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RedZone usage suspected in a sim. How do I report this?

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You don't need Red Zone to get IP's.  Any DJ has them as well as any website you visit.  IP's only give some one a general region location not any specifics where you live. You also could have a shared IP if you live in a dorm, apartment with net included, public wifi etc.  IP's also change.

Even so, if suspect somone is sharing IP's or trying to use them to find out about alts, AR them.

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if a sim vexes you dont go there


i went to a sim today. I vexed the doorman of this club. He wanted to know if I would like to wear a freebie dress that he would give. I said nah!!! I pick my own freebie dresses thanks very much

and my choice of freebie was way better than his choice which vex me. He get vexed when I suggested to him that it maybe be better for us both if I go and dont come back. and I left. He IM me and go waah!

I thought was just some random music club. Turns out was some kinda roleplay sim. So all good. And he end up ok as well (:

am not going back tho bc turns out he just works there. And I dont want to vex him again (:

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Methinks you have just learned a word you didn't know before - vex

jejejeje (:


am trying to decide if vexless is a word. And if so then how might it be used

altho if vexless is a word then maybe vexmore could also be a word (: 

like I am so gunna vexmore that person if they dont behave

jejejejee (:

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irihapeti wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Methinks you have just learned a word you didn't know before - vex

jejejeje (:


am trying to decide if vexless is a word. And if so then how might it be used

altho if vexless is a word then maybe vexmore could also be a word (: 

like I am so gunna vexmore that person if they dont behave

jejejejee (:

You could study vexillary aestivation through a biconvex lense and them vexillate us with your findings.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

You could study
vexillary aestivation through a biconvex lense and them vexillate us with your findings.

is really interesting that you mention this. I was just thinking the same thing myself. Is amazing how strange minds think alike (:

i will probably release my findings on the intervex

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There were several things about the RedZone affair, but the IP address problems you describe were why it's claimed effects were so obviously bogus. The really worrying things were that some lindens were so enthusiastic about it.

Then they got badly embarrassed when the person running it was identified.

Maybe that's why the Lindens. collectively, seem so scared of saying anything.


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irihapeti wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

You could study
vexillary aestivation through a biconvex lense and them vexillate us with your findings.

is really interesting that you mention this. I was just thinking the same thing myself. Is amazing how strange minds think alike (:

i will probably release my findings on the intervex

Have you eaver considered vexilating with a Martian?

Just think all the little vexels we could make!

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  • 1 year later...

I already went to a SIM in SL one of the most popular ones in SL and i have a few old Mods tell me that they did use it in the past.  I was asked to make an alt to see if I could get into the one i was banned in for exposing this and no sooner had i made 4 alts i was banned before even hitting the sim so you go figure. strange but true. i also found out that some sims can still use the scripts. I also know of a few people who were selling info from logging IP- got CC numbers, work numbers, and all. trust me, if they want to blackball you, they can. I'm sure this is being logged right now as we speak..unfortunately. 

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Syreni Barony wrote:

I already went to a SIM in SL one of the most popular ones in SL and i have a few old Mods tell me that they did use it in the past.  I was asked to make an alt to see if I could get into the one i was banned in for exposing this and no sooner had i made 4 alts i was banned before even hitting the sim so you go figure. strange but true. i also found out that some sims can still use the scripts. I also know of a few people who were selling info from logging IP- got CC numbers, work numbers, and all. trust me, if they want to blackball you, they can. I'm sure this is being logged right now as we speak..unfortunately. 


Lets talk about security shall we?

Estate Owners [Estates are 1 or more regions] ban at the Region Level. This type of ban supersedes Parcel bans. Estate Owners can limit access to the Regions in an Estate based on RL Age and / or Financial Information on File Status.

Estate Regions can be made unavailable to the Public as well. To be able to visit one of these region's, you have to be added individually or be a member of a Group that is allowed access.

Estate Owners can NOT ban anyone based on an IP address. Period.

Now Parcel Owners have these same access/banning option for their land.

Parcel Owners can NOT ban anyone based on an IP address. Period.

Estate & Parcel Owners can provide additional security for their land by using Security Products, usually packaged as Orbs. Using scripts these objects can be given permission to Eject you on arrival on the protected property.

Most of these also give you either a polite or annoying message stating that you have been Ejected and Banned sometimes with a reason too. Sometimes Not.

These Scripted Objects have no way to know what the IP address is for your PC at the time you attempt to arrive in a Parcel.

Further no one can get a Credit Card number using a SL Script. period.

Oh I could script an object asking for a Credit Card number but then if you gave it to the script, that would be DUMB!


1) You are not being denied access to a Region / Parcel based on some imaginary IP Address ban. Period!

2) Your brand new ALTs are not being denied access to a Region / Parcel based on some imaginary IP Address ban. Period!

3) Your original Avatar Account ban is being done using one of the Linden Lab Region/Parcel methods and/or you are being immediately Ejected and banned by a Scripted Object.

4) The usual reason new ALTs are Ejected [but not banned] is to prevent newbies [and potential griefers] from entering a Parcel. Many Clubs do this as a standard policy. Most of the Security Orbs tell you you are too new to access this Club and please come back in "x" number of days.



The only way to obtain an Account Holders current Service IP address is to create a "doctored" Media or Music relay Service where all IP addresses of listeners/viewers are collected in a pool and that pool is linked to the pool of Avatar Accounts listening/viewing at the same time. After many months of data mining and identifying commonality over time you could attempt to associate an IP address with an Avatar account with an increasing % of reliability. RedZone attempted to do this and screwed it up badly. Then they even published the database of these associations and were then harshly dealt with by Linden Lab .

Anyone who wants to do this same kind of tracking/data mining is welcome to do it as collecting data is not against the Second Life TOS. Publishing it is! So they can even sell a product that claims it does what RedZone claims it did. It will be just as inaccurate as the RedZone product was. Why? because there is NO Scripted Way to get an Account Holders IP Address..... DUH!


So the research you have performed only verifies that the Club has a way of detecting avatar accounts that don't meet its exacting minimum standard to access it. That's all.

One of my earlier stated reasons is most likely why you are regularly Ejected/Banned.

EDIT: Thank you Aethelwine for the Linden Lab IP Cooling Off IP Ban information. This could clearly negate my 1) statement if the Region Owner performed a ban on his account originally. But a scripted object is not allowed to issue a Region Ban call on behalf of a Region owner as far as I am aware.



Non Sequiturs:

Here are the things that do not follow [Non sequitur] your observations.

Identity Theft: Happens all the time. It does not happen in SL. A inexperienced Account Holder may fall for some kind of phishing attack but that is a social media kind of attack where you are fooled in giving up personal information. Never follow a link sent to you in open chat or private chat unless you asked for it.

IP Addresses + Credit Card numbers: Are stolen and sold daily. It does not happen in SL. This information plus personal details and account pin numbers allow sophisticated thieves to access secure bank accounts and services. Head out to the Dark Web and order your illegal identities.

RedZone: Used to exist, it doesn't any longer. Linden Lab actually deleted all RedZone products and scripts with known UUIDs from the Grid.

The Linden Lab Spying Service does not exist. You give permission for Linden Lab to track every bitty detail of what you do when you accept the Terms of Service.

Regular Region Owners are not blackballing Residents because they have access to everything they chat and say in SL and in these Forums. [Exception: I've actually have banned a few accounts when I or my friends have been threatened in the Forums.]


Carry on!


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Syreni Barony wrote:

. I also know of a few people who were selling info from logging IP- got CC numbers, work numbers, and all

I hope you have brought this to the attention of the FBI, who I think are the appropriate body to deal with such criminality.

Whether you have or not, could you please explain  how on earth knowing my IP address gives anyone access to my credit card numbers or any other personal information about me?  


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when someone does an estate ban, for an hour or so an IP ban goes in to place automatically from the Linden end. It was a feature added a few years ago and is useful for creating a cooling off period preventing the banned person from coming back with a string of alts. The estate owner has no knowledge of the IP address, and so they have initiated an IP ban but it is the Lindens that carry it out. You can test it yourself where you are an estate manager by banning yourself and then trying to tp your alts in. It takes a couple of minutes to initiate and lasts for at least an hour.


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Aethelwine wrote:


when someone does an estate ban, for an hour or so an IP ban goes in to place automatically from the Linden end. It was a feature added a few years ago and is useful for creating a cooling off period preventing the banned person from coming back with a string of alts. The estate owner has no knowledge of the IP address, and so they have initiated an IP ban but it is the Lindens that carry it out. You can test it yourself where you are an estate manager by banning yourself and then trying to tp your alts in. It takes a couple of minutes to initiate and lasts for at least an hour.



But it is a cooling off period?  Good. I'd hate to have a whole college banned by the actions of a single griefer.

Thank you for that update.  


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