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Angels of God Coming to Second Life

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a actual Gods angel can TP to the person in the RL
if you cant do this then you not a actual Gods angel, no matter how much other shiny you are wearing
if cant RL TP then what you are is a missonary. A human being
when believe that a actual angel doesnt have to be able to RL TP to be a actual forreal angel, then you learned that off a preacher (another human being) who believes they are God. A vanity by them. A vanity by you
and when so then both of you are outside the Grace of God. The actual forreal God whos name you claim in your vanity
when you keep claiming to be a actual angel as you have done more than once now, then you are actual vain. And evil by definition. Not forums evil. Actual evil. A evil vain human being
no believer in the Goodness of God would use the death of a child to make a emotional blackmail just to score points on a internets forum. Nevermind that you were responding to what you might have felt was a provocation
suggest you reflect on this and maybe even pray to the actual God for some guidance
or can just continue with your vanity. And the not actual devils and demons on here will be happy to keep on poking you with their not actual pitchforks
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Christhiana wrote:

That **bleep** happens without it having a meaning in the grander scheme of things. That things don't always turn out for the best. That you're not always awarded for enduring suffering. Life has it's up and downs and not always in equal proportions. etc...

that's not the truth ... it's just a opnion like every other religion, you only don't put a god on it.

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There seems to be a lot of people that think they know all about Angels and what we should and should not do, know, be...  fill in the blank.

The truth is that you don't.  AND, it's not important anyway.  It IS important that you believe in God.  That he loves you and that he always will listen to you if you take the time to have a conversation.

Where ever we go there are always some that are determined to prove that we are not real.  I could never figure out why it is so important to them.  Either you have faith that we are Angels or we are not.  If you do not believe in us, we have absolutely no influence in your life.

We give blessings to all,

Angel Cher

PS: Angels are not dumb.  We will not usually respond to posts that obviously are made to mock us, question our existence or attack God.  These posters may need to look inside themselves first before they can even find their own answers in life.



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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


There seems to be a lot of people that think they know all about Angels and what we should and should not do, know, be...  fill in the blank.

The truth is that you don't.  AND, it's not important anyway.  It IS important that you believe in God.  That he loves you and that he always will listen to you if you take the time to have a conversation.

Neither do you. No one believes that REAL angels are using SL. Let's get real for a minute here.

Where ever we go there are always some that are determined to prove that we are not real.  I could never figure out why it is so important to them.  Either you have faith that we are Angels or we are not.  If you do not believe in us, we have absolutely no influence in your life.

We give blessings to all,

How presumptuous of you. Your religion says that all other religions are false and yet you want to bless them? Keep your blessings to yourself and those that ask for one.

Angel Cher

PS: Angels are not dumb.  We will not usually respond to posts that obviously are made to mock us, question our existence or attack God.  These posters may need to look inside themselves first before they can even find their own answers in life.

Ah, so other religious believers of a different faith have issues and need to seek help? Again, listen to yourself. Does that sound helpful or even nice? "You don't believe in us or our God so you must have issues that need fixing." Ever think you might be the one with issues? Your God has a severe inferiority complex.




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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


There seems to be a lot of people that think they know all about Angels and what we should and should not do, know, be...  fill in the blank.

The truth is that you don't.  AND, it's not important anyway.  It IS important that you believe in God.  That he loves you and that he always will listen to you if you take the time to have a conversation.

Neither do you. No one believes that REAL angels are using SL. Let's get real for a minute here.

Where ever we go there are always some that are determined to prove that we are not real.  I could never figure out why it is so important to them.  Either you have faith that we are Angels or we are not.  If you do not believe in us, we have absolutely no influence in your life.

We give blessings to all,

How presumptuous of you. Your religion says that all other religions are false and yet you want to bless them? Keep your blessings to yourself and those that ask for one.

Angel Cher

PS: Angels are not dumb.  We will not usually respond to posts that obviously are made to mock us, question our existence or attack God.  These posters may need to look inside themselves first before they can even find their own answers in life.

Ah, so other religious believers of a different faith have issues and need to seek help? Again, listen to yourself. Does that sound helpful or even nice? "You don't believe in us or our God so you must have issues that need fixing." Ever think you might be the one with issues? Your God has a severe inferiority complex.




Where did MidnightDawn say what their specific religion was, and its belief in the truth or falsehood of other religions? Aren't you being presumptive yourself?

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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

Either you have faith that we are Angels or we are not


PS: Angels are not dumb


no they arent

only a human is dumb enough to pretend to be one

you ask for others to believe that you are. Is not a matter of faith or belief. A angel is a angel. A angel doesnt ask to be believed in

a angel can act on a person whether the person believes or not

a angel knows this

when you say that  a angel can only act on you if you believe they are a angel, then you diminish the angel to the level of the Easter Bunny

read the scriptures




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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


There seems to be a lot of people that think they know all about Angels and what we should and should not do, know, be...  fill in the blank.

The truth is that you don't.  AND, it's not important anyway.  It IS important that you believe in God.  That he loves you and that he always will listen to you if you take the time to have a conversation.

Neither do you. No one believes that REAL angels are using SL. Let's get real for a minute here.

Where ever we go there are always some that are determined to prove that we are not real.  I could never figure out why it is so important to them.  Either you have faith that we are Angels or we are not.  If you do not believe in us, we have absolutely no influence in your life.

We give blessings to all,

How presumptuous of you. Your religion says that all other religions are false and yet you want to bless them? Keep your blessings to yourself and those that ask for one.

Angel Cher

PS: Angels are not dumb.  We will not usually respond to posts that obviously are made to mock us, question our existence or attack God.  These posters may need to look inside themselves first before they can even find their own answers in life.

Ah, so other religious believers of a different faith have issues and need to seek help? Again, listen to yourself. Does that sound helpful or even nice? "You don't believe in us or our God so you must have issues that need fixing." Ever think you might be the one with issues? Your God has a severe inferiority complex.




Where did MidnightDawn say what their specific religion
, and its belief in the truth or falsehood of other religions? Aren't you being presumptive yourself?

She claims to be an Angel of God.. That would be Christian, wouldn't it? I have yet to know of another religion that calls their diety God and has angels. And the Christian faith says all other gods are false.

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 This is a most excellent thread.

Am kinda impressed that the collective 'we' of Second Life can shock the immortal net nannies from on-high and make self-proclaimed messengers from the clouds doubt their divine orders. Admittedly I would expect no less from my virtual environment of choice.

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

this is not the right place for me.  People are not kind and some are pretty cruel.  Some of you need to understand that everyone here is important and just because this is a virtual world, it does not give anyone the right to be as vicious as many of you seem to be.

 Because no-one is this cruel out in the real world, right? How unprepared angels must be nowadays, to deal with reality, that they sit in unprovable online anonymity and still manage to suffer personal offence.

Loki blasted cities and turned folks to sodium, Gabriel commanded cellular structures to magically divide and broadcast news across the world before posting baby pics to Facebook was even a thing.

These folks are struggling to even be taken seriously, even with their websites and acronyms.

10/10, keep it up. :D

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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


There seems to be a lot of people that think they know all about Angels and what we should and should not do, know, be...  fill in the blank.

The truth is that you don't.  AND, it's not important anyway.  It IS important that you believe in God.  That he loves you and that he always will listen


 Hi there again preternatural angel/bereaved granny. (I really wish you would adopt the same [OOC] flags the others use when switching roleplay modes BTW). Wow I see you're back to playing the God card today! Well I guess it's every bit as credible as the emotion card.

 I'm curious, how do you suppose your God views lower class mortals trolling utherverse and secondlife in order to satisfy their own sad vanity? Particularly when those same people are conducting their business at the expense of the most stupid vulnerable types. Sorry chum but while your act shows some entertainment promise, currently it's far from angelic.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Think, people. If you met someone RL who believed they were some form of divine being,mwhat would that tell you?

ehm.... a miracle or ready for a mental hospital....

I don't believe in miracles, and I don't think the sort of behavior we're discussing/witnessing requires hospitalization. We all have delusions. They're a handy, if potentially dangerous, mechanism for handling stress.

Would you commit all the people who believe the upcoming blood moon signifies the end of the world?...


It's also possible (as has been suggested by others) that people professing certain beliefs and abilities are charlatans, preying on the stressed. They might also be having a bit of fun with pompous folks like me.

If someone approaches me claiming to be a divine being, what that tells me will depend on other factors, just as what people think of me claiming to be the "Nefarious One" will depend on other factors... I hope.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Oooh, Angels!

I've never met an angel. I offer a free soul cleansing service here in SL, so they'd have no reason to visit me.

I get all the li'l devils instead. They stand in my fireplace, mocking me as their sins burn away, until their souls are clean enough to be presentable in public again. Here they are...

Warm Welcomes Gallery.jpg

If your good deeds are as effective and rewarding as mine, you have my deepest sympathy.

I guess I should consider myself clean then?

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

In either case, what would be an appropriate response?


Calliing the men in clean white coats?

50 years ago maybe. I am talking about now. 


ETA  And thinking you are an angel is nowhere near the most bizarre behavior I have seen in SL. Not even close. And certainly among the most benign. 

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

She claims to be an Angel of God.. That would be Christian, wouldn't it? I have yet to know of another religion that calls their diety God and has angels. And the Christian faith says all other gods are false.

Oh, where shall I begin...

"God" is used for the name of the supreme deity by most monotheistic religions when they're using the English langage. For instance, Orthodox Jews write "G-d" instead of "God" because they believe the name of the Supreme Deity shouldn't be written on anything that could be destroyed, despite the fact that the name given to Moses was in Hebrew. Also, many Muslims translate their basic statement of belief -- ā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur rasūlu-llāh in Arabic --  to "There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God". "Allah" isn't a "name" like Bob or Skippy, it's simply the exact Arabic equivalent of the word "god" being capitalized.

"Angel" is another generic term meaning a messenger of the Divine. It's also used in Islam and Judaism, and Zoroastrianism had the equivalent of "guardian angels" long before even modern Judaism, much less Christianity. Nor do angels need to be completely supernatural - Mormons believe they're flesh and blood.

Meanwhile, you can't generically say what "Christian faith" believes any more than you can say what a Second Life resident looks like. There's no central authority and not all Christian sects, much less Christians individually, take the Bible literally.

I think of many of the commentators in religious threads here as "Sunday-school athiests" but I doubt some of them even made it that far.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

She claims to be an Angel of God.. That would be Christian, wouldn't it? I have yet to know of another religion that calls their diety God and has angels. And the Christian faith says all other gods are false.

Oh, where shall I

"God" is used for the name of the supreme deity by most monotheistic religions when they're using the English langage. For instance, Orthodox Jews write "G-d" instead of "God" because they believe the name of the Supreme Deity shouldn't be written on anything that could be destroyed, despite the fact that the name given to Moses was in Hebrew. Also, many Muslims translate their basic statement of belief --
ā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur rasūlu-llāh in Arabic -- 
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God
". "Allah"
isn't a "name" like Bob or Skippy, it's simply the exact Arabic equivalent of the word "god" being capitalized.

"Angel" is another generic term meaning a messenger of the Divine. It's also used in Islam and Judaism, and Zoroastrianism had the equivalent of "guardian angels" long before even modern Judaism, much less Christianity. Nor do angels need to be completely supernatural - Mormons believe they're flesh and blood.

Meanwhile, you can't generically say what "Christian faith" believes any more than you can say what a Second Life resident looks like. There's no central authority and not all Christian sects, much less Christians individually, take the Bible literally.

I think of many of the commentators in religious threads here as "Sunday-school athiests" but I doubt some of them even made it

Thank you Theresa

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Snugs McMasters wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

the not actual devils and demons on here

Don't let Maddy fool you, she's the real deal.

she defo got you fooled


eta. i mean that Maddy is not a devil or a demon. Not ever. Maddy is way to good for that. Even tho she try run away from her goodness sometimes (:

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as Theresa points out below anyone can say that they are a angel if they want. Pagans have angels, spirits. valkyries, etc

if a person says they are a angel then ok. But if they then claim they a Angel of God then is nonsense

I can be a angel and help you to the extent of my powers. You dont have believe in anything for me to help you. I will help you as best I can just bc is in my powers to do so and I can and I will. Dont make me any Angel of God this tho



MidnightDawn for a name is pretty provocative. Midnight to dawn is the time of the morning stars 

is why I am not much friendly to her



i mars well finish this

sapphires are the shattered eyes of the demon Vela
so lol really. That a person who says they are a Angel of God names themself as they have
might be a angel. but not of the God they might want us to believe
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Pamela Galli wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

In either case, what would be an appropriate response?


Calliing the men in clean white coats?

50 years ago maybe. I am talking about now. 


ETA  And thinking you are an angel is nowhere near the most bizarre behavior I have seen in SL. Not even close. And certainly among the most benign. 

Thank you Pamela :)

I just want to remind people that we are looking for a guide to help establish a home in SL.  If anyone would like to join/help us, please message me.

God Bless

Angel Cher

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