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Learning German

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I have started a German language school in Second Life. We will be chatting about this & that (depending on the participant´s requests. This will be free of charge.

We can talk about the culture, the country, the habits and - for sure - vocabulary and grammar of the German language. Adequate for beginners and advanced learrners.  Please activate voice!

MONDAY 24th August 2015 - 11 am PDT = 20:00 Uhr MEZ

Zauselina Rieko - Kirsten Riehl in RL - has studied German language and literature & historical science at Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Duesseldorf: RL teacher for German language (adults as well as children) and experiences in teaching German as a foreign language.

For more information please contact me inworld via notecard or IM



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HughJegow wrote:

I think most people here could benefit more from improving their English.

That was one of my thought, when I started sl, ...improving my English, but the people I met are far too polite to correct me.

So probably I developed my own English. A new unique variety of it (a language with one speaker :), and sometimes the people even understand me.  ;))

I know that I should improve it more systematically, with the grammar and stylistic book in my hand, but I have to admit, that I'm a bit lazy for it. 

But you can also learn a lot about your own language, when you're learning a foreign language (<--...a bit promoting Zauselina's project. :))

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HughJegow wrote:

Ardvinna wrote:

HughJegow wrote:

I think most people here could benefit more from improving their English.

 the people I met are far too polite to correct me.

You obviously haven't fully understood my posts.

Touché.  (I think I understood it. Sometimes I like to misunderstand things. :)) <--lol, what a message.

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I wish I could have attended this as I don't get on till 3pm PDT[sLT], I have been wanting to learn German for 6 years. I know a little bit here and there but would love to learn as much as possible and be as fluent as possible. Is there any later classes or know of someone who teaches at a time that would work for me? Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

You still teaching german? dispite the diffrences I like the languge, I am a native English specker from scotland uk and I love learning languages and maths well math is a language so I guess I love learning langue, I have been abroad since I was 2 and I have picked up a few words from diffrent contrys along the way, I love a challenge, I never condem or judge till that person does me wrong, I have a slight learning difficulty but that never held me back long story lets just say I lead a normal life if you whant to call it that lol, My fav langue is spanish italian and german I do not know much Italian some french and spanish but I learned german pronouncations in 1 week and mastered the pronouncations, I just have a plb memorizring big words, I have been learning german for a month now and I am picken up a few frases easily, I don`t know how, but I seem to pick up the grammar as I go along so I don`t know why people say it is hard when some native english people says its hard and some don`t so I guess it all depents, I think german is closer to the English langue than we think, if we think what the closeset toe word is to the English language we can do anything, like polish not all of it some of it, iv done some basic polish withought thinking but looking iv done it but not exactly fluent, I am not moving and geting a job there I just do it for fun. Doe anyone know any free sites othere than duolingo iv got that free to learn languages? and Can I learn it in sl? sorry for the tpos.

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On 4/27/2018 at 12:21 AM, paulinetaylor2015 said:

I just have a plb memorizring big words

einige zusammengesetzte Wörter sind oberaffentittengeil

wie Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaftschwartzkatzenchenfrühstück*

*murders the German Language just a little more, But I am sure they did have a pet cat, they have a screw on the nameplate of the captain's room after all!

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My native dialect is plain ole Ruhrpott and that's probably also the closest hint to my RL location which I ever dropped in the context of SL. ^_^

I survived Hessisch and Kölsch. But I was totally at loss when visiting a friend and her family and they suddenly broke into communicating in plain Pfälzisch. That sounded like completely different language to me.

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6 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

My native dialect is plain ole Ruhrpott and that's probably also the closest hint to my RL location which I ever dropped in the context of SL. ^_^

I survived Hessisch and Kölsch. But I was totally at loss when visiting a friend and her family and they suddenly broke into communicating in plain Pfälzisch. That sounded like completely different language to me.

I can top that - I don't speak the local dialect of my hometown, so yeah, sometimes my family speaks a different language than me! :D 

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5 hours ago, Ethan Paslong said:

come on guys be nice :)  if you'r german and come to the maternity clinic you'd be glad the midwife speaks your language ...(/me tries to look innocent)

to be fair that can happen to you in the US too ;)

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