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Everything posted by fuzzypanda109

  1. Clearly some of you are too technical with Grammer and Spellchecks to understand beyond this. I do realize and sympathize with real worldly matters such as victims of hurricanes, crimes and such. But it's really the little things that matter and eventually lead to the bigger things. If we make these changes it will have a positive impact. Notwithstanding that I was a bit hot-headed when I began writing my post, not one person has addressed it sufficiently rather ignore it, use diversionary tactics in comparing a person peacefully on a non-gaming sim, a garden no less, relaxing not involved in any from of RP, not knowing another person and being the only one attacked/targetted. Does it feel like playful comics being acted out to me? There is a zone between friendly and aggressive, once you cross that there's no going back. How about someone creates some form of weapon to nuke some of you? Is that all fun and games. Rather, you will be looking for the alligator that swallowed his hand after Peter Pan cut it off. I can only hope (for a miracle) that the magic beans (of good sense) planted will sprout into a stalk and then a giant tree. Until we meet again fellow residents, Farewell. *waves*
  2. Yes, i'm a sweetheart, I'm against online bullying and intimidation, love me or hate me, darling
  3. You should be banned if you think that setting people on fire makes you happy. Thanks again for the link to the Community Standards' rules that I wasn't aware about. It has been removed. I don't think in the real world you should ignore violent acts so similarly in the virtual world it's the same. The people who push for such agendas that make the virtual world violent, in forms of intimidation and bullying are the ones that worry me. But you know how it goes, "those who make the rules, win the game". I don't think that my inability to perfectly use spellcheck undermines the points raised in my posts. Enjoy the superpower!
  4. Someone shooting fire on you isn't violent? I think that I explained how it can be understood that way. I'm sure everyone who has been trolled online and told to kill themselves etc also it did nothing to them, oh wait, some people actually did commit suicide after being blackmailed and harrassed by a virtual person....oh look at that! how non-effecting it was
  5. They should be removed and banned based upon lacking to follow initial disciplinary measures. In my personal opinion.
  6. Thank you for informing about the Forum's rules, to be honest it's now more clear to me I assumed the LL team was on here as well. In the future, I will be filing an Abuse Report or capturing/recording a picture of the action, with nametags. Grow a thicker skin? Let's just go with this a little further, supposedly someone were to rape you on SL, would you grow a thicker skin and laugh it off because it's not actually rape. If someone were to bump into you unnecessarily that may not be so bad. You give examples that are worthless to the context. Or if someone were to follow you around and keeping shooting at you with a rifle or stabbing you with a sword, I think for me there is this difference on what's the motives behind such actions and for another person to think it's just fun. If in the real world it would bother you then it also does in SL, but in RL most of us will react as aggressively. On SL, it's quite annoying. But you know what, I'll just grow a thicker skin and let those who don't particularly understand the motives behind 'harmless' actions continue live in their fantasy world.
  7. Hello, Earlier today was relaxing on the Davinci Gardens sim when a guy on a dragon kept shooting fire on me. I observed that he did not do this action to anyone else on the SIM. IF we were to compare this to real world attacking anyone would be termed as a violent act, so why not on SL? Maybe there should be the option to not only block someone's voice/text but also their actions? Kindly look into this individual, I don't know if he will be dumb enough (or troll) again to try this on me using another avatar. I have had previous incident in the past being "caged". I tried talking to him in messages, asking why he was doing this but he didn't respond. The avatar's name is now edited due to violation of said terms. I hope this is considered as a serious matter, sometimes what may be fun trolling by sick-minded persons are actually annoying to peaceful residents. Thank you!
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