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increasing the interactivity of SL?

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(Be aware this post reeks of sarcasm).

I was curious if there was any blogs following new developments in the SL world? Its kind of boring hearing the same old things happen left and right. I'm opening another club! I'm opening a place where you can play the same games as every other gaming(we want your money) place! Oh w00t let's make a gscha fair that sells templates we found on the market and colored!


I've seen some cool things out there, but I am curious if there are any new things being created? Or any places that really emphasize interaction and creativity of the world. Places can be hard to find when every other place fakes their traffic with bots and spams keywords. Anyhow. I've seen things like GCS which was cool, for a bit. Lots of RP meters and board games, gambling games, hunts, racing, bumper cars, but what else is there? 

I'd love for people to share with me their favorite highly interactive area of SL. If I go exploring its great for it to be a beautiful Sim, but if it has interaction it increases the Sims potential by so much. 

Share games or things to do as well, I'd love to see a lot more than the constant strip malls outside of strip bars everywhere :P 


Would love to discuss and check out some places. (because surely the destination guide could do better)

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

real life and Second Life have a thing in common. if you sit back and wait for things to be handed to you, it will pass you by and you will end it alone and forgotten. get off your butt and look for it, it's out there.

o_O serious person is far too serious for me in the morning

Which, In response I say "I am not sitting waiting for it to be handed to me, I am actually developing tools that I think would be interesting to see. I am just curious if there, some places are a bit more remote and harder to find in the search. So this is me looking, and seeking out. So no, I am not on my butt, I am making an effort to look for it."


Qie Niangao wrote:

Some of us are optimistic about the "experience tools" project, which seems to be advancing at an unknown, perhaps undetectable pace.

I haven't heard of this project, I'll have to look it up ^.^


ETA: I have no idea how to do multiple quotes in this forum lol

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Most of the things I find by word of mouth.

I've always got my eyes open but sadly there never have been many people doing major creative builds and a few of the best there used to be have left SL. 

Something I saw recently was an In World production of Dante's "Inferno" that was very well done.  I think it's still running.  (I'd have to get In World to get you the details of when/where it's playing).

There has to be a return on investment for people to have the incentive to do or maintain these things and sadly that ROI is not really happenning in SL.


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Conifer Dada wrote:

So much wonderful stuff has been created in SL that we can become a little immune to the skill and creativity we see all around us all the time.

Not denying that, for sure. SL is a beautiful place and lots of wonderful creations, but I feel that a lot of it is lacking the interaction side. What can YOU do to the area or environment around you. 

. I think I'll be doing some exploring and asking around, would love to hear some places though. Its always hard to find new ones on your own!

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Check out Bryn Oh's new interactive exhibition, The Singularity of Kimiko. Do be sure to change your windlight settings per his instructions at the landing point for maximum effectiveness. A new twist for him, he has SL damage enable so you can "die". It's quite effective and non-linear story telling since you'll find parts of the story as you wander around. He regularly does really good interactive stuff.

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I've always been under the impression that Bryn Oh is a woman, perhaps because of her art, or perhaps because I've heard someone refer to her as "she". I just checked her profile, and it seems s/he's actually a cat, though her SL photo seems female.

A bit of web research provides confirmation of my impression. Bryn Oh is not only female, but horror of horror's, she's one of those damned Canadians that make us in the US look uncivilized by comparison.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Something I saw recently was an In World production of Dante's "Inferno" that was very well done.  I think it's still running.  (I'd have to get In World to get you the details of when/where it's playing).

You must be referring to Paradise Lost by The Basilique (link), which appears to be completely sold out.  It was very well done and certainly one of the best performances I've ever been to in SL, though I'm unsure if it reaches the level or is even the sort of interactivity about which the OP was asking.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Something I saw recently was an In World production of Dante's "Inferno" that was very well done.  I think it's still running.  (I'd have to get In World to get you the details of when/where it's playing).

You must be referring to
Paradise Lost
by The Basilique (
), which appears to be completely sold out.  It was very well done and certainly one of the best performances I've ever been to in SL, though I'm unsure if it reaches the level or is even the sort of interactivity about which the OP was asking.


Yes, that's it! 

I don't know how I got that mixed up.  I know the difference between Milton and Dante.

Thank you for correcting.

I was just trying to think of 'interactive' things and I'd agree they may be limited.

I love bumper cars and have fun with that with friends and I've also seen some motorcycle and car tracks with objects that explode, etc when you run into them.

But like you said, nothing on the level Moose is looking for.



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Logged into Second Life for the first time in 3 months didn't feel like playing, checked on old friends most of them quit playing Second Life as well, and the game feels dead.

Back in the day I remember when I would search for Weapons, Huds, In world Shopping, Military, I would always find some place to go do combat at, or go shopping now the game feels dead, my opinion you can blame it a lot on Red Zone & the other spyware devices that are still going around.

Took a look at the game comparing it to 5 years ago the game or grid feels like there is nothing left anymore, and taking a look at the game all I remember is Griefers, and Jerks aside from some old friends.

Starting a club, may not be the most profitable thing as I feel with the way Second Life seems to be loosing Regions, and players its a matter of time until the grid is a lot smaller after all everything I once enjoyed in Second Life no longer exists in the game for over a year now.

Perhaps when LL actually updates the Security of the game so that players can add account security using IP verification to connect to the grid then I will return, but until then I am not really intersted in the game as there is too much Phishing, Hacking, even TPV's putting players at Risk, and loosing an inventory of over 100k in items including boxed items, scripts, most of it fairly old but still.

Old Sims we used to combat on.

New Jack City
New Jessie
Velo Vista

Perhaps if someone actually knows of any actual (Combat Sims) without big Rule Restrictions / Dress Code then I would see something worth doing in SL but to my knowledge everything I used to enjoy in SL is gone, otherwise there are other MMORPG games worth playing these days that to me are just as realistic as Second Life now only difference is you can't customize your avatar like Second Life, but you don't get the griefers and jerks in them either.

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A genuine question but why would anyone choose SL for combat when there are numerous games that do player vs player first person combat, much better?


I can't see the attraction. I play one that SL just can't hope to compete with so I'm sincerely interested to know why use SL for this?

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MIstahMoose wrote:

Conifer Dada wrote:

So much wonderful stuff has been created in SL that we can become a little immune to the skill and creativity we see all around us all the time.

Not denying that, for sure. SL is a beautiful place and lots of wonderful creations, but I feel that a lot of it is lacking the interaction side. What can YOU do to the area or environment around you. 

. I think I'll be doing some exploring and asking around, would love to hear some places though. Its always hard to find new ones on your own!

There's a basic problem with the idea of visitors "doing" things to builds in Second Life. Most highly interactive online experiences have multiple cloned areas that reset for new visitors but in Second Life every region is unique and if one person changes something the next person will find it changed - basically, it works like real life. It's also difficult to make something changeable that isn't also destructable, and the law enforcement capabilities of Second Life aren't robust enough to deter malicious destruction where its possible.

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These days, it's roleplaying with combat. Very few sims are just combat, mainly because of prim and rezzing permissions you have to have on. Build has to be on for everyone for bullets to rez, for instance. Unfortunately, griefers take advantage of that and many sim owners have just given up on trying to keep things cleaned up.

What fighting there is is governed by meters. The most commone being CCS, DCS2, UCE and SWRP. There really isn't a lot of mindless combat in SL anymore.

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This is a fly-by post sadly, I don't have time to get into a tonne of deets. I am interested in some of the comments here though, specifically:-

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

It's also difficult to make something changeable that isn't also destructable, and the law enforcement capabilities of Second Life aren't robust enough to deter malicious destruction where its possible.

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Build has to be on for everyone for bullets to rez

Both statements - assuming true - indicate to me that Second Life isn't suffering a lack of participation, but a lack of skill.

Any device can be protected against griefing or destruction, scripted methods exist for careful and sublime 'reset' of environments for new people. Bullets (and therefore Rez permissions) haven't been required for weapons in quite some time.

The reality is that the majority of tools used within SL are not current and fading in usefulness. Many are not display names compatible (still!), others use depreciated commands (esp. common with RLV) or crappy out-dated effects. Many people are happy to use old systems like CCS and freebie "Someone is at the door." scripts rather than building a truely immersive and reactive environment. It's significantly more common that an isolated, barely-fit-for-purpose script is used rather than coming up with an integrated and 'intelligent' solution - the approach that people would take if they were designing something of interest (e.g. an RPG, computer game or VR simulation).

This separates people like Bryn Oh, from <generic SL club that will be gone in 3 months> or <RP sim using ripped-off urban decay textures>. Bryn creates her own experiences, and this effort is clearly demonstrated in the construction and presentation.

I don't think anyone in SL is particularly dumb, Second Life has a large barrier to entry. Everyone here has some skill or other. Perhaps it's laziness, lack of interest in the details or... maybe people just want to 'play' Second Life more than they want to 'develop' it.

Thanks to both above for the thoughts that produced this post. :P

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Not to get into politics, but last I heard, CCS's problem is the owner ticked off the last coder and hasn't had one for at least a year. DCS had the same problem when the co-owners split in RL. The current owner found a new scripter and they've been continuing on. UCE is a fairly new meter that keeps getting improved.

As for the bullets thing. When you "pull the trigger" the script is creating the bullet and then sending it in the direction it's pointed. That requires building rights in order to create the prim, unless I misunderstand SL permissions.

As for interactive, you have to have the ability to reset. The best one I've seen has been the Halloween build Ivey Deschanel (sp), the owner of Sn@tch, does every year. Lots of puzzles and riddles to figure out. Do be warned though, if you do it, your character will not come to a happy ending in the story....smirks.

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