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Second Life *IS* a Game


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I would like to point out to you that while that is all well and good, you end on an assumption that - for some - simply is not true.


There are some that simply are not wired that way whatsoever and no matter how into the fantasy they get .... They will never feel the way they would were it real.


The sad part is that such people are often ridiculed for this - eventually getting to the point where they stat to push right back and ridicule those who cannot tell the difference.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Life itself is a game! You enter it by birth and exit it by death. The goal is [Yes there is a Goal] to have, from your own point of view, the best life you can experience. You don't always get what you want but you do get to deal with all you experience as you are able to do.


Can you please discuss that point with starving children in Africa, with crime victims, with laid off workers who can't pay their bills anymore, with flood and earthquake victims or civilians caught up in a war. Tell them they are losers and ask if they felt sufficiently entertained and if they care for another round.

People lose their jobs, can't pay their rent and get broken hearts in SL too and well people leave SL for all those reasons (a bit like monopoly).

For the first 20 years real life was undergoing regular development, but since then any improvements seem to be overshadowed by bugs. Whilst the graphics are exceptional and still are, the lack of windlight settings is a real shame the inworld filters you can get are mostly bug fixes.

For those that like online sources, here Real Life is the oldest game, it is on the internet it must be true...


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Orca Flotta wrote:

Life itself is a game! You enter it by birth and exit it by death. The goal is [Yes there is a Goal] to have, from your own point of view, the best life you can experience. You don't always get what you want but you do get to deal with all you experience as you are able to do.


Can you please discuss that point with starving children in Africa, with crime victims, with laid off workers who can't pay their bills anymore, with flood and earthquake victims or civilians caught up in a war. Tell them they are losers and ask if they felt sufficiently entertained and if they care for another round.


[i'm ignoring your bait to tell those less fortunate than us here in this forum that they are all a part of the Game of Life and that they are "Losers". Within the context of this thread everyone else understands what my point was.]

To any others who will read this response "Thank you for your support!" :D"


Life doesn't per-se have winners and losers. Life is only Life. We [humans] assign the "Win" status based on our own experience and egotistical view of life. You assigned the title of "Loser" to a wide class of individuals in your comment. All those people you have named are situationally experiencing tragedy. Those who survive will of course "go another round."  Are they entertained? Based on your narrow use of the word, of course not. Based on my POV, Yeah. Surviving allows them to strive for a better life! A better life experience.

How dare I can't believe that you applied our conversation today in this thread regarding gaming to real world issues? Why are you even here? The abstract discussion of Life as a Game has no place in the discussion of real world pain. Or does it?


First of all, Life is so not fair. From any one persons POV you can look out over the landscape of existence and see the good and bad situations of those also live in the world with you. The lens we choose to view the reality of existence through is taught to us by our education in our village. Yeah I used that "village" reference! Village / Family / Society - Same thing. Our own perception of our place in Life is based on our philosophical, economic and political positions in that Life.

So you want me to sit down and speak to a starving child [from anywhere] about what? Their situation? The abstract notion of Life as a Game? Why? They know they are hungry. That is their reality. They don't have the time or the will to discuss abstract realities. They need food. 

If it is in my means to remedy the verdict thrusted upon them by their lot in life then I will. I donate to charity because I have the means to do so. In my 61 years on earth I've never managed to hold a starving child but I've held poor children, abused children, ill children and felt their pain.

Can that starving child be made whole? Of course they can. They can be saved if the food they need [and there is no food shortage in this world we live in] can be delivered to them, if the donations are allowed to arrive for distribution by the dictators and despots that rule so much of Africa, if the side bribes are forthcoming for that purpose, if a road is allowed to exist to the village where those starving are clinging to life, if the criminals who exploit these starving children are eliminated or kept at bay, if the volunteers are allowed to live and not be murdered. If all of this happens then that child can be saved.

If they are saved, what their life will be to them is up to their village and what they learn from their elders. Will they learn to be a productive member of their village? Perhaps. Will they aspire for more than their current situation? We can only hope.

Are these children in a game? Of course they are. They are in the Game of Survival. They are the mercy of their local village and it's ability to survive in the wider geo-political Game of Power. Politics is a Game of Power! Criminality is a Game of Power. Those [such as the starving children in Africa] are held hostage in these realities.

Feel free to apply my response to the remaining examples of "Losers" in your comment Orca.

Orca, So what part of my General notion of Life do you not understand?

"Life itself is a game! You enter it by birth and exit it by death. The goal is [Yes there is a Goal] to have, from your own point of view, the best life you can experience. You don't always get what you want but you do get to deal with all your experience(s) as you are [best] able to do. "


steps off the soapbox......







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@ Karen Michelle: sorry, english is my 3rd language so not as fancy and confusing as yours ...


[i'm ignoring your bait to tell those less fortunate than us here in this forum that they are all a part of the Game of Life and that they are "Losers". Within the context of this thread everyone else understands what my point was.]

I didn't. Or, wait, yes I did, and I found your point terrible. How dare you using the terms game and life in one sentence? How dare you even thinking in such categories? Social darwinist much?


Life doesn't per-se have winners and losers. Life is only Life.

My point exactly!


We [humans] assign the "Win" status based on our own experience and egotistical view of life.

Wrong. Only some sociopaths and egoists are doing so.


You assigned the title of "Loser" to a wide class of individuals in your comment. 

No I didn't! Not my  fault that you're thinking in such wicked ways.


All those people you have named are situationally experiencing tragedy. Those who survive will of course "go another round."  Are they entertained? Based on your narrow use of the word, of course not. Based on my POV, Yeah. Surviving allows them to strive for a better life! A better life experience.

Narrow use? Narrow use of a word (entertained) that describes a very specific state of being and can't (or shouldn't) be used in a wider definition. By the way, they strive for a better life, often they just strive for a life. Entertainment and playing games isn't on theri mind. If you call that a better experience it only shows how far you distanced yourself from reality.


How dare I can't believe that you applied our conversation today in this thread regarding gaming to real world issues? Why are you even here? The abstract discussion of Life as a Game has no place in the discussion of real world pain. Or does it?

Did I? No I didn't. It was you who made the very bald, hurtful and very wrong statement "Life itself is a game!" I can relate to the rest of that paragraph, but one thing confuses me: why did you contradict yourself?


.... snip ...


Are these children in a game? Of course they are.

No! They are not! They are trying to survive, which is soooo much removed from any game as possible. Are you really such a spoiled brat that you can think about a game when when you see them dieing on the telly?


They are in the Game of Survival. They are the mercy of their local village and it's ability to survive in the wider geo-political Game of Power. Politics is a Game of Power! Criminality is a Game of Power. Those [such as the starving children in Africa] are held hostage in these realities.

Same question again: how can anyone think in these analogies? Is it a specialty of the anglo-saxon language and culture or are you really such a primitive brute?


Feel free to apply my response to the remaining examples of "Losers" in your comment Orca.

I just did, didn't I?


Orca, So what part of my General notion of Life do you not understand?

Huh? I'm not discussing your general notion of life, I just complained about your totally mucked up and insensitive analogy. And thinking about it, I guess it's really an anglo-saxon thing, since most languages don't feature such wrong analogies.

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Orca, I had no idea that English is not your native language...

The style of my response is a short essay using the Game analogy as the framework to show the horrible reality that we are all in a struggle in reality with the Game of Life...... The references in the ending statements speaking to the use of Power, Misery & Politics to control the outcomes.

I totally understand how you see the analogy as insensitive. I don't think we are at odds at all. I didn't mean to be confusing in my ironic style of my response.

Mea Culpa!

Hugs my new Forum Friend :)

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Orca, I had no idea that English is not your native language...

The style of my response is a short essay using the Game analogy as the framework to show the horrible reality that we are all in a struggle in reality with the Game of Life...... The references in the ending statements speaking to the use of Power, Misery & Politics to control the outcomes.

I totally understand how you see the analogy as insensitive. I don't think we are at odds at all. I didn't mean to be confusing in my ironic style of my response.

Mea Culpa!

Hugs my new Forum Friend

My goodness, you have the heart and patience of a saint.  How come you don't have a helper pin yet?

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I don't think we are at odds at all. I didn't mean to be confusing in my ironic style of my response.

To be honest, it's not the first time I heard that analogy used, and I know what people are using it for. Usually it's immature teenagers using it to get away with cheating. I just happen to not like it. Yeah, I don't think we're at odds neither. You usually make a very mature and intelligent impression and I was rather shocked seeing you "slipping up" so badly in this discussion. LOL

Mea Culpa!

No, just a dispute about terminology

Hugs my new Forum Friend **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />

/me hugs right back.:heart:

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Storm Clarence wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Orca, I had no idea that English is not your native language...

The style of my response is a short essay using the Game analogy as the framework to show the horrible reality that we are all in a struggle in reality with the Game of Life...... The references in the ending statements speaking to the use of Power, Misery & Politics to control the outcomes.

I totally understand how you see the analogy as insensitive. I don't think we are at odds at all. I didn't mean to be confusing in my ironic style of my response.

Mea Culpa!

Hugs my new Forum Friend

My goodness, you have the heart and patience of a saint.  How come you don't have a helper pin yet?

Baches? Baches?!!  Che no nee no stinkee baches!!


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I agree it's a game. And I've been playing this game for four years. So tired of the, "It's not a game because a game has an objective goal to reach, you play them to WIN" argument. Even more tired of the people who see it otherwise getting all rabid toward the ones who share my view.

The people who own/manage clubs are THE WORST. They see their chose post in SL as a full-time job and actually stress over each and every dramatic move made by the hosts, DJs and VIPs. They act like they're in charge of national security and take their 'shifts' (which never end, they're always on call, even if they have to log in from their cell phones if by accident RL takes them away from their computers for even a moment) very seriously - complaining about it and talking about it just like you would a RL job.

I'm sorry - I'm just never going to be that invested in SL. It just doesn't have to be that stressful or that much of a time consumer. And if it is for you, you really should re-think the amount of time you spend here. Log off and go out into the big bright world and get a REAL LIFE, would you please? 

Yes, I understand that people may have medical conditions or handicaps or other situations that make getting out and about in RL hard or impossible, but there is ALWAYS something more interesting/worthwhile than you can do. Always.

Like play with your kids.

Call your mom.

Visit with your sister or auntie.



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We aren't rabid about people who think SL is a game.  We're rabid about people who can't define "game" ;-0  There's no reason for you - or anyone - to be 'that' invested in SL but please explain why other people have to treat it as a game?

if someone is earning a RL living with their business in SL why shouldn't they treat it just like you would a "RL" job?  What's the difference between a "RL" job and a job in SL that pays the bills?

If someone uses SL for social networking and SL "is" a game then, as facebook is used for social networking, is facebook a game?  What's the difference between facebook communication and SL communication?

If a RL company - not using SL - offers 3d virtual meeting-rooms to other RL companies are their customers "playing a game"?  What's the difference between not-SL virtual meetings and SL virtual meetings?

If a game is 'something designed for entertainment' then SL isn't a game: it was designed for simulation and 3d development, not 'just' entertainment.

If a game is 'something used for entertainment' then SL can be a game: some people use it for entertainment.  However, if you insist on this definition; why is TV not a game?  Do you play 'watching TV'?  One of my friends sent me a joke by email today.  Since he was using email for entertainment email must be a game, by this definition.

None of you rabid "SL is a game" lobby have ever been able to define 'game' in any valid way that makes SL necessarily and 'just' a game.

It has also been pointed out - in some of the exhaustive deceased-equine-punishment threads on this topic - that since SL has no rules, goals, score, rank, etc. it is "not even" a game.

So - SL is not 'just' a game and it is 'not even' a game.  In other words it is 'other than' (= not) a game.

In other words it's your insistance that we all call SL a game while you are unable to define 'game' that's the problem.

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The one thing which both the game lobby and the non-game lobby have in common is that they're both wrong.  SL is somewhere between a game and not a game and it matters very little where between those two it actually falls.

God could come down from cloud 9, provide us with the definitive answer and still it would make no difference whatsoever in anyone's second life.  The whole argument is nothing but a disagreement about semantics and, in the end... well, there won't be an end... some people can't help but engage themselves in arguments over stupid BS that benefit no one and get nothing accomplished.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

,,, The whole argument is nothing but a disagreement about semantics...

Semantics are important!  [/me is a philosopher.  How many angels do you think can dance on the head of a pin?  Lol.]

Those that wish to treat SL as a game are free to do so.  They should realise though that some people are trying to do something more serious and will not welcome their playing.  Those that wish to treat SL more seriously are free to do so.  They should beware though that more and more people see them as part of a game.  Anyone trying to insist someone else use SL as they do is on a loser; the 'not a game' lobby have logic and longevity on their side and the 'game' lobby has transient numbers.

"Toy" is a better word than "game" - While you can do some serious/useful stuff with SL it just isn't reliable enough for RL business use.  Like the internet itself SL was 'meant' to be (the start of) a platform for all but RL business has beat a retreat.  Hence, we are left with people who want to create content and businesses IN SL and games-players.  Naturally, it isn't all work and no play for the creators, the players sometimes just chat with their friends, etc. but as 'serious' (ie; RL) use of SL has waned we have a greater proportion of players who are disappointed SL isn't WoW/the sims/facebook/whatever.

A solution is for those that want to use the tools to concentrate more on a game-playing than serious market - but there we meet the limits of the tools and the cost of land.  Two reasons the fighting and role-playing groups are not greater than they were.  AFAIK the dominant group remains those that want to decorate their house and avatar and chat with their friends.  That would imply that SL is a de facto social networking platform first, with building tools and enough flexibility to allow for some games.  People are free to use the tools for the fun of it but, if they want to run a business, should consider this market.

Unless I'm completely wrong about who uses SL and why.  I'm happy to be corrected.


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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

One game game players like to play is insisting SL is a game :-)

And those in the opposing camp insist it's not.

What might actually be an interesting discussion would be to delve into what motivates each group to cling so steadfastly to their insistence.  Seems to me that, underlying people's stated reasoning, are some very deep seated notions and perhaps even prejudices.  Not being privy to either side's internal emotions and thought processes, whatever conclusion I might come to would be nothing but mere speculation.  So, unless someone steps up to admit to that which drives them to be so very adamant in their assertions, I'm afraid this discussion will go nowhere and nothing will be accomplished... as usual.


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Kenbro Utu wrote:

I don't think it gets that deep with the "it's a game" crowd.  It is my opinion that most (though not all; nothing is absolute) use "it's a game" as an instant release of more responsibility for their actions and attitudes in world. 

Thank you, Kenbro... it is as I expected.

What I don't understand is how you arrive at this opinion.  Since I don't make a habit of asking people what they think SL is, I have no information, even anecdotal, with which to determine it's veracity... do you?

Could it be that because some individuals have used SL being only a game in order to justify their bad behavior, that you now feel it necessary to paint all (or most) SL-is-a-game claimers with the same brush?  Is there any evidence, whatsoever, that most aren't just here to enjoy themselves and wouldn't dream of purposely acting like an ass to their fellow users?  Or is their just not taking SL as seriously as you, perhaps some sort of threat to your virtual world view?


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Kenbro Utu wrote:

I don't think it gets that deep with the "it's a game" crowd.  It is my opinion that most (though not all; nothing is absolute) use "it's a game" as an instant release of more responsibility for their actions and attitudes in world. 


Well thank you for that, not.

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steph Arnott wrote:

Well it is a game in this way "
an activity that one engages in for amusement."

Please read my posts in this thread Steph - I realise you're not a native English speaker (I would say the Americans aren't either ^^) but my main objection is to the word "game", not what anyone might use SL for.

Sports-people may 'play a game' but not for amusement,  If their audience is there for amusement then, by the same token, the players are part of the entertainment industry.  Either way, 'playing a game' professionally is, by definition, primarily a business, not amusement.  At the same time the activity the audience is engaged in = for amusement - is "watching a game", not playing one.  Please explain your definition of game?


[@ Dres: I can only speak for myself in why I say SL is "not a game" and that, as I hope I've made clear, is with the definition of the word "game", rather than with any use of SL as a platform/toy/device/tool/game.  One reason I *believe* (possibly wrongly) people think of SL as a "game" is that that is what they are looking for and/or how they use it.  Fair enough, but I have no idea why they insist that therefore it IS a game.  This is just like my examples of people using, for instance, email for amusement.  That they do so does not mean that is what it is 'for' or what it IS.]
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