought something and afterwards she understood she does not want it. Full perm stuff she tested in store. No IM to me, no questions - nothing, just very bad review that I sell very bad stuff and she was lied (feck, how?!?! did I make her buy it?!?!?!) You can try hard and work with services and customers, to lick them all around, to be nice and pleasant but still some are sure you SHOULD DO MORE AND MORE. Actually I think if i  do nothing at least I wont spent time and money.

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At last I read almost all posts :)

Some people write - "product costs you nothing" and "what the problem to refund???"

I dont know if your product costs you nothing, guys, but in my case it costs lot of time and efforts and also uploading cost (in case of couple animation - you cant upload it perfectly once, you need some trials to fit animations to both avatars if you want to do it good of course). But ok, it is few for sure. Again it costs me time. One or 2 days work. What is your day salary, guys? Or you work for free also? Also I rent full sim from Lindens to expose all stuff, to give chance to try products, it also costs me 295 usd monthly. Sometimes I buy programs, patches and other stuff to make more interesting animations.

Refund? Always? I would look at your face when you are asked for refund for Builders pack animations with price something about 20k. Because customer "had no time to test it and in fact it is not what they expected".

Edited by Iren Tinkel
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On 2/5/2018 at 1:12 AM, Iren Tinkel said:

Refund? Always? I would look at your face when you are asked for refund for Builders pack animations with price something about 20k. Because customer "had no time to test it and in fact it is not what they expected".

Though most customers are decent, nice, and fair I have certainly encountered the unreasonable types of customers you describe here. And it was more than frustrating. This is when mute and ban becomes your friend.

I look at the phrase "the customer is always right" as just an expression and not a statement of truth, and I don't think most creators  believe it as a statement of truth. But I do endeavor to help the customer feel that they are not 'wrong', as it's usually just a misunderstanding and 'right vs wrong' doesn't really fit. Plus, people don't want to buy things when they feel bad or wrong, nor will they enjoy a purchase after feeling wrong...that is marketing 101...and good to keep in mind if you want future sales.

When I discover I've made a mistake often I give out something free.

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Btw LL dont bother themselves now deleting reviews kinda "pfft, it is not what I expected" or "does not work for me, i dont care that it works for others, for me - no". Before it was called "Off topic review" or kinda like that. So I just unlisted my 20k item (though customer removed 1 star review after personal trial) and sell it in store. I still have my sells but LL now does not have 5% comission because they dont care about my reputation though they could by request at least. I feel myself kinda unprotected with unfair customers.

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Apparently there are new people handling flagging. Unlike in the past, they often ignore legitimate flagging of illegitimate reviews. It can thereafter take several Support tickets to get their attention because they will reply with something irrelevant, proving that they did not read the ticket, then close it. Over and over.

Not anything like the prompt efficient handing of flagged reviews was in the past.

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