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How does your avatar look today ?


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Holy crap, so many replies! O.o

On 26/03/2018 at 3:31 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

xD xD xD

Oh hush, you. You knew it would happen :P

On 26/03/2018 at 3:33 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

Very nice. Can he have shirtless pics? Asking for a friend.

Once I've perfected his shape? Maaaaybe.

On 26/03/2018 at 3:37 PM, Syn Anatine said:

I like your thought of your avatar having vastly different persona's [...]

And now to your femboy, gosh that sideview of the body makes me feel like swooning, it looks so elegant and dare I say downright lickable. The partial profile view of the face is pretty dang good already but I do agree when it comes to the frontal view, something about the jaw just doesn't seem right. Rest of it however is impressive and I can't wait to see him once you're done!

Also, I've just prowled through your flickr and holy mother of god you have talent and I am super jealous of how amazing you can make male avatars look. If I was half as good I'd never change to female again because I'd be too busy watching that eyecandy on my screen all day instead :x

Thank you so much! Yeah, the face needed more work. I've got it a little more to my liking, so I'll post a couple of shots in a minute. As to the personas thing, it's a mindset I cultivated years ago when I realised I was updating certain looks year-on-year. I realised they were more like different facets of Skell, rather than simply outfits or looks. Most of them have been roleplayed at some point, so possibly I created such a backstory around them that they came alive.

On 26/03/2018 at 3:57 PM, Akasha Sternberg said:

as if you´d need a reason for heels... I bet that was on one shopping spree and you got like 80 pair of heels for Skell ^^ (I wouldn´t be surprised to see him in a suit and heels with a beard...)

You're right: I need no reason! And I'm pretty sure I've done the suit-n-heels things many times in the past, but since mesh heeled feet became a thing I've not really been able to do it.

On 26/03/2018 at 5:37 PM, flowersforkain said:

Looks good. I could always post my sliders for a frame of reference (or comparison), I had that same problem in the beginning with the hips. ;) Oh hey, I have the same Grima harness and gloves!

I've got the hips mostly (I think) sorted now, but any advice is greatly appreciated. Either a notecard with the sliders I need to focus on, or a PM here on the forum would be great. Thanks! :)

On 26/03/2018 at 7:06 PM, Catrie said:

I absolutely LOVE this!!  

Thank you so much :)

Phew, now that's done with, here's an update. This persona now has a name (Syd, after one Mr Vicious, albeit obliquely) and he's becoming quite the character in my head. His face is now tweaked a little more to my liking, although I'll be faffing around with his hips until the end of days at this rate...


(This post is already humungous, so I'm not going to add an additional credits list. You can find those here.)

Edited by Skell Dagger
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On May 8, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Rhonda Huntress said:

[on a different train of thought]

My avatar today looks naked and headless.  At least she will until I log on again.

I did log on today, but no pictures,  because while my avatar had a head, it was naked. (The curious can go to my Flickr page)

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14 hours ago, Liana Wildmist said:

I'd just settle for topless muscly Skell, no need for anything new for me lol

This is a very interesting response. It reads (whether you intended it that way or not) as "I don't like this. It's too feminine. Please go back to being a masculine man."

Androgyny has been a strong part of Skell's Second Life since his earliest days. (A glance back through more than the first four or five pages of his Flickr will show you that.) Since mesh bodies and heads (and the attendant mesh clothing with built-in boobs and hips - not to mention heels that only fit specific female feet) arrived on the scene I've not been able to enjoy that side of his persona as much. It's been stifled, and I've felt the lesser for it.

This is all pre-mesh head stuff:


My kind of androgyny has always been a little more masc than femme; a little more of the "Is that a boy?!" that I recall people saying when Boy George first appeared on the music scene in the early 80s. I have no desire to take Skell into the more 'pretty boi' outré-femme side of andro, which is why I've been tweaking "Syd's" face to give it a slightly more masculine shape (not all that easy with a feminine head, by the way).

Androgyny - by its very nature - challenges our natural human instinct to pigeonhole people into nice simple boxes that don't make us feel uncomfortable. It also challenges our much baser (and less obvious-to-us) human instinct to judge whether someone else would make a good mate and father/mother to our children. And that's why I like it. I love blurring that gender line, but just keeping to the slightly more male side of it. I find it fascinating and a challenge.

In short: masculine!Skell has not gone away. I'm just happy that I've found a way to once more indulge my andro side occasionally :)

(Not picking on you, Liana. Your comment just made me have some thinky-thoughts, and I wanted to get them out there.)

More pics behind the spoiler tag, just taken from a random sampling of my Flickr for the past few years:





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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

My kind of androgyny has always been a little more masc than femme; a little more of the "Is that a boy?!" that I recall people saying when Boy George first appeared on the music scene in the early 80s. I have no desire to take Skell into the more 'pretty boi' outré-femme side of andro, which is why I've been tweaking "Syd's" face to give it a slightly more masculine shape (not all that easy with a feminine head, by the way).

I think I’m starting to catch “feelings”!

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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

This is a very interesting response. It reads (whether you intended it that way or not) as "I don't like this. It's too feminine. Please go back to being a masculine man."

Androgyny has been a strong part of Skell's Second Life since his earliest days. (A glance back through more than the first four or five pages of his Flickr will show you that.) Since mesh bodies and heads (and the attendant mesh clothing with built-in boobs and hips - not to mention heels that only fit specific female feet) arrived on the scene I've not been able to enjoy that side of his persona as much. It's been stifled, and I've felt the lesser for it.

This is all pre-mesh head stuff:


My kind of androgyny has always been a little more masc than femme; a little more of the "Is that a boy?!" that I recall people saying when Boy George first appeared on the music scene in the early 80s. I have no desire to take Skell into the more 'pretty boi' outré-femme side of andro, which is why I've been tweaking "Syd's" face to give it a slightly more masculine shape (not all that easy with a feminine head, by the way).

Androgyny - by its very nature - challenges our natural human instinct to pigeonhole people into nice simple boxes that don't make us feel uncomfortable. It also challenges our much baser (and less obvious-to-us) human instinct to judge whether someone else would make a good mate and father/mother to our children. And that's why I like it. I love blurring that gender line, but just keeping to the slightly more male side of it. I find it fascinating and a challenge.

In short: masculine!Skell has not gone away. I'm just happy that I've found a way to once more indulge my andro side occasionally :)

(Not picking on you, Liana. Your comment just made me have some thinky-thoughts, and I wanted to get them out there.)

More pics behind the spoiler tag, just taken from a random sampling of my Flickr for the past few years:


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Well, I definitely *do* like the new look, a lot! I don't really see him as feminine at all, though I don't look at people like that really. I DO love to look at interesting photos, which you do well! I will joke around with males and females, but am attracted to neither . . I like to wind Vin up about his darn beard quite often! I can't deny the muscly look is nice, to a point, but not for reasons most would think I like it! (Nothing to do with physical attraction)

Whether muscly you comes back or not, so long as you keep doing amazing photos I will keep drooling! Hope you weren't offended, it wasn't meant like that, muscle is my fave for reasons most would never imagine, but for me I just love to see what people do, and these looks you come up with. (I have a lot of looks also, but more with clothes than different skins etc. I didn't get to see the photo of Sid until after, as it hadn't loaded, but he's definitely droolworthy too, sorry!

(Probably badly explained!)

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