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Lag getting worse by the day!

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Quite a temper tantrum.  :)

Oh, on the problem you seem to be having.  Things change.....sometimes in less than a minute.  I would think anyone who names themself "Professor" would understand that.  That same person (being someone who wants everyone to think of them as a "Professor") would be smart enough to know that we are just residents and not associated with Linden Lab beyond being "residents" (just like you).  So all the shouting did nothing for me except show me that you are far from a "Professor".  More like a child with a broken toy crying because their precious toy was not working like it did before it broke.  Odds are the problem exists on your end..........it has nothing to do with that kind of programmers.  If you, "Professor", had an inkling of what is envolved in the programming of Second Life, you would never diss the people who developed the platform.

And, just so you know, I don't care how much you have invested in SL.  If you invested a substanial sum of money (which you implied that you did) and don't have a clue about what you invested in, then, "Professor", you need to go back to school.

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Check your script usage.


Check the script usage of the people regularly in the places you go to? If they're your friends ask them. If not, you can kind of guess by looking at some people:

- the more things on them that can be 'touched' the higher -chance- they are causing lag.

- If they have a lot of no-mod items, likely lag-causing.

- human avatars tend to be laggier than non-humans. But non-humans on -OLD- designs can also be problematic. (Furry makers have gotten very good about cutting down on script burdens). But -nekos- can often be lag-monsters if they have clickable tails: Neko parts are often made by less experienced builders...

- If they have sculpties on, that could be causing lag.

- Mesh tends to be -lower- lag than prims or sculpties. Only exceptions are for people who actually are having trouble with things like windlight or scripts and wrongly blame mesh instead. :P

- flexi hair and flexi outfits are often scripted. Mesh outfits are less likely to be scripted. So this can also be a clue.

- Nothing above is fullproof. Just tendancies of where problems can end up when they exist.


Check the script usage of the place you're at. Easiest way... go somewhere else and see if it gets better or worse. Try sims that are nearly empty - mainland oceans that lack fish/plants. If you own the land, you can find all of the needed info in the About Land window under scripts.


If things are getting laggier... its someting above. Something a change of habits -will- correct.

Many of us are experiencing the exact opposite - lag getting better by the day.


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Quite a temper tantrum. 

Oh, on the problem you seem to be having.  Things change.....sometimes in less than a minute.  I would think anyone who names themself "Professor" would understand that.  That same person (being someone who wants everyone to think of them as a "Professor") would be smart enough to know that we are just residents and not associated with Linden Lab beyond being "residents" (just like you).  So all the shouting did nothing for me except show me that you are far from a "Professor".  More like a child with a broken toy crying because their precious toy was not working like it did before it broke.  Odds are the problem exists on your end..........it has nothing to do with that kind of programmers.  If you, "Professor", had an inkling of what is envolved in the programming of Second Life, you would never diss the people who developed the platform.

And, just so you know, I don't care how much you have invested in SL.  If you invested a substanial sum of money (which you implied that you did) and don't have a clue about what you invested in, then, "Professor", you need to go back to school.

My name is Xilion Iceberg, and I approve this message. *chuckle*

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Mesh has made a great improvement to realism in SL but the other day, at a busy club, I put my viewer into 'wireframe' mode and noticed that some mesh clothes, but not all of them, had so many tiny polygons that they looked almost the same in wireframe as in normal mode.  And yet the high polygon clothes didn't look any better than the lower polygon ones in normal view.  Could the very high polygon mesh clothes be a cause of lag?

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Conifer Dada wrote:

Could the very high polygon mesh clothes be a cause of lag?

It surely does.  One day I tried mesh capris demo.  My friend was watching.  He said "those pants lag my viewer".  I checked the pants in wireframe.  Indeed, the mesh was very dense.  By the shape of the polygons it was immediately clear that the pants were designed with one of those cloth making programs which tend to make high polygon meshes.  And the flow of the polygons was very weird.  There was no natural flow of polygon loops at all.  Well, the capris good, but I'm sure the same looks could have been attained with a lot fewer polygons.

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Conifer Dada wrote:

Mesh has made a great improvement to realism in SL but the other day, at a busy club, I put my viewer into 'wireframe' mode and noticed that some mesh clothes, but not all of them, had so many tiny polygons that they looked almost the same in wireframe as in normal mode.  And yet the high polygon clothes didn't look any better than the lower polygon ones in normal view.  Could the very high polygon mesh clothes be a cause of lag?

I have a friend who is a club hostess who says she regularly has to turn mesh off in her viewer if a lot of people in the club are wearing mesh because of the lag.

Edit: Clarification

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Youre spot on the lag has become appalling...not just lag but complete lock ups of sl. Crashes must be at an all time high in my 5 year existence in sl too. It hasnt been this bad for years. Personally Id say that pathfinding rubbish and mesh have gone a long way to cocking up an already underpowered and out of date computer network....

Unfortunately for the most part the only people left on this forum are those who would never admit to sl running down.. Im sure theyre lindens in disguise :D

or paid by lindens :D


Anyone critical of sl or Linden labs for the most part on this forum can only expect for the most part the wrath of the 'brown nosers'

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Remember last year when sl was so screwed it was bombarding people with superfluous data and sending their usage shooting through the ceiling ...sl admitted it was their fault but covered their backsides by quoting their good old  TOS.. and just like this thread people were blaming users..even though lindens had admitted that error was their fault....


so take no notice of people who can simply dismiss you as one person has by saying its your fault...


...of course complaining to linden labs will not get you anywhere....




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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

Youre spot on the lag has become appalling
...not just lag but complete lock ups of sl. Crashes must be at an all time high in my 5 year existence in sl too. It hasnt been this bad for years. Personally Id say that pathfinding rubbish and mesh have gone a long way to cocking up an already underpowered and out of date computer network....

Unfortunately for the most part the only people left on this forum are those who would never admit to sl running down.. Im sure theyre lindens in disguise

or paid by lindens


Anyone critical of sl or Linden labs for the most part on this forum can only expect for the most part the wrath of the 'brown nosers'

Nope. Not a Linden, and they don't pay me. Other way 'round, actually.

I've not noticed any increased lag and I can't remember the last time I crashed (other than in places that were absolutely mobbed). If anything, lag for me has been considerably reduced over the last couple years. I attribute that to using better viewers and/or improvements in the code, since neither my PC nor my Internet connection have improved in that time.

Every time I see one of your boldface rants I ask myself the same question: 'Why does he stay if he hates it so much?'.

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I dont hate second life I love it - I just hate the nicompoops who 'run it' (I use the term very loosely) and the lick spittles who grovel and hinder any attempt to get an improved service, a better deal for users and the stuff sl really needs such as a reinvigorated and non stagnant in world building system etc....

And if you are not experiencing lag and a worse quality of service despite using the same equipment you're a very rare and lucky individual -and naturally we'll just take your word that youre telling the truth of course.

As for the boldface well thats down to my shortsight I wish everyone typed in bold face - even you...

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I believe the nearest server is in Arizona. LL does not have a data server in San Francisco, I've heard. Also, I live in a very rural area with no cable and am forced to settle for the fastest DSL available: a whopping 2.5Mbps. That's right: 2.5. I do get pings in the low 40's which probably helps, but I doubt my proximity is buying me much with that download speed.

I envy all the Brits with their government mandated superhigh bandwiths.



ETA bandwidth info

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A browse through the forum suggests youre not entriely right about the nearest server but even then arizona > california its hardly a vast trench.....and Id say the reason your service is better.....People keep saying that the problems down to the servers (I hear it in certain viewer groups often enough) Something Lindens ought to look into at least. Not that youd be bothered your service is fine - screw everyone else eh ??

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A 2.5 mbps connection is more than enough speed to have a very good (if not great) data connection to SL (or almost any other site that depends on a lot of data being transferred quickly).  The servers are only going to send so much to each and every viewer that is connected to the servers.  I mean think about it a little bit (it's not difficult at all).  You have some 50,000 viewers requesting data.  The servers process the requests, retrieve the data from the asset servers and then pump it out to the Internet to the veiwers requesting the data.......that's a bunch of bits and bytes being shot into a pipeline that has a finite capacity.  The servers will only deliver what that finite capacity can handle.......like a hose that can, at a maximum, provide 100 gallons of water per minute, you can't magically send 200 gallons a minute through that hose (one of those physically impossible things that just can't be done).  You'll only recieve a portion of that 100 gallons. The servers will never give any viewer more that a quota established by the software per request.  If it did then the entire system would fall flat and die (I believe that actually happened in the earlier years when 7000 concurrent users were online..........hours, even days, of the servers being down because the grid crashed).  That quota limit is somewhere around 1.5 mbps (1500 kbps).  If your speed is above that then you've got about 1 mbps (1000 kbps) more than you need.  Connection speed is really minor unless you have a very low broadband speed (like about 500 kbps or .5 mbps).  Most connections are well above that (I'm talking about tested speeds, not advertised speeds).

What will slow you down is high ping times.  If you are far from the servers then there's nothing much you an do about it except move closer.  But that won't cause a crash.........it might cause a disconnect (very different from a crash).  But more important is packet loss.  Packet loss will not only slow you down but it will cause many not disconnects (again that will not cause a crash). The problem with packet loss is that it can occur anywhere on the Internet path from your computer to the recievers and back again.  It can also occur right at your computer itself.  Packet loss along the Internet path is rare and you can't do much about it except wait it out (the folks who keep the Internet running are pretty much right in top of things like packet loss).  It's a little less rare for the packet loss to occur between your computer and and your ISP......but it does happen so a call to them is always worth the effort.  Where most of the packet loss occurs is between your modem and your network interface and/or you computer itself.  And you are responsible for maintaining that portion of your connection. 3% packet loss will knock you off the Internet. A very common cause of packet loss (from my reading the forums for 7 1/2 years) seems to stem from people setting their bandwidth too high in the viewer preferences.  If your connection can handle 2 mbps it really doesn't matter what you set your preferences to...........the servers won't send anything above about 1.5 anyway.  But if your connection will handle only 500 kbps and you are telling the servers to send you 1500 kbps then you are going to have trouble.  High packet loss is typical (10% will get you dumped from the Internet is a few seconds).  But another thing a lot of people do is that they test their speed and find what is a good preference setting for the speed of the connection.  But their system cannot process the data coming into it at that speed (1 mbps hitting your system that can only process 750 kbps is going to get you dumped just as quickly as 10% packet loss........actually your system is probably missing much more than 10% because it busy processing while being flooded with more data. Bottom line is that you have to find what works for your connection and your system. If you have unfixable issues such as you live half way around the world then that's something you have to resolve yourself to live with (or stop using SL entirely).  If you are causing your own problems by not knowing what you are doing then you have to learn what you are doing that is causing your problem and fix it.  What you cannot do is blame others for problems that are not their to begin with.  Just because you live somewhere that is further from the servers than someone else (I'm in California too by the way), or you are experiencing packet loss from your ISP, or you have a system that is not capable of doing what you want (or need) it to do, is blame Linden Lab.  And that's exactly what you do............almost every post you make in these forums. 

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