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Help me please: I have a very serious problem and I'm panicking.


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jwjaii wrote:

Ufff... it's exhausting to argue with 100 years old ladies, disguised barbies, LOL

.Darlings, I'm just complaining because I think we should always be entitled to some support from the seller. Inclusive, is standard on the internet always have the right to return the product if not satisfied. And no matter if the product costs $ 1 or $ 1,000.

Knew that many people give up on their purchases (and SecundLife) because they can not finish all this long and strange process ?

I could get to hate Second Life after my experience, but I believe that things can change around here. I think when OculusRift is for sale in stores things will start to heat up around here ... and I think you will not like that very much!

 SecundLife need younger people because most users have more than 100 years and are very boring and obsolete


The saddest thing about this story is that some of my purchases have failed and I have no way to ask the seller for resolving the problem.

"If for some reason could not get the product they purchased, click here to receive a new copy" or contact with the customer assistance...".

I spent money on clothes but my avatar is still naked


There are very few places where you have the right to return a product just because you didn't like it. Usually you have to prove that it was faulty or miss-sold in some way. SL products are especially difficult to apply return policies to, particularly anything sold with 'copy' permissions. You cannot return something with copy permissions without retaining a copy yourself. A merchant would have to be insane to give you a refund in this case: under your rules you could get for a refund for *any* copiable item and keep a copy. 

Compare it to buying a download of an album. Go to Amazon, buy some music on download, then try to return it because you don't like it. 

I'm not sure how you think the Oculus Rift will change things in SL. The viewing method is completely irrelevant to how stores sell and package their product, and even less relevant to customer service.

And stop posting naked pictures, please. You've been told it's against community standards, to keep doing it is just childish.

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Kelli May wrote:

And stop posting naked pictures, please. You've been told it's against community standards,
to keep doing it is just childish.

Yes, but he does give the very strong impression of being a child, so it's in keeping with what he is. When he learns to spell 'Second Life', I may decide that he's grown up ever so slightly, but I don't think I will.

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jwjaii wrote:

Unfortunately, it seems that nothing goes well for me here.

Before anything else you need to learn how to use Second Life effectively.

You need to learn some basic things how Second Life works.

If you don't make an effort to learn you will always have many problems and your Second Life experience is not so great.

Here are some links to helpful articles. Read and understand what is said there and your experience will be a lot smoother and enjoyable. We have all gone through the learning stage. The more you learn the easier the things will be as you undestand how things work.

Happy learning. :matte-motes-smile:










Please don't say "it's too complicated, it should be easier". That is useless leading you to nowhere but frustration.

Second Life is what it is, it's not going to change to something very simple.

Only way to master it is to learn. Trust me. There is no other way.

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Learning SL for me was the best time of SL, i think..


So many wish they could go back to the days when they were new and everything was new experiences and new doors opening,or finding all the cool places..


I remember laughing when i did the box on my head thing lol

just keep in your mind that down the road you will probably laugh at the mistakes made today..

you will be telling new people then how you were new once too.:smileywink:




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Pamela Galli wrote:

I have a theory that a common characteristic of those who LOVE SL -- most, not all -- is a love of learning. I had never played any kind of video game when I came to SL. Everything was new and terrifying. Loved it from the first minute!


I think it is a love of a kind of learning more than just learning..

Everyone loves to learn,but not everyone loves to learn the same things :smileyhappy:


I know that i have learned when i join new things now,to take my time and enjoy the newness of it all..

Because one day i will know a lot of it and may possibly become bored if i try to learn it so fast.

Then again,sometimes in some things ignorance is bliss and wish i did not know so much of them hehehe

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Yes those of us who loved and love SL love the opportunities it offers for learning -- and some of those things are really very difficult. I mean, I have had to learn Blender in order to live in SL as I choose.


SL is not for everyone. If they dont love learning the kind of things there are to learn in SL, they are going to either hate SL or find it boring. (And as in the case of the OP, may blame others for that.)


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Yes those of us who loved and love SL love the opportunities it offers for learning -- and some of those things are really very difficult. I mean, I have had to learn Blender in order to live in SL as I choose.


SL is not for everyone. If they dont love learning the kind of things there are to learn in SL, they are going to either hate SL or find it boring. (And as in the case of the OP, may blame others for that.)


omg i remember learning blender,but then again i think everyone does  when they take on that hair pulling task..:smileyvery-happy: OMG what a grind that was lol

I think some people may just not be cut out for sl and some just take longer to find their niche and some just fall right into place..I think nowadays with everything becoming so user friendly just about anywhere you turn in RL,The world is becoming more and more spoiled and impatient than it used to be..

Someone that is 18 nowadays pretty much spent their teens in the hand held computer phone touch screen era..

remember having to go to the library to find information about stuff?

It's a different world than it was 5 years ago let alone 10..hehehe


I see many people nowadays more than ever blaming everything on everything else or everyone else but themselves.. If we can say shoulda woulda and coulda in a situation,then we  know in our own minds honestly that we had control of the situation at some point..

People can waste time blaming others,but time is so expensive and there is for sure no refund on that kind of value..




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Ceka Cianci wrote:


I see many people nowadays more than ever blaming everything on everything else or everyone else but themselves..
If we can say shoulda woulda and coulda in a situation,then we  know in our own minds honestly that we had control of the situation at some point..

People can waste time blaming others,but time is so expensive and there is for sure no refund on that kind of value..




I have heard others mention this.  I surely have noticed it too but since I hang out mostly in SL, and have for the last 7 yrs, I thought maybe it was just something peculiar to SL. I mean, I know it is prevalent in RL too, but I have very little personal contact with people who expect others to take responsiblity for them.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:


I see many people nowadays more than ever blaming everything on everything else or everyone else but themselves..
If we can say shoulda woulda and coulda in a situation,then we  know in our own minds honestly that we had control of the situation at some point..

People can waste time blaming others,but time is so expensive and there is for sure no refund on that kind of value..




I have heard others mention this.  I surely have noticed it too but since I hang out mostly in SL, and have for the last 7 yrs, I thought maybe it was just something peculiar to SL. I mean, I know it is prevalent in RL too, but I have very little personal contact with people who expect others to take responsiblity for them.

There was a time where i was the worst one i knew that did it lol


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pedrw wrote:

SL is not for everyone because SL did not know evolve and stopped in time. SL is old and rotten. What's worse is that most residents of SL are too old and do not like changes. That's the problem!

Sounds like you are among those for whom SL is not the right thing. You are probably too immature for it. Please consider deleting your account now.

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I  think the whole 'inventory' system is full of bugs..... and needs an overall. Sick of things disappearing.

I also think it's very complicated for newbies .... veterans have all the info in their minds over time so forget the simple things they learnt over time and aware of the  changes especially if they are creators.

I also think the original poster is a troll having a laugh...






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ConnieG Sorbet wrote:

I  think the whole 'inventory' system is full of bugs..... and needs an overall. Sick of things disappearing.

I also think it's very complicated for newbies .... veterans have all the info in their minds over time so forget the simple things they learnt over time and aware of the  changes especially if they are creators.

I also think the original poster is a troll having a laugh...






I know I remember quite clearly being new in SL.  There was a lot to learn -- and SL was MUCH buggier and more difficult then than it is now. I did a lot of research and asked a lot of questions in the forum (politley). But I did not storm in blaming creators and SL for everything that confused me and insulting those whose help I asked for.


Not surprisingly, the OP seems to have been invited to leave, after his thread documenting his griefing "protest" was yanked.



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inventory 1.JPG


inventory 2.JPG


ConnieG Sorbet wrote:

I  think the whole 'inventory' system is full of bugs..... and needs an overall. Sick of things disappearing.

I also think it's very complicated for newbies .... veterans have all the info in their minds over time so forget the simple things they learnt over time and aware of the  changes especially if they are creators.

I also think the original poster is a troll having a laugh...


You know how I learned managing Inventory?

You see that little "?" in the upper right hand corner of the Inventory Window?

I click on it and look what I get.

I learned by clicking on that question mark and taking a little time to read.

That's also the biggest problem we have with many questions that get asked here.  People haven't taken the time to do a little reading/research themselves.

Granted SL has a larger learning curve than sending an E Mail, but everything we do does have a learning curve.

This is also why often times I only provide the link with the answer to a question.  It's to get people to read for themselves.


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pedrw wrote:

SL is not for everyone because SL did not know evolve and stopped in time. SL is old and rotten. What's worse is that most residents of SL are too old and do not like changes. That's the problem!


I always love it when newbs such as yourself show that you have no clue about what they are talking about and make wild assumptions about other residents.

I guess I'm one of those 'old' people, not due to my RL age but my SL age.  However, I can assure you that SL has evolved over time.  It looks nothing like it did back in 2006 when I joined.

Most people in SL have no problem with change or they wouldn't still be here.  Yes, if you read these forums you will see some whiners complaining about change, but they are a very small percentage of the general population.  You will also find threads where people post about not liking a specific change due to the way LL bungled it, not because of the change itself.  You will also see posts from people that think LL should concentrate on fixing stuff rather than introducing new shiney's that no one wants.

The only thing you got right is that SL is not for everyone.  By your attitude, I don't think SL is for your at all.  While I look forward one day of trying out the OR, and many residents do, we all hope newbs coming into SL just because they have one aren't as immature as you and the OP are.    FYI to relieve your ignorance, I'll tell you there are many older people trying out OR in SL who have also been in SL for a while.  Just because you may have an OR doesn't mean your the cool kid on the block or entitled to judge other people based solely on their age.

You really need to grow up.  Remember one day you'll be old too and have some young ignorant fool tell you that you aren't worth anything either.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

You really need to grow up.  Remember one day you'll be old too and have some young ignorant fool tell you that you aren't worth anything either.

That's not going to happen, Amethyst. Why? Because, even as a child, he's already reached the level of not being worth anything. In that sense he's old before his time. Unfortunately for him, he never had the years of gaining wisdom along the way.

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pedrw wrote:

SL is not for everyone because SL did not know evolve and stopped in time. SL is old and rotten. What's worse is that most residents of SL are too old and do not like changes. That's the problem!

SL is not for everyone,like horseback riding is not for everyone or boating is not for everyone or many things are not for everyone.

so really there is no problem..

you paint with a wide brush ,but with very little paint.


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jwjaii wrote:

I am very disappointed. That does not seem right. I wanted an avatar like the demo. And then be able to make some changes. So I do not even know if it is worth buying...

L$1900 for 3 skins with options and a shape... is about normal price.

L$1000 is roughly an average skin price. You're getting one with options and a shape.

I personally think no shape is worth more than a few hundred lindens and most should pay you because they're that bad... but L$900 for one seems about the going rate.

So yes... its worth buying - if you like the style of it.


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Marianne Little wrote:

What is it with CasperVend?

I shop a lot in Second Life, and has never used CasperVend. I prefer to buy from the creator, or from LL official  - the Marketplace. Adding in more steps between sounds like adding the risk.

I suspect you've bought from caspervend a lot and just don't know.

It seems to be the most popular vendor system in SL. I find it everywhere.

The best way to tell if look in the shop for a redelivery option. Click that. If its caspervend you'll go to a website that will list everything you've ever bought from any merchant that uses caspervend - and you can get them sent to again...

- A feature Marketplace should have by default on all 'copy' items...


Merchants use caspervend because it makes sending out updates really easy... And these days if you're doing fashion in SL, you likely need to update everytime a new mesh part with assorted appliers comes out...

If you walk up to a product vendor in SL, and you can click on it and do anything other than just buy... its probably a vendor system. If when you buy it, it delivers something to you in a popup window - its a vendor system.

- and chances are the system in use, is caspervend.


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ConnieG Sorbet wrote:

I  think the whole 'inventory' system is full of bugs..... and needs an overall. Sick of things disappearing.

I also think it's very complicated for newbies .... veterans have all the info in their minds over time so forget the simple things they learnt over time and aware of the  changes especially if they are creators.

I also think the original poster is a troll having a laugh...







Not to get on a disagreement bandwagon but I really don't think that for the most part "veterans have all the info in their minds over time so forget the simple things they learnt over time...". A lot of what we learned we didn't learn 'over time' so much as all at once, by doing things like Perrie did: click on the question mark. Get on the internet and start looking. The Answers forum here is probably the biggest knowledge base at least in terms of individual posts, but it's by no means the only resource either official or unofficial. There is information galore.

For me, anyway, I'd make sure I at least learn enough to do what I needed right then. Yes, I acquired more knowledge over time by reading posts about Inventory or just by trying things, but that's still my individual research.

The forum is a great place to ask questions, but it works much, much better if the person asking has already spent some time trying to learn the anwer and simply been unable to find it. The questions from people who haven't bothered to look (and who continue to not bother looking, such as the OP here) get a bit tiresome.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Not to get on a disagreement bandwagon but I really don't think that for the most part "veterans have all the info in their minds over time so forget the simple things they learnt over time...". A lot of what we learned we didn't learn 'over time' so much as all at once, by doing things like Perrie did: click on the question mark. Get on the internet and start looking.

Before I came back to SL in 2009, I googled for "getting started in Second life", found a highly outdated but still useful blog, and read it.

By the end of my third hour or so in 2009 - I was around in a shape, AO, skin, couple of outfits, and had found a couple hangout spots.

I did that because the actual secondlife.com website didn't seem to say much - so I googled.


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