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NSA spying on Second Life

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A3123 wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

A3123 wrote:

Why is everyone concerned about their online privacy? If you aren't doing anything wrong then why the commotion? Is it because you are doing stuff you know is wrong the reason why some are so upset at being spied on? If someone catches you cheating on your spouse, should you be mad at them for catching you? If someone finds out you hate a certain race of people, is that their fault or yours? If it is found out you plan to bomb a particular place and they stop you, who should be mad? You that they stopped you? I hope everyone is spying on everyone to keep you retards from messing everything up.


Ben Franklin says it best:

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Neither do trolls who do nothing but try to contradict everything anyone says, without any intelligent or substantial rebuttal, in a pathetic attempt to look cool and get attention. 

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A3123 wrote:

Why is everyone concerned about their online privacy? If you aren't doing anything wrong then why the commotion?

How about losing your job because someone finds out you're gay? Getting evicted because someone found out you're an atheist? Identity theft, credit fraud, getting your bank account cleaned out because some unscrupulous spybot bundled a keylogger with that latest app you played on Facebook and they got hold of your online banking password...  to name just a few concerns that all people, even innocent people, should have about internet privacy.

"If you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear" is bull**bleep**.


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Nimh20 Vandeverre wrote:

Rush is talking about this on the radio now.  I'll post the audio of the show after today's show is posted.


Possibly the most bigoted hate mongering misogynistic fool in the western world... Hardly a credible source for ANYTHING other than figuring out what racial supremacists will be ranting about next.







Slightly old but: http://www.amazon.com/Flush-Rush-Brian-Keliher/dp/0898156106/

You listing him puts a pretty bad label on you. Very good odds you're an open racist. Likely you're under-educated and disdainful of your own social class. Most probably a male woman hater. and we could go on. His audience is rapidly narrowing to the worst elements of the of the far-far-far-right-wing side of society. Even normal conservatives disdain the man now.

Nimh20 Vandeverre wrote:

Hilary Clinton (Benghazi)


Lolwut? Benghazi? An initial heat of the moment press release having some minor errors does not a scandal make for sane people - regardless of their political leanings. Just mentioning Benghazi like its supposed to mean something tells people you've lost touch with planet Earth.
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Kenbro Utu wrote:

A much more interesting story would be about some place the NSA does not have a presence.

Apparantly... the airport in Moscow. Where Snowden spent a month sitting in a Starbucks or something, and yet nobody could find him. :)

I believe its the ONLY place on the globe that humans have reached that doesn't have NSA coverage... :)


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Wolfee Yaffle wrote:

I've been against the NSA every since hearing they have a backdoor to everyone's operating system since Windows 95 (even Mac and some linux distros). 

One thing to note is that we actually have a chance of not only stopping the NSA, but changing their mindset on this and making them want to stop so they can be more effectively focused.

The NSA is accountable to a government. And that government is elected. Yes it is mostly bought and paid for by the corps... but they have yet to repeal all of our voting rights... just some of them for racial minorities in red states...

So we actually can flip this and reign them in.

No reason to give up.


Big corporations though - Google, Facebook, Amazon, Miscrosoft, Apple... we have no chance of stopping them...


As for the NSA being in SL and WoW and so on... what it really shows is that they have so little oversight at present that they have lost site of professionalism. They're making dragnets.

And that rarely is useful in stopping guilty parties, but also tends to consume a lot of policing power. So all this power that could be spent stopping the next 9/11... is instead being wasted trying to figure out why 'Baby Girl 69' is no longer dating 'Big Ride Stud', who is now dating 'Baby Girl Luvs U'...

Which is a serious /fail moment for policing professionalism...

(is it just me seeing this, or has "every" 7-foot tall blingtard dating drama resident added 'Baby Girl' to her display name over the last year? How did that name become a thing...?)


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Karl Herber wrote:

A3123 wrote:

Why is everyone concerned about their online privacy? If you aren't doing anything wrong then why the commotion?

getting your bank account cleaned out because some unscrupulous spybot bundled a keylogger with that latest app you played on Facebook and they got hold of your online banking password...  to name just a few concerns that stupid people, even naively innocent people, should have about internet privacy.


If you're playing ******* games on Facebook, then you're definitely doing something ******* wrong.


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Paratrex wrote:

Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world, not to mention the most overpriced game in history.

I'm missing your "overpriced" argument.  Anyone can join SL (I'll let the "game" comment go) for free and don't have to pay a cent to enjoy it.  Each of us choose If we wish to put any RL money into SL and how much. 

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"is it just me seeing this, or has "every" 7-foot tall blingtard dating drama resident added 'Baby Girl' to her display name over the last year?"

LOL Even though I'm a fur so I don't hang around those types I still tend to see them when TPing around. It puzzles me too. I just chalk it up to "it must be a human thing..." lol. :)


"Big corporations though - Google, Facebook, Amazon, Miscrosoft, Apple... we have no chance of stopping them..."

I think the only way to hurt a big corp is in the wallet. It's like their family jewels in a way. But the problem here is EVERYONE has to hit them there for them to feel it. Sadly theres still enough people doing business with microsoft and walmart to keep them in business for a century.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Paratrex wrote:

Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world, not to mention the most overpriced game in history.

I'm missing your "overpriced" argument.  Anyone can join SL (I'll let the "game" comment go) for free and don't have to pay a cent to enjoy it. 
Each of us choose
we wish to put any RL money into SL
how much. 

Everyone has their right to their opinion. Guess what, whether you, I or Joe Blow agrees with it. I think it was kind of you to let the "game" comment go, sorry, there are people who view sl as a game and it's okay if they do.

I think many people do find a way to enjoy sl without paying for anything. I also think many people enjoy putting money into their sl experience if they can. However; I don't agree with your last statement, my bolding. I feel that way too many people use stories and dishonesty, sob stories if you will, to obtain money from others. I think the statement would be more accurate: Each of us has a choice and moral ground on how we obtain Lindens and then there are some who use others and they decide on how much they can use them and how much RL money they will try and gain from them.

edit: Nothing else to say.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Wolfee Yaffle wrote:

I've been against the NSA every since hearing they have a backdoor to everyone's operating system since Windows 95 (even Mac and some linux distros). 

One thing to note is that we actually have a chance of not only stopping the NSA, but changing their mindset on this and making them want to stop so they can be more effectively focused.

The NSA is accountable to a government. And that government is elected. Yes it is mostly bought and paid for by the corps... but they have yet to repeal all of our voting rights... just some of them for racial minorities in red states...

So we actually can flip this and reign them in.

No reason to give up.


Big corporations though - Google, Facebook, Amazon, Miscrosoft, Apple... we have no chance of stopping them...


As for the NSA being in SL and WoW and so on... what it really shows is that they have so little oversight at present that they have lost site of professionalism. They're making dragnets.

And that rarely is useful in stopping guilty parties, but also tends to consume a lot of policing power. So all this power that could be spent stopping the next 9/11... is instead being wasted trying to figure out why 'Baby Girl 69' is no longer dating 'Big Ride Stud', who is now dating 'Baby Girl Luvs U'...

Which is a serious /fail moment for policing professionalism...

(is it just me seeing this, or has "every" 7-foot tall blingtard dating drama resident added 'Baby Girl' to her display name over the last year? How did that name become a thing...?)


You might have had a point and a god post if it were not for the rather delusional notion of stopping an organization born of human nature and the natural tendencies of government.

The time to "stop" the NSA was back when the organization was first created.

Oh - and in case you haven't noticed yet, the NSA (like any similar organization will become eventually) has grown to the point where elected officials mean nothing to them. They were running these programs well before they had even a marginal legal leg to stand on.

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Lunar Core wrote:

Oh - and in case you haven't noticed yet, the NSA (like any similar organization will become eventually) has grown to the point where elected officials mean nothing to them. They were running these programs well before they had even a marginal legal leg to stand on.

Actually that do work within and under the umbrella of the FISA court - and have adjusted course based on its advice in past. They have also been caught over-reaching a number of times. But when so caught, they pull back.

Furthermore, every power they take, they get lawyers to approve first. The logic may be warped, but they do craft it.

They are skewing the rules, but still trying to follow them.

Contrary to conspiracy theories, they have not commited an outright coup.

Though the beast is big and way out of control, it is still nothing more the a police agency wrapped up in a dragnet policy it has led itself to believe is the best solution to the problem it has been tasked to solve.


Dragnets have been popular with policing agencies at several points in history - and reforms have always managed to cap them and send policing back on track, because dragnets don't produce good results. They are the product of natural overreaching and a lack of professional analysis.


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Malanya wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Paratrex wrote:

Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world, not to mention the most overpriced game in history.

I'm missing your "overpriced" argument.  Anyone can join SL (I'll let the "game" comment go) for free and don't have to pay a cent to enjoy it. 
Each of us choose
we wish to put any RL money into SL
how much. 

Everyone has their right to their opinion. Guess what, whether you, I or Joe Blow agrees with it. I think it was kind of you to let the "game" comment go, sorry, there are people who view sl as a game and it's okay if they do.

I think many people do find a way to enjoy sl without paying for anything. I also think many people enjoy putting money into their sl experience if they can. However; I don't agree with your last statement, my bolding. I feel that way too many people use stories and dishonesty, sob stories if you will, to obtain money from others. I think the statement would be more accurate: Each of us has a choice and moral ground on how we obtain Lindens and then there are some who use others and they decide on how much they can use them and how much RL money they will try and gain from them.

edit: Nothing else to say.

Guess what, opinions are free to have, but opinions can also be wrong.  Linden Lab defines their creation as a 3D Virtual World, not a game.  It matters not what misguided opinion others may have, the creator has the last say in what their product is.  


Also, your "more accurate" statement has absolutely no relation to whether a person decides to spend part of their real life income to participate in Second Life, or the necessity to do so or not.  


Sorry for the confrontation, but your post was just so out of left field, I just felt like meddling.  I just could not "let it go."


Back to regular programming now.  

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Malanya wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Paratrex wrote:

Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world, not to mention the most overpriced game in history.

I'm missing your "overpriced" argument.  Anyone can join SL (I'll let the "game" comment go) for free and don't have to pay a cent to enjoy it. 
Each of us choose
we wish to put any RL money into SL
how much. 

Everyone has their right to their opinion. Guess what, whether you, I or Joe Blow agrees with it. I think it was kind of you to let the "game" comment go, sorry, there are people who view sl as a game and it's okay if they do.

I think many people do find a way to enjoy sl without paying for anything. I also think many people enjoy putting money into their sl experience if they can. However; I don't agree with your last statement, my bolding. I feel that way too many people use stories and dishonesty, sob stories if you will, to obtain money from others. I think the statement would be more accurate: Each of us has a choice and moral ground on how we obtain Lindens and then there are some who use others and they decide on how much they can use them and how much RL money they will try and gain from them.

edit: Nothing else to say.

Guess what, opinions are free to have, but opinions can also be wrong.  Linden Lab defines their creation as a 3D Virtual World, not a game.  It matters not what misguided opinion others may have, the creator has the last say in what their product is.  


Also, your "more accurate" statement has absolutely no relation to whether a person decides to spend part of their real life income to participate in Second Life, or the necessity to do so or not.  


Sorry for the confrontation, but your post was just so out of left field, I just felt like meddling.  I just could not "let it go."


Back to regular programming now.  

I'll respond to you.. I don't see this as a confrontation,

Opinions are free to have to have no matter what. They are someone's thoughts, whether you or I think they are right or wrong or a developer, who is to say what one person feels is right or wrong? Not us. The creator can say what he wants, but how you or I use the end product is within the way we see it and no one can say if it's valid or not. For the record, I do not see sl as a game.

I don't see how my opinion was out of left field. I responded to a post. The post had to do with if people choose to spend money in sl or not, how was that out of left field? My more accurate statement is very accurate, to me, and that is not my opinion at all. It's fact.

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I was thinking what some of the activity reports these agents who were logging into SL must have looked like.  Maybe something like this:


Agent X and myself had been tasked with infiltrating a suspected subversive group in SL.  There had been some unusual comments about them in the SL Forums and it was decided that we should penetrate this group: The Bisexual Furry Skunks.

Agent X and I discussed what would be the best way to proceed.  At first we thought we would just log in as skunks but decided that might be too obvious and arouse the suspicion of the BFS.  Looking at the pool of available Avatars, Agent X chose a Neko and I chose for myself a Purple Unicorn. 

We logged in and headed to Secret Refections, a SIM where there had been reports about these Skunks gathering.  Hanging around the Teleport point we observed several "human" Avatars entering the SIM.  We'd run there names against our Data Base but no matches were coming up.

We were about to go try another SIM when a very handsome Male Ava appeared.  Running his name through the data base we discovered that this account had been flagged as a top priority.  It had been reported that a Martian had been sighted in SL and here in front of us was the suspect, howbeit disguised as a human.

Agent X IM'd the suspect first and we attempted to engage him in conversation.  After talking with the suspect for several minutes about the usual problems like lag that all SLers seem to complain about the suspect indicated that he was just going to be on his way.

I knew I had to act fast if I were to hold his attention.  I'd read that Martians are horny little buggers so I got right to the point.  "How would you like to have a three way with us," I asked.  The suspect stopped and just stood there saying nothing.  After what seemed an eternal minute the Suspect spoke.  "I'm flatterred but no thanks."  Poof he was gone. 

I enterred a note in his file that an innitial contact had been made.



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Lovely - and guess who appoints the judges on FISA? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, with no political oversight whatsoever.


Until a new Chief Justice is appointed, there is nothing the general public can do.


Contrary to what you believe, these programs have been in operation a very long time and will continue to be in operation for years to come. The difference being that they will wait until the storm dies down as they have done with each and every overreach.

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