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Look. You accused me of disparaging others. Therefore, it is up to you provide evidence. Also, I didn't deny that it sometimes happens. However, almost all of my posts are not like that at all, and requesting me to produce some is really stupid when all you need to do is go to my forum profile and read some of my posts. If you find any that disparage anyone from there, it will be astonishing because it rarely happens, and it never happens for no reason. What I did say was that I never attack anyone unless they attack me first. Now let's get back to the main bit - the bit you wished you hadn't done. The bit that got you into the hole you're in right now. So I'll ask you again...

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.

No Phil. Once again you have demonstrated your own self-centered "truths" without the slightest consideration for what others go through. 24fps is not a sign of slow bandwidth, it is a sign of a video card that is older and cannot generate faster frame rates.

Not everyone has the ability to upgrade their video card just to obtain faster frame rates. The cost of the card .. only a few hundred dollars (in USA money) to you .. is the cost of a month's worth of food or medicine or possibly even rent to others. Your surplus of cash is YOUR surplus .. but for some of us it is more than we can spare because we have needs of higher importance.

So get off your high horse. Consider that others do not have the luxuries you have .. and try to be more understanding of those without your benefits. You just might find that compassion for others is a virtue that can serve you well.

The sentence of mine that you responded to is, "Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps." The very first thing you wrote was that I have my "own self-centered truths". That immediately made it a personal attack, and it's why you got yourself into the hole you're in now.

Ok. This is what I want to ask you. I only mentioned bandwidth. You suggested the video card, and said that not everyoine can afford to upgrade it, plus that MY surplus cash in MY surplus - referring to the cost of a better video card. You went on to tell me to consider that others don't have the luxuries that I have, and I should be more understanding, etc., and that I should have compassion etc. - all referring to the cost of ugrading the video card - and that I should get off my high horse. So tell me Darrius, what was it in my "Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps." statement that implied that others may not be able to afford an upgrade their video cards? and that showed a lack of understanding and compassion?

Please answer. I'm genuinely curious.

Do you think you can answer it :D


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The above is a perfectly simple question. How did you transpose what you said into me having said it?, and then find fault with it. Answer or be well and truly beaten lol.

I'm way too good at this for you to take me on :D

ETA: Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically ;)

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I'm way too good at this for you to take me on

ETA: Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically

(boldface added by me to prove .. ONCE AGAIN .. you claim some superior intellect simply to cover your lack thereof.)

As others pointed out, 24fps can be due to bandwidth, video card or some other configuration problem. You claimed it was due ONLY to bandwidth because .. well you just inately know better. I "attacked" you because once again your answer was in a voice of "I know better than you idiots". Specifically your post was this:


Phil Deakins wrote:

To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl,
because you don't understand what SL is
and why it's different from the others.
Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.

That's a tone of voice that says "you're an idiot" followed by "and since I know better than you..." Once again your "smarter than anyone" voice proves me right.

And yet again you make this claim of "Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically ;)" Why are you so damn concerned about it Phil? Are you worried I MIGHT answer in some reasonable time, so you cut off the sensible reply time just in case?

And yet, I have proven once again your high-handed "I'm right because I'm clearly smarter than anyone else" egotistical posts prove .. YOU are wrong.

Now let's get back to why I'm REALLY attacking you .. shall we? Your answers are by far and away one of the primary reasons people NEVER post here again. You offend them, insult them and make them believe there is no useful help to be found here. Only derision, insults and an obvious sense of "you're too stupid to waste our time."

YOU Phil are one of the major detractors. YOU Phil are one of the major reasons people leave without receiving any help. YOU Phil are an egotistical blow-hard SO HELLBENT on proving your own rightness that you lash out for no reason other than to prove you know best.

As the old saying goes "Thou doth protest too much" Phil. If you were truly confident in your rightness, you'd be more than willing to allow reasonable response times. But do you? No, you grant a few minutes at most then SELF-DECLARE yourself the winner.

I "attack" you because you damage, insult and belittle people for NO REASON other than to trumpet your tender ego. YOUR tender ego. Remember that Phil. The whole purpose of your posts is to prove to "everyone" (meaning yourself) that you are clearly more smart than anyone else posting on the Forums.

Oh .. btw .. I allow you a good long time to post your replies. And why? Because you seem to need 3-10 edits to get it right. Me? I take my time and edit my reply before posting it .. to make sure I'm right BEFORE slamming out some angry reply. I think before I post Phil. You should try doing that too. It will save you posting blatant BS several times before you finally "get it right."

PS: About 30 seconds after I hit post, if you haven't replied, it will prove I'm right. So clearly you are wrong and just too afraid to admit it. *giggling*

ETA: Time's up Phil. You obviously didn't reply meaning I'm just too smart for you to tangle with. YOU LOSE! Again...

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I'm in blue again.

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I'm way too good at this for you to take me on

ETA: Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically

(boldface added by me to prove .. ONCE AGAIN .. you claim some superior intellect simply to cover your lack thereof.)
Nope. I simply stated that I'm way too good at arguing for you to take me on. I said nothing about our relative intellects. So once again you state a falsehood. It's getting to be a habit with you in this thread. Are you sure you have a good grasp of English?

As others pointed out, 24fps can be due to bandwidth, video card or some other configuration problem. You claimed it was due ONLY to bandwidth because .. well you just inately know better. I "attacked" you because once again your answer was in a voice of "I know better than you idiots". Specifically your post was this:

I thought it was due to bandwidth, as is very clear in my sentence that you quoted and bolded right under this. It was a helpful statement. You pointed out another possible reason, which I accepted. That's the way forums work, so no problem there.


Phil Deakins wrote:

To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl,
because you don't understand what SL is
and why it's different from the others.
Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.

That's a tone of voice that says "you're an idiot" followed by "and since I know better than you..." Once again your "smarter than anyone" voice proves me right.
Anyone who is not new to SL, like this person, and hasn't grasped the difference between SL and games that look similar, isn't all that smart. JayWaters has been in SL over 2 years, so you figure it out

And yet again you make this claim of "
Failing to answer will indicate that you know you were in the wrong but prefer not to admit it publically
" Why are you so damn concerned about it Phil? Are you worried I MIGHT answer in some reasonable time, so you cut off the sensible reply time just in case?
Don't be silly (again). So far, you've consistently failed to anser relevant questions. You'd already failed to answer that one once, and I wanted you to know that I'm aware of it. I don't blame you for not answering because there is no sensible answer. I didn't state any time limit. Were you trying to work another falsehood into the mix? lol

And yet, I have proven once again your high-handed "I'm right because I'm clearly smarter than anyone else" egotistical posts prove .. YOU are wrong.
Not at all. I'm definitely less smart than some people who use this forum, and I'm definitely smarter than some others. I'm sort of in the middle, or maybe slightly above average.

Now let's get back to why I'm REALLY attacking you .. shall we?

Not so fast. You haven't yet answered the question that I've asked you twice. I won't allow you to escape it in this thread. I'll ask it for a third time after this post.

Your answers are by far and away one of the primary reasons people NEVER post here again. You offend them, insult them and make them believe there is no useful help to be found here. Only derision, insults and an obvious sense of "you're too stupid to waste our time."
LMAO! My my my. You are scaping the bottom of the barrel now. Surely you can come up better lies than that. How about telling how many people have PMed you in total support. That's a good one (lie) to throw in. You never know - it might even bother me, just in case there's any truth in it

YOU Phil are one of the major detractors. YOU Phil are one of the major reasons people leave without receiving any help. YOU Phil are an egotistical blow-hard SO HELLBENT on proving your own rightness that you lash out for no reason other than to prove you know best.
Prove it. Shop me where I lashed out for no other reason that I know best. Show me. It's just more lies from you. You really are not much good at this are you?

As the old saying goes "Thou doth protest too much" Phil. If you were truly confident in your rightness, you'd be more than willing to allow reasonable response times. But do you? No, you grant a few minutes at most then SELF-DECLARE yourself the winner.
Lying again. I set no time limit. Read the post. I only set the fact that you must answer the question or be taken as being in the wrong. You get worse

I "attack" you because you damage, insult and belittle people for NO REASON other than to trumpet your tender ego. YOUR tender ego. Remember that Phil. The whole purpose of your posts is to prove to "everyone" (meaning yourself) that you are clearly more smart than anyone else posting on the Forums.

Oh .. btw .. I allow you a good long time to post your replies. And why? Because you seem to need 3-10 edits to get it right. Me? I take my time and edit my reply before posting it .. to make sure I'm right BEFORE slamming out some angry reply. I think before I post Phil. You should try doing that too. It will save you posting blatant BS several times before you finally "get it right."

PS: About 30 seconds after I hit post, if you haven't replied, it will prove I'm right. So clearly you are wrong and just too afraid to admit it. *giggling*

ETA: Time's up Phil. You obviously didn't reply meaning I'm just too smart for you to tangle with. YOU LOSE! Again...

I'll skip replying to the rest of your lying rants, which are just repetitions, and proceed to this bit. It's clear to all here that you've thrown a stack of lies my way, but what isn't clear is why you've done it. I thought it might have been one or more of the reasons I already mentioned, but another thought came to mind too. You know that I used to make between 4 and 5 thousand US$ every month from my business in SL. You have been in business in SL for some years. So it occured to me that all this might be due to you being really envious of my success in SL, especially since I suddenly decided to turn my back on it. Perhaps it's envy over a number of the possible reasons that I've mentioned. Or maybe it's something completely different. I can only guess. What is certain, is that it hasn't anything to do with the lies you've posted.

No matter. You still failed to answer the question so I'll ask it again in the next post. You do need to answer it if you want save any face at all. Like before (in spite of your lies to the contrary), there is no time limit, but you do need to answer in a reasonable space of time or have it accepted by all that you have no answer, and that you recognise that you got it wrong.

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Here it is for the 3rd time. Perhaps you will favour us with an answer this time.


Phil Deakins wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

To be honest, you sound exactly like Joannie Newgirl, because you don't understand what SL is and why it's different from the others. Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.

No Phil. Once again you have demonstrated your own self-centered "truths" without the slightest consideration for what others go through. 24fps is not a sign of slow bandwidth, it is a sign of a video card that is older and cannot generate faster frame rates.

Not everyone has the ability to upgrade their video card just to obtain faster frame rates. The cost of the card .. only a few hundred dollars (in USA money) to you .. is the cost of a month's worth of food or medicine or possibly even rent to others. Your surplus of cash is YOUR surplus .. but for some of us it is more than we can spare because we have needs of higher importance.

So get off your high horse. Consider that others do not have the luxuries you have .. and try to be more understanding of those without your benefits. You just might find that compassion for others is a virtue that can serve you well.

The sentence of mine that you responded to is, "
Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.
" The very first thing you wrote was that I have my "
own self-centered truths
". That immediately made it a personal attack, and it's why you got yourself into the hole you're in now.

Ok. This is what I want to ask you. I only mentioned bandwidth. You suggested the video card, and said that not everyoine can afford to upgrade it, plus that MY surplus cash in MY surplus - referring to the cost of a better video card. You went on to tell me to consider that others don't have the luxuries that I have, and I should be more understanding, etc., and that I should have compassion etc. - all referring to the cost of ugrading the video card - and that I should get off my high horse. So tell me Darrius, what was it in my "
Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps.
" statement that implied that others may not be able to afford an upgrade their video cards? and that showed a lack of understanding and compassion?

Will you please answer the question this time?

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Good grief you two, get a room already  lol.

My popcorn stash is reaching critical level!

Lol. Aaw Whirly. I'm enjoying myself. I've got him over a barrel that he can't get off. He tries with lie/insult after lie/insult, but it won't alter the fact that I've asked him a question that he can't answer without admitting to being wrong - the wrongness was the start of this 'difference' - and I have to press it, no matter how much he squirms. It's not like we're calling each other nasty names, or anything like that. He's played his cards and he has a losing hand. I'm merely waiting for him to concede, or slink off.

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Perchance you're having difficulty understanding the question, so I'll simplify it even more...

What is it about my statement, "Also you need faster broadband if you're only getting 24fps", that led you to believe I was talking about the video card? (see message 237 of this thread).

There. That's simple enough to understand. If you can manage to answer it without throwing in any more of your lies/insults, then I'm sure that Whirly would appreciate it ;)

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Good grief you two, get a room already  lol.

My popcorn stash is reaching critical level!

Lol. Aaw Whirly. I'm enjoying myself. I've got him over a barrel that he can't get off. He tries with lie/insult after lie/insult, but it won't alter the fact that I've asked him a question that he can't answer without admitting to being wrong - the wrongness was the start of this 'difference' - and I have to press it, no matter how much he squirms. It's not like we're calling each other nasty names, or anything like that. He's played his cards and he has a losing hand. I'm merely waiting for him to concede, or slink off.

Speaking of asking questions that can't be answered without admitting one is wrong - how will faster bandwidth improve framerates?

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not sure if anyone of the Lab still watches this thread.... but i'd like to know what the rules are on the forums for posting escort adds, jobs and promotions.... should it be on the general parts or at the adult section.

I'm not a saint... but the forums are accesable by minors of all ages.. is it really so great to advertise these things as main attraction of SL.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

I'm not a saint...

I can fix that, Alwin. I'm a High Priestess and have my own cannon.

I would be happy to cannonize you!

I was going to ask you meant canon instead of cannon but then I remember who I was speaking to.


You make my heart go BOOM!

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In respect for others on this thread, and in light of the fact that you continue to personally insult me by claiming I'm so much worse at understanding English than you ..

I hereby end my futile attempts to help you see your own bad habits.

(BTW: That term "futile attempts" means something like "trying to explain air to a mouth breather...")

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

not sure if anyone of the Lab still watches this thread.... but i'd like to know what the rules are on the forums for posting escort adds, jobs and promotions.... should it be on the general parts or at the adult section.

I'm not a saint... but the forums are accesable by minors of all ages.. is it really so great to advertise these things as main attraction of SL.

I will usually RIC any adult ads in the non-adult forums but whether they stay or not seems to be random.  Maybe 75% of blantent sex ads are taken down.   I may be a hypocrite since I don't RIC adult questions or discussions but the adult section is over run with spam so it can be hard to get a rational response before your question is drowned out by "event" spam and cam strippers wanted ads.

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... i can't stand the employment, wanted, events and more forums spammed with all the adult content, mostly the same time by one poster, or several posters for the same club.. in special the escort things are pretty good in that.

Sometimes it gets removed after RIC but often also not.

I sometimes wonder if they know themself , because they often offer cam escorts too, it's real prostitution they promote, and in many countries illegal.

What if , as example, my 17 yr old daughter appllies?... can one see she's a minor? no...

can one hear she's a minor... also no...

i know she shouldn't...but at that age they don't tell everything to mum or dad anymore....


sometimes i really think there should be a better regulation.



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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Good grief you two, get a room already  lol.

My popcorn stash is reaching critical level!

Lol. Aaw Whirly. I'm enjoying myself. I've got him over a barrel that he can't get off. He tries with lie/insult after lie/insult, but it won't alter the fact that I've asked him a question that he can't answer without admitting to being wrong - the wrongness was the start of this 'difference' - and I have to press it, no matter how much he squirms. It's not like we're calling each other nasty names, or anything like that. He's played his cards and he has a losing hand. I'm merely waiting for him to concede, or slink off.

Speaking of asking questions that can't be answered without admitting one is wrong - how will faster bandwidth improve framerates?

As far as I know, it can, but I don't insist on it.

Note: Unlike someone, else who shall be nameless, I don't mind being shown to be wrong, and I admit and accept it when it happens. The most recent time it happened was just 2 or 3 days ago. I was as blatantly wrong about something as Darrius is in this case.

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