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how to get unmuted

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You may have been directed to this post from somebody's profile to be given instructions on how to get them to unmute you. If you would like for this person to unmute you, then please follow these instructions very carefully. The intention of this post was originally meant for people to make a request for me to unmute them. Please don't respond in this post to have me or anybody else unmute you because it will be ignored.

First you need to create a new notecard. This notecard needs to be originally created by you for proof of authenticity. To do so, right click on any folder in your inventory and then click on "New Notecard". Once you have created the notecard, be sure to give it a unique name that has to do with what you are going to write to the person that you want to unmute you. If you want to rename it later then you can always right click the notecard later and then click "Rename".

Once the notecard is created, you will need to right click it and then click on "Properties".  Now make sure that the check box labeled "Modify" is unchecked so that nobody can change or modify this notecard. If somebody else is to modify this notecard before it is sent to the person that you want to unmute you then you are most likely not going to be unmuted, and push your luck even further from ever getting un-muted by this person. If the notecard is not created by you, and others can edit this notecard, then the person who will receive it, will most likely not believe that it is actually from you, and you will not be un-muted.

Now you will need to open the notecard by double clicking on it or by right clicking on it then clicking "Open". You will need to write your message to the person in this notecard. If you are missing any information that you are asked to include, your most likely not going to be unmuted.

Please make sure that it is clearly indicated that the notecard is sent by you by including your username that you log in with and indicating that this is who is sending the message. Make sure that they are able to find your avatar by searching your username. You may also want to include your calling card by dragging and dropping it from your inventory into the notecard because this will make it a lot easier for them to find you.

Be sure the write an apology to this person wether you believe you did something wrong or not, and don't make up any excuses or explanations about why you did what you did that cause them to unmute them. You are better off assuming you're just a jerk that deserves to be muted while writing your apology. Being humble and polite is the key to getting others to listen to you so that they will unmute or unban you. Don't make up lies or say things that you cannot do, or will not do. You must be 100% honest. If you mislead them once, you're not going to be able to mislead them ever again because they will most likely never listen to you again, and possibly report you for harassment.

Once the notecard is finished, please be sure to overlook all the steps that you took, and be sure that everything is done according to what you were told in these instructions. Once you are satisfied that they will unmute you when they receive the notecard, then you will need to find somebody that this person does not have muted, and have them send the notecard to that person for you.

To send a notecard to somebody, just simply drag and drop it from your inventory onto their avatar, or drag it into a private message to that person. You will also need to make sure that the person who is sending the notecard for you, understands how to send the notecard to the person that you want to un-mute you.

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as far i know and LL official help says, a muted avatar can send as much he wants, but all items will get lost...


from the knowledgebase:

When you block another Resident or an object, you cannot:

  • See text chat, hear voice chat, or receive IMs from that person or object.
  • See particles emitted by the blocked avatar or object.
  • Receive items from the blocked object.

Likewise, a Resident on your Blocked List cannot hear or see voice or text chat or receive IMs from you.


and i tried your ( btw normal proces of creating a notecard, so nothing special nor trick) and it does NOT work in firestorm

and if it would work... mute/block has a goal : NOT TO see, hear or get things ... most people would even add derender or start reporting for bothering them.

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Whilst the original post is just plain silly, and I've no idea what the point of it was, I do have to defend a part of it that you replied to. The OP wrote that it's necessary to get someone who knows the person who muted to give the notecard to that person.

Btw, which part of the described method of creating a new notecard doesn't work in firestorm? It should do.

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I apologize for the confusion, I just added more information to the post to help others understand the confusion that this post was not meant to be malicious or an exploit to harass people that you have muted. With that said, this could technically be a way to harass an individual that has you muted along with an infinite number of better ways to do so as well.

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Phil Deakins wrote:


Btw, which part of the described method of creating a new notecard doesn't work in firestorm? It should do.

that does work perfectly...it's the sending to blocked people.


thanks to the OP for editing, ...at least makes mine look like a total nutcase now.

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In any case, no matter who sends the notecard, for me mute and ban is forever. Years ago I unbanned and unmuted a couple of people who begged most pitifully and apologized most abjectly -- and in both cases they almost immediately repeated the abuse that got them muted in the first place. 

Lesson learned. 

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ziicutie wrote:


Be sure the write an apology to this person
wether you believe you did something wrong or not
, and don't make up any excuses or explanations about why you did what you did that cause them to unmute them.

If you mislead them once, you're not going to be able to mislead them ever again because
they will most likely never listen to you again
, and possibly ------ --- --- -------------.

This is a recipe for disaster. It's far more sensible to only apologise when you believe you did something wrong - misleading them by writing a fake, half-butt reply will most certainly trigger this same response. Omitting the harassment stuff though, since I'm pretty sure writing fake apologies isn't harassment. Claiming CS breaches over small arguments is distasteful to me.

I've had people try this A > C > B nonsense before, getting third parties involved in personal arguments just turns it into a three-way argument. My strategy - one that works every time - would be to mute anyone passing a note from someone I'd already muted, since they're clearly a fan of perpetuating drama and aren't interested in promoting a healthy space for me.

This creates the following good outcome:-

  • Cuts short the drama (I'd hoped it would've finished when I muted the first person)
  • Gives me a list of the folks who value drama more than my consent (if I wanted to hear the first person's POV I'd unmute)
  • Serves as an example for next time (don't pick sides, don't get in the way)
  • And I can unmute the note-passer at a later date, when/if I'm ready to (if they cause secondary drama, then they've shown their true colours)

This strategy has served me well. My mute list is very short, and only contains people who have demonstrated that they don't value my feelings. The last time I muted multiple people like this was because someone was using me to provide them with excitement (which is draining and dismisses my feelings), and after muting them a friend told me that I should've "considered their feelings" - no, that's junk, goodbye to both of you.

Muting someone is only a big deal if you turn it into a big deal by screwing around picking sides and making drama-laden requests of uninvolved peoples' time.

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ziicutie wrote:

...then you will need to find somebody that this person does not have muted, and have them send the notecard to that person for you....



Generally people who pass me notecards from people I muted, get muted too.

Muting is done for a reason, and i learnt a very long time ago that a mute/ban is forever.

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Umm, no, not gonna happen, lmao. If I've muted someone, it's for a good reason. If someone I've muted has someone else give me some kind of lame apology card(and it IS lame, as all get out), I'm gonna mute that person too. My mute/block list is rather small. It takes an awful lot for me to mute or block someone. I'm a pretty easy going person. If someoen's crossed me in some manner that got them muted, they're never getting off that list. Sorta like the telemarketers that call randomly for no good reason, or the people that send me unwanted junk mail. I block telemarketers and unwanted junk mail goes right back where it came from if it was sent with a prepaid envelope(like credit card companies, seriously, if I wanted one, I'd ask, lol), or in our burn pile if it doesn't have one. 

If someone was really "sorry" for what they did, they wouldn't have done it in the first place, so no need for a middle man. If you keep yourself in check, people wouldn't block or mute you. The fact that anyone puts such instructions in their profile, is also a tad bit puzzling, if not disturbing. Do those folks think they're somehow so important they need such things? No one in sl is that important that folks would go through extra steps to get unmuted, lol. They probably don't care that you muted them.

Then again I don't understand lots of stuff people put in their profiles, so I'm probably just odd (odder, than I think anyway)


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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

I would have reather seen a thread about "How To NOT Get Muted".  It would at least be far more realistic. (

That one's easy...don't be a douchecanoe, don't piss people off, and behave yourself, pretty much covers it :D  Though I'm not sure how fun that would be for people that like doing those things, lol. 

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ziicutie wrote:

I apologize for the confusion, I just added more information to the post to help others understand the confusion that this post was not meant to be malicious or an exploit to harass people that you have muted. With that said, this could technically be a way to harass an individual that has you muted along with an infinite number of better ways to do so as well.




Using an alt or third party to contact someone who has muted you is harassment. And you can be ARed for it. Here's a simple way to go about this..

  1. Don't be an asshat.
  2. Follow the land /store rules.
  3. Be polite.
  4. If you get muted/banned.. Put on your big girl/boy panties and acct like an adult about it and MOVE THE FRICK ON!!!

This has been a public service announcement. We now return you t your regularly scheduled  chaos.

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Well i dont want to seed the trouble here but it happened to me some years ago (3 or 4 i dont rem) that i had muted someone and still i got nc from this person.

They didnt came from IM window and i got no notification about them in IM nor in my mailbox. but they went quietly and silently in my inventory (notecard folder).

How did i fig out ? 

From my transaction history, bec as it was an inventory offer, the transaction was recorded in my inventory. And when i logged, i could see the NC in my inventory. 

And this didnt happened only once but several times. So unless, LL have changed something, NC and every other inventory offers reach your inventory even sent from muted ppl. Silently. 

Scary no ? :smileyvery-happy:

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Some how or other I banned myself yesterday.

I was fiddling with a radio and wondering why clicking it wasn't doing anything. Relogged and still broken. I was about to give up when I just happened to notice I had unblock as an option. I don't know how that happened. And it isn't the first time, I have banned myself, I had a There In Spirit Hud that wasn't working and their support person recognised the symptoms of the problem as me having banned myself ! It would appear to happen fairly regularly and it is not just me that gets carried away banning\blocking without realising it.

I am also the best griefer there is for any sim I own. I have done far more damage to it than anyone else has.

Sometimes people earn their bans pressing buttons on huds they didn't realise what they did, or they were having some fun that just got out of hand and hit some bystanders. Maybe they were drunk, something hit a nerve and they over reacted or just stupid. Stuff happens, people make mistakes.

I know I do. I would hope others would forgive my mistakes, so I try to give people second chances where I can.

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Someone created a forum thread to advise people how to get them to unmute them. Lmao! I find this so funny. Not ihow to unamute in general, but how to get this person specifically to umute you!

is this person famous or something? 

But im also glad to see some NORMAL people turn a bizzare post into an actual learning post. 

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