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Backwards logic, ARs, and you!

Daria Afterthought

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Every now and then I find a tard that does something to bother me. Its rare, but it does happen. Earlier today I had an exchange of words in world with someone who was highly offended by something I had said to someone on the flogs. They left me about 5 offline messages about how I'm a big meanie poo poo head and that sort of juvenile crap. Of course, I could have ignored it, but being my sleep deprived self, I replied "I could care less." Short and simple, hopefully got the point across. Apparently it didn't. Later, after I had logged off, they sent another offline message with the words "I smell something. Is it you?" I came on later to do some stuff and hang out with a friend, and replied to the message with "Is it bacon?" because, who doesn't love the smell of good awesome lovely bacon? Everyone loves bacon. They even have kosher and vegan bacon and vegetarian bacon flavored mayo. How bad is that? But I digress. The person in question responded with "Are you" which confused the hell out of me because I've been called many things in my life but never delicious glorious bacon. Of course, my reply reflected as such. The tard replied "you ned 2 lrn you som slang girl" so I immediately urban dictionary'd bacon to make sure it didn't mean something other than fried pork, and to my surprise, it didn't. Almost every entry said bacon = delicious. So I told her of my lack of knowledge to any meaning of bacon other than the kind you eat. She informed me she didn't appreciate my drama. I called her an attention whore. She informed me she was going to AR me for abusive words. Now, at this point she has harassed me about something not in world, told me I smelled funny, potentially like bacon, and wasted my time with not stfu'ing. How is it that people have this mindset of "its only harassment/libel/defamation/abuse when someone else does it!" Presumably, this person muted me. Not surprising, and I don't mind. But I'm pretty curious as to how people are so clueless and contradicting within a few sentences.

tl;dr why do people AR you for the exact offense they just commited themselves expecting results?

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someone that gets butthurt on the flogs, and usually tho not always is on the losing end of a battle of wits here, can go in-world and get "the last word" by rattling off whatever they think of as so cool or whatever, mixing in a little harassment and a little of something they think sounds intimidating, then slamming the mute button.  some might be trying to actually provoke an AR-able response but i don't have to have ESP to have a fairly good guess in this case and i don't credit enough deviousness for that.

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Maybe because they wanna be like Jack Palance in the movie Shane, throwing the pistol            at the sheepherder's feet.

Palance: "Pick it up."

Sheepherder: "I don't wanna pick it up, mister, you'll shoot me."

Palance: "Pick up the gun."

Sheepherder: "Look mister, I don't want no trouble, I just came            to town to get some hard rock candy for my kids, and some gingham for            my wife. I don't even know what gingham is, but she goes through about            4 or 5 rolls a week of that stuff. I don't want no trouble, mister."

Palance: "Pick up the gun."

Palance: "You all saw him. He had a gun."


(quote from the late comedian Bill Hicks, gotta love him)

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Daria, I have always loved reading your posts and replies. They are straightforward answers and sometimes down right funny! I came accross a similar situation awhile ago with another friend of mine...Let this person waste their time on the AR report lol. I don't see you as offensive though, just being honest! Oh and they have bacon everything! Bacon soap, ice cream, band-aids! Bacon is the new sliced bread..hahaha

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I'm not going to say what I think about your battle with baconator because, frankly, you're not interested in what I or any other respondent thinks about it. You made this vanity post because you want us to read your words and chuckle at your cleverness. I chuckled.

You're very smart and funny. You're a bit cruel and an exhibitionist. And with this topic, I kinda think you've jumped the shark.

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Dont ever worry about a threatened AR... the only time to worry about one is when LL contacts you hehe  Seriously, I have been threatened repeatedly  over the years but never been banned and as far as I know ARd. Just ignore it, I would say filing a wrongful AR, such as that, would be more serious than the original AR.

BTW I enjoy your posts in the blogorium

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Daria! I love to read your posts too! I usually don't respond to your posts for two reasons. One: I'm very afraid of being shot down in front of my peers by some one whos opinion I regard so highly, and 2: I just normally can't find any reason to dissagree with you! (when your right, you don't have to keep an open mind!) But I would have to say in this case that it's just plain Griefing. I know it seems odd that someone "in-world" as long as you and at your stature would have to deal with something normally reserved for the poor noobs that know no better. Griefers seem to know how to play that twist game quite well. "Harrass" and "accuse" may be the title of their strategy, and it works. Sometimes. On noobs. But in this case, they picked on someone that isnt as easily defeated. I would chaulk this one up as an LOL moment! Of all the things you could have said, you just stuck to the facts by calling her an attention whore! I'm sure the labs will have a nice lmao over this also.

BTW if you smelled like bacon I'd never leave your front porch!

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Seriously.. Daria..

(I'm chuckling, but not at your plight but rather the dialogue that occurred)

Firstly, unless there's something grotesquely 'wrong' with the content of the messages sent by you to this person, I wouldn't even think again about that person, the dialogue, or an AR.

Secondly, the type of language used (the 'bacon' reference, but not yours.. theirs) is pretty common amoung the people I've met, on SL.  There's a very strong urge, it would seem, to lazy-speak or lazy-type.  I'm not certain whether (or not) these people can actually spell the words they're trying to communicate, but I don't really care, either.  My time on SL isn't dedicated to learning the 'kiddie' way to talk to others.  My time is much better spent elsewhere..

.. as is yours.

Lastly, if somebody doesn't like the flogs, oh well.  I don't like some of them.  I'm sure you don't, either, at times.  Life goes on.

I have no clue what makes one feel they can AR you, as you described - for an offense they commit, themself.  It sounds just like the occasional, local news stories where a criminal (in the process of robbing a store) gets injured and sues the store-owner.  Yeah.. right.

OH.. (again laughing a little bit) the expression is actually "I couldn't care less".

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I spent my entire evening last night dealing with someone I evicted from one of my sims who devolved from someone who might be sensible and reasonable to an irrational, frothing, delusional candidate for a mental institution.  Claimed to be a UN-hired psychiatrist tasked with an important mission of studying prostitutes and vampires in Second Life, that I was hampering his oh-so-very-important international work, and that he would be reporting to the UN in Geneva to make sure that I would be in serious trouble.  Oh, and he had some sort of "incriminating photographs" to show me.

This was after he sexually harassed one of my tenants not less than three hours after buying an empty parcel from her, being served with an eviction notice, turning around and "selling" his property to his alt (the names were almost identical, as though I wouldn't know), and then threatening both of us continually after I confiscated the land from his alt.

Oh, and getting a carryover of someone's drama from here into my inworld IM as well.  (Contact me inworld, Daria, I'd be interested to find out if we shared love from the same llama.)

I think yesterday was International Batsh*ttery Day.

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I don't like bacon, I prefer cheese.

That said, I think that there's people out there really bored. I've been insulted sometimes, molested... and it's so easy muting and ignoring, that I don't get the point of harassing others, getting the deserved words, and being bothered by that, as the ones you tell us about.

Maybe if you ask those people about logic, they answer "logic? what's that?" I'm sorry to tell, but people like them won't change that annoying behaviour.

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Daria.Afterthought wrote:

tl;dr why do people AR you for the exact offense they just commited themselves expecting results?

Everybody, everywhere, anytime have the right to send out AR's about anybody for any reason. If this right is used ofen enough it will backfire resulting in a question "I can't login, how comma's? ". People do it because they can and can't resist.

Since you have escaped your cell you have build a clearly visible profile, easy to fire at. Contact me in-world, the cell I have available doesn't have internet and has stainless steel locks.

Click "Correct answer" Daria. I wunt points.

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  1. I love bacon too.  How great does a food have to be before it is good enough to wrap other foods in and make them great, too?  As great as bacon, of course!  I mean, water chestnuts or filet, both are better in bacon.  A cheeseburger is awesome, but a bacon cheeseburger is like, orgasmic or something.  Bacon wrapped skunk shank is probably yummy, too.

  2. What is "jumping the shark"? - someone used it in a reply.  I'm an old fart, ignorant of your young punk techno slang.

  3. As much as I think you're hilarious and great and all, I have to say you DO bring some of this on yourself.  But, I'm sure you're smart enough to know that already, and don't care, and often enjoy it anyway.  That's the Daria charm.  Some butt munchers don't get it, but nobody is loved by everybody.

  4. Everyone has the right to be an asshat.  It's in the US and EU constitutions, and any other country that does NOT give you said right, chances are we're already bombing the LS out of you already, or getting ready to. 

  5. Everyone has the right to be ignorant.
  6. But nobody has the right to be blissfully ignorant about being an scat head.  When people are a-holes, they should be told, so they can refine their approach and be called sardonic, witty, clever, or some other polite word, preferably one nobody else really knows the definition for.  That seems to be what you did.  Of course, from their perspective, you may well have been the anal dwelling butt monkey in the scenario.  Their attempts to correct you were,however, assinine.

  7. How did I get on the ass reference wagon? Must be because I skipped breakfast, and hence have no bacon in me.
  8. This AR system is deeply flawed.  It allows the biggest/first ass pirate to bully others. 
  9. I have SL bacon.  If they ever bring on the 5 Sense SL online (see prior silly thread), it will be the first thing I eat, after my gf of course.
  10. Off to McDonalds for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit, hash browns, coffee, and a coronary.
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It seems rather odd that the person WAITS till you are offline to message and or reply... It begs the question: Are they afraid to confront you visio ut visio?

It seems that they were doing the provoke to get an AR'able response.

AR their butt

You have never been any different in any of your posts... you have been consistent... ignore that person, he she it is not worth your time.


Message was edited by: Baeric.Constantine - spelling modification

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