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Rape City! WTF!


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Dear Linden Labs

I can't believe that I have just seen a sim called 'Rape City' promoted on the main login page of SL. You have to be friggin' kidding me!!

Why the hell would you not think that the promotion of this type of sim was going to offend many users of SL. I am very open minded but I would assume that there are users of SL who, for one, may have been through the horror of a rape and would not want to see the words 'fun' and 'rape' used in the same sentence!

Having talked to some friends in SL about it, they equally appalled, I was told that there were sims that were dedicated to child sex abuse!!!!! Don't tell me that you will also promote these!!! Where is your moral code??

I understand having a rating system - I am rated 'Adult' - but maybe a rating of 'Extreme' is necessary so that this type of degrading RPG is not exposed to most of us 'Adults'. Or maybe just not allow these type of debasing sim to exist here at all and let them move to something like OpenSim!

With your move to Steam in the near future, and wanting a greater audience - I think you need to start thinking about the type of place you want Second Life to be seen to be!!

Hopefully this thread will again some attention - and if we residences of SL can make enough noise - you may think about a rating change or, preferably, draw up a code of ethics.


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You need to lighten up.  It's a game!  

Every few weeks, I strap on my pistol and search places for "rape," with the intention of luring and shooting rapists.  The problem I have is that the places I find almost always have damage turned off.

ETA:  All of SL is fantasy.  The whole world is nothing but digitally stored numbers that describe an imaginary world.  Remember, too, nothing can happen to anyone in SL without his or her consent.  For a rape fantasy to be played out, the "victim" has to cooperate by allowing her avatar to be animated.  That means that the "victim" is a willing participant in the fantasy.  If she's OK with it, everyone else should be, too.  

Everyone is entitled to his or her own fantasy, even if it involves something that would be very bad if actually done by a real flesh-and-blood person instead of a digitally-generated avatar on a screen.

Killing people is just as bad as raping them.  Do we need to get rid of the combat sims, where people roleplay killing each other?

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You do realize it's all make-believe. That nobody is actually "raped'. Right?

I was told that there were sims that were dedicated to child sex abuse!!!!! Don't tell me that you will also promote these!!!

Don't believe everything people tell you.

Where is your moral code??

Whose moral code do we use? Yours? Mine might be quite different. So who's to decide what's "moral" and what isn't?

I understand having a rating system - I am rated 'Adult' - but maybe a rating of 'Extreme' is necessary so that this type of degrading RPG is not exposed to most of us 'Adults'.

Well, since it's called "Rape City" you can avoid it if it offends you so much.

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LOL, Yea I saw that in the events the other day and said hmmm how disgusting, and moved on. It is by the way showing up in the events scroller which is automatic and only shown to those with ADULT search enabled. As vile and disgusting as it is, it is not illegal and freedom of fantasy. You would be surprised at the amount of real life rape fantasy role play that goes on in the RL> You have a choice to not go there or visit it altho is would be nice to see a checkbox on these events and ads to allow me to click and  " Not Show this to me again" so it  doesnt popup as an interest to me. I think it would serve and awesome purpose on those ads and destinations because it is offensive to many. But in a little reasearch I was reading


45.8% of men in a 1980 study reported fantasizing during heterosexual intercourse about "a scene where [they had] the impression of being raped by a woman" (3.2% often and 42.6% sometimes), 44.7% of scenes where a seduced woman "pretends resisting" and 33% of raping a woman. Where male rape fantasies centre around raping rather than being raped, they may bring sexual arousal either from imagining a scene in which first a woman objects but then comes to like and eventually participate in the intercourse, or else one in which the woman does not like it and arousal is associated with the idea of hurting the woman.

A study of college-age women found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.


One form of sexual roleplaying is the rape fantasy, also called ravishment or forced sex roleplay. Ravishment has become a more preferred term in BDSM circles, as it makes a distinction between consensual roleplay and non-consensual assault.
Though consensuality is an important component of sexual roleplay, the illusion of non-consensuality (i.e., rape) is important to maintaining the fantasy. Crossing the line may constitute an assault.

Since the illusion of non-consensuality is important to the fantasy, one or more safewords are typically employed. This way, a participant can protest without stopping the scene, unless the safeword is used. Often a variation on the "stop-light" system is used, with different colors designating different messages: "red" to stop everything, "yellow" to slow down or take it easy, and so forth. For scenes where there is an element of surprise, the top or "ravisher" may use a "startword" or other identifying signal.

In consensual ravishment scenes, all participants carefully negotiate what will transpire beforehand. Limits are respected and made very clear, to maintain safe, sane and consensual play. Such negotiation would also include discussion of emotional issues for both partners, especially if there has been a prior history of actual sexual abuse or assault.


But yes it would be awesome to be able to click on a checkbox that says " Do Not show this to me again" kinda like FB does. I think it would be an awesome feature for our splash page and everyone can be happy at what is shown to them

Just because i have adult checked in search doesnt mean I should be shown this type of content if it offends me. Giving me the choice to block it would be wonderful

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DarkAusten wrote:

Where is your moral code??


This is Second Life. We don't do "morals" here. The mainstream media have painted SL as a haven for sexual deviancy and that is because it is. 

Since gambling was banned, xxx content has become SL's primary selling point to the general public and as with the internet in general, the xxx content and related roleplay strays into areas that some people find uncomfortable. Unfortunately rape roleplay would be one of those areas.

I would dispute that there are sims out there that are allowed to support the roleplay of child abuse. LL have been badly burned in this area before and I can't see them condoning that. If you want to publically claim there are child abuse sims in SL then you need to post SLURL's so we can attempt to investigate and mass report them, plus it would help bring some credibility to your claim.

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Dear Linden Labs

They don't answer here and I guess they don't care. Only what you got here is a forum moderation.

I can't believe that I have just seen a sim called 'Rape City' promoted on the main login page of SL. You have to be friggin' kidding me!!

They do not double check what gets advertised and they don't force their employees morals on the resident. If you have read the ToS you would clearly know what is allowed and what not, this is the only guideline everyone here has to follow, your morals are not inculded in it as a general rule for all.

Why the hell would you not think that the promotion of this type of sim was going to offend many users of SL. I am very open minded but I would assume that there are users of SL who, for one, may have been through the horror of a rape and would not want to see the words 'fun' and 'rape' used in the same sentence!

Again: LL doesn't judge about a persons morals, kinks and what not. They are also not paying any attention for what gets promoted and what not. Again: It is user created content and as long as it fits the ToS, they don't care.

So you want all people to limit themselves in their private time(!) because someone somewhere might be offended? Seriously? There are people being offended from everything, should they ban everything because someone might bring up some personal reason? If you don't like it, don't look/read/pay attention to it.

Having talked to some friends in SL about it, they equally appalled, I was told that there were sims that were dedicated to child sex abuse!!!!! Don't tell me that you will also promote these!!! Where is your moral code??

We pick our friends mostly because they share something with us. Its pretty normal your friends share your opinion on this topic. Ageplay is forbbiden by the ToS, if you or one of your friends sees such a sim or action report them. But STOP screaming ok? You definitly should read the ToS sometimes....

I understand having a rating system - I am rated 'Adult' - but maybe a rating of 'Extreme' is necessary so that this type of degrading RPG is not exposed to most of us 'Adults'. Or maybe just not allow these type of debasing sim to exist here at all and let them move to something like OpenSim!

Where do you get the data that most adult userers are so damn shocked about this rape RP? Just because you are? Why should they move to OpenSim? They are paying customers for LL and I don't see your point here. Just because you aren't able to act like an adult?

Just a short example: I'm sometimes a furry. A lot people don't like furries, some go to the extreme and grief their sims. Should this kind of avatar now be banned because some idiot can't handle the fact that others like this kind of avatar or what?

I would have a lot things in mind I find disgusting and never want to get in touch with them, but I don't force my personal dislike on others. And as you already said, its roleplay. You CAN'T rape someone in a virtual world. But people like you are the reason why many people hide their groups.

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so lets run to the general forums that get seen by many other users and make a thread Titled "Rape City!!! WTF!"

and then complain about how it's getting promoted?


you've become part of their advertising now..


why not send LL an email or calling them..

because LL sure won't see it here..

if it bugs you this much..



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Syo Emerald wrote:

Linden Labs

They don't answer here and I guess they don't care. Only what you got here is a forum moderation.

Definitely true, Linden Labs (if such company exists anywhere) surely do not read these forums ever. :smileywink:

However, occasionally Linden Lab do read some forum posts.  :matte-motes-smile:


(This is a hint for the OP, DarkAusten, and all others who regurlarly type the company name wrong). :smileyfrustrated:  :smileytongue:


/me wonders how the wrong spelling of the company name has become so widespread?


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I have to agree and say I am surprised about Linden Lab allowing this or any other sim considered "adult" to be advertised on their main log-in page. In my book, they are violating their own TOS by doing so.

I also agree with a lot of previous comments though about what is allowed in SL no matter how deviant. I abhor violence in general and especially against other women but to not allow its virtual representation does beg the question on who draws the moral line. We all know that Linden Lab has drawn one - squiggly and very unclear as it is - but mostly due to legal threats. That is why gambling and underage play are definitely restricted; US federal lawmakers beat the war drums loud enough that LL banned both before criminal investigations started. On the other hand, having sex with furries and other animal depictions for example are not banned because those moral laws are mostly at the state level, and no one has yet to take LL to court for it. The same goes for international law; no one is willing to pay the legal fees yet to start an international court battle on internet law. For good or bad, that leaves virtual reality wide open to all forms of deviant behavior where the only moderators are the companies that provide the services.

Since my moral compass is different from any other person's, I practice tolerance (not to be confused with acceptance). I personally stay away from places that offend me but don't judge others on their own lines in the sand. In return, I expect the same treatment by others when they see me pixel bumping or dancing for tips. In that way I am ok with allowing violence-themed sims. What I am not ok with though is the hypocrisy Linden Lab runs SL by as I mentioned right off. In my book, the only thing worse than someone passing judgment on me is someone who does not follow the values they try to impose on others. That should be the real topic of this discussion.

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DarkAusten wrote:

Dear Linden Labs

I can't believe that I have just seen a sim called 'Rape City' promoted on the main login page of SL. You have to be friggin' kidding me!!


Why the hell would you not think that the promotion of this type of sim was going to offend many users of SL. I am very open minded but I would assume that there are users of SL who, for one, may have been through the horror of a rape and would not want to see the words 'fun' and 'rape' used in the same sentence!



Then uintick the box to see adult content, you won't be served adult oriented sims on login.

DarkAusten wrote:


Having talked to some friends in SL about it, they equally appalled, I was told that there were sims that were dedicated to child sex abuse!!!!! Don't tell me that you will also promote these!!! Where is your moral code??





If you or your friends see any such sims then abuse report them, such sims and practices are disallowed by the terms of service, Linden Lab however can only act if such sims are reported. That's part of the risk of user generated content unfortunately.



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DarkAusten wrote:

I can't believe that I have just seen a sim called 'Rape City' promoted on the main login page of SL. You have to be friggin' kidding me!!



, I believe, is the main problem the OP is talking about. We can all agree that rape in RL is a terrible thing and that it does happen in SL (although, it's usually, if not always, a mutual RP), but it doesn't need to be shown on the main login page. If it was buried in a search or somewhere in the events, those people who are specifically looking for it can find it.

I do agree with that.


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Syo Emerald wrote:

A furry is NOT an animal. Could people please stop putting all furries into the same category as people who love their rl dogs a bit too much? Thanks.

Do you mean to tell me that there are people having sex with their dogs?  Do they do it in SL also?

But back to the OP, maybeI should complain to all these web sites that keep sending me these banner adds that keep telling me that  I can get laid tonight.

And while I may personally dislike or disagree with this kind of Role Play, why do people always want to hide it under a rock?


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As incredibly broad-minded as I am, I still find it shocking to see 'Rape City' advertised so prominently. I never realised that my filter settings affected the website output as well as in-world search (obviously, it makes sense - maybe that's why I didn't expect it). I get the same shocks on Marketplace when, for example, I search for 'dog' (looking for pets) and am presented with *ahem* intimate parts of male canine anatomy. 

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I'm not entirely sure about this but I do read your post as a surprise of a sim called "rape-city" being promoted rather then disapproval of it's existence.

I do have to agree on that. This post made me think of an artist, Susa Bubble, being removed from SL's anniversary exhibition a few years ago because she showed some nipples, it created quite a riot at the time. If LL does take not offending people so serious they remove artists from exhibitions just because they show nipples they can not promote a sim called "rape-city" on the main page.

There is need to log in at the main page to be surprised either. Just go to the market place and look at what people are buying now or the featured items list. I often think about Susa when shopping at the MP, it makes me giggle.

But regardless of that, I think promoting such a sim expresses bad taste and a gross indifference, it doesn't belong there and it's not exactly advertising for SL.

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Why not pay attention to what the OP is actually saying.

The OP did not say to ban the sim.

The OP did not say adult things cannot happen in Second Life.

The OP did not say not to have the sim on the destination guide or wherever they found it here.

The OP said that the sim should be in its own category, something like extreme RP.

The OP said that with a wider audience and a move to steam, which has many younger people (minors? I am not sure) zoning the website a bit is a good idea.

That's what I got from the OP. They can hopefully say whose post had a more accurate response.  ;)

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Ok, well, I'm not seeing it "promoted on the main login page of SL." I had to actually search for "rape city" in the Destination Guide.

OP does also say that "Or maybe just not allow these type of debasing sim to exist here at all..."

I get the feeling that he ran across this "reportage" that suggests everyone and their mother should AR every activity in SL that they find "distasteful".

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Melita Magic wrote:

Why not pay attention to what the OP is actually saying.

The OP did not say to ban the sim.

The OP did not say adult things cannot happen in Second Life.

The OP did not say not to have the sim on the destination guide or wherever they found it here.

The OP said that the sim should be in its own category, something like extreme RP.

The OP said that with a wider audience and a move to steam, which has many younger people (minors? I am not sure) zoning the website a bit is a good idea.

That's what I got from the OP. They can hopefully say whose post had a more accurate response.  

1. The OP said the sim should get away from Second Life and may only exist in Open Sim. Highly possible he doesn't visit other grids and it is therefor for his personal experiance similar to a ban. He also instist into ban those sims with the ToS.

2. Thats right, but the OP didn't said what at all what is part of "good"/"normal" adult content.

3. It is pretty clear that the OP is about not having these kind of sims advertised. Destination Guide can be seen as advertising too.

4.Yes, he said that. But that doesn't matter, before this part its all about how wrong/not moral that is and that it should vanish from SL.

The whole Steam and minor thing is a whole new section, the OP cut it with like one or two sentences. Form my view its something different from questioning other peoples moral compass.

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A whole new section? If you're replying to a post they made before I saw it, then my post does not apply to that. I can't reply to what I never saw. 

Yes they seem to disagree with the words rape and fun together but as it might offend some viewers who were not expecting to see it or because minors might see it, that's why.

They didn't say not to advertise it, they said to target the ad to the audience intended, not to kids or to everyone.

If you claim to sometimes be misunderstood due to ESL isn't it possible that sometimes you might also misunderstand a post due to ESL? Yet you want to always be the primary interpreter of same...

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DarkAusten wrote:

Dear Linden Labs

I can't believe that I have just seen a sim called 'Rape City' promoted on the main login page of SL. You have to be friggin' kidding me!!


Why the hell would you not think that the promotion of this type of sim was going to offend many users of SL. I am very open minded but I would assume that there are users of SL who, for one, may have been through the horror of a rape and would not want to see the words 'fun' and 'rape' used in the same sentence!

Having talked to some friends in SL about it, they equally appalled, I was told that there were sims that were dedicated to child sex abuse!!!!! Don't tell me that you will also promote these!!! Where is your moral code??


I understand having a rating system - I am rated 'Adult' - but maybe a rating of 'Extreme' is necessary so that this type of degrading RPG is not exposed to most of us 'Adults'. Or maybe just not allow these type of debasing sim to exist here at all and let them move to something like OpenSim!

With your move to Steam in the near future, and wanting a greater audience - I think you need to start thinking about the type of place you want Second Life to be seen to be!!


Hopefully this thread will again some attention - and if we residences of SL can make enough noise - you may think about a rating change or, preferably, draw up a code of ethics.





Where in this OP does he say to ban the sim? 

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Melita Magic wrote:

DarkAusten wrote:

Dear Linden Labs

I can't believe that I have just seen a sim called 'Rape City' promoted on the main login page of SL. You have to be friggin' kidding me!!


Why the hell would you not think that the promotion of this type of sim was going to offend many users of SL. I am very open minded but I would assume that there are users of SL who, for one, may have been through the horror of a rape and would not want to see the words 'fun' and 'rape' used in the same sentence!

Having talked to some friends in SL about it, they equally appalled, I was told that there were sims that were dedicated to child sex abuse!!!!! Don't tell me that you will also promote these!!! Where is your moral code??


I understand having a rating system - I am rated 'Adult' - but maybe a rating of 'Extreme' is necessary so that this type of degrading RPG is not exposed to most of us 'Adults'.
Or maybe just not allow these type of debasing sim to exist here at all
and let them move to something like OpenSim!

With your move to Steam in the near future, and wanting a greater audience - I think you need to start thinking about the type of place you want Second Life to be seen to be!!


Hopefully this thread will again some attention - and if we residences of SL can make enough noise - you may think about a rating change or, preferably, draw up a code of ethics.





Where in this OP does he say to ban the sim? 


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