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Are there any places for mature people on SL?


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By "mature" I don't mean "dirty," I mean mature as opposed to immature.  

For starters, I've been on SL for awhile and finding most places are deserted most of the time.  :(   Of those that aren't, frankly I'm finding litte worthwhile, either because few people are ever there, the ones with people nobody says much, or the people who do are incredibly immature and/or empty-headed, with little in the way of conversational skills (or a combination of these things). Is there any place where people who at least resemble adults with a functioning brain hang out and talk (ie say more than hi to each other or brilliant things like "WHOO HOOO" or "TUUUUNE" (ad nauseam) all the time)?  Or am I dreaming?


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By "mature" I don't mean "dirty," I mean mature as opposed to immature.  

For starters, I've been on SL for awhile and finding most places are deserted most of the time.  :(   Of those that aren't, frankly I'm finding litte worthwhile, either because few people are ever there, the ones with people nobody says much, or the people who do are incredibly immature and/or empty-headed, with little in the way of conversational skills (or a combination of these things). Is there any place where people who at least resemble adults with a functioning brain hang out and talk (ie say more than hi to each other or brilliant things like "WHOO HOOO" or "TUUUUNE" (ad nauseam) all the time)?  Or am I dreaming?


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In all honestly, I don't think so. Everyone's perception of "mature" is different to each individual. What you find mature, another will find childish and vice versa. The only idea that pops into my head is attending some classes where people are actually taking their time to learn something. I think that's a mature quality.

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No. I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but we're all just totally childish. TUNE!

Sorry, couldn't resist. For the record I've seen gesturebation (like T-U-U-U-N-E-!) from mature people with whom I've carried on intelligent conversations. So don't use that as an indication of maturity. I personally don't like it but that's just me; there are people who have come to accept it as a reasonable affirmative response. They're just like, wrong. Somehow.

There are a lot of mature people in Second Life. I know tons. Well, handsful. Most of them are too busy having fun to remember they're supposed to be all mature and proper, but they're here.

Give it a little time. If you're looking for conversation my advice is to steer clear of places with lots of avatars. There's nothing wrong with crowded places but often the crowd has its own agenda. Just keep looking. When I started I was most comfortable in places with NO avatars. I am still comfortable in empty spaces, although I do have a lot of contacts. Don't bail. On any given evening (SLT) there are 40.000 plus people logged in and engaging.  That's a big enough sample size to ensure there are some you'd enjoy talking with.

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It depends on the type of activities you enjoy, for example one of my favorite communities to visit is Caledon.  It is a (large) group of sims with a 19th Century theme.  The regulars/residents of Caledon generally dress to theme and are very proper a la the Victorian era but they welcome any style of dress - as long as the "bits" are covered.  Great community!  Mieville is another Victorian era group of sims.

I enjoy ballroom and jazz type of dance places (Frank's Jazz Club, Smooth, there are lots more).  All ages but people who enjoy this style of dance are generally a bit older.

The best thing to do as others have suggested is to think of some activity or interest then use search to find either places or groups that incorporate them.  I can assure you there are *ahem* mature people in SL, well age-wise. *Grins*

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Why are you looking for mature peepels? Just to talk to them? Arrgs. Chatting is so outdated and useless and no fun at all. Can't you find anything moar, like, productive to do?

When I entered SL in 07 I never was in the mood to chat much (still ain't) but immediately went into SL sailing after I got my bearings right. I was like \o/ YAY! \o/ and bought my litlte self a boat, joined all available yacht clubs and started mucking about on the water. Sure raced and lost hundreds of races, made some huge tours and cruises on all waterways on the grid and met thousands of avies. The SL sailing community is not only one of the best organised communities in SL but also the involved peeps seem to be older on average. I know lots of peeps fitting the 50-70 age bracket, is that mature enough? WORD!

It's what you do, not how you talk, what makes you interesting and makes peepels wanna talk to you!

Oh, btw, my uncommunicative nature makes me regularly weeding out my 200+ friendslist. Like swish, swooosh ... baibai \o/ These days I regularly log on with one of my virtually unknown alts when I need my alone time to finish a project without any distraction by some chatters.

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Why are you asking this here? 90% of those using these forums think that the letters "ch" appear in the middle of the word "mature". It's rather like those newspaper adverts announcing literacy classes.

Of the other 10%, most prefer to allow their reptile brain to direct their typing, rationality and logic taking second place to unfounded belief and chemical stimulation, the latter being represented both by legal and illegal drugs and natural highs generated by blind passion.

I have heard a rumour that LL is considering the introduction of an IQ test as part of the signup process; as with the armed forces and civil protection services, if you fail it, you are allowed to join.

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I have heard a rumour that LL is considering the introduction of an IQ test as part of the signup process; as with the armed forces and civil protection services, if you fail it, you are allowed to join.


:smileyhappy: That just made my day! :smileyvery-happy:

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pitiful wrote:

By "mature" I don't mean "dirty," I mean mature as opposed to immature.  

For starters, I've been on SL for awhile and finding most places are deserted most of the time.  
  Of those that aren't, frankly I'm finding litte worthwhile, either because few people are ever there, the ones with people nobody says much, or the people who do are incredibly immature and/or empty-headed, with little in the way of conversational skills (or a combination of these things).
Is there any place where people who at least resemble adults with a functioning brain hang out and talk
(ie say more than hi to each other or brilliant things like "
ad nauseam) all the time)?  Or am I dreaming?


Yes there is..

hope this helps

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Yeah it's funny - If you search for "mature" o "adult" locations, you get foul-mouthed, half naked avatars.

These are mostly children who think that "adults" are kids who don't get in trouble for being foul-mouthed.  In real life of course, most real adults (the ones who never appear on "Cheaters" or "Maury") are very civil and even interesting to talk to.

I have found some communities within SL that are fun.  The builders and scripters in general are very sharing.  I avoid communities with a religious or political themes, because that (for me) is the thing I am here to escape.

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Commander Turbo wrote:

Yeah it's funny - If you search for "mature" o "adult" locations, you get foul-mouthed, half naked avatars.

These are mostly children who think that "adults" are kids who don't get in trouble for being foul-mouthed.  In real life of course, most real adults (the ones who never appear on "Cheaters" or "Maury") are very civil and even interesting to talk to.

I have found some communities within SL that are fun.  The builders and scripters in general are very sharing.  I avoid communities with a religious or political themes, because that (for me) is the thing I am here to escape.

Ok, this are maybe hot news for you, but I'll resepect that some people chose to live in their own world or under a rock (sometimes both at the same time!). Adult/Mature isn't a rating for IQ or the level of manners someone has....guess what its for and maybe don't visit too many plain free-sex sims in the future. :cattongue:

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Yeah it's funny - If you search for "mature" o "adult" locations, you get foul-mouthed, half naked avatars.

Before we talk any further, can you please be so kind to define what half naked means? In my definition there are only two states: dressed and naked. The first one means having your sexual reproductive organs covered, the second means no coverage whatsoever. Sexy heels and other toys aren't part of the equation. BTW, I count topless women as dressed.

Also I don't know what foul-mouthed has to do with the maturity level. This would need a clear definition as well. I use the f-word all the time and I'm a bourgeois housewife, not a candidate for Cheaters and Maury, and 47 years old. In my definition most of what comes out of the mouth of rightwing politicians and church people is foul-mouthed, most swear words are not.


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Commander Turbo wrote:

Yeah it's funny - If you search for "mature" o "adult" locations, you get foul-mouthed, half naked avatars.

These are mostly children who think that "adults" are kids who don't get in trouble for being foul-mouthed.  In real life of course, most real adults (the ones who never appear on "Cheaters" or "Maury") are very civil and even interesting to talk to.

I have found some communities within SL that are fun.  The builders and scripters in general are very sharing.  I avoid communities with a religious or political themes, because that (for me) is the thing I am here to escape.

In the Adult sim where I reside, we do our half-naked with style!  (Or, just all naked  ; ) 

Also, we use multi-syllable words, and toss around our savoir-faire with the best of them.  When in voice our elocution is impeccable, and rarely do we lower ourselves to the level of colorful Tarantino movie characters.  (Outside of quoting for oft known bons mots.)

(As to what "Cheaters" and/or "Maury" is...I had no clue, until Google informed me that these are TV shows. How plebeian of you!  I personally don't own a TV, so wouldn't know about this low-brow fare, but to each their own. )


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You sound like this newbie I met at a welcome area. He said he was a teacher in Germany and that he had just joined SL. After I welcomed him to SL, he said something like, "My god! You're the first person to speak to me using complete sentences!"

If you do end up in a gathering, I'd suggest looking at people's profiles and if they look interesting, send them an IM. People seem to chat more intelligently when it is one on one. Just don't be discouraged if people don't want to talk in IMs or are just not in the mood to talk.

Also, make sure you have a nice profile too.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Very true re: the profile.  I have a line in mine that says I enjoy scintillating discussions with people who know what scintillating means.  Helps with weeding out.

I have an old scintillation detector somewhere in the attic. I also have an irony detector, which may still be in working order.

ETA: my introduction to the word "scintillating" was via my Dad who, unlike the fella in that video, was able to make the discussion of scintillation... scintillating. Hence the irony in the video.

Here's another fella who could make a discussion of scintillation scintillating...

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I had a similar experiance with someone from the US. He was stunned by the fact, that he didn't noticed he spoke to a foreigner, until the conversation came to a point where it got part of the topic. After being used to horrible grammar and incomplete sentences from his fellow countrymen, he didn't expect that someone with English as a second language would bother to write this good.

In general, I noticed a lot people, no matter what language they spoke, get lazy or aren't used to type correctly as soon as they get into anything that can be called "chat". (I just hope, they type better at their workplace). I once asked someone why he refused to use punctuation or capitalletters. He said its too exertive to always think about that stuff.

I can't completely agree with that statement and I think its only a matter of habit. I used to do a lot chat-based roleplay in the past and its a big NO there to not use punctuation or capitalletters or write incomplete nonesense. So I adaptet the habit to write complete sentences and all that even in my free time.

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He said its too exertive to always think about that stuff.

LOL, wut? These are usally the people I say bye bye to as soon as they start typing. That "stuff" (I call it language) isn't anything one needs to think about if one has spent more than 3 or 4 years in a school. As a grown up person you shouldn't think about basic grammar rules, they are supposed to be automated in your brain. One doesn't need to think when opening a door or washing heir hands or eating an ice cream either. It's not needed to think in order to use of one's own language effectively.

I see a lot of atrocious grammar in German forae as well, I bet our French, Italian, Russian and whatever friends notice the same. But what I never see is anyone totally ignoring punctuation. There must have something awfully wrong going on in Britsih and American classrooms. Totally weird that this comes from a culture where people often say "period" when they made an argument. So they rather type out a whole word than just setting its equivalent, a little dot, at the end of their sentences?

No wonder that so many of them  prefer to talk in voice and even stating it's easier to make yourself understood and less misunderstandable. This whole way of reversed thinking makes me sad. :smileysad:

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Syo Emerald wrote:


In general, I noticed a lot people, no matter what language they spoke, get lazy or aren't used to type correctly as soon as they get into anything that can be called "chat".

When somebody chats with me and constanly uses sloppy language, like - "hw r u" - not minding about capitals nor punctuation, I get an urge to comment "is your keyboard broken?".  And when I see such sloppiness in forums I go totally nuts - or I just ignore the post without any further reading. (lol)

:matte-motes-sick:  :smileywink:

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

After being used to horrible grammar and incomplete sentences from his fellow countrymen, he didn't expect that someone with English as a second language would bother to write this

Just thought I'd help. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:


Hey, I'm trying my best.


And you are right, Orca. What Germans sometimes write in a language that is supposed to be what they write and speak since early years is sometimes such a mess, it hurts. I noticed I have difficulties to tolerate sloppy writing in German far less.

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