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Advertising links on Dashboard?

Arwen Serpente

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About 10 minutes ago, I took a look at my SL Dashboard. The edges/margins are now covered with advertising links (non-SL links). Basically, it looks they are now using tracking cookies and selling RL ad space on our Dashboards. Take a look...

As a note, the forums and marketplace remain the way they have always been (free of advertising).


Edited to add - ok, now it's all gone. that was very wierd - I have no idea how that happened.

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Yeah, I just saw them, and then came here to see if any1 else saw them. How ridiculous is this? LL couldn't get the ads on their site to work, when they allowed us to advertise on them, but now they are doing it for Non SL companies. This is totally 1 of the WTF moments. I never got an AD when they offered them to us cause they never worked right.

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They were there - and then gone - as if the SL website had been hacked. I know revenue is an issue with ANY business, but I really hope that using ads from outside SL is NOT where they are going to go with this.  On the other hand - the advertising avenues that are currently provided are, for the most part,  useless.   Let's hope they get this right.

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Tibor Milasevic wrote:

I saw the same ads using Google Chrome browser. Also for the first time this morning I saw an add for SL on New York Times web site, for which I subscribe. Wonder if there is a connection.




I have seen LL advertising much more around the net, especially on more prominent sites. They have been promoting Patterns heavily, but I've also seen some for SL here and there.

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A hack seems more likely than the lab going insane.  As they could make more money advertising in world places with banner advertising than by advertising illegal stuff. I have to agree with gadget -sites with ads like that are almost invariably shonky.

There are some exceptions  I call it blackmailware- Places where you have to have pay a membership to in order to not see advertisng again. Runescape used to do this- Although they may have discontinued the practice as I have been a member 8 years and so havent seen them

Anyway my dashboard is clean, so *phew*.

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I don't understand how a site giving quotes on gold is a scam site. Does any1 understand how much gold is nowadays? 2 ounces of gold is more than some make in a whole month. 2 little ounces! Plus, to many people that understand, actual gold, not paper gold traded on the market, is extremely sought after. The word in gold circles is that paper gold traded on the market is massively hedged and there is more being traded than those holders actually have, meaning the value of real gold will skyrocket. Right now, it's at like $1600 per ounces, and could easily double when the scam in the paper market is revealed.

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I've seen the same ads...they are there then disappear...I am in favor of LL doing what they can to increase revenues with things of this nature that are not harmful to anyone really. I'd certainly prefer this type of thing to (and i hesitate to even type this!) a tier or premium membership fee increase.

Since its a privately held company, residents have no idea of their financial status.

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Thanks for the screenshots, the ads never loaded for me but it was obvious what the new empty space was for.

In the webpage source it's clear that they're legitimate google banner ads. Space is defined for an ad on the top that's 728x90 and an ad on the side that's 160x600.  Whoever is working on the website just has no idea what they're doing apparently, and they're being careless by working on it in production.

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Good to see it's not me seeing these ads, I thought my viewer had some issues first time I saw them. As someone stated earlier, they are genuine Google Ads but they are really placed all over the site and at some pages.

What I feel is most disturbing is that, how they jump in and basically occupies the screen at some pages. If they going to use them, the very least they could do is place them correctly.

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In the news today: Unidentified Lindens were seen being led from Linden Lab's headquarters in handcuffs, their heads covered by Linden swag for illegally violating TOS requirements for linking to external sites selling non-virtual goods.

There are indicators that Linden violators will be held without bail and breakfest burritos.

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I have about 3 different "Blocker" programs on my browser so I have (thankfully) yet to see these ads.  I *did* notice a few days ago that for the first time ever on the secondlife.com website I began getting "ad block" messages which I can choose to override or not.  I puzzled over why this was suddenly happening until I was reading a similar thread today on the General forums and the lightbulb went on - my program/s are blocking the ads.

I'm really glad I don't see them but am sad SL has resorted to gaudy ads on their website.

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