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Things new residents do

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I am starting a thread to see what older residents see new people do. This morning I was driving on the rout 66 custums track and there was someone on a pose stand right in the middle of the track editing their apperance. So what things do you see new people do? And how do we teach them the right way of doing things?

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haha...I ride at route 101 and never seen that however they do tend to edit anyplace they want for sure. I pop in to info hubs still once and a while it never fails that a new person will always walk right into me. They must think I am part of the "game" and they get points for bumping people. I use to help mentor people but really it's not worth my time, most want to learn but once they find out how hard it is to learn SL when new most get frustrated and leave and never come back. Most tmes nowdays if somebody askes me for help I direct them to a place they can learn and get the info themselves like tutorials, forums etc. If they really want to learn and stay in SL they will find a way just like we did. 

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Typing animation. :P


I usually try to help newbies when I can.  They made it past the starting area and that is no small feat on it's own.  Seriously, start a new toon some time and see what the 1st Experience is like.  I would swear it is designed to "grind out the weak and weed out the unworthy" as an old college professor of mine used to say.  So if they can tenacious enough to make it mainland I think they have earned their place.  At least until they say "wow ur hot. can i c ur **ts""

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Barge into private homes without being invited in.  Unfortunately some oldbies do this too, but news are the worst offenders.  Not a day goes by when at least two newbs do that at my house.

Not just barge in but barge in and CLICK ON EVERYTHING RANDOMLY, at least while I'm gone. I find doors open, water running, fires lit in the middle of summer, etc. The really ambitious ones change textures on my landscaping rocks. I've locked down most of the more interesting functions of things when I can.

Although I suppose it's possible that I just have a poltergeist - I do live in a very old part of the world.

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The majority of newbies have no patience, which is why most do not return after initially signing up to Second Life. I expect these are the same people who cannot just drive a car, but also have to be eating a chocolate bar, smoking a cigarette, and using a mobile phone at the same time (if they were meant to be jugglers, then they'd be in a Big Top somewhere, not terrorising the streets!).

Newbies have a tendency to expect a reply when they talk to people. In open chat they expect people to know they are being talked to, when they have not actually addressed their speech at any avatar in particular. And they do tend to walk away (or have "always run" on), or do a couple of avatar bumps before walking away, not thinking at all that the person behind the avatar they have just barraged might be (a) away from keyboard (b) multi-chatting already in IMs © disabled so needing a bit more time to respond.

I do not know how to teach newbies patience, although sometimes it has been possible to gather up a newbie or two and find out their interests, to give them a mini-taster of what is available to them in Second Life.  One guy I met just wanted to know if he could rent pron vids without them showing up on his computer's history - at that time I knew of a place where he could access such material, but I am sure there were some interesting "temporary" textures left behind on his hard drive.

Apart from when they are trying on personal appendages, I don't see it as "wrong" that people stand in the middle of the Linden oceans or even in the middle of the mainland roads to edit their appearance. I still have issues, though, with them doing it in clubs, or on welcome areas, and again, I've been known to escort changers to places where there are proper changing rooms, or to show them how to rez a sky platform where they can get a bit of privacy.

And clearing up their clutter. Perhaps they leave empty boxes and bags all over at home, but I do hate to see clutter left behind on sims, although land owners do need to learn how to use auto return more effectively to minimise this.

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Problem is, a lot of new players are from places like WoW, League of Legends, etc, where the avatar is pretty much set up for them. They don't really have to do much of anything other than deal with weapons and armor. In those places, no one owns the buildings or stuff so they are used to everything belonging to everyone so to speak. So, they have to learn that this is similar to real life where places/homes/etc are owned by individual players, not available to everyone. 

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Typing animation.

I've been here over eight years and I still do that.  :smileysurprised:  :smileyvery-happy:

How else newbies would know that I'm typing my response to their difficult questions? :smileywink:


(Anyway, on a side note: I really hate chatting with an avatar who has filled their AO with static poses. It's like talking to a statue or a dead person. On the other hand I find it equally annoying chatting with an avatar who has filled their AO with all kinds of "cool" animations. Strolling about, checking possible poo on the shoes, butt strutting, gymnastics, etc. Aarrghh... )

The avatar should be alive, animated, but not overly so. :smileyhappy:

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Have you ever seen a noob that looked as if they were stuck in a state of running in place, while desperately trying to turn in another direction? :matte-motes-stress:

Being a regular at the infohubs, It's quite common, and kind of sad, but I can't deny that it's a little bit funny too. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I'll usually bump them back into a normal standing position, but they'll ofen swear at me in the nearby chat, or hit on me. Either one. Sometimes both... :matte-motes-confused:

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What, you aren't supposed to edit your appearance in the middle of the road?

I'm not a new noob, just an eternal one. I do notice that the very new noobs have trouble navigating. One fell on me the other day after trying to walk up a cliff.

I have trouble navigating sometimes too - I'm wondering if a joystick controller would help?


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Christin73 wrote:

I am starting a thread to see what older residents see new people do. This morning I was driving on the rout 66 custums track and there was someone on a pose stand right in the middle of the track editing their apperance. So what things do you see new people do? And how do we teach them the right way of doing things?

I think in sl there is no right way to do things, except that don't go into other people's houses/homes etc. In real world i wouldn't edit my appearance in the middle of the track or road, but in sl one can do that where ever one wants to, almost. It's not bad or wrong.

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- They have no sense for their surroundings. They start editing their avatar not just randomly, but always in the most awkward locations possible, like in the middle of a crowded dancefloor.

- They are impatient. No matter how fast you type, they expect you to be even faster. If you do not live up to this expection they start to bombard you with "Hey u still there?". I sometimes suspect they think we are all robots.

- They bumb into other avatars repeadly and think this is the proper way to get other peoples attention.

- They never wait for things to rezz and constanly push others around, when they run aimlessly around, moments after reaching a new location.

- They click on everything, especially when they just wandered into someones home.

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I quite like noobies, and try to help if I'm feeling nice, but when they fire off a question and I start to type and then they ask the next then the next and never wait for an answer...I give up. It's the patience thing.


I'm totally over this conversation though-

Noob:How do I make money in this place?

Me:Learn how to provide a product or service, and sell that.

Noob:No too hard  I just want money where do I get it

Me: Use your credit card and buy lindens

Noob: No way i aint spendiong money on some stupid game. Give me a job.

Me: What can you do?

Noob:Everything I can do everything.Let me be your manager. We'll be rich, baby!!!!

Me: sigh

Also, if you are building something in a sandbox, a noobie will try to sit on it. They like to sit on random things that aren't chairs.

As a noob, I did terrible things. I trespassed for my first week as I loved to see inside everything and had no concept of private space in SL. On my first day, I broke into someones home and built them a lovely new sofa- my first thing ever and hell I was sooo proud of it. It was made of a few stretched cubes and maybe a torus as I was feeling fancy. It had a gothic hard granite texture on it. I even sat on it and took a photo. To whoever that was--I am SOOOO SORRY I DID THAT UGLY THING IN YOUR HOUSE.


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All of the above, plus:


How many times do we see:

"I need a sugar daddy." "I need money now!" "I need job!" all with the message "i have zero skills but want these things anyway, give them to me!"

LL need to make a more indepth starting point. Something with several notecards to read in various languages, various tutorials on how to walk, fly, basic courtesy in SL. Maybe with a few questions they have to answer before they can TP away.

@Theresa, you need a security orb, luv. I have one that i can set to scan a certain area and it will boot anyone not on the list. i love watching newbs walk up to my house and get launched.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

How about males wandering around with no clothes and their freenis or...even more classic..fully dressed with their erect freenis on on top ot their clothes.

It's not just males anymore.. I have seen a few females with mesh boobs and V hanging out on top of their clothing.. One of them was actively urinating while she walked around a store.. I really wish i had thought to take pictures.. I was too dumbfounded.

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I definitely would invest in a security system or orb to block people from coming into your personal space.

I may be a little cynical but I don't think there are too many "new" residents these days. I run into a lot of people that PRETEND to be new, but truly new...that's rare. Most of the noob things I notice people doing are the same things I notice people that have been in the game for eight years do.

Bumping into people.

Typing in local and IM at the same time.

Asking for Ls.

Asking where to buy things.

Not knowing how do do basic things like modify a shape, etc.

Getting on mic and being too loud or barely audible.

Some people do it for fun. I'm guilty of having a noob shape and skin I like to change into every now and then just to be tickled by people's reactions. Sometimes interesting conversations come from it, but I never do it to be malicious or deceptive. Some people just like to start over and be annoying in the process. I talked to a guy that had an eight year account, no AO, freebie clothes, etc super obnoxious and that's the way he liked it....for some people the "noob" thing is perpetual.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Problem is, a lot of new players are from places like WoW, League of Legends, etc, where the avatar is pretty much set up for them. They don't really have to do much of anything other than deal with weapons and armor. In those places, no one owns the buildings or stuff so they are used to everything belonging to everyone so to speak. So, they have to learn that this is similar to real life where places/homes/etc are owned by individual players, not available to everyone. 

Being a computer game "virgin", this is why I find it hard to understand why newbies can be quite so invasive and impatient.

Thinking back to when I was a newbie, although I was far from perfect (!), I didn't ever put "always run" on and bang into people.  I do remember though, landing on a sim where someone had teleported me too, and I said something really inappropriate in open chat, which promptly got me banned from that sim! (I am laughing at the memory), and the first flat I rented had no sound-proofing, so I was quite shocked/amused by the neighbour downstairs when she was trying out her talking lady parts.

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