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HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE...would like your opinion!

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Davvek wrote:

Awesome comments people!!!...I found the series very decent.  Nice to see intellectual content still alive and well.  It's the kinda topic you want to read & research.  Well done Sonja!!!!

There's nothing intellectual about this thread, nor is the topic anything worth "researching".  Well, unless one wants to research how the videos are propagating pseudoscience. 




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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Davvek wrote:

Awesome comments people!!!...I found the series very decent.  Nice to see intellectual content still alive and well.  It's the kinda topic you want to read & research.  Well done Sonja!!!!

There's nothing intellectual about this thread, nor is the topic anything worth "researching".  Well, unless one wants to research how the videos are propagating pseudoscience. 




No need for that. Pseudoscience has been around for ages and there's a good reason for it. People want to believe in something more then themselves.

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I read most of these posts today and I was not really planning on commenting but having a bit of free time I thought I'd at least see what the link in the OP had.

I've seen comments from people who gave it 40 minutes, some even more. I am not worthy. I made my decision in less than two minutes of air time. I grant you I was stopping the stream and going here and there to google things but after doing so my opinion is:


My first problem was with the presenter's main claim—the one he led with, the one it was all about. My second problem was with his idea of how that main claim would affect us. I'll start with that second problem.

As an analog of his holographic projection theory he used the example of the idea of a flat Earth. It's true, a great many people believed/assumed the Earth to be flat. I mean, it made sense: you kept going in one direction and you never found yourself walking upside down or anything. A great many people thought the Earth was flat, but by no means everyone did. Eratosthenes was well aware the Earth was round and used that fact to make his extremely accurate calculation of the circumference of the Earth—around 230 B.C.

Of those who did think the Earth was flat, what difference would it make to learn it wasn't? The narrator talks of how it '..limited human lives and experience..". How, exactly? Even the most intellectual and scholarly of humans would not be much affected by the news.

Thus, I say the main reason for 'presenting' this is baloney. Even were it true it would have no effect on the vast majority of humans.

But to the main point. He says, starting at 0:24, "..for example, in January of 2012 scientists at the GEO600 Gravitational Wave Detector in Germany announced they now had scientific evidence that the entire universe is a holographic projection around the Earth.." That is what this entire discussion is all about. That is his absolute MAIN point: his center, his core.

And it is an absolute lie.

Scientists at the GEO600 made no such claim. Ever. An unafilliated scientist in Illinois, reading the results, did publish a paper that purported to show that noise picked up by the GEO600 was consistent with a hologram according to his prior predictions. Trouble is, it turned out he already knew about the noise before he made his 'prediction'. Not only that, all of this happened in 2008/2009. The supposed announcement in 2012 was just this online magazine's recap (note that it is the exact source of the video's image): http://www.kipnews.org/2012/01/17/scientific-evidence-that-the-entire-universe-is-a-holographic-projection-around-the-earth/. The entire substance of the fantastic claim, the whole point of the five part series, is....



Edited to remove at least some sections of the wall. I got carried away

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Sonja Smedley wrote:


And honestly what is really normal in this world?

Ignorance is normal.  It's also why people get sucked into bogus crap like those videos.

Being stoned helps.


So THAT'S why I couldn't get into it.

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And again I say...no matter how many people are saying this or that cannot be true...fact is that we do not know it .

 All these scientific discussions, science made by humans..so that they can be so verbally strike their heads against each other.

This is not the point.

There will always be someone who thinks he knows it better.

But I do not really care about science, it seems no one gets out of this tunnel view.

I dont want to hear about calculations and experiments..cause they are all human made.

Why does the human race believe that they have an answer to all questions?

In real they do not know...and cannot know the answer.

I just put our whole existence, as we see it and experience it in question.

And we discuss another 6 sites but it is for nothing cause we are talking past each other.

If we truly live in an illusory reality, we will not recognize.

Cause we have no way out of it...and it feels like real so no one can imagine something else, cause we only

know the life here as it is.

Most of the people do not realize what Í want to say.

Because just their imagination and their rational thinking does not allow it.

And this is the only sad thing at the story.

Or maybe it should be exactly this way...and so people like me who think different are the crazy ones to

laugh about.:0)

Everything that does not match the human standard is considered ridiculous.

Although the human race itself is ridiculous, cause they created their own rules and do not allow to have a

free mind.



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Sonja Smedley wrote:


Most of the people do not realize what Í want to say.

Because just
imagination and
rational thinking
does not allow it

And this is the only sad thing at the story.

Or maybe it should be exactly this way...and so people like me who think different are the crazy ones to

laugh about.:0)

Everything that
does not match the
is considered

Although the human race itself is ridiculous, cause they created their own rules and do not allow to have a

free mind.


I haven't posted in this thread, yet, though I've read the entire thing.

The only sad part of this entire thread I see is that you started it with the idea that you were wanting a discussion. The truth of the matter is, you don't want a discussion. You don't want to see what anyone else has to say, because it might go against what you have to say and what you now believe. This is the very thing you're accusing everyone else here of doing. You've said people can't and don't understand. You've said they can't and don't see. You've said they can't and won't think for themselves. You're the perfect example of all of those. You didn't think this up yourself. You came to this conclusion because of a set of videos. Which, I am not bashing or belittling you for doing. I happen to believe all people should be able to believe and feel as they wish, no matter how they come into those beliefs. So please don't think that I am being mean. I'm simply trying to point out that this entire thread, everything you have said to basically counteract anything others have said, is one big ball of irony. This new revelation you have come into, is important to you and you're not actually living with an open mind because there is fear others could jeopardize it-a very human feeling. This is why you reject anything that doesn't coincide with your new found, path, as it were.

It's very difficult to point one's finger at someone while still pointing that same finger at ourselves. Though every single person on this planet, I believe, has done so or will do so at one point in time. We're all guilty of accusing others of things we ourselves are also guilty of. It's a very odd cycle, but also rather human.

If you have found a new sense of life, I am happy for you. I don't particularly care how anyone comes to be at that sort of place in their life. But I can be happy that they've achieved it. I believe everyone should be happy in life.

I happen to believe a bit differently than these videos suggest I ought to. I don't find it to be a bad thing the way you do, though. Different thinking is how the world got to be the way it was. As bad as some things can be, and are, in this world, I am pretty darn happy with life as it's presented to me, on an overall scale. I take life a day at a time. I take people at face value. I live my life and I let others live theirs. I have my beliefs and I am fine with others having theirs, even if they don't even remotely mesh well. It's all good in my book. I don't need others to tell me it's ok for me to live life this way, because I'm quite comfortable with myself, my skin, my station in life and how I've come to be. I do believe others often struggle because they are not ok with their station in life. Something I think everyone feels at some point. I do feel sad, at times, for people like that who are perpetually stuck in that sort of mindset. Yet at the same time I can accept that this is life for them and there is nothing I can say or do, to fix that for them.

I don't believe in a higher power, and I don't feel the need to. I do question life, at times, but not on such a broad scale that it changed my entire outlook. However, I accept that others need to question everything in life, and it gives them purpose, understanding and sometimes even hope. So, I say, good on them, if this is what they need.

I believe in letting others question. I believe in letting others live. I believe in letting others think for themselves. I believe in allowing whatever knowledge I might have, out to the world around me, regardless as to whether or not it will ever have any sort of effect. I don't believe in having expectations of everything because that lets both fear and doubt in. Those can be scary little things at times. We all feel both enough as it is. These videos would not be here for you to watch, if someone along the line didn't think differently. It's not a bad thing to question life, or question in general for that matter. Yes everything we see before us came about because of mankind, including those videos. So questioning how and why it all began, and continues, is a perfectly normal thing. Not being able to accept that others do not always question, however, doesn't seem very normal to me. I could be 100% mistaken on that, though. I am human after all and I certainly don't have all the answers to life any more than any other human ever could. Then again, I don't want them all, either.

So, like I said, I live my life, I let others live theirs, and I'm perfectly happy and content with that. I can only wish the same content for others, but I'd never try to push it onto them by telling them they are in the wrong for not thinking like I do. ;)

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

everything is
just a
of the humans...
all the
the languages, simply everything here on earth. ( I do not mean nature of course or the planet itself).

names to things
wrote the Bible
actually all
made by human hands

So I ask
seriously, who
gives us
the right to say
is and is not
in this world

No one
knows what
this world
really is
and why
we are here
were we
come from

do not believe
all that
stuff we
school ...

... maybe
I am
to all
is how I
I do not need
to hide
I am honest

I think we have to be careful about making statements like "we created language" as if it was a conscious decision on our part to do so. We evolved our capacity for language, as have other animals that we do not consider as being conscious (self-aware). The scientific method is something we did consciously design, and it may be the coolest idea we've ever had. It strives for objective truth, knowing full well that the people applying the method have subjective biases and flawed perception. We've been working on this idea for thousands of years, as long as any religion. Unlike religion, the scientific method makes predictions and requires that every hypothesis be tested against verifiable evidence.

Science does not say what is and what isn't with absolute certainty. Science is about probabliities. We posit theories which make predictions about the world, and if the world provides evidence to counter the theory (the moment a theory is postulated, somebody wants to find evidence to disprove it), it dies. Now and then, nature offers up evidence that confirms the predictions and we yell "Yay!", but we do not claim certainty. We're maybe just one step or layer closer to the truth. But the theories of science forever remain theories. So in that sense, nobody knows for sure.

But we can achieve enough certainty to accomplish great things, like fly or cure illness. Every time you fly on an airplane, press the brake pedal of your car or take antibiotics for an infection, you are demonstrating your faith in the science that made it possible. You are expressing your faith in the collaborative endeavor of mankind to push our biases and errors of perception to the side and get at the truth of a thing.

The kinds of perceptual and logical errors that Davis and Lipton mentioned have been known for a very long time. Magicians, illusionists and con-men of old may know more about human perception than many modern psychologists. Socrates conned more than his fair share of people into hanging themselves in argument and seeing the error of their ways. Every day we learn of yet another way that we fool ourselves, but the general idea that we fool ourselves is ancient. I do it, you do it, Davis does it and several of us here have caught him doing it.

In watching over an hour of Davis' video now, I've encountered several theories and claims that have already been disproven by physical evidence. His claim that the GEO600 detector found evidence of "holographic projection" has been shot down as "noise" and his characterization of that projection as being Earth centered is simply wrong. Quantum Mechanics knows nothing about Earth or humans. Throughout the video, there is a constant drumbeat of anthropocentrism that just sounds like religion, not science.

Sonja, you are probably no more or less crazy than me. (I neither intend that as a compliment nor an insult, just my assessment of the probabilities ;-) We share a curiosity about the world around us and our place in it because, for reasons known and yet unknown, the nature of the human intellect makes us the fittest to survive.

Where we may differ is in our comfort with uncertainty. In that sense, I've long known that I'm not like many of my friends, who disdain uncertainty so much that they'll believe wrong things. My conscious reflective self would rather be uncertain than certain of the wrong things. My subconscious is prone to all those errors mentioned by David and Lipton, so I have to keep an eye on it. I am not bothered to discover errors in my perception and beliefs. I can try to work around the former and change the latter.

After my Father, the mind I've most admired is that of the late Nobel Physicist Dr. Richard Feynman, who Davis quoted early in the first video you linked. I've read all of Feynman's layperson books, learned physics from his "Feynman Lectures on Physics", and listened to or watched nearly all of the available recordings of his lectures and interviews. I am reasonably sure he would declare Davis as "nutty", or even worse, as a philosopher.

I have watched over an hour of your Mr. Davis. Now I ask that you watch at least of little of my Dr. Feynman. I can imagine that what you feel when watching Davis is like what I feel when watching Feynman. Feynman can bring me to tears with the power and elegance of his intellect. I think you'll find that he addresses many of the points you've raised in your responses to us here.

ETA: I just read Tari Landar's response, which I find thoughtful and heartfelt. I too don't mind if people think differently than I do, most of you seem to. And though I believe I embrace uncertainty in preference to being certain of the wrong things, I am not supremely confident in my ability to actually know the right things. I simply do the best I can.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Davvek wrote:

Awesome comments people!!!...I found the series very decent.  Nice to see intellectual content still alive and well.  It's the kinda topic you want to read & research.  Well done Sonja!!!!

There's nothing intellectual about this thread, nor is the topic anything worth "researching".  Well, unless one wants to research how the videos are propagating pseudoscience. This is about theoretical physics.




I think there's  too much being too rapidly overconcluded here :  the holographic universe - theory is perhaps getting confused with words like 'holistic' .

This is NOT some New Age - propaganda. This is NOT about intelligent design. This is NOT Scientology rewrapped.

It IS about our current perception of real physics and many will have a hard time figuring this out at all.

We are talking about a theory and people here who correctly refuted Hawking's conclusion about black holes and the preservation of information ! Even Dr. Hawking himself confirmed it. It's a colission of scientific principles which could be as important as quantum physics itself.


It's a scientific discussion indeed ,eventhough only theoretical, with more scientific basis and credibility than any statements here in this thread made by anyone ( myself included).


 participant_hockenberry_john-56x56.jpg John Hockenberry Journalist

Gerard_t_Hooft_2011-56x57.jpg  Gerard ’t Hooft Nobel Laureate, Theoretical Physicist

Leonard_Susskind_smile_2011-56x57.jpgLeonard Susskind Theoretical Physicist, Author

Herman_Verlinde_2011-56x57.jpgHerman Verlinde Theoretical & String Physicist

bousso-new200-56x57.jpgRaphael Bousso Physicist



Bluntly categorizing this as pseudo-science is just, well,  ... plain ignorant or stupid. Or both ... :robotindifferent:


To the OP : You are being , perhaps deliberately, misunderstood. I'm cutting you some slack : I find you raised a good topic . Too bad apparantly many here are just not up to it or confuse you with Lucinda\Boudicca\Leon. :robotfrustrated:



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TDD123 wrote:

I think there's  too much being too rapidly overconcluded here :  the holographic universe - theory is perhaps getting confused with words like 'holistic' .

This is NOT some New Age - propaganda. This is NOT about intelligent design. This is NOT Scientology rewrapped.

It IS about our current perception of real physics and many will have a hard time figuring this out at all.

We are talking about a theory and people here who correctly refuted Hawking's conclusion about black holes and the preservation of information ! Even Dr. Hawking himself confirmed it. It's a colission of scientific principles which could be as important as quantum physics itself.


,eventhough only theoretical, with more scientific basis and credibility than any statements here in this thread made by anyone ( myself included). 


Bluntly catergorizing this as pseudo-science is just, well,  ... plain ignorant or stupid. :robotindifferent:

 To the OP : You are being , perhaps deliberately, misunderstood. I'm cutting you some slack. I find you raised a good topic . Apparantly many here are just not up to it. 

So the Stephen Davis video is not about New Age Propaganda nor is it Scientology rewrapped?  It's about our current perception of real physics? Really?

Are you not aware that Stephen Davis's book on which all this is based is titled
Butterflies Are Free to Fly. A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual
, which, as the blurb states, examines how quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality – and giving us a new model for the way our universe works and the practical steps to take toward true joy and excitement and peace of mind.

Sounds like it's exactly what you claim it's not.


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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

So the Stephen Davis video is not about New Age Propaganda nor is it Scientology rewrapped?  It's about our current perception of real physics? Really?

Are you not aware that Stephen Davis's book on which all this is based is titled
Butterflies Are Free to Fly. A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual
, which, as the blurb states, examines how quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality – and giving us a new model for the way our universe works and the practical steps to take toward true joy and excitement and peace of mind.

Sounds like it's exactly what you claim it's not.


Good point ... Truth is :  I'm singling out the holographic universe - theory as a whole only. It is not sheer nonsense.


I'm not discussing the message of Stephen Davis' book, his videos or his workshop.

If the OP combines these two ( the holographic universe-theory with Stephen Davis' message), the OP and I disagree.

If the OP intended to discuss a possible scientific concept about reality ( considering the thread title here .. not Stephen Davis' message. ), I find she should not be shot for merely being a messenger on forehand.


ETA : I only watched the first video of Stephen Davis,  leaving the subject of spirituality and claims about it as it is. Not my bag.

Then googled on 'holographic universe', which I found at least scientifically interesting.


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I've only read the first post but if "the holographic universe" is anything to do with the silly idea that the universe we know is a holographic projection inside a sphere, or something similar to a sphere, then it's rubbish, imo - and you did ask for opinions.

There are many theories of the universe, from particles to the whole thing, and even to multiple universes, that are nothing more than mathematical possibilities, many of which are so far fetched as to be ridiculous - like this one is. The cutting edge physicists of today are merely mathematicians with imagination and an interest in physics. They don't observe things and then do the sums to confirm what they think may be true about their observations. They dream up ideas and then do the sums to see if they are mathematically possible and, if they are possible, they put them forward as theories and such.

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Let me catch the word "dream" in your post.

What is a dream for you?

Are you able to touch things in dreams...do you feel solid matter in dreams?

Do you realize in every dream you have that you are dreaming or do you feel this as real happenings?

Do you feel pain and hurt and fear and happiness in your dreams?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

But I always wake up just as we're about to get to it

Ah Phil, if you get too excited about it, you surely will wake up! Try to observe it a bit more calmly and the dream just might go on. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink:

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How do I do that when I'm dreaming? If I'm aware enough to attempt it, I'm already partly awake, and that'll be the end of it. It's no good. I just can't have those nice dreams that other people seem to have :(

Also, I can never go back to sleep and continue a dream where it left off. I'm cursed :(

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Sonja Smedley wrote:

everything is
just a
of the humans...
all the
the languages, simply everything here on earth. ( I do not mean nature of course or the planet itself).

names to things
wrote the Bible
actually all
made by human hands

So I ask
seriously, who
gives us
the right to say
is and is not
in this world

No one
knows what
this world
really is
and why
we are here
were we
come from

do not believe
all that
stuff we
school ...

... maybe
I am
to all
is how I
I do not need
to hide
I am honest

I think we have to be careful about making statements like "we created language" as if it was a conscious decision on our part to do so. We evolved our capacity for language, as have other animals that we do not consider as being conscious (self-aware). The scientific method is something we did consciously design, and it may be the coolest idea we've ever had. It strives for objective truth, knowing full well that the people applying the method have subjective biases and flawed perception. We've been working on this idea for thousands of years, as long as any religion. Unlike religion, the scientific method makes predictions and requires that every hypothesis be tested against verifiable evidence.

Science does not say what is and what isn't with absolute certainty. Science is about probabliities. We posit theories which make predictions about the world, and if the world provides evidence to counter the theory (the moment a theory is postulated, somebody wants to find evidence to disprove it), it dies. Now and then, nature offers up evidence that confirms the predictions and we yell "Yay!", but we do not claim certainty. We're maybe just one step or layer closer to the truth. But the theories of science forever remain theories. So in that sense, nobody knows for sure.

But we can achieve enough certainty to accomplish great things, like fly or cure illness. Every time you fly on an airplane, press the brake pedal of your car or take antibiotics for an infection, you are demonstrating your faith in the science that made it possible. You are expressing your faith in the collaborative endeavor of mankind to push our biases and errors of perception to the side and get at the truth of a thing.

The kinds of perceptual and logical errors that Davis and Lipton mentioned have been known for a very long time. Magicians, illusionists and con-men of old may know more about human perception than many modern psychologists. Socrates conned more than his fair share of people into hanging themselves in argument and seeing the error of their ways. Every day we learn of yet another way that we fool ourselves, but the general idea that we fool ourselves is ancient. I do it, you do it, Davis does it and several of us here have caught him doing it.

In watching over an hour of Davis' video now, I've encountered several theories and claims that have already been disproven by physical evidence. His claim that the GEO600 detector found evidence of "holographic projection" has been shot down as "noise" and his characterization of that projection as being Earth centered is simply wrong. Quantum Mechanics knows nothing about Earth or humans. Throughout the video, there is a constant drumbeat of anthropocentrism that just sounds like religion, not science.

Sonya, you are probably no more or less crazy than me. (I neither intend that as a compliment nor an insult, just my assessment of the probabilities ;-) We share a curiosity about the world around us and our place in it because, for reasons known and yet unknown, the nature of the human intellect makes us the fittest to survive.

Where we may differ is in our comfort with uncertainty. In that sense, I've long known that I'm not like many of my friends, who disdain uncertainty so much that they'll believe wrong things. My conscious reflective self would rather be uncertain than certain of the wrong things. My subconscious is prone to all those errors mentioned by David and Lipton, so I have to keep an eye on it. I am not bothered to discover errors in my perception and beliefs. I can try to work around the former and change the latter.

After my Father, the mind I've most admired is that of the late Nobel Physicist Dr. Richard Feynman, who Davis quoted early in the first video you linked. I've read all of Feynman's layperson books, learned physics from his "Feynman Lectures on Physics", and listened to or watched nearly all of the available recordings of his lectures and interviews. I am reasonably sure he would declare Davis as "nutty", or even worse, as a philosopher.

I have watched over an hour of your Mr. Davis. Now I ask that you watch at least of little of my Dr. Feynman. I can imagine that what you feel when watching Davis is like what I feel when watching Feynman. Feynman can bring me to tears with the power and elegance of his intellect. I think you'll find that he addresses many of the points you've raised in your responses to us here.

ETA: I just read Tari Landar's response, which I find thoughtful and heartfelt. I too don't mind if people think differently than I do, most of you seem to. And though I believe I embrace uncertainty in preference to being certain of the wrong things, I am not supremely confident in my ability to actually know the right things. I simply do the best I can.

oh i love feynman..that reminds me of a thread we were in about a year or so ago talking about string theory and fractals in nature..someone else posted up a really good series also..

it went into the black holes and how the last thing in the universe would be a black hole..

that was after i think about 5 really awesome videos of the cool ways that person gave examples..

i really wish i could find that thread..there was so much cool information in it..and we were really jiving along on the discussion for pages and pages.. =)

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TDD123 wrote:

Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

So the Stephen Davis video is not about New Age Propaganda nor is it Scientology rewrapped?  It's about our current perception of real physics? Really?

Are you not aware that Stephen Davis's book on which all this is based is titled
Butterflies Are Free to Fly. A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual
, which, as the blurb states, examines how quantum physics and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding of life, our reality, and our spirituality – and giving us a new model for the way our universe works and the practical steps to take toward true joy and excitement and peace of mind.

Sounds like it's exactly what you claim it's not.


Good point ... Truth is :  I'm singling out the holographic universe - theory as a whole only. It is
sheer nonsense.


I'm not discussing the message of Stephen Davis' book, his videos or his workshop.

If the OP combines these two ( the holographic universe-theory with Stephen Davis' message), the OP and I disagree.

If the OP intended to discuss a possible scientific concept about reality ( considering the thread title here .. not Stephen Davis' message. ), I find she should not be shot for merely being a messenger on forehand.


ETA : I only watched the first video of Stephen Davis,  leaving the subject of spirituality and claims about it as it is. Not my bag.

Then googled on 'holographic universe', which I found at least scientifically interesting.


ya that is kind of where i was coming from as well..

i'm more than interested enough to check out the theory..but not by watching that mans video..

as i said..he lost my trust pretty fast..i've learned that if i can't trust them right away or feel leery that i need to look elsewhere for the information..

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