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Give Us Free Linden Homes!

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EDIT; Going to change this post around cause people are taking things out of context and not using their heads. 

So, as I've said linden labs should offer people linden homes (no idiot's that does not mean I as a person think everything should be free) 

 My suggestion is simply why not give out free linden homes throughout, and make NEW MESH LINDEN HOMES WITH BETTER PRIM LIMITS, SPACING FOR THOSE WHO PAY? I'm throwing this in caps now since it's a suggestion. This time, I'll follow up on this suggestion, add my own thoughts to it.   


People will still pay for monthly memberships regardless if linden homes became free, most people who  buy the membership in the first place don't even use their linden home, and this is a fact. Also most people who buy a membership, don't even buy it for the linden home, but buy the membership just for  the sake of it I guess, for better account managment and all cause I don't know anyone on SL who's personally said to me that they got their membership cause they wanted a linden home. I know a few people who are premium, they don't even use their homes given, and I'm pretty sure that goes for most people.


Updating the linden homes to kick ass mesh houses for those who pay still gives an inititive to still pay from those who already do, and might even bring in more people willing to throw down on  a membership. Give them more prims, more spacing.


I think having a home is important, sometimes you can't always pay for one  or  lets say KEEP paying for one so long due to things that go on, so yeah. Also, I asked, has LL ever listened to what the community wanted? That's a question.

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LL will never give everyone with an avatar a free home.  Even premium members pay for their home as you can bet the cost to LL of those Linden homes is figured into the premium fee.

LL is not a charity they are a business and need to make money from residents in some way.  LL makes their money on land tiers.  If they didn't charge for the land homes are on, then they would have to charge people another way, like no more free accounts, or a sales tax on all the money you spend in world,

You aren't the only one that gets tired of paying tiers every month, however it is the price you pay for having a home.  Just about everything can be found for free in SL, except land.

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What you basically ask is free land right.

I get tired of always paying for my land monthly..

Well, even after 8 year + with this account I simply can say: 'NO'.

Premium members are helping LL paying their bills.

And besides that, I've said it in other threads before and I say it again:

LL makes this all possible for me. Creating, having fun, chat with people 1000 miles away from me, seeing my RL best friend every day which is impossible RL. I am glad to pay for all of this. 

Without (enough) premium members SL will vanish one day or another. So, if you don't want to pay then go for free and stop complaining, or put some money in it and make SL as you want it to be.

Plain simple


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In SL, land has value, so of course it will have a cost.

In Project Sansar, however, the plan is for land to have much less value, so you may well be able to get it for free, depending how you expect to use it. Your inventory, on the other hand, will probably cost somewhat more to accumulate.

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Scooby Mode wrote:

Wished I could just start a petition, and somehow get this out to LL.


Do you guys think we should get free linden homes? Epecially those who have been on  a long time?

Should America give free land and homes to people who have been living in America for a long time?

Scooby Mode wrote:

Also side note (has LL ever listened to what we wanted)? Just afking, I don't come onto the forums much like some, so I don't get to see people raising idea's and all, and giving suggestions. 

Sometimes, I've seen Lindens post on the forums before, I think most of the time they are silently being amused by forum posts though.

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Chaser Zaks wrote:

Scooby Mode wrote:

Wished I could just start a petition, and somehow get this out to LL.


Do you guys think we should get free linden homes? Epecially those who have been on  a long time?

Should America give free land and homes to people who have been living in America for a long time?

They already did in the latter part of the 19th century:


At the time there was so much otherwise useless land in the Midwestern territories that it was given free to those who promised to make it productive (and thereby creating taxable income.)

Linden Lab won't do anything similar with Second Life because of the grossly inefficient way land is currently simulated, but it looks like they're planning on doing exactly that with Project Sansar.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Linden Lab won't do anything similar with Second Life because of the grossly inefficient way land is currently simulated, but it looks like they're planning on doing exactly that with Project Sansar.

Personally, I don't think inefficiency has much to do with it. I mean, idle land is much less expensive to simulate than active avatars, yet there's no charge for logging in. I too have heard that Sansar will make trivial the cost of preserving "land" state from one visit to the next -- land "too cheap to meter" -- I'm pretty sure the current practice is a business decision about which rents are most reliably and simply extracted. There was a "prim tax" early-on; I don't think land tier was the only option for monetizing the SL architecture -- but it put Anshe's mug on the cover of Business Week.

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nope i won't sign your petition, i don't agree there should be free land just because of that.

If i want mainland have to be premium, i don't see any reason why somebody wouldn't be able to get premium.

If you want to drive a car you need to buy gas and pay taxes  .... if you want land you need to buy a premium membership and pay tierfees.

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In spite of the manufactured myths, Second Life is not a string of new territories discovered by Magellan Linden, it is a virtual world platform run by a business. I think we are all lucky that we don't have to pay an admission fee.

Perhaps I will be censured, but you know there are other virtual worlds out there, springing up like mushrooms.  See http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/statistics/active-grids/ for a partial list. I've visited a few, and some of them will give you free land and a house. The catch is, of course, that they are not Second Life. Many of them have features that are better than Second Life's, such as better rendering, or lower fees, or higher prim limits, but they are not Second Life. I believe that, right now, Second Life is the best virtual world for me, but you may be happier elsewhere.

I'm not interested in a "which virtual world is better" discussion, but I am interested in watching the evolution of virtual worlds. I suspect that, like the video format wars* it won't necessarily be the 'best' virtual world that ends up on top, but the one that is run by a business that seems to know what its customers want and has the best business model.



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Rufferta wrote:

In spite of the manufactured myths, Second Life is not a string of new territories discovered by Magellan Linden

Yes it is!!!

But land still shouldn't be free. Do you know how much glass beads and rum (even without cola) and all those other essentials for serious explorers cost today? Somebody has to cover those bills.

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You must have been 8 years on the wrong SL then or just not have a clue in general. So I'll probably call out all of your guys's post one by one without being too hard on you. 



First off Six. Premium members are a SMALL percentage in helping LL "pay their bills".  They make so much because of the people that buy lindens/upload rather. That's where most of it comes in. Well, there's also reasons people upload too, but you can probably use your head hopefully and find some, and given so many people do it, that's hundreds and thousands of dollars EVERYDAY opposed to one month where  a less number of people pay premium. Hell, I don't think I have  any friends but 2 who have a membership out of my rather large friends list.

  Also, I wasn't complaining you idiot, learn to read, BUT if I were to  complain, then you'd be complaining about me complaining which makes you a  hypocrite, must be nice right?  Heck, my blog is dedicated to complaining and ranting, so go there and look and see how that's so different LOL. didn't think I had to type that one out.

No tho, I was asking, but more so OFFERING  a suggestion/tweak to how the membership works in which seems most overlooked.   Why not give the outdated old looking linden homes free, but offer a new type for  memberships like a mesh homes that's updated, looks better, maybe even gives you more prim limits?

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Funny, cause I can see tons of reasons why somebody might not be able to "get" premium. Not gonna bother listening the reasons why either cause lots of them are common and obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain.

As for your RL to SL extremes used, not gonna bother to comment, but that was a funny read, thank you for that at least.


Now please argue the above, and tell me why EVERYONE in SL should be able to get premium cause I know for a fact that not everyone (not specifically me) but not everyone is blessed enough to be able to, and if you can't think of the reasons, then I feel bad for you.

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but not everyone is blessed enough to be able to, and if you can't think of the reasons, then I feel bad for you.

you rip it out of the context. If you want to own land you have to be premium. If you don't want that...simple...also no land.

If you can buy/own a pc worth several hundreds of dollars, but have no money to eat or do other important things you should ask yourself if you have the right priorities.

If you can't afford it, and i know that happens, you can't do all things you would want, but deal with it. I can badly want to drive a BMW or Rolls, but if i don't have the money to buy it i can only look at it. If you'r blind for that...the problem is yours, not mine.

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'Do you guys think we should get free linden homes? Epecially those who have been on  a long time?'


Never had one never wanted one. Since First Land (and only by the skin of whats left of my teeth what with all the pouncing want-to-be-barons) been happy to maintain a teeny pawhold even as personal circumstances changed.

Best 512 L$ I ever spent.




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Even a SMALL percentage of help is HELP. I won't argue the part about buying Lindens and upload fees though, of course that is a major source of income for LL. Funny though how people have no problems spending a lot of money just to look "good" and at the same time whine about the expenses for using land. Does that ring a bell?

_________________________ YOU________________________________________________

I get tired of always paying for my land monthly (complaint one)

(has LL ever listened to what we wanted)? (complaint two but disguised as a question)



So, if you don't want to pay then go for free and stop complaining (is this really a complaint? If so then I'll have to apologize for not being an English speaking earthling by birth. I might use the wrong words/punctuation or whatever).


A well, what does an idiot know.

BTW, I'm impressed by your ability to make this psycho-analysis so quickly.

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I could tell you weren't a native English speaker by the way you read my words. With me saying I get tired of paying for land, that's more so a general statement, I never followed up on that, but I'll give you a pass on it tho, I can see it as a complaint which followed my suggestion sort of speak that I admit I did not word correctly, and specifically.  

The whole suggestion thing tho is kinda the main thing actually, suggesting they give those who pay mesh linden homes, everyone who don't pay, the basic outdated crappy homes with  low prim limits. I would have added more but didn't.

As for the supposed 2nd question, honestly that wasn't a complaint, that was a question that was genuine since I don't come onto the forums much, I think my posts represent that and I was really wanting to know if they listened, and again, my blog is something full of complaints, even called "The Confounded Ramblings Of An Angry Blogger".

Again, if you read my blog, you'll see me complaining as I will attack something consistently with drawn out posts.


And of course a small percentage helps, I know that, but you made it seem as if it mattered so much, and acted as if  people didn't buy into memberships, there would be no SL. News flash, there still would be an SL cause they make loads from people buying lindens for whatever reason.


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Qie Niangao wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Linden Lab won't do anything similar with Second Life because of the grossly inefficient way land is currently simulated, but it looks like they're planning on doing exactly that with Project Sansar.

Personally, I don't think inefficiency has much to do with it. I mean,
idle land
is much less expensive to simulate than
active avatars
, yet there's no charge for logging in. I too have heard that Sansar will make trivial the cost of preserving "land" state from one visit to the next -- land "too cheap to meter" -- I'm pretty sure the current practice is a business decision about which rents are most reliably and simply extracted. There was a "prim tax" early-on; I don't think land tier was the only option for monetizing the SL architecture -- but it put Anshe's mug on the cover of Business Week.

Avatars aren't really simulated at all as a separate entity in Second Life - they're just an add-on to a series of fixed simulations of 256m x 256m chunks of land that have to be simulated whether or not anyone's there at all. From a hardware/staffing standpoint, an empty  region costs exactly the same as one with its full avatar load on it. The simulations have semi-fixed network addresses, constantly run a simulation at a minimum of 8 frames per second and have to be individually restarted when the software changes. Any increased amount of land will require more simulators running, which means more hardware and overhead.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Linden Lab won't do anything similar with Second Life because of the grossly inefficient way land is currently simulated, but it looks like they're planning on doing exactly that with Project Sansar.

Personally, I don't think inefficiency has much to do with it. I mean,
idle land
is much less expensive to simulate than
active avatars
, yet there's no charge for logging in. I too have heard that Sansar will make trivial the cost of preserving "land" state from one visit to the next -- land "too cheap to meter" -- I'm pretty sure the current practice is a business decision about which rents are most reliably and simply extracted. There was a "prim tax" early-on; I don't think land tier was the only option for monetizing the SL architecture -- but it put Anshe's mug on the cover of Business Week.

Avatars aren't really simulated at all as a separate entity in Second Life - they're just an add-on to a series of fixed simulations of 256m x 256m chunks of land that have to be simulated whether or not anyone's there at all. From a hardware/staffing standpoint, an empty  region costs exactly the same as one with its full avatar load on it. The simulations have semi-fixed network addresses, constantly run a simulation at a minimum of 8 frames per second and have to be individually restarted when the software changes. Any increased amount of land will require more simulators running, which means more hardware and overhead.

Yeah, although what many of those simulators are doing each frame is only minimally land-related. A single avatar with an average load of attachments will often swamp the rest of a region's load -- and even more, when there's somebody actively moving that avatar around. Meanwhile, on vast stetches of vacant and mostly abandoned Mainland there's not all that much simulatin' needed to tick over a frame of mostly spare time. It's been a long time since we've heard assurances of a hard limit to how many sims they'll stack onto one host CPU, so even with the current architecture, I'm not so sure land absent avatars is the massive fixed cost we once assumed.

My real point, however, is that monetization decisions are pretty arbitrary, and early-on SL could have chosen less dependence on land -- even if caused different evolution of the technical architecture. Even completely free land could have been an option -- as long as that land invariably led customers to otherwise throw cash into the Linden till.

No matter the strategy, there's always a freeloader problem. Now there are plenty of avatars who login, don't own nor rent land, don't buy much of anything nor otherwise increase the appeal of others participating in the SL economy. They cost CPU cycles on sims and untold other servers, not to mention network bandwidth.

It's all academic, though, because SL dare not make big changes in revenue model now, lest it cause customers to think too much about what they're paying and what it's buying them.

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It would work if you could give everyone an inititive to still pay for memberships. As I've said, updated linden homes for those who pay, like a mesh linden home with way more prim limits, maybe spacing.   I'd still bet, people would still pay, and some who never had a membership, just might look into it. 


I don't know ANYONE who pays for the membership just to get the linden home, I truly don't. I know one or two who pay and have a membership, but again, they never strictly paid just to have a home. Also for those who do pay, it seems more than half, almost all don't even use the linden home given to them.......

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Scooby Mode wrote:

I don't know ANYONE who pays for the membership just to get the linden home, I truly don't.

Hello, my name is Rhonda Huntress.  I have a premium membership and keep it for the Lovely little Linden home.

I think everyone should get a "free home" but then I also think everyone should pay a membership fee.  50USD per year membership for 512 sqm and a Linden house.  All the alts you want are free. You could pay more and get a weekly pay added to your account.

Maybe if someone wanted to check it out before buying, they could wait an indefinite time until they felt comfortable in the world but would have to use sandboxes and the like to res prims.  Once they became a fully franchised citizen they would get their free home.  Seems like a good compromise to me.

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When I first started here, I did get premium membership so that I could get a Linden home.  I used that home for awhile until I had time to explore and see other home options available, and decide what route I wanted to go (keeping Linden home, buying land, leasing land, etc.).  

What I like about the premium membership is that it offers several options for having a home - the free Linden home or having free monthly tier for a 512 sqm mainland parcel or using the weekly stipend for renting a home or land from someone else. So I don't really see a strong need for an another option.  

Homes are very subjective.  Just because it's a 'mesh house' and comes with a larger allotment of prims doesn't automatically make it appealing to me.   I rented for a week once from one of the companies which offers over 100 different house styles to chose from, and never did find a home I liked from the selection. 

What has worked well for me was to get accounts for my alts, create a group and buy land for the group, with each donating their free-from-tier 512 sqm.  A primary and one alt can end up with a tier free 1024 sqm and then can put the mesh house of their choosing on it - or take the combined stipend and rent a parcel or house of their liking (and even keep a Linden home as a hide-away :) )


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