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The 80 000 Challenge


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Here's me at 44001.  I guess I can pretty much forget about ever wearing my favorite watch again.   My only jewelry here are my sunglasses, earrings, and wedding ring.  Add the watch and I'm at 89,000.

This is probably a good thing in the long run, but a comment I read on the Mesh Body Addicts blog really caught my attention, that being that this will start a trend of stripped-down minimalism. 

Of course, for picture taking, none of this matters.  If you like it, wear it.


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And here's the "better half" of the LaMonico equation, all decked out and sitting around 114000.   Jewelry is sunglasses, earrings, necklace, matching bracelets, belly button chain, and wedding ring.    Take all of it away except the ring, and she's at 36000 and change.

Seems everything is fine and it's the jewelry that causes things to spike up.


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80,121 in the picture. I just really liked this picture lol. Lara mesh body, no shoes, no jewelry.

I took the flowers off the hat and got it down to 79.784. I miss my flower belt though =(

I think I'll stick with my normal look at just under 100k.


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So what deturmines whether someone can see an avatar at a high level or not? I had a friend recently tellme he coulsn't see me and sure enough 80000 seemed to be th elevel where he was able to see what i looked like, but i can see people way higher than that. What do the poor people who cannot see the awesomeness that is me need to do?

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Total Complexity: 35,078

Body: Maitreya
Hands/Feet: Slink
Head: Logo Sadie (plus appliers to Maitreya and Slink) 
Hair: Truth Hair - Freya

Ugh, I obviously have more than enough complexity to spend on shoes... but.. why bother? At least in this world, I can wander everywhere barefoot without getting dirty feet!

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I don't think it's that hard to keep a render weight under 80,000. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Avoid wearing scripted items. The worst culprits are HUDs of all kinds, jewelry, hair, mesh bodies, & mesh clothes with HUDs. If you can edit your items, remove the script from the copy you wear. If you can edit an item, you may be able to pull out the script & put it back in later, so save the scripts in the folder for that item. If you might damage the item by removing the script, save an unaltered version.

2. If you want to wear a mesh body, Maitreya Lara has the lowest render weight. If you wear a mesh clothes, you may not need to wear your mesh body under them. For tight-fitting clothes, use applier layers. For loose mesh clothes that cover most of your body, wear your system body instead.

3. Wear simple hair without scripts in it. Hair color or shoe color can often be changed by tinting it, rather than using a color-change script.

4. Don't wear jewelry people can't see anyway. Rings are hard to see. Earrings are often only visible with short hair or updo hair. Don't wear system or applier layers that don't show either, as textures can add to render weight too.

5. Use an AO that doesn't have tons of animation or use an AO that's built into your viewer.

6. Leave your pets at home. Attachable pets or bots are huge lag creators. Beedable pets are the worst of all, so leave them home.

7. Avoid wearing particle generators. This advice goes with avoiding scripts, but these are some of the worst lag creators because they're active.

8. Wearing a skin that has makeup on it, will save you from wearing an extra texture on a makeup layer, but these are probably not big offenders anyway.

9. If you want to show off your mesh body, go to sims where you can be barefoot, in a bathing suit or naked.

 - I admit to wearing a Maitreya Lara body,a texture-change mesh dress, & scripted bouncy ponytail with the avi on the left, but  I think my total render weight was still under 80,000. The avi on the right is wearing a system body, unscripted mesh top, unscripted necklace, & system layer jeans.

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Can I play? How about a couple of alternative characters?

I'm finding I can drop a huge amount of ARC now that I can make my own mesh hair and accessories. Replacing my old favourite (not by me) head and body hair with my own mesh dropped my ARC by over 60,000-80,000 depending on exactly what I was using.


This one just sneaks under at about 79,000:

Mesh body by Niramyth, skin retextured by me, system head
Mesh head and body hair (arms, chest) by me
Facial hair by not saying because it's horrendously high RC. It's the last bit of hair I need to replace with my own.
Neptune's crown and trident, mesh by... me (the trident is a functional scripted and animated weapon)
Jock by VitaMen, retextured and modified by me
Tail by Jomo but I retextured it and added a lot of extra finny bits. A lot of the RC is here; not as much as in the beard though!


This one is only about 64,000

Mesh body by Niramyth, retextured by me, system head
Mesh horns by me
Mesh body hair by me
Mesh head hair by /Wasabi Pills/
Mesh animated ears and earring by... guess who (might be me)
Legs by Avatar Bizarre (with a bit of retexturing)
Loin cloth thing by me, fitted to Jomo's Jock as above. Not mesh, 'cos there's no flexi in mesh
Plus I'm wearing a multifunction TP effect, footstep particle emitter and other special effects set... by me
Rigged mesh cape by Pucca Firecaster Creations
Arm Centipede by Madpea (Unia prize)






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More new hair - and another 16,000 saving in ARC. This outfit went from 87,000 to 71,000 with the hair I knocked together today to replace my old, purchased, sculpt and tortured tori hair.


Main outfit by AEC

Hat and hair by me






The full me:


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I've read some of the replies but have not seen this brought up (apologies if I did indeed miss it). I realize that the Avatar Rendering Complexity can be adjusted in the SL viewer, but what about Firestorm? I don't see it, or maybe it is not available in FS yet?

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Firestorm does not have the JellyDoll / QuickGraphics feature yet, it will be in the next release, which is coming pretty soon.

JellyDolls will be enabled by default on Firestorm, the same as the LL viewer.

The default Maximum Complexity settings in Firestorm will be the same as the LL viewer, which are:

  • Low: 35k
  • Low-Mid: 100k
  • Mid: 200k
  • Mid-High: 250k
  • High: 300k
  • High-Ultra: 350k
  • Ultra 350k

Note that there was a bug in he LL viewer which meant the Maximum Complexity defaults were not being set correctly (usually stuck at 80k) - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-18195

That bug is fixed on the latest Maintenance-RC viewer

You can  use an early implementation of the JellyDoll feature on the current Firestorm release by twiddling with some debug settings.


  • RenderAutoMuteByteLimit: Maximum bytes of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple imposter (0 for no limit).
  • RenderAutoMuteLogging: Show extra information in viewer logs about avatar rendering costs
  • RenderAutoMuteRenderCostLimit: Maximum render weight before an avatar is rendered as a simple imposter (0 to not use this limit)
  • RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit: Maximum surface area of attachments before an avatar is rendered as a simple imposter (0 to not use this limit).
  • RenderAutoMuteThreshold: Threshold on the Avatar Detail slider where simple imposter mode is enabled. (less than 0 is always on, greather than 1 always off)
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Persephone Emerald wrote:

I don't think it's that hard to keep a render weight under 80,000. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Avoid wearing scripted items. The worst culprits are HUDs of all kinds, jewelry, hair, mesh bodies, & mesh clothes with HUDs. If you can edit your items, remove the script from the copy you wear. If you can edit an item, you may be able to pull out the script & put it back in later, so save the scripts in the folder for that item. If you might damage the item by removing the script, save an unaltered version.


2. If you want to wear a mesh body, Maitreya Lara has the lowest render weight. If you wear a mesh clothes, you may not need to wear your mesh body under them. For tight-fitting clothes, use applier layers. For loose mesh clothes that cover most of your body, wear your system body instead.


8. Wearing a skin that has makeup on it, will save you from wearing an extra texture on a makeup layer, but these are probably not big offenders anyway.


9. If you want to show off your mesh body, go to sims where you can be barefoot, in a bathing suit or naked.

First I agree that it is trivally easy to stay under 80k.

Ever since Penny Patton's blog: http://pennycow.blogspot.com/2015/02/draw-weight.html

I and everyone who reads her or my blog has known about this. Some of us knew even longer. We've had a LOT of time to get ready, and we've been screaming from every mountain top and every sim corner trying to let all of you know it was coming.

Most of "you" (in a generic SL sense, not anyone specific), soundly ignored us.

Now we are here.

But as a result I've had a lot of time to go through all my stuff and figure out what was high and what was low in complexity and even figure out tricks to get things lower (like flipping alpha-mode to 'mask' where I could - doesn't always, but often does, help).


That said...

Avatar Complexity, this 80k score thingy, is ONLY about visible info. All of your advice on scripted bloat is different. Still good advice, but different.


I finds HUDs don't add anything to the Avatar Complexity score. They script lag (where that exists, if that exists), but they don't add to this score.

AOs also don't add to this - again that creates script issues, but not Avatar Complexity. I had somewhere between 50 to 100 animations in my AO until switching to Firestorm... (it was a combo AO / Dance HUD).

- Firestorm let me toss my AO (though it often gets stuck on an animation and insists on putting me back into that animation until I relog. This happens when I do things like teleport while sitting, or teleport while falling. Firestorm fails to 'remove permission' on the old animation. The avatar health option to remove permissions then fails...)


Maitreya does NOT have the lowest render weight. Belleza Freya is maybe a dozen points lower in some tests. But the differences are trivial.

The lowest though, is Solarian. Which is a fitmesh furry cat. But it is the lowest - and that is by a few thousand, a non-trivial difference.

But it is VERY MISLEADING to suggest one brand is the only choice to make if concerned about lag when the major brands are all extremely similar in score. And the scores of the mesh bodies are all so low that the difference between them and a system body is trivial.

The advice that people should only wear mesh bodies in limited situations is not good...

System bodies, once kitted out with accessories to make them look decent, can be just as high if not higher in complexity. When I see a lot of jelly avatars, most of them are NOT using a mesh body...


Skin with makeup on it - textures are prebaked on the server level now for things like skins and system clothing. So if this matters, the degree to which it matters would be trivial.

- But tattoo layers on a mesh body WILL ADD A LOT to your complexity because they are not baked in together with the skin layer.



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ClariceRose wrote:

I've read some of the replies but have not seen this brought up (apologies if I did indeed miss it). I realize that the
Avatar Rendering Complexity
can be adjusted in the SL viewer, but what about Firestorm? I don't see it, or maybe it is not available in FS yet?


<- That's everything you'd need to set up current firestorm to work with this system using quick preferences.


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jmlamonico wrote:

It would be a pain in the wazoo for some certainly, but it might now be nice for merchants to update their MP listings with ACI?  Especially for those who don't offer demos.

I agree. And at present I almost never buy worn items without the demo because of this.

But Marketplace in general needs work.

I should be able to filter for and against any term more effectively...

"freya +applier" and "freya -applier" ought to basically give nearly opposite results.

'mesh' ought to be a checkbox to filter by.


Sorting by the ACI score should be possible.

- Any unboxed items could have their ACI read in by the database.

Any boxed items could be excluded from such a search.

Though a properly written 'game engine' could query the ACI of the contents, even if the contents were 'given in a script'... and pass this data to marketplace...

Then again SL is written in a coding language from the 1990s... which is basically like saying it runs on steam power and coal...


ChinRey wrote:

It's quite possible Firestorm is more Mac friendly than the SL viewer. I've never noticed any significant fps difference between the two viewers on my Mac either but it's on wireless so it may be that it's masked by the slower connection.

The SL Viewer consistently crashes in any crowd of more than a few avatars on both of my Macs. A 2013 Macbook Pro with an nVidia GPU and a 2011 iMac with an AMD GPU.

Firestorm doesn't crash, even in very large laggy crowds. I've managed to crash it once or twice, and I think that was with trying to run back and forth through a full sim of people, with shadows and advanced graphics on, while spinning my camera in circles... in others words - it took a lot to get it to crash...


Since I prefer LLs UI, this frustrates me, but it is what it is, so I've been using Firestorm.

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 Wearing the Belleza mesh body or the Solarian cat furry in these - with full outfits on. All of them come in pretty low.

The "secret" for getting a low ACI is to demo stuff, and well, to replace anything old and laggy with something new and optimized. That said one item I have on, my 'neko teeth', dates to maybe 2006 or 2007... and it is very low ACI, and I've had it since I made this account in 2009. So its really just about 'shop wisely and with all the info you can get your hands on'.

(these images are all using a special feature of these forums that opens an inpage window when you click on them - it seems to fail to open properly on the first click and require a page reload... some of the time...)


Someone said upthread to leave your pets at home. In the last image I am wearing a squirrel on my head. I often also go out with a pet cat next to me that is both low ACI and low script.

- Its not pets that are bad, but bad pets that are bad... :P


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I also really enjoy this thread and would love to see some more pictures! 

My large breedable cat is low complexity and I do almost always take him with me (when I know I will stay in one place once I arrive at my destination) However, he, and I assume many pets, have options to turn scripts off. For instance, I usually find a place to sit and set my cat on one animation: sit/sleep. He doesn't move until I change the settings. He's just in a pose. 

Edit: There is ONE place I do let him stay scripted. However, this place also has a scripted breedable cat in the same area. I turn off the scripts if the place gets busy. No one has ever complained about lag increasing from him though. On the contrary, he has so many fun animations, people are delighted to see him. A giant unicorn cat that farts rainbows, plays with butterflies, sleeps with a seahorse, and sticks out his blue tongue. He can really be a conversation starter when chat is dry. 

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  • 1 month later...

Total complexity = 49,427

Quite pleased with how much bling I managed to pile on this look & still have a low complexity :smileyhappy:


LAQ ~ Mesh Head Trinity 1.0
=DeLa*= Boobs Fitted Mesh Hair "Kirsty" Amazing pac (Materials)

Maitreya Mesh Body - Feet V3.5
Maitreya Mesh Body - Hand L V3.5
Maitreya Mesh Body - Hand R V3.5
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5

=Zenith=Criminal Police Boots (Rose) -Maitreya
=Zenith=Criminal Police Gloves (Rose) for Jacket -Maitreya
=Zenith=Criminal Police HandCuff (Rose)
=Zenith=Criminal Police Hat (Rose)
=Zenith=Criminal Police Jacket (Rose) -Maitreya
=Zenith=Criminal Police Short (Begie) -Maitreya
=Zenith=S&M Whip (Rose)

[whatever] Eyes - #10 - left
[whatever] Eyes - #10 - right

E.V.E ETHERAL Stars {Gold}


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