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Question About Reporting Abuse

Dani86 Aldrin

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I became a victim to someone (whose name I won't bring up here) who harassed me and repeatedly nagged me by offering me a job as a prostitute to earn lindens.  I ultimately rejected, and told her in her face that I was reporting her.  She threatened to me that if I say anything to her, she would report me to Linden Labs.

I did not do anything wrong at all.  I am an innocent person, and I fear for my future in SL because of this person.  Needless to say, I blocked her pronto, as well as her so-called friend.  I also didn't say anything else to her, and filed an abuse report, but what I ask is, how long does it take for the folks at Linden Labs to process my report?

Just to let you folks know that people need to respect others, regardless of how they look.  If they look different, that's no reason to bully or harass or intimidate that person.  Golden rule:  If you hate the person because of how they appear or how they act, don't take it out on them.  Being respectful to others is as easy as replacing hateful messages with a simple word like "Hi" or "hello".

I seriously cannot wait for cyberbullying laws to come into effect globally someday.

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Welcome to Second Life forums, Dani86

Sometimes it can take minutes for Linden Lab to process an abuse report, sometimes longer, but you are unlikely to ever know the outcome of a report, and just know that you took the best possible action by saying nothing more, muting/blocking the person who was harrassing you and submitting the report. There is nothing more to be done.

Cyberbullying is horrible, that is for sure, and is causing problems to a lot of people.  Fortunately in Second Life, we have that marvellous block/mute button, and also the ability to teleport out of sight of those who would wish to harm us in any way.

Please try to move on in your Second Life. Put this negative incident behind you.  And should anything like this happen again anywhere on the internet or out in real life, imagine the attacker as being greyed out, in a blurry non-existent world. No one has the right to suck out your self-esteem. Deep breaths, and walk away.

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You have nothing to fear about your future.  Even if she files an AR nothing will happen.  LL views things like this as resident to resident disputes and won't get involved. Too much drama of this sort goes on for them to police it without hiring an army.  We are supposed to be adults and solve these things for ourselves and not need Mom to come rescue us.

As Pamela said you have the tools to stop people like her. block/mute, ban her from your land, derender her if your have Firestorm so you won't even see her if you happen to end up on the same sim.  If she gets no response from you she'll grow tired of the game just like all bullies do. 

I have had a few people try to harass me but have never been harassed because I use these tools and walk away from them.

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Dani86 Aldrin wrote:


I became a victim to someone (whose name I won't bring up here) who harassed me and
repeatedly nagged me by offering me a job as a prostitute to earn lindens
.  I ultimately rejected, and
told her in her face that I was reporting her
.  She
threatened to me that if I say anything to her, she would report me to Linden Labs

I did not do anything wrong at all
.  I am an innocent person, and I fear for my future in SL because of this person.  Needless to say, I blocked her pronto, as well as her so-called friend.  I also didn't say anything else to her, and filed an abuse report, but what I ask is, how long does it take for the folks at Linden Labs to process my report?

Just to let you folks know that people need to respect others, regardless of how they look.  If they look different, that's no reason to bully or harass or intimidate that person.  Golden rule:  If you hate the person because of how they appear or how they act, don't take it out on them.  Being respectful to others is as easy as replacing hateful messages with a simple word like "Hi" or "hello".

I seriously cannot wait for cyberbullying laws to come into effect globally someday.

According to the community standards, "Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment can include text or images that contain racist, threatening, abusive or hateful material." Nagging someone to be a prostitute is obnoxious, but does it constitute harassment?

Someone was nagging you and being a pest and you threatened to report her for it. She, in turn, threatened to file an abuse report against you ... for it seems, filing a false abuse report against her. From what you describe, you threatened her. Some might consider that to be doing something wrong.

Nagging and badgering is not harassment, and does not constitute bullying. Threatening retaliation against someone who threatens you first is not bullying. Nagging and petty quarrels in SL is no where near close to cyberbullying, and while it sounds as if your experience has been unpleasant, I can't imagine LL taking action against a SL resident for nagging another. SL offers muting and banning as a solution for this.

I have to concur with Dresden and add that  I hope I never come to see the day when nagging is considered a crime, or I'd be out of a job in SL and RL, parents would be in prison, leaving their children to revert to some unpleasant Lord Of The Flies state of being, and most school teachers and managers would be joining the parents.

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Dani86 Aldrin wrote:


I became a victim to someone (whose name I won't bring up here) who harassed me and repeatedly nagged me by offering me a job as a prostitute to earn lindens.  I ultimately rejected, and told her in her face that I was reporting her.  She threatened to me that if I say anything to her, she would report me to Linden Labs.

I did not do anything wrong at all.  I am an innocent person, and I fear for my future in SL because of this person.  Needless to say, I blocked her pronto, as well as her so-called friend.  I also didn't say anything else to her, and filed an abuse report, but what I ask is, how long does it take for the folks at Linden Labs to process my report?

Just to let you folks know that people need to respect others, regardless of how they look.  If they look different, that's no reason to bully or harass or intimidate that person.  Golden rule:  If you hate the person because of how they appear or how they act, don't take it out on them.  Being respectful to others is as easy as replacing hateful messages with a simple word like "Hi" or "hello".

I seriously cannot wait for cyberbullying laws to come into effect globally someday.

What you described is nothing more than two adults who can't get along. It would not fall under any cyberbullying laws or rules, even if they were in place.

Of course it's not nice to be mean, but sl offers you all the tools you need to both prevent it and block it. So you've nothing to fear whatsoeve. I do think your response to someone just being mean, is a bit over the top. You weren't bullied, you were annoyed and could have stopped it the moment it started. Even if the lab took your report(or the other person's) seriously, they wouldn't tell you the outcome. They never tell people the outcome and it's for very good reason. People abuse the ability to file abuse reports all the time, which plays a part in why they don't rell us the outcome.

I share the sentiment of others. As much as I too look forward to cyberbullying laws that can and will help a lot of people, I also dread it. Because it will bring people out of the woodwork left and right. They'll be calling everything under the sun they don't like, bullying. Which will truly make it difficult for people, especially children, who are really victims of true bullies. I'm more interested in cyberbullying laws for the sake of minors and adults who, for whatever reason, cannot defend themselves, and cannot prevent future bullying. I am not all for laws that tell Mr Smith and Mr Jones to stop calling each other names and yelling. Those two, should and do know better and shouldn't need Mr Judge to step in.


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Hi Dani, I have had a person once kept harassing me because I kindly told their significant other in an IM that they could take the next Chair that had the same letter that I have. Quick solution was to block that user and all was OK :)

All sorts of people in the world just like in SL, most are great. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch ;)

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GingerHenderson wrote:

Hi Dani, I have had a person once kept harassing me because I kindly told their significant other in an IM that they could take the next Chair that had the same letter that I have. Quick solution was to block that user and all was OK

You have to be kidding?  It can't be that easy!  That person needs to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law... I say off with their head!!

...Dres *is not quite awake and a little bit loopy, atm*

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simply remind  her that she is doubly harrasing you : sheis giving you unwanted offers(that could raise the spamm definition if repeated over and over) and also that she is sexually harrasing you.

Both : harrasement and sexual harrasement are contempled as ARable  events.

but the best thing you can do if she is really bvothering you is to mute her. also mute her objects so she couldn't send you notecard or messages via scripts either.

If you ever see her on your sim you can also derender her. so you have the power like in toons to erase her from your TV and from your life:P

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51 minutes ago, XantheYara said:

Hello , i'm new here , in Forum and my english is not perfectly , Sorry about that. But i need urgent help. I have blocked one person , called "****** " . She harrashed me , sent me money all the time , even when blocked her and i don't even know that person ! Please someone , Please help me !!! I don't know what to do anymore ! Maybe simpley stoping to play SL !! I afraid what if she still continues to doing that !!!! Also what she did , she added very cruel words with that money and i hate it ! Of course i returned all money . Thank You Very Much ! All advices are welcome !!

First of all - remove her name from your post because it is against Forum rules to post names.  Second, when inworld, click Help on the Viewer and then Report Abuse.  Fill out the info giving all applicable details.  

More info:


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Onething that I found wryly amusing in the necro-op was the hope about 'cyberbully laws'.

There is a walking toilet stain of an individual I occasionally cross paths with, their habit is to scream 'kinkshame' at people for inappropriate reasons.

I wondered what 'kinkshame' was and apparently it's some trendy made up urban slang BS where if somebody tells you they like having sex with 3 month old dead equines and you say "Ewww... No..." you have 'kinkshamed' the the dead horse shagger and YOU are the bad person.



Them: "Hi babe ur hawt, suk mah groin prim an i giv u a dollah"

You: "get the f*** away from me you degenerate little dog p**** before I stuff a house brick up your a****** with a sledgehammer!"

This would be seen as not unjustified.


Same conversation and

Them: "U cant sai dat to me, dat r abuse i gunna AR u for bein rood on da web wot r a fedral crym cos u a cyberbully"

It's high time we ended this nonsense. 

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This is an interesting set of opinions. No one seems to get down to the base principals. That pretty much reflects what is going on in real life discussions of various issues.

Cyber Bullying is a hot buzzword these days. Bullying in any form is the base issue. On a primal level, the issue is basic human behavior.  

We see various actors playing off known human behaviors to run their agendas. Push button, get result.

Propaganda works. People can be trained. The book The Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo, a hard read, gets into how what was learned in WWII is used by governments, corporations, and radical groups to manipulate the masses today. The science of propaganda is rapidly advancing. If one does not understand they basic concepts, they are pretty much defenseless.

Dani86 and several others here are exemplars of how well the training is working. They would like a law passed to eliminate what they think is bullying. The ‘law’ thing implies someone else will do the heavy lifting to eliminate bullying.

Jesse Venture, not the deepest or most rational thinker, is attributed the saying, ‘You can’t legislate morality.’ George Clooney twisted it to say ‘You can’t legislate good taste’. Considering the two you should grasp the concept being implied. However, people, especially politicians, try to do both.

With Dani86 we see a proposition being taken as harassment. That should have people realizing the basic problem with ‘law’. Someone has to determine what behaviors are… legal, illegal, socially acceptable, inappropriate, whatever. Who do you trust with that power?

If a person on Facebook belittles a person and wishes them dead, that is cyber bullying. On The View, if that same behavior is targeted at Trump then it is socially acceptable. How does one write a law to make that work? How is THAT progressive?

On FB, Twitter, and other social media shaming and hate speech are lamented as portending the end of society and something we have to ban and restrict by passing strong ‘hate speech’ laws. No more trolling. But, it is socially acceptable to degrade, shame, and belittle one’s political opponents. How does one write a law to allow that? And why would one?

Across college campuses, snowflakes demand ‘safe spaces’ where their ideas won’t be challenged and they can avoid being exposed to strange new thoughts that may upset them. No longer are colleges places of free thought and radical new ideas.

Berkley the historic home of modern free speech erupts to silence anyone who should dare to speak of anything other than Leftist ideology. What happened to the idea of free speech and diversity? Why is this silencing even remotely acceptable?

Colleges are segregating to give minorities safe, privileged spaces to the exclusion of other racial groups. They are basically saying, screw M L King Jr and his effort to achieve racial equality. How does a political party promote identity politics and claim MLK is a hero?

Complaints about the lack of civility on the Internet are legion. But, the mainstream media models some of the worst behavior going, wishing people ill health and death. The anti-Trumpers are often the most enthusiastic of the vile haters. But, these are socially acceptable expressions. How is that?

I suspect few understand the difference between situational ethics and just ethics. So, a proposition is bullying, hate is justifiable political speech, and the silencing of diverse ideas and segregation of races are good things.

Are things turning upside down?

…and here, no one has mentioned the basic principles of civilization.

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10 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

no one has mentioned the basic principles of civilization

"... Hear me... Those heretical defilers on the other side of the river, have disrespected the gods, and committed unnatural peversions, they DON'T rub blue mud in their belly buttons on Tuesday , that most sacred of days, and they eat their bagels UNTOASTED!

Get them, get them all, they should all drown in lakes of BLOOD! Slaughter their warriors and children, enslave their women, or at least the hot looking ones, sequestrate all their goats!

Jihad! Jihad!

Kill in the Holly Name of Koomi, God of toaster Ovens!"


Ah yes, the principles of civilisation... Let's not forget those. 

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