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Second Life Is Now Banned From Twitch TV


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Here's the link I wonder why Second Life is now banned? Perhaps it is related to the rise of mature rated actions and talk taking place within the community. Well, 13 years of a poor simulation game will only draw in more trolls and inappropriate actions and fall of staff intervention. Congrats are in order, you are now just as confused as I am.

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You see, that's the problem. Without sticking to an ESRB rating, a game will unintentionally promote negative or inappropriate behavior. Second Life is a social community built game. Rather than having and supporting an adult section, it would be best to stick to a 17 mature rating if you want more positive reviews about Second Life. The majority of comments I read said Second Life is strange, gross, or profane. Even the chat I saw did not filter out the forbidden three letter word. This site and game needs some serious consideration about change.

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You have not understood Second Life, it seems.

Its not a simulation of anything. Its not the Sims. Its a sandbox environment with a social element. And it provides its users all freedom possible within the law. The content we see within Second Life is almost entirely user created content, driven by the creativity of its creators and an economy.

Making Second Life "kid friendly" is not a good goal. The absolute majority of Second Lifes users, the people who bring in the money, are adults. And yes, some good proportions of this populations wants mature content. Be it because they want to fullfill a fantasy, create art or roleplay...or simply make a good fortune by selling some beds.

Of course, during Second Life existance there have been sloppy media reports focusing on the adult industry in Second Life. A whole bunch of hypocritic bull**bleep**, if you ask me. Wow...humans are sexual beings. Wow, porn on the internet, what a suprise! Torture and violence = good, normal. Any bit of naked skin, even virtual = gross and bad.

The teen grid crashed and burned. Turning Second Life into a second teengrid would be idiotic. It would do NOTHING positive. Only end this world in an instant. It has always been a non-mainstream environment. It will never be anything else.

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Darkwingz99 wrote:

You see, that's the problem. Without sticking to an ESRB rating,
a game will unintentionally promote negative or inappropriate behavior.
Second Life is a social community built game. Rather than having and supporting an adult section, it would be best to stick to a 17 mature rating if you want more positive reviews about Second Life. The majority of comments I read said Second Life is strange, gross, or profane. Even the chat I saw did not filter out the forbidden three letter word. This site and game needs some serious consideration about change.

1.  Who says it is promoting this behaviour unintentionally?  Maybe it is intentional.

2.  And who is deciding the behaviour is negative or inappropriate.

3.  What forbidden three letter word?  Sex?  What's wrong with sex?  Sex does sell you know.

4.  I agree we need change:  Fewer morality police would do wonders for it and the World in general.  

5.  I could go on and on........

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A banning from Twitch will actually have the result of bringing in more revenue to SL and LL via a positive type of negative p.r. Darkwingz99, I suspect that you might be in the employ of LL and doing a sock puppet thing to create more revenue for LL. C'mon and fess up would you? Are you a LL sock puppet agent, Lightwingz77? :matte-motes-evil:

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I don't know who that is, and quite frankly I don't care. The problem here is that if Twitch finds Second Life inappropriate for minors, then so will other adults. Leaving the minors issue aside, any mature adult would just leave this site alone. However, I am giving you advice as both a gamer and new player. The company needs to monitor and restrict player made Adult content more firmly and reconsider the public image of Second Life and how that impacts the game itself. IMVU went through the same phase, and it took time for nudity to be prohibited. Limiting or eliminating peversion as player created content opens up more of a positive image and player interest and yes, money into the game.

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My point stands. You can look back on all the years of no change and see why there is nothing positive about Second Life other than it being the start of, I don't know....an international virtual sex scandal or just a joke to the social game community and all games with player creative content.  Heck, it was even used as a joke in a TV show, so why would Second Life sound any better than it presents itself? 

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First of all, there is this thing called parental supervision where the adult decides if their kid can use a program or not.

Deciding someone else should do the task of parenting their children is irresponsible.


Secondly, there is no sheltered bubble in RL either. You say that people say mature things on G rated land. Yes it happens, just as it happens in RL.  Someone speaks of their love life on the bus, someone stubs their toe and drops the F-bomb, etc. It happens. The moral police doesn't jump out of a bush and haul them away. In the normal world, it's rather expected that a 16 year old should be able to handle such things without getting traumatized. Below 16? Then you aren't even supposed to be here. See point number one about parental responsibility.

Lastly, mature content doesn't sneak up on you from nowhere. Unlike Games, the virtual world gives you a lot of freedom but also own responsibility. If someone is saying things you don't want to hear, you can very easily mute them, derender them, or go elsewhere. Don't like sexually oriented content? Then don't go to places with sexually oriented content. They don't want you there just as much as you don't want IT.


To me it sounds lot like you are stepping into someones sandbox and want to kick their sandcastle over because you don't like it. Consider that maybe that sandcastle wasn't built to amuse you, but the occupants of the sandbox.

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Darkwingz99 wrote:

My point stands. You can look back on all the years of no change and see why there is nothing positive about Second Life other than it being the start of, I don't know....an international virtual sex scandal or just a joke to the social game community and all games with player creative content.  Heck, it was even used as a joke in a TV show, so why would Second Life sound any better than it presents itself? 


What's that got to do with your contention that SL was originally intended for teens and that there was some mysterious change of policy about user-created content that changed all this?

You must have had some reason for saying that and, when you asked me to re-read a particular section of the Wikipedia article, you must have had some section of it in mind.

What was your reason for saying SL was originally intended for teens and what part of the Wikipedia article you linked to and then directed me to re-read do you say supports that proposition?

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Lexbot Sinister wrote:


To me it sounds lot like you are stepping into someones sandbox and want to kick their sandcastle over because you don't like it. Consider that maybe that sandcastle wasn't built to amuse you, but the occupants of the sandbox.

And the sand is full of broken glass and cat turds too - lots of them.

Oh, and SEX! Forbidden, scary, tantalizing SEX!


Kick at your own risk.

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Most appropriate content supported by other companies are usually Teen rated. However, the unmonitored Adult content for Second Life just makes it look like a sex simulator rather than a fantasy or social community world. The Youtube channel is clearly out of date, or just clamming up to what the community does to ruin the reputation of Second Life. 

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Second Life has sustained its existence for twelve years now containing adult content.  If you feel as though you can create a virtual world which can sustain itself for as long without adult content, then, please do so.  But know that others have tried and failed, bigtime, within much shorter time periods.


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Darkwingz99 wrote:

Most appropriate content supported by other companies are usually Teen rated. However, the unmonitored Adult content for Second Life just makes it look like a sex simulator rather than a fantasy or social community world. The Youtube channel is clearly out of date, or just clamming up to what the community does to ruin the reputation of Second Life. 

The whole point of SL, ever since it started, has been "Your World,Your Imagination."    LL's great business discovery was that not only would people make content for them for free, but that some of us would also pay them almost three hundred dollars a month to host it.

The content you're complaining about isn't "supported" by LL.   Very little content is.  Most is what residents make for themselves and which residents also pay to host.

If you don't like Adult content, it's perfectly easy to avoid it.   By default, your viewer settings are to show you G and M content only.   You have to enable three different settings to see all the Adult content SL has to offer, and some people never do.    There's plenty to see and do that doesn't include Adult content, as the videos SL post on their channel demonstrate.



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OKies, I read the Twitch TOS  http://www.twitch.tv/user/legal?page=terms_of_service

and the Twitch ROC http://www.twitch.tv/user/legal?page=rules-of-conduct

and we violate so many of thier rules daily that it's not even a wonder why SL is banned.

To name a few

1) Any and all of our Adult options

2) DJs like me [because we stream music]

3) We allow nudity period.

4) Because we are fun!!!

5) Content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence is prohibited. That eliminates a bunch of my fave battle sims.

6) and my fave reason - Non-Endemic Content - All content that is neither gaming-related nor permitted in our Creative or Music categories is prohibited from broadcast.


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Whenever Simulation games are brought up, the common misconception is My Sims. This is what a simulation game is. They are often seen as poor quality and not interesting as a mini game. However, Second Life does work like a simulation in it's intent to copy various activities from real life in the form of a game for various purposes.

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I am curious to why you are harping on this ratings nonsense. I think your question has been asked and answered.

Give it a rest. If you don't care for SL, fine. Go to where you are most comfortable.


BTW, Twitch (whom I never heard of before seeing this discussion) banned SL last year. You write like it's a recent thing.



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I'm 'harping on' about the low rating of Second Life because the reviews are all negative, as well as the incositent or lack of G,M, and A limitations. You can be a crybaby all you want about the chance of never having Adult rated actions, but the community just makes this game look as bad as the people talking in chat. Sometimes the staff has to step back, review the game, and find a better way to sell the game than as what it is more commonly refered to as 'sex simulator.' 

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Darkwingz99 wrote:

I'm 'harping on' about the low rating of Second Life because the reviews are all negative, as well as the inconsistent or lack of G,M, and A limitations. You can be a crybaby all you want about the chance of never having Adult rated actions, but the community just makes this game look as bad as the people talking in chat. Sometimes the staff has to step back, review the game, and find a better way to sell the game than as what it is more commonly referred to as 'sex simulator.' 

You know, I'm pretty sure that Linden Lab couldn't care less about Twitch, which from the posts I see in this thread, most of us don't either. A potential market lost? Not really. It was never on the radar map for linden Lab.

So what purpose does bemoaning the lack of SecondLife in Twitch vis-a-vis the absurd reasons offered, when we [the SL Community and environment] don't on the face of it qualify for inclusion? 

Does SL get weird press? YES. By any and all misinformed news reader/writer with no ability to perform even basic research on the topic they are assigned to report on.

SecondLife is for Adults. Game or Not, that is a fact.

Twitch is for Adults to foster on their Kids!


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Innula Zenovka wrote:

If you don't like Adult content, it's perfectly easy to avoid it.   By default, your viewer settings are to show you G and M content only. 

I would beg to differ. There is a phenominal amount of adult content in the M category of the Marketplace, and I've TPed places where the store next door sells dick pouches, BDSM gear, and sex beds, despite being on an M sim. Staying to G and M simply doesn't filter out adult or offensive content.

That really is what the issue here is. It's too easy to see SL as some slimey orgy pit and ignore what else it can be. Any coverage on YouTube is about trolling people and griefing, which doesn't show that SL can be used for therepy, to connect old and separated friends, learn new skills, appreciate art, and any number of other non-orgy related activities.

Does that mean SL should be made kid friendly? No. Does it mean that there should be chances to show off the good sides of SL? Absolutely. Does that mean SL players will be able to stream on Twitch? No, because that content can't be controlled, and everyone playing SL knows that they will stumble into something inappropriate.

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I'm likely way off base here, but....

This entire topic(and others you have created just like it) sounds entirely like:

A-You have too much time on your hands, and the very misguided belief that you get to, or should get to, determine what is "ok" for other people, and what is not.

B-You got your panties in a twist about something you heard, saw, or read, and decided "that's it...time to pretend I know what I am talking about and play morality police for these looney toons that don't seem to understand ...I DON'T LIKE IT so it shouldn't exist"

C-You have no clue what SL is, what it was, what it has become, the reasons why people are in sl and enjoy it

D-You lack some basic comprehension skills that would make my children, likely far younger than you, cringe. In fact, I dare say they'd offer some, clearly needed, tutoring, so that you can continue to progress as a positive and contributing being on this planet.


If you want a place where you can determine what is and is not ok, what is and is not welcome, what is "rated for teens", and blah, blah blah....go to open sim and create your own, or beter yet, start from scratch to create your own environment. OR, you can go find some other virtual environment that fulfills your needs.

I can tell you, as a parent, as well as an educator, that sl provides a great deal of not only entertainment, but also education for some teens(of varing ages). However, this needs to be done under supervision and with the utilization of common sense. We ave used sl quite extensively for numerous different things, but in those moments when sl does not quite fit the bill, we find another environment. We have used open sim quite extensively, as well as various other games and virtual environments, again for both entertainment and educational purposes. I think you would be quite surprised to know that children(read:teens) are not morons, generally speaking(despite how they may act at times) and are, in fact, quite intelligent when it comes to what is and is not approprate for themselves. In the instances where they cannot utilize that lovely grey matter between their ears to make the best decisions, parental support and supervision is necessary.

Second life was *never* created for teens. A teen grid did exist, absolutely, but it had severe limitations. The grid there had NO connection to the main sl grid, for good reason. That grid, as already stated by others, crashed and burned BECAUSE it failed. It was never populated or utilized in the manner originally intended, but rather became an expense that was simply not validated by the participation(or participants). That is when it was merged, and new restrictions were placed on sl in general. Teens do, very much, still have limited access to things in sl, provided they are truthful upon signing up.

I really do not understand where your head is, I could suggest a place it may be, but that would be crass of me, so I won't. I highly recommend you stop looking at youtube videos and websites that only discuss the negative sides of sl, and actually do some real research of your own, before making up your mind. You lack a great deal of knowledge and experience, and it shows in your posts. Showing your ignorance, when you've no intention of changing it, is rarely ever a good idea.


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feh,secondlife is quite tame compared to alot of the stuff on twitch,including warframe,which merrily has enemy bits raining everywhere

this is the march of progress,which in my faith is a divinely granted right (or your particular faith,or lack of,not trying to antagonize)

humanity is trying to make a more flaw free version of RL in cyberspace.infact,im not even going to bother explaining my position to the OP,ill let a video do it for me

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