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Is this a griefer or just a plain idoit?


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Earlier today was relaxing on the Davinci Gardens sim when a guy on a dragon kept shooting fire on me. I observed that he did not do this action to anyone else on the SIM.

IF we were to compare this to real world attacking anyone would be termed as a violent act, so why not on SL?

Maybe there should be the option to not only block someone's voice/text but also their actions?

Kindly look into this individual, I don't know if he will be dumb enough (or troll) again to try this on me using another avatar. I have had previous incident in the past being "caged".

I tried talking to him in messages, asking why he was doing this but he didn't respond.

The avatar's name is now edited due to violation of said terms.


I hope this is considered as a serious matter, sometimes what may be fun trolling by sick-minded persons are actually annoying to peaceful residents.


Thank you!

Edited by fuzzypanda109
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10 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Then you will LOVE the new Linden Lab grid-wide game.  Your chances of getting hit by an anvil or a piano or a VW bus are really high.  :)

This thread is proof that everyone ought to have a piano dropped on him  as part of his introductory experience in SL.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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7 hours ago, fuzzypanda109 said:

IF we were to compare this to real world attacking anyone would be termed as a violent act, so why not on SL?

Because it is not a violent act.  It's annoying and juvenile, but it does you absolutely no harm.  You are being "assaulted" by a picture of a flame that does nothing to you at all.  Just walk away and pretend you didn't even notice.  Don't talk to the person, don't waste Linden Lab's time with an Abuse Report, and certainly do not retaliate.  As soon as you do something, you will escalate a childish nuisance into a greater incident and you will find yourself with a disciplinary sanction.

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1. Take the guys name out of your post, it's a violation of the Forum rules to have it there.

2. We are not LL, we are just SL residents like you, we can't 'look into this' for you

3. Shooting flames, well thats just particles, pretty lights, can't harm you and muting/blocking the person should make them vanish.

4. No, it's hardly griefing, that tends to be a lot more serious. If he keeps it up persistantly for some time, following you about, that would be harassment, fine an Abuse Report inworld, by right clicking on his avatar and checking the options on the popup menu.

5. Cages, yeah those cage rezzer things, are closer to actual 'griefing' file an AR.

6. To be perfectly honest, having a dragon shoot flames isn't "trolling by sick minded persons", you need to grow some slightly thicker skin. Dragons shoot flames, Clowns wave balloons, Pixies leave trails of fairy dust, Nekos leave rainbow coloured footprints where ever they go, this is all part of SL. They may be annoying (I'd happily shoot clowns on sight, frankly) but they are hardly 'griefing'.


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5 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

One of my favorites is an attachment called "Collider Death".  If you wear it, anyone who bumps into you will make you fall down and hit your head.  An alarming pool of blood spreads around your body.

Oooh, I think you'd like Pandora Wrigglesworth's (her store is Curio Obscura) "Crash into Ground" attachment, Lindal. If you stop flying, when you hit the ground it'll rez (if you have rez-rights) a black hole on the ground. You can select from several human outlines, including a female wearing a dress. It also poofs a cloud of dust and animates your avatar climbing out of the hole.

I never leave home without it!

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It appears we have a majority voicing similar opinions. Yet, fuzzyPanda isn't making the connection.

For me the question is whether Fuzzy is for real or trolling. I hope the later.

I remember when one of the users came on trying to find out how to get their soul back after one of the vampire players said they took it. They were NOT asking about how to play the game. They had the idea that someone through this 'game' had reached through the screen and literally taken their soul...

I can understand children not being well connected to reality and believing what they are told no matter how fantastic. They simply do not have the experience to have a well defined reality thus cannot separate the play, BS, and lies from real sincerity. They lack the understanding of science and human nature to cope realistically with the world around them.

On 9/19/2017 at 12:37 PM, fuzzypanda109 said:

Clearly some of you are too technical with Grammer and Spellchecks to understand beyond this.  I do realize and sympathize with real worldly matters such as victims of hurricanes, crimes and such. But it's really the little things that matter and eventually lead to the bigger things. If we make these changes it will have a positive impact.

Obviously Fuzzy is not concerned with 'grammer' [sic] or 'spellchecks' [sic] or he/she is just being sarcastic and following the popular trend to attack the people disagreeing with them rather than the substance of their comments. (On an aside, has anyone heard of Forensic Statement Analysis?) 

Conflating RL hurricanes and crimes with RP in a game seems to be more about a 'I'm good therefore...' statement than an expression of  a well adjusted person that can distinguish between play and serious behavior.

Saying it is the little things that matter... OMG. Our society is so inundated with this propaganda people are losing site of the basic principles that form civilised societies. The fascists repeatedly tell us to do it their way and things will be better. Uselly in hope of getting things their way. Being narcissistic they actually think they know what is better. Most actually believe that and are totally unaware of how they are inflicting their beliefs on others. This whole thing is about someone deliberately annoying someone with a behavior they likely thought funny.  Instead of going down the trail of how do I protect myself, being personally responsible, it goes off into how to a convince everyone to change and force a person to play as Fuzzy wants them to play so Fuzzy doesn't have to deal with an annoyance...

Fuzzy then runs off to hide from those disagreeing with him/her. Society is currently encouraging this type of behavior. Many efforts are in progress to pull apart a society built over thousands of years of trial and error to go with untried ideas/ideals and proven failures. Avoiding rational discussion is a basic tactic. The idea to hold to what feels good, protect your cherished beliefs, attack those disagreeing with your thinking, stay within your group of believers and like minded and ignore history, science, and reality is the message. I seem to be seeing more and more people that accept the propaganda without question and exhibit strange ideas and behaviors. Basic divide and conquer. 

I consider SL a reflection of RL behaviors. Those preaching against hate often are the most hateful. Those preaching tolerance are often the most intolerant. Those claiming they are progressive are often the most regressive. Diversity... that can only be tolerated if it fits within a narrow range. Speach... well that obviously has to be controlled to protect to delicate... We see it all in SL.

Edited by Nalates Urriah
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10 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

 Instead of going down the trail of how do I protect myself, being personally responsible, it goes of into how to a convince everyone to change to and force a person to play as Fuzzy wants

Thanks for taking the time to describe what is so irksome about these narcissistic people, whom I rarely run into except in connection with SL. 

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18 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

They had the idea that someone through this 'game' had reached through the screen and literally taken their soul...

I'm in general agreement with ya, Nalates. But this particular statement made me bite my tongue, though not quite hard enough. I've always been intrigued by the idea that someone can reach through SL and take your soul. In the way you use "literally" I think it's possible. I don't believe souls exist. I believe they are just ideas people hold to make themselves feel better (and science is finding evidence that this kind of thinking actually improves longevity, leaving me searching frantically for other ways to stay alive). So it seems rational to me that someone who believes they have a soul could believe it's been stolen, or at least affected, by someone else. Whether that person does it via SL or by sticking pins in a voodoo doll makes no difference. It's the same evolved neural processes either way.

Sometimes my understanding of this tempers my responses to the distressed, sometimes it doesn't.

You're all nuts.


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21 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

You're all nuts.



I have no defense. All indications and know measures suggest you are right :)

21 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Sometimes my understanding of this tempers my responses to the distressed, sometimes it doesn't.

Yeah, I have my days too... I do try to be understanding and give people the benefit of the doubt. But, sometimes I am overwhelmed by people's stupidity or arrogance and go off.

21 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...  I've always been intrigued by the idea that someone can reach through SL and take your soul. In the way you use "literally" I think it's possible. I don't believe souls exist. I believe they are just ideas people hold to make themselves feel better (and science is finding evidence that this kind of thinking actually improves longevity, leaving me searching frantically for other ways to stay alive). So it seems rational to me that someone who believes they have a soul could believe it's been stolen, or at least affected, by someone else. Whether that person does it via SL or by sticking pins in a voodoo doll makes no difference. It's the same evolved neural processes either way.

What do you mean by soul?

If soul is just an idea in our minds without real world reality, since words can definitely destroy an idea, they can destroy a soul. It leaves people playing word and thought games. The fast wit tends to win. But, their is an objective reality. Psychology and philosophy both try to pin down what is real and what is imagined as people try to decide why to live their life one way or another. So, the word 'soul' has a significance in several areas of human thought and belief and especially in the philosophy of life. But, without knowing what is meant by the word, how does one decide or debate whether it exists or not? And whether it actually has any significant importance?

Edited by Nalates Urriah
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4 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

What do you mean by soul?

If soul is just an idea in our minds without real world reality, since words can definitely destroy an idea, they can destroy a soul. It leaves people playing word and thought games. The fast wit tends to win. But, their is an objective reality. Psychology and philosophy both try to pin down what is real and what is imagined as people try to decide why to live their life one way or another. So, the word 'soul' has a significance in several areas of human thought and belief and especially in the philosophy of life. But, without knowing what is meant by the word, how does one decide or debate whether it exists or not? And whether it actually has any significant importance?

When I lay out on the grass in my backyard and look up at the Milky Way, I feel the same awe others describe. I feel small, yet part of something bigger. Knowing that psilocybin can induce the same "spiritual" feelings does not diminish the experience. The fact that a chemical can produce an epiphany is itself awesome, and it's something I think about when looking up. I simultaneously wonder what residents of the Andromeda Galaxy have been doing in the 2.2 million years since the light reaching my eyes left their neighborhood and what the neurons in the spiritual neighborhood of my brain are doing with the signals they received from their neighbors mere microseconds earlier. The speed of light (671 million mph) and the speed of thought (268mph) are simultaneously different and the same.

I have no idea what I mean by soul. I suspect if I dug deep enough, I'd determine that nobody else does either. Our brains have a mind of their own and we'll learn more about that over time, hopefully with the constant goal of making existence better for all of us.

As for playing thought games, I will say that the more I learn about how ideas and drugs can affect neurochemistry in the same way, the more interested I become in learning how inject others without getting my hands dirty. I'm coming to believe that storytellers were humanity's first drug dealers.



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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

. We learn to recognize our own biases and the biases that have filtered each of the accounts we hear, so

Except, very few of us -- very few -- do this very often.

“Confidence is a feeling, which reflects the coherence of the information and the cognitive ease of processing it. It is wise to take admissions of uncertainty seriously, but declarations of high confidence mainly tell you that an individual has constructed a coherent story in his mind, not necessarily that the story is true.” 
― Daniel KahnemanThinking, Fast and Slow
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On 9/22/2017 at 3:20 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

II'm learning Madelaine prefers to avoid discussing her philosophical beliefs and instead relates her experiences. She doesn't play games with it and remains intellectually honest. There is no reason for her to choose do anything other than what she wants. No Alinsky maneuvers. Just a Hey, this is me.

I tend to be curious about what people believe and why. Thus the questions.

Wow, I don't think anyone has ever used "intellectual" and "honest" when speaking of me. You're probably wrong.

No Alinsky method for me. Organization is not my strength and communities wear me out.

As for my philosophical beliefs, I suppose they're pretty simple. I don't make up my mind until I see the evidence... okay, not even then.


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You're speaking to other residents here, Fuzzy, we have no superpowers to address this and it's unlikely Linden Lab would consider your situation worth a response.

If setting people on fire were a punishable offense, I'd have been banished from SL long ago...


One of the people in that group of incinerated souls is our own Ms. Loon, who is still very much alive despite my best efforts.

Do remove the name of the dragon as suggested by Klytyna, it is a potential breach of the Community Standards to air personal negative commentary here.

No actual harm came to you from the dragon's fiery breath. Acting as if otherwise will only invite more harassment from people who understand this. Second Life, like the rest of the Internet, is filled with people who push other's buttons for fun. The best way to deal with that is to ignore it. You are (so long as you protect your privacy) physically invulnerable here. Enjoy that superpower!

P.S. Do use the spellchecker when posting anything containing words like "idiot", "stupid", "spelling", or the like. Some invitations are just too hard to decline.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
Misspelled P.S. ;-).
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9 hours ago, Klytyna said:

1. Take the guys name out of your post, it's a violation of the Forum rules to have it there.

2. We are not LL, we are just SL residents like you, we can't 'look into this' for you

3. Shooting flames, well thats just particles, pretty lights, can't harm you and muting/blocking the person should make them vanish.

4. No, it's hardly griefing, that tends to be a lot more serious. If he keeps it up persistantly for some time, following you about, that would be harassment, fine an Abuse Report inworld, by right clicking on his avatar and checking the options on the popup menu.

5. Cages, yeah those cage rezzer things, are closer to actual 'griefing' file an AR.

6. To be perfectly honest, having a dragon shoot flames isn't "trolling by sick minded persons", you need to grow some slightly thicker skin. Dragons shoot flames, Clowns wave balloons, Pixies leave trails of fairy dust, Nekos leave rainbow coloured footprints where ever they go, this is all part of SL. They may be annoying (I'd happily shoot clowns on sight, frankly) but they are hardly 'griefing'.



Thank you for informing about the Forum's rules, to be honest it's now more clear to me :)

I assumed the LL team was on here as well.

In the future, I will be filing an Abuse Report or capturing/recording a picture of the action, with nametags.

Grow a thicker skin? Let's just go with this a little further, supposedly someone were to rape you on SL, would you grow a thicker skin and laugh it off because it's not actually rape. If someone were to bump into you unnecessarily that may not be so bad. You give examples that are worthless to the context.

Or if someone were to follow you around and keeping shooting at you with a rifle or stabbing you with a sword, I think for me there is this difference on what's the motives behind such actions and for another person to think it's just fun. If in the real world it would bother you then it also does in SL, but in RL most of us will react as aggressively. On SL, it's quite annoying.

But you know what, I'll just grow a thicker skin and let those who don't particularly understand the motives behind 'harmless' actions continue live in their fantasy world.


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20 minutes ago, fuzzypanda109 said:

You should be banned if you think that setting people on fire makes you happy. Thanks again for the link to the Community Standards' rules that I wasn't aware about. It has been removed. I don't think in the real world you should ignore violent acts so similarly in the virtual world it's the same. The people who push for such agendas that make the virtual world violent, in forms of intimidation and bullying are the ones that worry me. But you know how it goes, "those who make the rules, win the game".

I don't think that my inability to perfectly use spellcheck undermines the points raised in my posts.

Enjoy the superpower!

Maybe you don't want to understand how this works. Ask the people I've set on fire if that makes me happy. They may not know. But I think (okay, hope) they'll all say it made them happy. Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Walt Disney and legions others have been making people laugh and smile with their cartoon violent antics for a very long time. Think of me as Wile E. Coyote, surrounded by flameproof Roadrunners. If you're incapable of finding happiness in a world that practically invites cartoon violence, the exit is stage left.

I'm not sure making people smile is a superpower, but it is a power and I work at it. It's so easy to ignore those who don't that you'll get little sympathy here for paying attention to them.

ETA: It's not quite a tautology to say that spelling errors won't undermine points that can withstand misspelling.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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12 hours ago, fuzzypanda109 said:

I hope this is considered as a serious matter, sometimes what may be fun trolling by sick-minded persons are actually annoying to peaceful residents.

 The bottom line is that annoying peaceful residents is not in fact considered a serious matter by Linden Lab or most residents. What you describe is something you are expected be able to  deal with on your own * since Linden Lab says it will not become involved in resident to resident disputes.  That is in the TOS that you agreed to. If you do not accept it then you are free to not login. 

* By, for example, derendering, blocking, muting, teleporting away, etc. 



Edited by Pamela Galli
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1 hour ago, fuzzypanda109 said:

Grow a thicker skin? Let's just go with this a little further, supposedly someone were to rape you on SL, would you grow a thicker skin and laugh it off because it's not actually rape.

Well you can be raped in SL - if you WANT to be raped.  Otherwise you can't.  There are special places to go for that sort of malarkey.  Of course, as you say, it's not actually rape, just as it was not actually a dragon, or fire, just particles and pixels.  We're all just particles and pixels down here......

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53 minutes ago, fuzzypanda109 said:

Someone shooting fire on you isn't violent? I think that I explained how it can be understood that way.

Real fire in the real world, yes.  Particle pictures of fire in a virtual world, no.  You won't get any sympathy at all for that attitude.  As others have pointed out, you agreed to the TOS, which makes it clear that Linden Lab does not consider disputes between residents to be sanctionable.  The only time that something like this becomes worthy of their attention is when it is done repeatedly, violating the Community Standard against assault: "Any act of violence toward a user’s avatar, including an act of intimidation or bullying such as repeatedly shooting or pushing, will not be tolerated."

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