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The Rodvik Review

Porky Gorky

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for me

I have never really needed or wanted any one on one time with a linden. not inworld or on forums

what time I do want is:

when file a ticket then is dealt with promptly. I get a email saying they got it. here is the web links that provide more info that may help you in the meantime. I get another email later on saying they looked at it and this is what we decided/did. case closed

if you wish to dispute this: send your dispute to this email person. this person is senior surpervisor and their decision will be absolute final. no exceptions. do not raise another ticket or hassle our frontline support desk people. if you do then you can expect a temp ban. be civil please


when file a abuse report then is dealt with promptly. in the same way as a ticket

same with BUG reports. prompt attention


with inworld greifer objects then 24/7/365 garbos. need only cost $20 an hour this. 2 people $10 per. same like moles. they go inworld and remove litter and greifer objects. shutdown and restart sims. clear and reset linden parcels controls. turn on auto-return on derelict parcels where the parcel owner not logged in for over 1 month. if your parcel is auto-return = 0 and you not logged in for over a month then you a derelict owner

and able to add an account to linden parcel ban list

if is suspect greifer. garbo can send the account a automated inworld warning for them to stop what they doing if necessary. they not ever engage in personal dialogue. just send the autowarning. innocent newbie who rezzing stuff they found in a freebie dumpster gets then they will stop. greifer wont. so garbo can temp ban the account if they keep doing. and make a internal abuse report about why. same report when they add to linden parcel banlist which the option to temp ban account

the garbo report can then go to the senior supervisor who will make a final decision on whether to make the temp ban permanent after review the evidence. and remove the parcel ban



some people already say they getting better responses from linden with tickets and bugs these days. same like how linden been fixing lots ancient bugs and crappy stuff in the viewer

is good these things. and i think the evidence shows that over the last 2 years linden are way better in respond and fix than they ever ever were in all the years before that

but can be better. and so i just above how can maybe do more. prompt customer support is the number one for any service company. do that and get happy customers

happy customers moan and whines as well. but they just do that just bc most times. like i am moan all the time about want this and want that and fix this and fix that and pie. but i am happy more times than unhappy pretty much






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Knowl Paine wrote:

I believe that your comments in this thread, clearly establish your position in your opinion, in regard to Lindens participation in SL.

Uh...so?   What does that even mean?    You and everyone else has also clearly established thier position, on various matters.  I"ll state my opinion here, when I feel like it, regardless of what you want. 


Knowl Paine wrote:

 I'm not going to discuss romantic interludes between Residents, and Lindens who may no longer work here. The Conduct Policy is clear. I find the use of Emergency Ethics, to be a cheap fear tactic, used to conceal ignorance of a thing.


Romantic interludes?!  I have no idea what you're talking about.   I'm referring to plain old favoritism that happens whenever people in a position of power interact with those who might try to influence them.  If you have knowledge of "romantic interludes" then that's all on your end.  I have no such knowledge, nor was I even thinking that at all!

Emergency Ethics?  fear tactic?   What are you talking about?!    Why do people start assuming and twisting things that are not what I said?   



There's no "ignorance" of anything that I'm referring to.  I know for a fact that LL employees had inworld shops, competed with residents, and had both verbal and other types of feuds.  If you have no idea this all happened, and instead want to make some weird comment about "romantic interludes?!"...then we clearly are not seeing the same things in SL.




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16 wrote:

for me

I have never really needed or wanted any one on one time with a linden. 

no I don't need one on one either but would be nice to randomly see them in world as it used to be, and sometimes even answering a ticket, once I got randomly, 2 Lindens, but forgot to ask either one for a bear. lol

or they could all just send bears.

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I apologize, I was not suggesting that you refrain from commenting.

I was attempting to point out, that  your previous comment, contradicts the comment you made, in my first reply to you in this thread.

After reviewing our complete discussion, I could have provided greater detail into what I consider as acceptable Linden / Resident Interaction, involving SL infrastructure, interface, and Community events.

I may have been sensationalism a bit (I'm sorry) with the E ethics, to prove a point.  We shouldn't limit ourselves, simply because we are afraid of something. (like corruption)

I was being a smart azz with Romantic Interludes... it's favoritism, special treatment, sugar daddy's and Sugar Cookies all rolled into one. Pretty much what you were saying. Employees getting overly involved.



We need to Jump back on topic, or, jump on the Back of the topic.... Where's Rodvik? ... giddy up horsy!

In consideration that one man, is one man, we need teamwork.

SL is a business, that provides leisure and recreation.



to be continued...

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Melita Magic wrote:

16 wrote:

for me

I have never really needed or wanted any one on one time with a linden. 

no I don't need one on one either but would be nice to randomly see them in world as it used to be, and sometimes even answering a ticket, once I got randomly, 2 Lindens, but forgot to ask either one for a bear. lol

or they could all just send bears.

Agreed.  It was part of the fun, back in the day, to have a "Linden sighting."  Kind of like getting a glimpse of Big Foot in a "They do exist" type of way.  I began taking photos when I spotted a Linden.  I'm glad I now have those now to remember fun times as I may not ever see another Linden in world.

I never hung out with a Linden nor wanted to but seeing Lindens in world gave one the impression that they enjoyed SL and were not just invested in it for a paycheck.  I remember one Winter Fair that was held on the Isle of Wyrms.  One of the Lindens who wore a Steampunk dragon hatchling avatar came over and joined in for a bit. 

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16 wrote:

in terms of fixing ancient bugs and completing half-made functions then i think he has done good. he promised us this when he first came

he change the codey culture in the company. from do whatever you want that makes you the codey personally happy. to: fixit fixit fixit fixit fixit

i think that upset a lot of codeys on the inworld side of things. not being able to work on whatever they liked. and now have to grind it fixing all the past stuff they half-made broken



Surely you jest. You can count the number of longstanding bugs that have been fixed since Rodvik joined on the fingers of one hand.   On the other hand they have added bunches of new shiny, some of it less than perfectly implemented, some f it pretty good, some of it excelent.   I'm afraid that the old longstanding bugs not fixed more that outweigh the new shiny.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

it sure beats the CEO before him..

I haven't really spent time on here since late spring maybe early summer..

but from what I remember before I left,..it was better than being under M's reign..

Anything is better than M.    There is a joke about the Imperial German General Staff.    There are four kinds of officers,  Smart and Energetic, these must be drafted to the Staff; Smart and Lazy, these are our combat commanders the get things done at the least cost in material and men;  Stupid and lazy, well we can always find places to put these people to work, under proper supervision of course;  Stupid and energetic, these people must be found and removed from the officer corps forth-with.  M clearly fell into the latter category.

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Hope Dreier wrote:

16 wrote:

in terms of fixing ancient bugs and completing half-made functions then i think he has done good. he promised us this when he first came

he change the codey culture in the company. from do whatever you want that makes you the codey personally happy. to: fixit fixit fixit fixit fixit

i think that upset a lot of codeys on the inworld side of things. not being able to work on whatever they liked. and now have to grind it fixing all the past stuff they half-made broken



Surely you jest. You can count the number of longstanding bugs that have been fixed since Rodvik joined on the fingers of one hand.   On the other hand they have added bunches of new shiny, some of it less than perfectly implemented, some f it pretty good, some of it excelent.   I'm afraid that the old longstanding bugs not fixed more that outweigh the new shiny.

surely I do not jest

start with the viewer we were using when he came. compare to the viewer we got now. add up all the things that crashed us on that viewer. add up all the things that crash the viewer now

is only 3 things that will crash the viewer now. region disconnect. media ddos. a special crafted texture or physics resource. even a scripted spam attack wont crash the viewer now

add in things like: rightclick on someone else vehicle. banlines upto heaven. parcel visibility. http pipeline. home button. can keep going on and on. these not shinys. they should have been in the viewer from the beginning. is heaps of little bug fixes. and heaps of other things in the viewer and inworld interaction that were half-made have now been completed.and more coming every week







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Melita Magic wrote:

16 wrote:

for me

I have never really needed or wanted any one on one time with a linden. 

no I don't need one on one either but would be nice to randomly see them in world as it used to be, and sometimes even answering a ticket, once I got randomly, 2 Lindens, but forgot to ask either one for a bear. lol

or they could all just send bears.

yes i used to collect as well. the bears. they pretty good bc it provide a personal touch

was quite romantic that kinda touch. in a good way. so thats missing now from the today inworld. in a wistful way. Ciaran made a article on his blog about this. i made a comment on it. he reply in the same kinda wistful way. like there is something missing now that was there before

is true this in lots of older residents. the wistfulness for the romance and the personal touches of the olden days. like when the gods walked the land and speak to the people and we were one with them. same like how we sometimes feel about the ancient gods of the realworld. is some magic lost there as well in same way i think


i also kinda agree with Celestial as well tho

the ancient linden gods werent all good and benevolent. some were. most even. but not all. was some evil ones as well. they undo a lot of good things bc of what they done. like they undone goodwill and honesty and professional behaviours

play favorites when using their god powers. and ego out on it sometimes. some even made fan clubs named after themselves. or if not do themselves direct then on their alt or get their wets to do it for them. and they encourage the fan culture. ego much

like fan me and be my wet. and if you are my wet then can IM me private if you got any hassles. i come and use my god powers and help you inworld. banhammer other people even for you. i look after my wets bc thats my god promise to you

was not good that dark part of those linden gods who went down that way. the attitude bleed thru into some of the SL mentors as well. even tho the good linden gods did try to stop it as best they could with the mentors. but is hard to do when you against other gods who into the wets dark ways

so for many of us. the governance side of SL became a game of who you know. dont know anyone then never get anything sorted out. your tickets and ARs and stuff just ignored. well not ignored exactly. just shoved into the Notme Linden pile


is not like the evil gods even meant to be that way or even start out that way. they just get turned. get consumed by the power. adulation in some cases. not able anymore to make distinctions between their base desires and their obligations and duty


is a marker inworld to the darkside. is at Korea1 Welcome Area. i call it the Tree of Evil and Forgetfulness. it has no reason to be there. the person who put it there did it just bc they could. they had no work reason at all

can know which one it is just by looking at it. dont even need to click on it to know the owner name. to know which tree it is. even tho it looks exactly exact the same as any other linden tree

is something odd about it. the person who put it there forgot something. was the forgetfulness that made me first notice it. so i gave it that name

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Porky Gorky wrote:

An interesting read and I can find nothing in there that I really disagree with. On reading the last paragraph I can only conclude that Torley should be made the new CEO.

i would vote for Robin Linden if we could vote for our favourite Linden. for the CEO. I think she got us as a community better than anyone

I put Torley Linden in charge of new stuff. so that nothing new for SL gets made without his express say so. he knows more about the whatfors that should be in the world and how we want to use it

and make Andrew Linden to be in overall charge of all the tech and dev. he forgotten more stuff about SL dev than everyone else knows put together


I be quite happy if Linden Research spin off SL into a standalone. maybe Rodvik and the board will do. like set up SL as a separate division in the company. and dig out all the codeys and marketeers he got that dont get SL and put them into the other game division

get one or two of the older lindens back for the management side.of the SL division. then he not have to personal worry about SL anymore. just cash the tier checks. SL will be better in the longrun I think this way. us as well


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First off, M Linden was a very easy act to follow. And Phillip's return was a non-event. But I thought Rodvik started off well. It was pretty amazing to actually be able to communicate with a Linden.

One day some clown bought $2000 US worth of lindens with my credit card, and customer service didn't seem to be doing a thing about it. I waited for weeks. I called and sent emails. It was impossible to find out if they were taking any action or whether they'd forgotten me. I mean, I would talk to someone on the phone, but they would have NO IDEA what the status of my issue was. So I asked Rodvik (via twitter) about it, and IMMEDIATELY they canceled the charge.

It was an enormous relief, but now that Rodvik has gone silent, and his interest has passed from Second Life to making games, I'm afraid that if I had an issue like that again, I would simply be screwed.

When I talk to friends or family about Second Life, I know that it's very difficult for them to understand it, so it must be very difficult to find someone who is qualified to be a CEO and at the same time has a clear idea of what Second Life is. I hope that whoever follows Rodvik "gets" Second Life - that they understand what it is, and have an idea of what it could be.

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i would vote for Robin Linden if we could vote for our favourite Linden. for the CEO. I think she got us as a community better than anyone

I put Torley Linden in charge of new stuff. so that nothing new for SL gets made without his express say so. he knows more about the whatfors that should be in the world and how we want to use it

and make Andrew Linden to be in overall charge of all the tech and dev. he forgotten more stuff about SL dev than everyone else knows put together


I be quite happy if Linden Research spin off SL into a standalone. maybe Rodvik and the board will do. like set up SL as a separate division in the company. and dig out all the codeys and marketeers he got that dont get SL and put them into the other game division

get one or two of the older lindens back for the management side.of the SL division. then he not have to personal worry about SL anymore. just cash the tier checks. SL will be better in the longrun I think this way. us as well


I agree with almost all of this, wholeheartedly. I'd spare Andrew the aggravation of actually running Engineering, but otherwise it's a formula that could would succeed.

A Second Life division of Linden Research Inc, lead by Robin, with Torley as "Chief Vision Officer", and retaining Andrew as the one who knows where all the bones are buried in the code... this place would turn around fast.

Practically speaking, though, I'm not sure Rod (nor anybody, even) has the charm to lure Robin back. But yeah, it would be better for us, SL's future -- and Rod's sanity.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Practically speaking, though, I'm not sure Rod (nor anybody, even) has the charm to lure Robin back. But yeah, it would be better for us, SL's future -- and Rod's sanity.

Robin would have came back in a heartbeat at one point but the ship may well have sailed now.

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i miss torley and his awesome fun videos..

those and him were a big part of making sl feel legit for me..

i would watch those and they would make me want to get out there and do whatever was in the video..that or just get out and explore or make stuffs..

he has such a great personality that just showed off SL

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

Practically speaking, though, I'm not sure Rod (nor anybody, even) has the charm to lure Robin back. But yeah, it would be better for us, SL's future -- and Rod's sanity.

Robin would have came back in a heartbeat at one point but the ship may well have sailed now.

if SL was a separate autonomous division in the company. then can change the governance culture and the way stuff gets done. or not done

i think Robin would come back to be the Governor Linden of SL. like a real one. she will come back for us. bc Robin is our Mum in lots of ways. we her family. she will put us first in her thoughts when make decisions. she always done that way

and if people like Torley and Andrew and some others can be her Ministers in Charge of Stuff. bc they know us. like how we think and what we want. and why we want it. and why we think the way we do

is the understanding of us that is the secret to SL

Rodvik a good person I think and in terms of getting things done like technicals then he done a good job. he did try hard to understand us. so I am credit him for that. but like M and even Philip before he dont get us. he get the world and the concept. same like M and Philip did. but not us

Philip I think gave up and went away bc he had a concept for SL. and he tried to make SL according to his concept. but then we came and changed it. we had/have a different concept to his. lots of them. each individual to us. but he and M and now Rodvik. while they understand the concept of multi-facet simultaneous concepts in the same spacetime. they try to put their own concept to the forefront

people like Robin dont do that. they just manage and govern it. so can foster and help the multi-facets to grow and multiply. bc that the fundamental basic to the secret to SL. the multi-facet concepts and how as residents we think about them


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i just add some more about this

in my RL culture is this thing we call kawanatanga

in the pakeha (english) it end up transliterate to governorship. kawana = governor. tanga = ship. so the Empire worked on the basis of Governor in the regal royal sense. bc it was a monarchy

for us tho is different. kawana = Steward. tanga = of

if was a regal governor then rangatiratanga. rangatira = chief. tanga = of. Kawana Hobson is the Chief of Aotearoa (New Zealand)

but that not what we signed up to in the Treaty of Waitangi. we signed to kawanatanga. Kawana Hobson is the Steward of Aotearoa (New Zealand)


so Kawana Linden is the Steward of SL. stewardship is quite a bit different to governorship. in the approach and how you go about it

stewardship is based on respect for the whenua (environment) and the tangata (people). tangatawhenua. people and environment indivisible. one together

when apply kawanatanga to tangatawhenua then can see that we all stewards in SL. and from this our mana (respect/honour) comes

mana is a state of grace. you cant earn mana. you either have it or you dont. like cant think/say i will give you respect but only if you earn it. grace/mana is not a commodity. we cant sell this to the Kawana Linden or each other as kawana of our own lands in SL. nor can the Kawana Linden. or we ourselves. demand it from anyone. bc if we do then it puts us outside the kawanatanga and we have no mana

mana just comes when we fulfil our duty and obligations under kawanatanga and so to the tangatawhenua

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Corporate psychopaths only understand 2 things, sex and money, so sad to see so many of you expect things from a species that is not capable of seeing you, why do you expect anything, he is driven by one thing only, money, he only wants the money you have, once he has removed it he will dump you, come on people wake up and smell the coffee and stop this fantasy that the lindens care one hoot about their customers, they see you as cattle to be milked.

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I haven't seen anybody even suggest that Linden Lab cares about its customers, so you're making it up and arguing against it.

Linden Lab does see us as cattle to be milked - you are right about that. But I'll put it another way. Linden Lab sees its customers as customers, from whom they can make money. In other words, Linden lab is a business, just like any other business.

You're all over the forum today with your ultra-negative, but unrealistic stuff (that you are well-known for). Did somebody steal your rattle today, or what?

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The challenge for the head of this hypothetical Second Life product division, Robin or anyone else, would be meeting revenue targets. That's the challenge in any business, but the case of Linden Research, the whole corporation's balance sheet is perched precariously on this one product, while there are all these other nascent product lines desperate for every dime SL generates.

I'm not sure if that's really different from keeping profit-hungry shareholders happy with bottomline growth every quarter-over-quarter. It just feels like more pressure, and a greater tendency to rob necessary resources from the ol' cash cow.

Anybody considering that job would need real teeth (personal, organizational, structural) to defend the SL business from all the other products suckling at its teat.

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There you've hit on the issue that I think ruins CEO's. The pressure put upon them to meet specific income goals.

Actually, it's not really the Pressure itself, but the way that pressure is applied. There really are two very different ways and I think the LL BoD is using the wrong one.

Method 1 says "Meet these goals by whatever means you want. We will make sure you have the resources you need up to a specific limit. You have X amount of time. If you do not meet those goals then ..."

Method 2 says "Meet these goals using this method only. Do whatever you have to do, we will provide whatever resources you need .. but only if you use this approved method. If you do not meet these goals or if you try using any other method then ..."

I believe the BoD has insisted on Method 2 for every CEO .. including Philip when he returned briefly .. and thus why they cannot seem to find a CEO that is successful. They keep looking at the CEO as "unable to perform to spec" when all along their spec is completely out of sync with the methods that can and should be used.

I've always tried to manage (and wanted to be managed) by a method that defines my goals and allows me to choose the path. I figure that's why my employee (or myself) were hired .. for the ability to find a successful path. When I've been unfortunate enough to work for people that hired my brains then demanded I leave them at home, I've not lasted long in the job and been horribly unsuccessful. (And I'm pretty darn sure it's NOT just because I'm left-handed.)

Rodvik did start out very communicative, very informative, and very effective. There were some serious issues that he knocked flat fast at the beginning. But yeah, he's gone dark, silent and basically MIA. That's usually due to being in a postion of internal conflict; where you can't go left or right without running into obstacles. Having no available options to choose, you choose "None of the above" ... exactly as Rodvik has done.

But then again, I used to work with a man that was faced with that same situation. Except he did something different. The BoD set his path, made specific demands and set benchmarks that assured he followed their path. And then he went and did his job HIS way. He doubled production, tripled income, expanded our customer base and renewed that internal belief in the company that had been lost years before.

At the end of his first year, the BoD fired him. And they've recently just sold off the company to a competitor for a pittance of what it was worth.

In the end, you reap what you sew. I believe the LL BoD is doing just that .. reaping more and more of the stunted growth and returns that result from their overbearing method of managing their CEO. Sadly the one that will take the hit for it is Rodvik. But then again, my old boss proved that doing it HIS way is possible, and even though he was fired, there's not a single person that worked with and for him during that year that wouldn't leap in a second if he asked. (And many tried without him asking too.)

So it comes back to Rodvik to make a choice. Live inside the pressure box doing things according to the instructions he's given ... or stand up and do them the way he believes is best and then wait for his "eventual firing" (as he so eloquently stated some time ago). I had hoped he would do things the right way and be a short-lived but beneficial CEO. So far though, I'm afraid he's been a disappointment in that he's withdrawn and done things "their way".

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about them other games

Disney just made a Minecraft clone. all the children will go on that one. bc their parents will make them. bc they don't really want their children playing with strangers. like older teens and adults they don't know. and when the parents play then they will play with their own kids

teens going to stay with Minecraft bc Notch is cool. and he is not Teh Man. Disney for babies. Linden for creepy old people. is how they think about these things

which leaves who for Linden Research on their clone game? us. and why would we play on that when we got SL

if we end up no SL then we will go somewhere else where is avatars. so we can carry on being our avatar selfs


is ok that Linden Research try to make other games to try to get other sources of revenues from company pov. dunno why the BoD didnt see Disney coming tho 

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