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Maybe Tomorrow...

If anyone can help me better render rain, that would be great!

Thank you Emma and Seren!  Free app. let me just add the rain that was undetectable in the viewer.  I did notice the rain system used plus EEP setting made a difference but the app just made it easy peasy!

Maybe Tomorrow...With the actual rain


Edited by Rowan Amore
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2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Thank you Emma and Seren!  Free app. let me just add the rain that was undetectable in the viewer.  I did notice the rain system used plus EEP setting made a difference but the app just made it easy peasy!

Maybe Tomorrow...With the actual rain

Please share more information about this app; it sounds great!  Thanks!

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I needed a little more rain, so I'm doing it again.

If orcs show up, that's okay, too*. We're an inclusive community.

*loincloths mandatory, just sayin'.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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16 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

If anyone can help me better render rain, that would be great!

Thank you Emma and Seren!  Free app. let me just add the rain that was undetectable in the viewer.  I did notice the rain system used plus EEP setting made a difference but the app just made it easy peasy!

   Creating an overlay like that by hand is very easy (just make a grainy layer and make a directional blur, set it to any of the layer types where only light is added - there's a lot of variants). If you want the rain to have more depth you can have several layers with slightly different directions and intensities, and mask areas based on depth (there should be fewer rain drops in front of the subject 5 metres from the camera than the tree 30 metres away).

   You can then use brushes (plenty of brush packs for that sort of thing around out there) to create deflections and impacts of rain drops to make the rain interact with the stuff in the picture, or even add puddles to the ground.


   My favourite video on the subject.

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PhotoScapeX have been the main editing tool for my SL photos for ages  - could not live without it... All of my photos goes through the same steps:

1: Crop to 16:9 or 2:3
2: Vignette Black Amount:50/Size 0
3: Vignette Burn Amount:50/Size 0
4: Film set to Velvia 75%,
5: Bloom Level:30/Blur:20/Contrast:40,
6: Magic Color between 20-50/Brighten between 20-50
7: Color Clarity 5/Saturation -10/Temperature 7500
8: Frame (thin white)
9: Resize Height 2000

These steps are done on all (well, 95.6% at least) images regardless  - in addition I might use some of the Film/Light effects/overlays like lens flares or rain/snow from time to time.

I only use PhotoShop to add my signature, to lazy to figure out how to do that in PSX :D

I used to use the Miniature function in PSX to add/improve lens blur - but have started to do that with the AI Lens Blur function in Adobe Lightroom lately..

Edited by taisiyakarpenko
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