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So... How was everybuggy's weekend? Didja have fun?

Here's some of the things I did this weekend an stuff.

I did go to the Remembrance Day event, mostly for BlueGin Yifu, but also f'r Sandy Clymer and Wiccan Sojourner. I did not take any piccies at the event, but it was very nicely done anyways. It's the Seasons Hunt spring edition time, so I'm definitely takin' part. That's also not much t'look at.

Me an my sibs have been out an about, including exploring the new Where It Begins region for the store Awesome Blossom. Pretty nice place -- and they have a swing set!


We've also been poking around the Weston and Oak Bluffs regions, where th' moles are doin some work on an amusement part sorta thing. Here's the three of us playing around on the pilings...


And a piccie of one of th' pillars that adorn an entrance to the area. I guess they're still workin on it, but still cool to see the classic hippo there!


Finally, on Sunday I got talked into judging f'r a catamaran race. Here I am eying the boats at the raceline in The Mastheat. This was more fun than I thought it might be. :-)


So that's what I did this weekend.

Here's hopin' yer next week is a super one!

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Marianne McCann wrote:


Kaimi Kyomoon wrote:

Thanks Mari!



Sadly, this board seems to be doing what the SCII one was doin f'r a while. I don't mean to dominate it with my silly weekend updates, and was hopin 'see others givin' their updates an stuff. :-)

I for one, love your updates.:) I don't post much these days,but always watching like a stalkerish stalker...


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G'mornin n G'evening, hope all're well, an that everyone had a great weekend.

My last couple weekends, and a lot of last week, was full of a lot of building. so this weekend, i got some play time. First off, it was the 7 Seas Fishiversary this weekend, an Livingtree was there, a-course. Here's our fishing camp:



Sunday was, a-course, may Day, and I celebrated Spring as best I could.  First, I went out and collected flowers...


(A piccie I'm proud to note got Best of Snapzilla!)

Then I went to the burning of the wicker man on escapades Island...


And when all that was done, I dance about the maypole on Livingtree.



Finally, a while back on Plurk I asked around, looking for a particular outfit. Well, one of the kid clothing designers made it, and so I jes hadda go take another portrait:


And that's my weekend! 


Here's hoping everyone has a great week ahead, and many good stories t'share.

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

Great photos, Marianne, and congratulations! :smileyhappy:  

I'm not surprised you won, though...your pics are always so good (and they always make me want to visit the places you have been to)!



And I was bad and did not list the locations! The Fishiversary build is partially disassembled now and will be gone after today. The wicker man was on Escapades. The sailor dress outfit was show in Weston, a currently-evolving LDPW build. The other two were shot on Livingtree.

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How was everyone else's weekends, and do ya have fun stuff comin' this week?

It's that time again! The time to wish you a good morning and/or a good evening, and write about my weekend!

It's been crazy here, with preparations for the Bay City Anniversary and Shoe Fair goin' on, an this weekend was when both of the above started!

First, Robin Sojourner was going into Shoe Fair for the first time, and working on some great saddle shoes. Which she did that, she had me shoot a lot of her promotional images for the booth, and help out on other stuff besides.  

Here's one of the shots I did for her. It was a good excuse for a paety. An really, I've heard enough of political tea parties lately that I decided to take the term back. :-)


And a shot of her booth. Her new shoes - a really nice saddle shoe, can be seen to the right. She is in the Iridium region, BTW.


So the Bay City Anniversary went super.  We had some 60± marching, hit a high of 56 avatars in the party after, and had a ton of fun.  Here's a somewhat overhead view of the party afters:


And a shot of Route 66, all decked out for the parade. Sadly, I could not shoot piccies and march at the same time.


Sunday, of course, was a day to rest.  Here's a shot out in much older stomping grounds, in the forest of Kahruvel. In the Rodeo region.


How was everyone else's weekends, and do ya have fun stuff comin' this week?

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