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Un wanted role play

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As some of you may be aware and for the one's who are not, there are certain role play games that allow people to hunt and feed or kill you without your knowledge. Only way I can see you can tell so far is they have to get so close to you, so your constantly being followed and your space invading at clubs malls etc.

  I feel that this is abuse of your AV and freedom of choice, as you get now choice to join there little games. It is coursing trouble at many Sims,  it's like a pyramid game more they recruit more they hunt more harassment happens. I have filled many a abuse report and even tried contacting LL direct. they don't seem to care as I have not had any response back. It would be a thoughtful gesture to contact me.

  There is protection you can get from the creators but they are unwilling to share this as it reduces there best hunting grounds. these protection items should be on the market place as free items so anyone wanting no interference has the choice to get protection from these people. COME ON LL step in and make sure your residents are protected Where will it end? what other things are out there that they can do without our knowledge? god help the women and child AV's


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Wendy Fiertze wrote:

As some of you may be aware and for the one's who are not, there are certain role play games that allow people to hunt and feed or kill you without your knowledge. Only way I can see you can tell so far is they have to get so close to you, so your constantly being followed and your space invading at clubs malls etc.

  I feel that this is abuse of your AV and freedom of choice, as you get now choice to join there little games. It is coursing trouble at many Sims,  it's like a pyramid game more they recruit more they hunt more harassment happens. I have filled many a abuse report and even tried contacting LL direct. they don't seem to care as I have not had any response back. It would be a thoughtful gesture to contact me.

  There is protection you can get from the creators but they are unwilling to share this as it reduces there best hunting grounds. these protection items should be on the market place as free items so anyone wanting no interference has the choice to get protection from these people. COME ON LL step and make sure your residents are protected Where will it end? what other things are out there that they can do without our knowledge? god help the women and child AV's


In all my years in SL I have never experienced being killed or hunted without my consent.

You do realise you can just ignore, mute and block those people and just not engage (not clicking YES to a HUD request)  with them?


LL will not help you, it is up to you to ignore it or avoid those roleplay places.

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Wendy Fiertze wrote:

Lets beat it to death again and keep going untill some listens. Eventually may be some one in the media may pick up on it and then they may take notice.


Let's not. Or, if you feel you must go ahead and chime in on the existing thread currently going in the Role Play section. Failing that, you can try filing AR's everytime you think someone is imagining that he is pretending to bite your neck but not telling you. That should alert the Lab, pronto.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Let's not....
you can try filing AR's everytime... 
should alert the Lab, pronto.

Hi Dillon :)  To me, playing SL, posting to the forum, and even in RL there just has to be more than filing AR's or RIC's or telling the teacher or the pastor of the church that someone has sinned.  When do we stop getting people in trouble because of ill perceived (or imagined is the word you used) wrongdoings?  Life is more than always tattling.  Imo.   

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Wendy Fiertze wrote:

If only it was imagination, it is actually happening. thanks for the info I think i will join in the other thread. Personly i'm discussed in any one who difiles an AV with out permision.

Before you join in the other thread(which I do highly recommend) please read through it. You may better understand why some see no problem, or at the very most, an annoyance that can be easily handled on the user(victim's?) end. That's not to say you shouldn't, or can't, voice your own opinion, but it was a rather interesting dicussion, with some very interesting viewpoints shared, as well as advice shared. It's worthy of a good read through first.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I don't file AR's either; I was suggesting a method to help the OP relieve her anguish since she so clearly feels the need to get Linden Lab involved.

I find myself wondering what extreme actions she will have to endeavor in order to get the media involved.  

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There are people out there who imagine all kinds of things about me that have no basis in reality. Either they are doing it because they are deluded or mis-informed. Or they're just making up stuff in their minds.

This is just the way life is.

So if a couple of people off to the left of your avatar in SL are imagining to themselves that one of them has 'drunk your blood'... why care?

Unless they start teleporting your avatar around, bumping into you, or demanding you do things... its all just their own brand of crazy.

If they start harassing you in chat - block them. If they still make a scene, talk to a venue owner about getting them banned. If all that fails - then AR them and move on.

But... usually they're just silently imagining all of this, or doing it in their own private chats - and you might not ever even know they are doing it. If they even are. Maybe its in your imagination that they are thinking about you ALL THE TIME.



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Wendy Fiertze wrote:

If only it was imagination, it is actually happening. thanks for the info I think i will join in the other thread. Personly i'm discussed in any one who difiles an AV with out permision.


It isn't imaginary?  You mean they bite you in RL?  Report it to the RL police.

How can it 'defile" your avatar if you don't know its happening and nothing happens to your pixels?





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those people who add you to their roleplay without your consent are very wrong. specially if that roleplay involves a highly negative attitude towards your person, such as killing you.

its true that that only happens inside their minds, but it is as offensive as someone thinking inside their minds the worst concepts about you, specially if you did nothing to be a reason to have those thoughts, i hope those people face the consequences of their actions.

these actions are affecting you and others, probably in a daily basis, bringing a negative experience to Second Life users, if Linden Lab would care enough that thier product would be appreciated, they would have solved that problem with at least prohibiting this practice in the TOS, because it makes the experience worse.

now, you personally can ignore, mute these people and forget about them, but other people affected have not recieved this advice, and may be reducing their desire to participate more in sl or completely leave.

i hope linden lab give this the importance that deserves, and find a way to reduce these types of unethical practices.

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CheriColette wrote:



Jeez. That reads like the story of my life! Even at my mature age I keep finding things to worry about that aren't really things at all—just possible outcomes depending on how successfully I deal with this or that situation. Drives me nuts. I keep having to tell myself to stop stressing about it. Just do what you do and if things go wrong they go wrong. It's not like I'm a heart surgeon or anything. If I screw something up nobody will die.


Well, technically, if I really screwed up then yes, they would. That would be really bad. Pretty much the end of life on Earth as we know it. Not to worry, though. We've got things totally under control here in our secret lab in an undisclosed location in New Mexico. Trust me: nothing could possibly go wrong.

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The principal difference between animals and human beings is the ability to plan ahead, to foresee the consequences of actions and predict reactions to them, in a complex and flexible manner. Like going to another supermarket if the first one has run out of beer, a strategy which even the most intelligent dolphin would struggle with.

Unfortunately, some human beings take this to extremes and allow their imagination to create scenarios such that their multiple nervous systems (you have at least 19, did you realise) overload their rational cognitive systems with disastrous impact on those who have to deal with them; these people may be termed hyperemotional women.

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