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alowed or not in a sim


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I look like a beast,

i been told many thing and been ejected many time from sim.WAY YOU LOOK LIKE.

when i go exploring ,i wont chang my avatar for every place i go,

read 4 page of law.

why not make thing simple ,in the sim description,

human only,medieval avatar

beast(normal size),fantasy avatar (normal size)

all avatar alowed....low lag

sci avatar only,

human western only.

play barbie or startreck, it not a matter of years old,it a game.

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when i explore i keep wonder if i am alowed or not.i must be crazy sorry

going to stay on my lands is more simple than read 4 page in every sim.

only asking to make it easy to know if your avatar is alowed or not.

but yes i almost stop exploring

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You'd be welcome on most of the Freedom Continent group of sims, I think.   We welcome just about anyone so long as they don't start harassing other people or otherwise making a nuisance of themselves.   Griefers are assuredly not welcome -- they get estate banned and ARd very fast, but everyone else is welcome.

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Rolig Loon wrote:

The short answer >>> The landowner makes the rules.  A sim owner can eject or ban anyone he wants to.  No explanations or excuses necessary.

That's exactly what sets Second Life apart from other games, the paying players get to write the rules!


[Corrected, because all of us decide the rules for ourselves, it's just the players that pay can affect other players.]

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I would love to have an option to hover your mouse pointer over the map and see a description. It would be a great way to browse and explore. There have been many times when I'd see a large amount of green dots and if the sim name isn't descriptive the only real way to explore is to teleport in and suffer the consequences.

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You aren't entirely wrong Urzul - it would be great if that was possible.

Do you have a sign on your (RL) door saying who you'll let in though?

If someone made a law that said you HAD to have a sign saying who was allowed, could you do it?

Did you remember to say that people wearing yellow t-shirts with purple stripes and green dots weren't allowed, just because looking at them makes your eyes hurt?

See, it's just not possible to make an exhaustive list and most people only decide when something arises.  There isn't any rule in SL that people have to have these signs/lists and if there were it wouldn't be enforceable.

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If the land is not open to the public don't go there.  How do you know?  Land open to the public is in search or has a message in the land description that  you are welcome.

Land that is open to the public generally gives you rules to follow at the landing point.  Usually its a notecard, blue pop up, or in chat..  Read them. Follow them.  If you TP in other than the official landing point you take a risk.

While most of the clubs I go to don't mind non human avatars, a lot do.  That's because even non role play sims try to have a certain ambiance and a beast may not fit into that ambiance.   So, if you want to go places like this change to a human.  I am a human most of the time, but if I go to a sim that is geared to non humans, I change avatars.



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Urzul, I wouldn't worry about leaving this thread up. I understand your frustration over being unwelcome at various sims. I suppose it can appear that there is more discrimination in SL than RL, but I think that's because there's no limit to the ways we can re-create ourselves here. You've chosen to present yourself as a beast, others might choose to be faeries, robots, sprites, animals, etc. As a result, there is greater opportunity for a clash of fantasies. And many of us continue to be humans here, and perhaps look for an experience that's not too terribly far afield from RL.

But, on the other hand, where else can you be a beast!!! Rawr!

Others in this thread have told you of places you'd be welcome to visit. So.... go visit!!! Maybe DJ KarenMichelle Lane will cue up "Wild Thing" if you visit!

/me tousles your fuzzy self.

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i do understand,that why i keep playing SL can do anything,i made my avatar,

i keep looking for sim my avatar is alowed.

if i go on your sim and you dont want,

you dont need to be rude and tell me,you avatar is not alowed here.


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While I symphatize with your frustration...


Urzul wrote: [... ] it a game.

... this is extremely debatable, not entirely relevant, and even if it was arguably true, almost all games happen to have rules.

And if by that you meant that 'it isn't to be taken so seriously', let me state again: that's very debatable, many other residents have a different view on Second Life and there's no reason why they should adopt your view instead of theirs. Already too many people in this 'Second Life, a game or not?' debate are convinced that theirs is the only valid opinion and take a rather dim, if not downright intolerant view, on those thinking -and living- it any differently.

Not to mention, there may even be an inherent contradiction in trying to attack a set of rules with the argument that 'this is just a game', yet choosing to make quite a big deal about it, posting and complaining repeatedly and invoking all kinds of demagogic arguments against a situation that, in theory and according to that very same argument, shouldn't be taken so seriously ;)



Urzul wrote: [...] 
read 4 page of law [...]

In my experience, most if not all owners would love to get by with a very simple rule: 'just be nice to each other'; and some of the more naïve and less experienced ones do, in fact, start wich such a simple statement for their places.

And then comes someone whose definition of 'being nice' is, to put it gently, quite stretched... and, for example, appear in full human appearance at a place clearly described as a 'community for furries'; and when they're called to attention, they'll get into a long, often heated & very vocal argument with the owner / officers, sticking like crazy to the defense that they didn't see any written rule against humans. So to avoid such happenstances, the owner extends the initially very basic rule to 'just be nice to each other; only furries allowed'.

And then comes someone who's dressed fully human except for a pair of small, pointy ears that very clearly makes them 'furry', or so they'll insist, again often heatedly and loudly, if called into attention. So the owner will again extend the rules, this time to: 'just be nice to each other; only 100% furries allowed, no human-furry mixes'.

And then comes someone, at this point somewhat probably with no other intention than to grief & annoy and no actual interest in the place, dressed 100% furry but with a gigantic tail, or perhaps one made of a million particles or mesh polygons, therefore causing ungodly lag to everyone else in the place. And again they'll peevishly argue that this should be allowed because 'the rules didn't say anything about how complex or laggy attachments are allowed'. So the owner will, yet again, have to extend the rules to something like 'just be nice to each other; only 100% furries allowed, no human-furry mixes; no excessively laggy attachments' (and may even need to specify how much is 'excessively').

And then...

And then...

And then...


My point is: if you want to be truly fair, you should then spend 50% of your time and efforts convincing sim owners to simplify their rules, and the other 50% convincing essentially selfish people and griefers not to force sim owners to make their rules more complex (and good luck with that).

Have you, in fact, devoted any such time and efforts doing the latter? ;)



Urzul wrote: [...] you dont need to be rude and tell me,you avatar is not alowed here

I obviously don't know the actual exchanges but, were the sim owners actually rude, as in 'get out of here, jerk'... or did they simply state the rule you were breaking, and you considered rude the very fact that they did so instead of simply allowing you to break it?

You'll excuse my skepticism but, in my experience, at least half the cases turn out to be the latter, and the disallowed complain about it here describing as 'rudeness' (somewhat often with such dramatic terms to gather more sympathy) what was merely a matter-of-fact exchange about a conflicting rule... and perhaps even taking advantage of the fact that the sim owner won't be aware of the complaining post, to contest whether there was any actual rudeness involved.

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I often go as a furry. If not as a neko.

Rarely have troubles.

The lists of places that don't allow me in those two options is actually rather small. Only one or two of those has been a dissapointment.


Operate under the rule that, unless a sign says your avatar type is not allowed or until they tell you to leave, assume you're allowed.

If the person telling you to leave isn't the owner or in the listed management group - assume its just some random jerk. Note that this can be a little risky - some places are not as good as others at letting folks know who has authority. But some common sense can go a long way.


Almost every place with avatar type restrictions will have a landing area secluded away from the main to-do, and either spam a notecard at you or have an obvious sign up, or both. If I don't land in such a spot, I carry on as if there was no restriction.


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Ren Toxx wrote:

Urzul wrote: [...] 
read 4 page of law [...]

In my experience, most if not all owners would 
to get by with a very simple rule: 
'just be nice to each other'
; and some of the more naïve and less experienced ones do, in fact, start wich such a simple statement for their places.

And then comes someone whose definition of 'being nice' is, to put it gently, quite stretched... and, for example, appear in full human appearance at a place clearly described as a 
'community for furries'
; and when they're called to attention, they'll get into a long, often heated & very vocal argument with the owner / officers, sticking like crazy to the defense that they didn't see any 
rule against humans. So to avoid such happenstances, the owner extends the initially very basic rule to 
'just be nice to each other; only furries allowed'

I've yet to land in a furry place that didn't allow non-furries. Maybe they exist, but I've yet to find them.

A lot of them are so overwhelmingy furry that you will feel odd being the non-furry... but that's about it. And I get that here no matter what I do or dress up like, as a non-white among people who have a very different set of base cultural assumptions than me.

 I understand the hypothetical you're setting up there - as just an example of how restrictions can get shaped. But its a bit of a false-equivalency. There are pleny of human-avatar-only places. But non-human avatar places very rarely restrict themselves. The biases are not equivalent.


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