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Create your own grid?

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So while trying to look around to find grids similiar to secondlife I have began to wonder how these people create them. They usually use a singularity or pheonix type viewer to sign on to them- but anyway. How do you exactly make your own grid and how do you connect it with a viewer? Is it free to do?

Also, what are the most popular grids out there right now, besides open sim and secondlife itself.

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osgrid you can add your sim, but one thing  Sl is much more better in scripting and graphic,some script wont work in osgrid(exemple).

I made a grid on my computer but those script I made in sl does not work.many thing can be export but only fullperm

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Urzul wrote:

osgrid you can add your sim, but one thing  Sl is much more better in scripting and graphic,some script wont work in osgrid(exemple).

I made a grid on my computer but those script I made in sl does not work.many thing can be export but only fullperm

Not only do the items have to be full perm but you have to be the creator of evreything used to create them, including textures, sculpt maps, scripts etc.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

a lot of the open sim projects haven't really made it past the 2006 phase of what SL used to be..

i mean if you like
..they are nice..but if you like all the things SL has now..they are pretty far behind..

And their populations are very low compared to SL.  Even the largest of them have only a small percentage of SL's with only a small percentage of those accounts are logged in at any one time..  You can go all day and not see anyone. 


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The ability to have your own sim or grid(grouping of sims) hosted on your own server(for mant, their own home pc) has been around for ages. It's not the future of anything. It has limitations and while most could do it, not a ton do. More used to use it though.

I have a pc that we host our own OS type grid on. It's just one sim atm. It may increase at some point, but probably not. It's actuallly quite the learning tool. Once you get to know the limitations, especially wiht things like scripting and physics, it can be a lot of fun. I created it for building purposes a very long time ago. Now my children use it for lessons a lot, and just to generally have fun. My son finished his first car just the other day. It's a very primitive looking thing, but it functions, and that was his goal. Not too shabby for a 9 yr old just learning lsl. Not to mention it's a safe place for them to "play" online(lack of better term here), because I can control it 100%.  There is a grid(it's really just a couple sims) my kids log onto a couple times a month that another homeschool parent maintains. There's only about 30 or 35 kids(and their parents) total that use it, and it is VERY well protected. They don't let just anyone join, and we all know each other very well. But it's sort of like having a group or message board or something like that, just a bit more personal. It's handy because we can't always get together in person. It's also easier to control and maintain. The kids enjoy it because it's not the same as typing on a message board or group. They can talk to one another. They can goof around. They can work on lessons. They can help one another. It's actually quite cool, to both them and us(the parents).

I've seen them used in all kinds of ways. Everything from educational to just general fun. I've seen them used in various types of therapy too, and they're pretty effective.

Whether or not they'd be effective as a replacement, substitute or even an equal to sl....I have my doubts. But it depends entirely on what is put into it, I suppose.

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Urzul wrote:

osgrid you can add your sim, but one thing  Sl is much more better in scripting and graphic,some script wont work in osgrid(exemple).

I made a grid on my computer but those script I made in sl does not work.many thing can be export but only fullperm

The same thing happened to me when I briefly tried InWorldz, but that was 2 years ago, so they may be better w/scripts now.

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Ivo Takacs wrote:

My question is, is opensim the future of secondlife?

hummm.... thinking.......

If it was ever going to be, it would be by now!

I used to belong to OS Grid and I've also had standalone sims from time to time.  They are fun to play with but they can be unstable and one day you might find you can't log in to your standalone.  So it's best not to spend too much time and effort on a wonderful build in case it becomes inaccessible.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

a lot of the open sim projects haven't really made it past the 2006 phase of what SL used to be..

i mean if you like
..they are nice..but if you like all the things SL has now..they are pretty far behind..

And their populations are very low compared to SL.  Even the largest of them have only a small percentage of SL's with only a small percentage of those accounts are logged in at any one time..  You can go all day and not see anyone. 


It is possible to jump to other grids to try to find people. Even this is hard and those you meet on other grids you can not friend. As friending them is pointless you never know when there on anyway.

Even though those things are true a standalone on your own computer to test with is actually a great idea for builders. It allows for free uploads which makes testing out your designs a breeze!

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

a lot of the open sim projects haven't really made it past the 2006 phase of what SL used to be..

i mean if you like
..they are nice..but if you like all the things SL has now..they are pretty far behind..

And their populations are very low compared to SL.  Even the largest of them have only a small percentage of SL's with only a small percentage of those accounts are logged in at any one time..  You can go all day and not see anyone. 


It is possible to jump to other grids to try to find people. Even this is hard and those you meet on other grids you can not friend. As friending them is pointless you never know when there on anyway.

Even though those things are true a standalone on your own computer to test with is actually a great idea for builders. It allows for free uploads which makes testing out your designs a breeze!

It can be like having your own beta grid.  After you build and test there you can move things to the main grid.  Just as easy as using the real beta grid. Except you'll know why you can't login.

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Indeed, I have an inworldz account from when a group I'm a member of contemplated opening an inworldz presence last year.

We found that

  1. total number of accounts on inworldz is less than the average number of logged in users on SL
  2. capabilities of inworldz are roughly what SL was in 2006
  3. performance was abysmal (top was about what you'd expect from SL on a bad day)
  4. porting all our investment from over the years to inworldz would be impossible, and (because of the limitations of inwoldz) so would rebuilding there.

And inworldz is afaik the biggest of the other grids....

Suffice to say we decided to stay in SL, not lose all the hundreds of friends and acquaintences we have here, not lose the investment in our avatars, land, and everything else in order to save a few percent on tier cost.

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SophieeMae wrote:

 How do you exactly make your own grid and how do you connect it with a viewer? Is it free to do?


I've had a private grid for some time now. It currently has 18 finished sims and runs very well considering the source code.

First, it is free (monetarily) if you do the bare minimum like a standalone. If your time is worth any money, it is far from free. Furthermore, I use my own servers so there is that cost and of course the high bandwidth service.

To build one, you really should have some coding capabilities. Using MYSQL or equivalent, (I use Maria DB) is also necessary to really do it right. There are programs like sim on a stick but I didn't go that route.

It isn't easy, I can tell you that much. After you dl the software, there are many other things you need to do and despite all the info there, it is difficult to decipher. After you start the program you need to get uuid's for each region or sim if you are going to be online and not a standalone. Online is so others can visit or live on your grid. A standalone is exactly that, you standing alone heh.

For me, the pro's are lag free building and basically as many prim as I want to use (depending on my servers capabilities of course). Being a creator, it was easy for me to have an avatar with all the skins, clothes, hair, etc that I needed. If you aren't a creator, you will basically be ruth all the time.

Next there is scripting, building etc you need to have skills in. A grid doesn't build itself hehe.

The cons are pretty much as most people have mentioned.  Stability isn't an issue with me as I do my own work to keep it stable. The code isn't the current SL code of course but you can have mesh, alphas etc.

You can connect with any viewer TBH if you know the workaround codes. Again, not easy but a person can do it.

It boils down to what you really want it for. Mine is basically building and socializing with close friends in a non-greifing no lag atmosphere. It will never be public or commercial.

As far as not being able to log in or your grid disappearing, I've never had those types of problems and I back up my database if any instance would occur.

I hope this helps :matte-motes-wink:


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jwenting wrote:

Indeed, I have an inworldz account from when a group I'm a member of contemplated opening an inworldz presence last year.

We found that
  1. total number of accounts on inworldz is less than the average number of logged in users on SL
  2. capabilities of inworldz are roughly what SL was in 2006
  3. performance was abysmal (top was about what you'd expect from SL on a bad day)
  4. porting all our investment from over the years to inworldz would be impossible, and (because of the limitations of inwoldz) so would rebuilding there.

And inworldz is afaik the biggest of the other grids....

Suffice to say we decided to stay in SL, not lose all the hundreds of friends and acquaintences we have here, not lose the investment in our avatars, land, and everything else in order to save a few percent on tier cost.

Inworldz screwed themselves by sticking to a really old version of Opensim and modding it.  That's why they are so far behind.  I looked into them, made an avi, but no mesh. booo.

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Kitely looks interesting from a hobbyist point of view.  It will not compete at the same level as SL because the in-world currency has no monetary value outside of Kitely.  Selling the currency is against the TOS.

It's not the social scene of Second Life as of yet, but there are a lot of things coming (including their marketplace) that I am excited about.  I can see Kitely as an alternative to SL for organizations and universities.  I have a large 4-sim world there, and it only costs me about 100 USD including my gold membership.  I can barely get half a mainland plot in SL for that much.

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