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Secondlife #2 - 2015 Beta

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Vania Chaplin wrote:

Among the few things that Ebbe was clear, is that names, friends list and L$ would be common to both platforms

And of course you can trust Ebbe.


/Assuming he hasn't been sacked in the meantime

//for failing to deliver

///like in Microsoft.

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JoeKingleigh wrote:

And of course you can trust Ebbe.

Well, apart from some rather obvious overselling, he's been fairly open with info about the new project so far.

It's not relevant in this case anyway. The huge customer base one of the biggest assets - possibly the biggest asset - LL have and it would be madness not to use that as a basis for the new project. As for inworld valuta, it would make no sense for LL at all to create a brand new system when they already have one that works quite well.

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It doesn't have to be compatible to be a sequal. You only are saying its not a sequal but a parallel out of deniability that eventually The old SL will be phased out over time or possibly sold as a best case scenario. SL is too dated and needs a new foundation.

I personally hope they will make a browser that can somehow acess both worlds seemlessly. If they don't I can't see old SL surviving for a very long time.

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"Linden Lab plans to begin alpha testing Project Sansar toward the end of July [2015], by inviting in handpicked, skilled creators eager to build something in the new virtual reality medium, Ebbe Altberg says."

"Within about a year, Linden Lab will begin inviting ordinary users to explore the ecosystem, with a more public beta testing phase around the first half of next year, Ebbe Altberg says. A version 1.0 might be ready by the end of 2016."

So, according to above, the first testing phase will be by invitation only.
More public beta testing around first half of 2016.

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Coby Foden wrote:

"Linden Lab plans to begin alpha testing Project Sansar toward the end of July [2015], by inviting in handpicked, skilled creators eager to build something in the new virtual reality medium, Ebbe Altberg says."

Problem is, sometimes the "skilled" people do the right actions at the right time in the right way so bugs aren't found.  More often than not it also takes the numpties pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time, doing dumb stuff to really rattle things out.

Example:  Highly skilled creating highly optimised mesh.  Viewer team all perform Hi5's congratulating each other at delivering good render performance.

Final Release:  We see the result of unoptimised content being unleashed, grinding things to a halt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to mention I was a beta tester for Second Life and it was open beta. Alpha testing is closed and there will be no closed beta. I do believe they will go with the same idea for making it open beta. Open beta is a lot quicker process in getting the platform in live stage.

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to sum it all up. A new SL is launching to which no sim owner will use because they dont want to rebuild there sims all over again and no one is going to want to buy al there mesh bodys, clothing etc all over again too. 

Like everquest and other mmos they will spit there population then go out of business when someone else comes along

I am going to miss sl :( ill miss my tardis, the wrestling sims and the RP sims like the rock prison :(

SL RIP 2003 to 2016

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I still pay for SL, but haven't logged in for months. I dont know why I continue to pay...just sort of for memories and a belief in the company I think.


SL2 has me excited, a new engine, new possibilities, a whole new world that they might not screw up and make sim ownership a dime a dozen, or bogged down in microsecond simwide updates lagging everything, maybe they will do expansive sims/realms instead of small can do nothing with it sims.  

Maybe it will be locally hosted sims where SL2 is just a portal service linking to other online worlds


I do know very little, I asked a few questions and ultimately it is going more for playability. one goal is for full VR headset integration (for those that want) and that sounds pretty awesome.


What I would like now, would be them moving into space. sim owners aren't sim owners, they are planet owners. With that planet, you can build as you desire on your instance, your own medieval world, your GoTs sketchup project, your future dystopian city, etc..and charge a sliding scale based on size of your world, adjustable on the fly (bad month, take out a few dozen miles and save some coin).

LL has made some bad decisions before (letting source code go for no reason, not aggressively stopping copybots, cheapening sims prices that ghost town sims became the most common sim, etc.), but I actually have confidence in their vision..just need to restructure the decisionmakers to remove the ones that pushed for the dumb business model breaking things.


But anyhow, yeah...SL in my opinion is getting far more interesting with this announcment. perfect timing also with greater machines, headsets, and plenty of good ideas to become inspired on (fallout 4, star citizen)

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Oh No! I can't take my stuff from Fallout1 to Fallout 4!!!

People will rebuild their sims better than before and new people will build new better sims than our current best. The people that won't will be like all those people who didn't want any change like voice, mesh, windlight, materials etc.... Long dead Dinosaurs..........,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tegg, this is not just about convienence. Most of us have put our hard earned money into SL, and refuse to just drop everything and start again on a new platform,

"I put hundreds and/or thousands of dollars into my avatar and other things, and I suppose I'll just drop it all~!"

For me, I want to be able to transfer my funds, and my inventory and avatar, and to also have better performance. My friends complain about being able to play BF3/4 Decently, with SL running like a dog after having it's legs chopped off, even at decent settings. The graphical capabilities of Second Life do not justify the terrible frame rates under decent conditions. SL2 needs to implement a complete overhaul of how it handles things, or at least a thrurough optimization. Hell, I'd welcome LL providing a Direct3D version of the viewer if it's possible, since Windows from what I heard, uses DirectX better than OpenGL.

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Rathgrith027 wrote:


"I put hundreds and/or thousands of dollars into my avatar and other things, and I suppose I'll just drop it all~!"



LL have the right to close SL permanently, at any time, without warning and without refunds. Any money you put into SL is potentially lost to you the moment you spend it. 

"I put <some amount> of dollars into my avatar and other things, and I suppose I might just have to drop it all~!"


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Rathgrith027 wrote:

Tegg, this is not just about convienence. Most of us have put our hard earned money into SL, and refuse to just drop everything and start again on a new platform,

For me, I want to be able to transfer my funds, and my inventory and avatar, and to also have better performance.

Two different products, end of story.

You don't buy The Sims and necessarily expect to be able to transfer your content, funds, status to a totally different game.  It makes no sense and the error here is anyone calling it Second Life 2.

What will be interesting will be to see whether LL discover a loyal user base willing to transfer or whether they'll end up in a self compete situation.  We've had "this will be awesome/better" virtual worlds thrown at us before, where are they now?

Just because we're customers of Second Life (by Linden Lab), it does not automatically follow that that's an automatic and instant user base for their next product.  They've poorly understood their own customer base so far, i'm to be convinced that they have got any better at it!

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I put hundreds of dollars into City of Heroes too, did people expect that back because it shut down?

What about World of Warcraft, do people expect their money back from that when they pull the plug?

Its had a reasonable run but SL is old, when the plug gets pulled it gets pulled.

I was hoping Google or someone similar would take up the flag, but if LL's replacement is good enough they'll probably buy it out anyway..


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  • 2 weeks later...

City of Heroes is a very silly and down right stupid comparison. I put money into that game but SL for some is a business and an investment that has a return on that investment. For example there is a literal real world millionaire that made their money from SL land speculation. Comparing that to a pay to play superhero computer game is beyond stupid.

It is old but in my mind some kind of way to transistion between the two would be the best solution. Also ways to convert inventory over when possible. Say a content creator that is still current having the new version on the new platform and just getting a kind of redeliver box might be one way.

I just want to see LL update there idea of customer service and update there integrity. The mess they created with skill games was a disaster that never needed to  happen if they worked it out like they should have back in  2007

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Misty Rookstown wrote:

City of Heroes is a very silly and down right stupid comparison. I put money into that game but SL for some is a business and an investment that has a return on that investment. For example there is a literal real world millionaire that made their money from SL land speculation. Comparing that to a pay to play superhero computer game is beyond stupid.

It is old but in my mind some kind of way to transistion between the two would be the best solution. Also ways to convert inventory over when possible. Say a content creator that is still current having the new version on the new platform and just getting a kind of redeliver box might be one way.

I just want to see LL update there idea of customer service and update there integrity. The mess they created with skill games was a disaster that never needed to  happen if they worked it out like they should have back in  2007

SL is a business for a lot of people, but I doubt any would call it an investment. It's something to make money off of while they can. The 'literal real world millionaire' is making money by renting out parcels on her regions, not by land speculation. Land speculation died years ago; it was really a real estate bubble due to SL's sudden popularity causing a shortage of land. Linden Lab popped it.

Sansar is not SL. It's supposed to be new from the ground up. There may be no compatibility at all. We were told that all we could expect to transfer over is our names and Lindens. As for conversion: Mesh creators already have their models on their own computers; it may take some work, but those models might be made compatible with Sansar. I'd expect creators of system clothing and prim-based objects to be out of luck.



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City of Heroes or WOW aren't stupid comparisons, for most users wanting to take stuff across like clothing Avatars etc SL is entertainment not an investment. 

That SL miilonare pulled out long ago as have all the smart people who were investing in SL as a business. Those people will be jumping into SLs replacement and making money again without clinging to the old world.

Doing bandaid coding to move content across isn't going to work, LL's been bandaiding SL for the last 5 years,  there will be new formating preventing use of old content that was done in a different way, you have no idea of the complexity of mking something that runs old content without screwing up things for new content. Few people at LL nowdays understand how the original coding worked, hence they had to do Viewer 2 project.

Despite people thinking and wanting to believe SL will last till they die or be some eternal thing they can pass to their grandchildren, its not going to happen, its like trying to keep using CPM word processor files or wanting your Atari cartridges to work with the X-Box.


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