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What is the best in female skins now?

Rick Quonset

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Best is highly subjective,  so I will simply tell you - the last two places I purchased a skin from were Mynerva & Unique.

I seem to collect skins like some collect shoes,  so I do a LOT of looking around first... and there are so many awesome choices out there,  my advice is to shop around for what you like and try the demos!



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What Cali said.  There are a ton of choices and what I think is best may not be best for someone else.  And if you do not have a compatible shape, the best skins will look all wrong too.

Currently I am wearing a skin from LAQ called Tasha2. Curio has some fantastic ones. League is right up there with the top.  Tuli.  The list goes on.  Get some demos and shapes as well and try them on for size.

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My favs are Laq & Tuli.  Don't just look at the recently released ones from these shops if you do not prefer the swollen lip look :smileytongue:  They all have them...I'm not fond of that look, so I still go back a couple of releases and demo the ones that were out before this became the fad.

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Don't just look at the recently released ones from these shops if you do not prefer the swollen lip look :smileytongue: 

Assuming Rick is male, he may not care so much about the lips but more interested in which has the "best nipples" :smileyvery-happy:

lol...too true :smileytongue:

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As others said, the best skins depends on each person as we each have different taste.


I, myself, am a skin addict, like i am with hair & clothes (oddly not shoes lol). I get complemented a lot from ppl around me on the skins I find. My secret....lots of searching. I always start with marketplace. It takes time, but I always end up overly satisfied with what I found. many times I find a brand new designer that has AWESOME skins, before they ever become popular. Places like LAQ, Curio, and such do have good skins, but are too popular for me.  I like to be as unique as i can be, and half the women i see have LAQ skins now it seems, just like when RedQueen was the most popular, everybody had it. I also feel that, for the price comparison, depending on what you're willing to spend and how many make-up differences you want, you can find some just as good or better for a lot cheaper. So, my advice, take some time to search the Marketplace pages of skins, get a lot of demos, visit some stores, until you're happy with what you've found, that's how i always find the best deals :D

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I'm obsessed with skin buying, and love adding to my collection.  I don't think one can really define 'best'; it's a matter of personal choice. 

At the upper end of the market, I love my Curio, League, Unique et al,  but not all of their skins suit me.  Disappointingly, I've only ever found one Laq skin that looked ok on me.  This isn't an issue with the skins; they just don't suit my  shape. Shape is the most important determining factor as to how any skin will look on you.  I can't stress this enough. 

You might also take a look at the less expensive brands.  Personally, i like Heartsick, Mango Mango, Rockberry, etc.   Ok, so i might not choose to wear them on a nude beach  but the faces are very pretty IMO.


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I use to be a nomine girl myself til I found {T&T} Design. I have the LEA skin in pale, golden brown and blue now. *laughs*

Since I run around as an elfling nowdays, the skins even come with ears included, which makes life so much easier! The creator even made prim feet to match the skins which is awesome since my elfling tends to hand out at the beach and I HATE LL feets. o.O

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Did the op ever come back to see all of our wonderful suggestions?  :-)

If not, no worries,   I went thru this thread over the weekend and went shopping!!!  I really love threads like this,  because it's so much easier to find things with good search terms! 

So, thanks! - even tho, it wasn't my question.





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Cali Souther wrote:

Did the op ever come back to see all of our wonderful suggestions?  :-)

If not, no worries,   I went thru this thread over the weekend and went shopping!!!  I really love threads like this,  because it's so much easier to find things with good search terms! 

So, thanks! - even tho, it wasn't my question.


I agree; I just went through and looked at all the names myself. I've been in the same skin for a year and a half at least. At the time I just waited until someone who's avatar I really admired bought a new skin and then pestered her relentlessly until she told me where she got it (Cupcake). Maybe now that I've been around more I should go demo shopping.

I add my thanks to the contributors.

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I think a more befitting question might be, "What is the best skin for the money?"

Don't dismiss the smaller shops or the less expensive options either.One of my favorite skins called "Apricot" came from a shop called fluffygirl (it is a fat lady store) It ran me like L$600

I have another skin that is very beautiful and detailed, it even looks like she has some small pores around the cheeks, L$300 on promo from Secret Passion. Forget the name exactly.

Now if you are talking top of the line skins period, you cannot go wrong with Belleza. Redgrave is comparable but I personally cannot stand that store. They have this warning about copybotting in there and when a business has negative signs like that it is an instant turn-off. No I do not coybot, however, no business should have negative signs in clear view. Even honest folks are put off by that.


So, you can pay say L$500 for a decent but not perfect skin or pay L$1,000 for a skin that is near perfect. is the L$1,000 skin twice as good as the L$500 one? Not usually.Are people REALLY gonna notice a big difference between a L$500 and a L$1,000 skin? heck no. I have yet to hear anyone tell me, "OH, that skin must have only been a few hundred, it doesn't look very detailed."

Plus at the big shops, the skins you see displayed in the photos have massive lighting so it is gonna look better in the ad than on your avatar anyways.


Finally - some skins you buy will have several variations of it like cleavage or not, different makeups, etc. Some vendors just give the ONE skin you see.

So what are you really asking? What is "the best skin" or "What is the best for the money you spend"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

When it comes to skins, along with hair and shapes, what’s the best is purely subjective.  Last year when I was relatively new to sl, several people recommended LAQ skins so I bought a set.  I like the skins a lot and when I want a different look I just put makeup (tattoo layer) on my avi.  My friend also wears LAQ skins, but when she inquired about becoming a model she was told her skin was not detailed enough.  By the way our skins are from LAQ Glow Skin line.  I have been looking at Al Vulo skins lately and like those a lot.  Unless you want to do something like modeling, just go by your own opinion.    



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  • 2 weeks later...

ooo i don't think anybody mentioned some of my old favorites - especially Fashionably Dead and Chip Midnight, if he's still around.

Also, I was in Tres Blah yesterday - gorgeous skins. Check 'em out.

I've been out of SL for a couple of months and it looks like Tres Blah has really come out with a lot of beautiful work. My other favs are Curio.


SoonerGlass Resident
the ghost of Anik Pavlova

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Right now I'm partial to Redgrave, and in particular to the Chloe2 skin. This may be one of the only instances for me where RL and SL cross over--the Chloe is pale but ruddy and I've even had some SL friends look at my skin closeup and they've commented they can actually see freckles. And even though I only prefer one Redgrave right now, I have demo'd a few others and have noticed the richness of the skin tones and have concluded if I want to go darker in the future, they would be who I buy.


One important point though, especially if you're new:  being nice, someone is bound to give you skins to wear. For a long time I thought I was wearing a Redgrave skin and I IM'd the store asking for a similar skin for my male alt, providing the name of the skin and a picture. The Redgrave owner IM'd me back and politely pointed out the skin I was wearing was a known copybot. So please....when you decide you want a new skin, in order to support merchants in SL and potentially avoiding trouble in the future, buy only from the main store so you know the skin you're getting is legit. A lot of the resellers are selling you copybots.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I appreciate everyone's input when I asked this question last time and my GF ended up going with a LAQ Skin (I believe Tasha 2?).  I was curious if anyone had found something new that was better?  Also, what shapes do you think are the best in the game (ready made)?

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I love LAQ skins, have not tried Belleza skins yet but I heard they were also excellent.

IMO there is no best shape, your shape is really up to what you want.

The vendors that sell shapes have made what they like, but perception is fluidic...what he/she may like may not be what you like. So, the best shapes are what you make.

I change my shape (just tweak here and there) every so often depending on my mood.


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