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What would you do?

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So I was at the beach when I noticed the beautiful avi. While I was checking her out (hey I did say she was beautiful) I notices her feet were completely a different color. I know that to each his or her own so I didn't say anything but I thought if my feet were completely off, I would want someone to say something. I know people are touchy with there avi's so I was quiet but did I do the right thing? What would you have done?

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Could be their monitor displayed it differently when blending. Lighting could have been a factor.


I know there are appliers for skins now to help match, but I've not used those, so can't speak from experience. Maybe they couldn't use appliers with their product.

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There is so much what can change the way colors are seen: windlight settings, sun position, graphic cards...and so on... it can be your ór her hardware what's giving the difference.


i'd be very careful in commenting on other avatars, think you wouldn't like get comments on your appearance too ... It's not much different to rl, nobody like to hear..."hey...you have a huge nose .." or worse...

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Everyone sees the world differently depending on internet connections, computer hardware, graphic settings in preferences, windlight settings etc.  It may have appeared off on your screen but be a perfect match to 10 other people.

I wouldn't have said anything unless she asked me directly for my opinion.

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It's a good thing you didn't say anything because that person probably sees nothing wrong on their viewer. I mean, if you're going out on the beach and you see your feet are the wrong color are you just going to blow it off and walk around anyways? Can you think of one person who would do this? 

So if you did speak up it would go like this.

Excuse me but your feet color don't match your body.

Really? They look the same to me.

Awkward silence.


So you did the right thing by not speaking up.

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Stellar Starship wrote:

I wouldn't have bothered to make a forum post out of such an insignificant happenstance.  

Nor, would I have paid any attention to the beach goers feet. 


Thank you for your input. It may have been insignificant and it may not have been. About a year ago someone made fun of my favorite hair. It had glitches however in my viewer it looked perfect. Made me upset but it also made me look at other hair. So it was a good thing I was picked on. Yes he could have just messaged me privately but the point is he spoke up. When I asked my other friends they admitted my hair was glitches. So Yes it may be significant or it may not be. I chose to not say anything because it could be my end. Sometimes pointing out something is a good thing. 

Also I notice everything... Well most things. 

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I wouldn't have said anything, either, but not due to the classical argument of 'we all see things differently'... it's true, but beyond a certain difference, it's just a problem of tone mismatching, not rendering engines anything. Still I wouldn't have said anything because, if her av was overall well done, chances are she was aware of it but either wasn't in a position to fix the mismatch at the moment, or didn't care to do so. This is not a case where some textures in your base avatar haven't loaded for everyone else but did so to you... that would, and in fact usually is, a reason to warn the person; but by and large, prim extensions either load correctly or they don't, and if they do, a significant tone difference wouldn't be something she could've missed herself.

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This reminds me of how I used to get IMs from people when I was out and about "OMG you have this HUGE bald spot" which, as it turned out, looked that way to them because they were running their graphics at a lower setting than I was running mine. In general, unless someone's shoes are up his or her butt (yes! that old glitch is back recently) I don't say a thing.

I remember when most viewers didn't have the ability to attach multiple items to the same point and people using Emerald viewer would be walking around with jewelry or who knows what hanging in the air in front of them, totally oblivious to how odd they looked to many. The first time I saw that and mentioned it, the rude reply I received was that it was my problem and why don't I use Emerald? It really wasn't my problem, I just thought well, this person is walking around thinking he looks SOOOO cool and about half the people he encounters see him as someone REALLY inept at editing prim attachments LOL.

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I wouldn't have said a thing. As long as this person is not needed for a photo- or moviecast, its unimportant how her attachments look to others. You couldn't have helped her changing it anyway, because I assume it looks fine on her screen.

Only one single time I have mentioned something about an avatars apperance/outfit. It was in a store and I saw a woman walking around in a beautiful silkdress. But she forgot to wear panties and when ever her AO made her move to one side, she was halfnaked. She probably hasn't seen it, because it was only viewable from a frontview. So I decieded to IM her and tell her about it.

I'm always careful about mentioning something about somebodies avatar, a lot people would get kind of angry and agressiv.

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If I think I'm seeing a visual oddity caused by SL and not by personal taste, I might comment on it. If the foot color mismatch was slight I'd probably have said nothing, as I see mismatched feet just about everywhere, including on myself. But if it was "completely a different color", and if I was in a gregarious mood, I might have IM'ed saying, "You've a beautiful avatar, but I think my viewer may be mis-rendering you." followed by sending them a snapshot of the color mismatch. This delivers a heartfelt compliment (you did tell us the avatar was beautiful) and allows placement of blame on SL, which is usually at fault for something. To look good in SL requires both taste and some technical familiarity, or friends willing to help.

If you get a pleasant response, indicating that the person wasn't aware of the mismatch, you could then offer some advice for better matching the color. You might just make a new friend, and who doesn't want beautiful friends? ;-)


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I would have gone on about my business.  Based on my past experiences of strangers telling me my skin was "too pale" or "You need to go out in the sun more" when I spent a LOT of time trying to find that skin in 2007, trying to be nice in this situation can backfire.  I would think her friend/s will eventually point that out.


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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I was at the beach when I noticed the beautiful avi. While I was checking her out (hey I did say she was beautiful) I notices her feet were completely a different color. I know that to each his or her own so I didn't say anything but I thought if my feet were completely off, I would want someone to say something. I know people are touchy with there avi's so I was quiet but did I do the right thing? What would you have done?

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

If I think I'm seeing a visual oddity caused by SL and not by personal taste, I might comment on it. If the foot color mismatch was slight I'd probably have said nothing, as I see mismatched feet just about everywhere, including on myself. But if it was "completely a different color", and if I was in a gregarious mood, I might have IM'ed saying, "You've a beautiful avatar, but I think my viewer may be mis-rendering you." followed by sending them a snapshot of the color mismatch. This delivers a heartfelt compliment (you did tell us the avatar was beautiful) and allows placement of blame on SL, which is usually at fault for something. To look good in SL requires both taste and some technical familiarity, or friends willing to help.

If you get a pleasant response, indicating that the person wasn't aware of the mismatch, you could then offer some advice for better matching the color. You might just make a new friend, and who doesn't want beautiful friends? ;-)

Sephina, some people will be appreciative that you mentioned it and some will not. I personally would not take offensive. I look at avi's all the time as you said you do, I mean isn't that what most people do when out in a social place lol? I think that Madelaine summed it up great, start out with a compliment, who doesn't like those if you feel the need to mention something. As others have said, of course we all see avatars different on our own screens than they may see theirs with everything mentioned, hardware, windlight, etc, anything. I would think if someone spends a lot of time on their avi and most of us do, some may appreciate it because maybe it's actually mismatched and for whatever reason besides graphic cards and all else mentioned they have a hard time matching skin color. How many times have people asked for help with that and many on the forum offered to help them when inworld?  Of course there will always be the person who takes offense too. BTW I don't think your thread was insignificant at all :)

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squashy Beeswing wrote:

I'd say nothing.  She probably spent an age matching her feet to the rest of her skin (i know the feeling, lol).  It's likely that you and she are using different windlight settings.

I do let someone know if they're naked and i think they might not know about it, though!

True, I think I have spent a good amount of time trying to match any shoe that has skin color and it can be frustrating :)  I messaged a person that was naked in a crowded sim, they were naked for almost 10 mins lol and she snapped back that she was wearing mesh with no alpha layer. I thought well maybe her clothes didn't rez yet, but she was the only naked one there and I usually never have a problem (saying that lightly probably just jinxed myself) seeing avi's rez fairly fast. :)

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Bree Giffen wrote:

It's a good thing you didn't say anything because that person probably sees nothing wrong on their viewer. I mean, if you're going out on the beach and you see your feet are the wrong color are you just going to blow it off and walk around anyways? Can you think of one person who would do this? 

So if you did speak up it would go like this.

Excuse me but your feet color don't match your body.

Really? They look the same to me.

Awkward silence.


LOL - this reminds me of when one of my friends excitedly IM'd me and wanted to come over to show me her new feet.  When she arrived, I was a bit confused as to why she was wearing pink boxes at the bottom of her legs.  I thought maybe it was a joke.  Since we have been good friends for years I said, "What's with the pink boxes on your legs?"  She replied proudly, "Those are my beautiful new feet."

Ok, now I'm really scratching my head.  I continue telling her that I see her wearing boxes and she insists they are beautiful feet.  Each of us took a photo of what we saw.  My friend gave a huge EEEKKK!! when she saw my photo, with me still being confused as to why I was seeing boxes when, on her photo, she indeed had feet.

That was my first introduction to mesh.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Bree Giffen wrote:

It's a good thing you didn't say anything because that person probably sees nothing wrong on their viewer. I mean, if you're going out on the beach and you see your feet are the wrong color are you just going to blow it off and walk around anyways? Can you think of one person who would do this? 

So if you did speak up it would go like this.

Excuse me but your feet color don't match your body.

Really? They look the same to me.

Awkward silence.


LOL - this reminds me of when one of my friends excitedly IM'd me and wanted to come over to show me her new feet.  When she arrived, I was a bit confused as to why she was wearing pink boxes at the bottom of her legs.  I thought maybe it was a joke.  Since we have been good friends for years I said, "What's with the pink boxes on your legs?"  She replied proudly, "Those are my beautiful new feet."

Ok, now I'm really scratching my head.  I continue telling her that I see her wearing boxes and she insists they are beautiful feet.  Each of us took a photo of what we saw.  My friend gave a huge EEEKKK!! when she saw my photo, with me still being confused as to why I was seeing boxes when, on her photo, she indeed had feet.

That was my first introduction to mesh.

I've been trying to write a poem.............


When mesh was new

And boobs were cool

And girls did not wear bras

Many days I'd gaze

At delicious displays

Of breasts beyond compare

They's jiggle and bounce

To my delight

I could not help but stare..................


any one want to help try finish it?

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squashy Beeswing wrote:

 It's likely that you and she are using different windlight settings.

I do let someone know if they're naked and i think they might not know about it, though!

I made this part bold because so many people think their world is what everyone sees and that is rarely the case. Once a few years ago 4 of my friends and I all logged into SL from the same location so we could see what happened on each other’s laptops. It was amazing really that there was so much difference. Video cards, settings etc, etc. While one person may see themselves as "Miss Hottie of the SL World" others are like, ummmm ok.....why are you wearing a box on your head? :matte-motes-wink:

What really brought this home to me was when sculpts first came out and most people saw round balls everywhere.  AV's thought they were the _____ and most people couldn't see it.


I would tell someone as well if they appeared naked to me no matter what. I typically send a picture and that does the trick :matte-motes-wink-tongue:


To answer the OP

I have this habit of looking at people when I talk to them so I don't really notice some things that may be wrong. The same applies in SL for me. I'm not an av ogler and don't pay much attention to anyone I'm not in direct contact with. Now I will say that rapid movement or odd glow settings etc catch my eye for a second or two. Then of course I may look. So no. I wouldn't say anything.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

I've been trying to write a poem.............


When mesh was new

And boobs were cool

And girls did not wear bras

Many days I'd gaze

At delicious displays

Of breasts beyond compare

They's jiggle and bounce

To my delight

I could not help but stare..................


any one want to help try finish it?

Then my computer crashed.

I dashed to log in at a friend's.

On the older viewer,

there was nothing to her

Her body was no longer there!


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Melita Magic wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I've been trying to write a poem.............


When mesh was new

And boobs were cool

And girls did not wear bras

Many days I'd gaze

At delicious displays

Of breasts beyond compare

They's jiggle and bounce

To my delight

I could not help but stare..................


any one want to help try finish it?

Then my computer crashed.

I dashed to log in at a friend's.

On the older viewer,

there was nothing to her

Her body was no longer there!


Well done, Perrie & Melita!

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