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Cautiously Optimistic about Second Life

Deltango Vale

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And so Rod joins M on the scrapheap of failed SL CEOs. Good riddance. Perhaps now Second Life can emerge from its 5-year stagnation (2008-2013). Could it be that Ebbe actually understands Second Life? A good start is the dumping of several side projects. Has the company finally figured out that SL is not 3D Facebook (M's big idea) or Super Mario Minecraft (Rod's big idea)? It has been a long, slow, painful slog, but maybe the Board of Directors is finally, slowly, painfully starting to understand Second Life and appreciate its full potential. We live in hope.

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Deltango, I have nothing financial at stake here but I am feeling a little optimistic myself. From a couple of  things Ebbe said in the thread he visited here first, there really seems to  have been a bottleneck at the top. The comment that the engineers at the Lab wanted to keep the Jira open as much as the residents did is an example of that, I think.

Even if nothing more happens in the short term than that LL speaks to the users and acknowledges seeing the users' responses, that has to be a good sign.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

The time to be cautiously optimistic is when something positive happens that improves the lot of LL's paying customers. All the CEOs started out sounding positive from our perspective, but none delivered. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't hold out any hope that this one will be any different.

I don't think any one person should get to choose when another chooses to be optimistic, lol.

Some are choosing the fact that the JIRAs are being opened and, so far, the new CEO has decided that better and more transparent communication is a grand idea, as a reason to be more optimistic than they have in the past.

I happen to think it's a good thing, on both counts. I believe others being cautiously optimistic, even if I may or may not share that sentiment, is a good thing. I also think a CEO who comes in and starts making at least some changes in a positive direction, is also a good thing.

Where I stand on my optimisim is a mixed bag, really. But, I won't discount others' feelings on the matter.

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I'm not sure how I feel about LL cancelling some of the side projects.   If they weren't getting anywhere, then fair enough, but I do think it's important in the long run that LL the company stops being a one-trick pony and develops more sources of income than simply SL, and, in particular, simply land in SL.

One thing that does encourage my cautious optimism is that the new CEO made it pretty clear in course of his replies in the other thread that, as far as developing markets for SL is concerned,  he feels confident in his own expertise and experience in this area and that he doesn't need to crowd-source this aspect of the job.

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Hmmm, it is interesting that I have not had a terrible day of sales since we knew that Ebbe was our new CEO. I find it hard to believe that he isn't the reason, or that people being optimistic isn't the reason why. Maybe it's just a good couple of weeks of sales, but we'll see.

IMHO, all of SL problems start with the SL economy. When the SL economy is pumping, every1 is making more money, especially LL. It's the SL economy that is the engine that makes this world viable. When you are flush with cash, everything is easy, and nothing is impossible. Custom skeletons is not a difficult thing for SL. It is only because LL is weary about income that they chase tails to find a good smelling crotch, instead of being confident and doing what is needed. When the money is flowing tho, you just hired the people you need to make that task easy.

This is why I'm optimistic. Ebbe could have the right understanding of economics to correct the bad decisions made over the past 5 years. I"m probably 1 of those "know it alls" that some people despise. I'm confident about my theories because it is supported by the statistical evidence. When you run a digital product like SL, you want to rely on the data that you track to tell you whether your decisions were good. LL has not done this, despite having more than enough economic markers to judge things by. They have made decisions at a whims, somehow thinking that ratically changing something in SL won't have a big negative impact, and then refused to back out despite the data. It was basically like nobody understood economics. They decimated the merchant class with their policies. They catered to the masses view of economics, which is child like, instead of creating insentives. Ebbe restructured Yahoo, and that says something.

The big question for me, is whether Ebbe will truly empower us, or empower more his rulers. We'll see.


I feel a little like Morpheus, trying to convince every1 that Ebbe could be the ONE. :matte-motes-nerdy:

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Tari Landar wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

The time to be cautiously optimistic is when something positive happens that improves the lot of LL's paying customers. All the CEOs started out sounding positive from our perspective, but none delivered. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't hold out any hope that this one will be any different.

I don't think any one person should get to choose when another chooses to be optimistic, lol.

Some are choosing the fact that the JIRAs are being opened and, so far, the new CEO has decided that better and more transparent communication is a grand idea, as a reason to be more optimistic than they have in the past.

I happen to think it's a good thing, on both counts. I believe others being cautiously optimistic, even if I may or may not share that sentiment, is a good thing. I also think a CEO who comes in and starts making at least some changes in a positive direction, is also a good thing.

Where I stand on my optimisim is a mixed bag, really. But, I won't discount others' feelings on the matter.

I don't decide when another person chooses to be optimistic. My post indicated that we've heard it all before but nothing good ever came of it. If the jira reopens, so what? It was open, then they closed it, and, if they open it up again, we're only back to where we were - no gain there.

I knew one Linden who was specifically told by the CEO at the time to communicate more with the users (via blog posts). Very soon after that, the same CEO not only stopped that communication, but also told Lindens not to communicate with the users, stopping almost all forms of communication altogether. So this CEO wants more communication? As I said, I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm not holding my breath in expectation of seeing much at all.

When this CEO actually does something worthwhile for users, such as reinstate some decent customer service, then I'll have a positive attitude about him. Until then, I'll see him as just another one in the list of CEOs who do nothing for the paying customers. As I said, talk is cheap. Let's see the actions.

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Sorry, Del, this is where your expectations are likely to end up:


Livy said: "With little hope, the boldest measures are the safest".

But I doubt if Ebbe reads Roman historians.


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Waves to Del, how are you :)

Lets come back here at the end of April and discuss this further. If by that time I can fly across more than 2 sims without losing my underwear, plane, hair, viewer or sanity I'll be cheering on the sidelines.

Hell in 2010 Maddy had us in space ...... come on Ebbe you can do it :)

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 Zynga games was on top as facebook's number one app/game supplier , mafia wars, farmville  etc then they went public and ofcourse shortly after they are about to fold, king games is now fb's number one and they have candykrush and they are about to go public too , ummm im pretty sure they will be gone soon also. 

sl is not like farmville or candy krush or mariocart or even wow,  it is very different . i hope this new guy understands that.

i pay about 10 dollars a month but i feel that a free user can have probably the same experience as me, the paying customer,  hmmmm ...  i do not know if that is a good or bad thing ? 









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