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I took out the trash.


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In Second Life at least :P

Today I stopped procrastinating, got myself a spiffy inventory sorter and am in the process of moving everything into boxes and such.

Having joined a year ago I also realised that I never emptied the Trash Can. Not once. Figuring that in a year I haven't looked in there and that I should just really go ahead and delete it I went ahead.

And there is no better phrase for it: Holy mother of god.

My inventory item count dropped from 49,289 to 36,185. Basically I had a whopping 13,104 items in my trash can.
I figured I'd have around a thousand.

When was the last time you cleared your trash can?

While I'm at it, any tips and tricks for sorting inventory?

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Be very careful emptying a lot of trash at once. One merchant (who has posted here about it) lost most of her inventory during a trash empty -- she crashed or something in the middle of it. LL was not able to retrieve it. (She closed her business after that.)  

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iCade wrote:

In Second Life at least

Today I stopped procrastinating, got myself a spiffy inventory sorter and am in the process of moving everything into boxes and such.

Having joined a year ago I also realised that I never emptied the Trash Can. Not once. Figuring that in a year I haven't looked in there and that I should just really go ahead and delete it I went ahead.

And there is no better phrase for it:
Holy mother of god

My inventory item count dropped from
. Basically I had a whopping
items in my trash can.

I figured I'd have around a thousand.

When was the last time you cleared your trash can?

While I'm at it, any tips and tricks for sorting inventory?

When was the last time you cleared your trash can?

I empty my trash can every time I put something in it. I'm really OCD about my inventory. LOL. I don't like clutter and clean it up anytime I can.

While I'm at it, any tips and tricks for sorting inventory?

I personally sort by stores. I make a main folder with the name of the shop and put in subfolders of the outfits from there. I also bought inventory boxes years ago and use those for household items, landscaping and houses I no longer use. When you use the inventory boxes, depending on which ones you have, I would advice you to NOT put outfits in them. The ones that I have do not allow you to add folders, only individual items which is a bummer, but it does help with everything else I have in my inventory. Plus I also go through folders and discard any outfits I haven't worn in awhile. Since I have started wearing nothing but mesh clothing, I deleted tons of outdated outfits the other day and got my inventory down from over 21,000 to just under 10,000, and now my inventory loads so much faster, which is wonderful! Enjoy transferring everything you don't need, it can be time consuming but so worth it once you see how much more you have reduced your inventory. :-)

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Be very careful emptying a lot of trash at once. One merchant (who has posted here about it) lost most of her inventory during a trash empty -- she crashed or something in the middle of it. LL was not able to retrieve it. (She closed her business after that.)  


Oh god, I am happy that I didn't crash o.O My Client did freeze up so I got up and went for a coffee, when I came back it was successfully deleted. I would have thrown a hissy fit and then cried if my whole inventory was gone, I spent far too much money on everything >.<

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iCade wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Be very careful emptying a lot of trash at once. One merchant (who has posted here about it) lost most of her inventory during a trash empty -- she crashed or something in the middle of it. LL was not able to retrieve it. (She closed her business after that.)  


Oh god, I am happy that I didn't crash
My Client did freeze up so I got up and went for a coffee, when I came back it was successfully deleted. I would have thrown a hissy fit and then cried if my whole inventory was gone, I spent far too much money on everything >.<

Now when I empty a lot of trash I go to some empty sim, and I try not to empty it all in one go.  

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I get OCD about my Inventory also.

I clear my trash regularly.  I always scan through what is in it before I dump it just in case I accidentally put something in it I shouldn't  have.

I do that too. A few times I did find a couple of things that should not have been in the trash and I was able to retrieve them. 

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I empty my trash when it needs emptied. Sometimes that's quite frequently, sometimes not for months. I ALWAYS scan over my trash folder before purging though. You just never know what might show up where it doesn't belong. Or if you accidentally delete and don't realize. Been there before too, lol.

As far as sorting goes I do sort some of my inventory, but not all of it, not even most. That said, unless the asset server decides to eat something, temporarily or permanently, i don't lose things easily. My memory isn't always super sharp when I want it to be thanks to a health issue, but surprisingly I still remember where just about everything is in my inventory. I just can't always remember the name or where I got it, lol. I don't have to worry about outfits because although I have a lot, I rarely change. I tend to wear the same things. These days I spend most of my time in a bra and panties since I never leave my sim other than to pay my rent. That makes keeping my clothes sorted easy :D

I do have some sorting products I throw my textures, sculpt maps and things like that in. Those suckers are handy lil things, but my main purpose for using them is that I can see things at a glance. They rez a prim and apply the map so I can see the sculpt and with textures they give me a quick view. I also box things up if I only use them around certain times of the year. Like a lot of my stuff I use for relay season, goes in a specific box just for that. Seasonal stuff, same thing. I just finished packing up a lot of my halloween/fall things the other day, and opened my winter/christmas/new year's box. There was a time when I didn't sort this way, and there is still a TON I don't sort this way. But it does come in handy at times.

I don't pay much attention to my inventory count. I'm bound to have a crap ton and I deal with it just fine. I rarely have inventory issues these days. I used to have a lot more, when I had less inventory, oddly enough.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Be very careful emptying a lot of trash at once. One merchant (who has posted here about it) lost most of her inventory during a trash empty -- she crashed or something in the middle of it. LL was not able to retrieve it. (She closed her business after that.)  

everytime anyone new ask me about starting a SL business than i tell them to create a alt account and use as a backup for all their stuff. and make another one as a l$ piggy bank as well. better to be safe i think

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I don't empty my trash every time I throw something, but I do check it and I empty whenever I feel like the trash has too many items in it. A few years back I did a huge inventory clearance. I sat down in an empty sim and just started evaluating every folder I had. I had a lot of freebies and lots of folders with hundreds of items in them. Once I cleaned out my inventory I just kept it organized with lots of folders.

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I'm still trying to get over never having emptied the trash can in a year!!!  I empty my trash everytime I delete something - but I'm likely the extreme on the other side of the spectrum!

Great work, Cade!!! Keeping inventory under control is a challenge even for those of us who are a bit compulsive about it.  I've attended approximately 10 inventory sorting/control classes over the years in SL.  There are a lot of great tips and tricks but I'll list two very common but good ones:

1.  Open inventory, then inventory filter - uncheck everything except landmarks.  Most people have multiples of the same lm, especially if one shops in the same store a lot or goes to the same location and always accepts the lms.  Just getting rid of muliple lm's and/or lm's you no longer need/want usually reduces one's inventory significantly. 

I have organizers for textures and boxes for inventory storage but was in 7th heaven awhile back when I found a lm organizer.  It is AMAZING.  It has copy perms so one can have as many as needed.  I have quite a few and name them by category - Clothing/Formal; Clothing/Medieval; Dancing/Formal; Dancing/Ethinic, etc.  The best thing is you wear it as a HUD and can choose the lm via chat using either name or the lm number, then click the SLURL that appears on local chat to tp.

2.  I have folders created for the various hunts I do.  When I receive a hunt item, I immediately transfer it to the correct hunt folder and *try* to open all the items from that day before I log off or first thing when I log on the next day instead of letting them pile up.

I let the other things I acquire via shopping, someone sending an item, etc. go to the Object folder.  Same deal - try to rez and decided to keep or ditch each object that same day.  If keeping then it goes in its proper folder in my inventory folder system.

Congratulations on taking out the trash and good luck the organization process.

After 5+ years in SL, my inventory is currently in the 7K range.  I prefer to keep it around 5K but have some sorting, archiving, etc. to do myself.


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Thanks Czari for the great tips, I will definitely check out an LM sorter!

I have cleared my trash, deleted most of the objects in my objects folder and am about done sorting my inventory. I still have 33.000 items x.x It's going to take me ages putting them all into boxes and some such.

I'm also currently going back and forth wether or not I should delete things I haven't used in ages, because you never know WHEN you will need them again!


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I may not be as diligent as Czari. There are times when I don't empty the trash even though I know there's stuff in there. But usually it's a daily process. I'm not careless about deleting things—for me, the 'delete' decision means I don't want the item—so I can safely assume if something is in the trash it's there because at some moment in time I felt I didn't want it. I am in my fifth year and I think I've regretted trashing three or four things in that time, none of which were hard to replace.

Interesting that I saw this today; I was thinking I need to spend a little quality time with my inventory. I've been on a bit of a buying spree recently and last night I think I may have either gone over or gotten very close to my limit of 10K. Not only that, but there are things just lying around that need to be moved to the appropriate folders.

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I sorted out my inventory, getting it down from 29000 to 16000, and it seems to have sorted out my frozen logins - could be a coincidence, of course.

Top tips!

1/ Delete everything called "demo".

2/ Delete everything called "object".  I remember reading that over 70% of prims in SL are named "object".  I am sure I deleted some good stuff but I would never have bothered to rez them to look at them anyway.

3/ Delete landmarks starting from the bottom of the list until you get to ones you still use.

4/ Delete all Calling Cards.  I regret this one a little: I liked it as a record of my life here.

5/ Delete all the copiable stuff you kept taking rather than deleting - for me these things were  plants, trees and vehicles.

6/ The Object and Lost And Found folders were rich grounds for finding obviously unwanted stuff.

7/ Set the filters to Landmarks only and delete all the lms sent within folders acquired through shopping.

8/ Get rid of Library items that have found their way into Inventory through Character Tests.

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I like a lot of people have swapped over to Mesh for many things and that has started me redoing, again, my inventory. I generally empty my trash every few days, and always do a scan to make sure that there are not any no copy items in there by mistake. I will try to describe the process I "follow" (or should follow) everytime I buy something. When I do it, it works wonderfully. I do have an inventory storage solution that lets me store things and search for them.

1. Check permissions on new object. If it is No Copy then Place in proper folder (see below)

2. If Copy, did it come in a box? If Yes, open the box, copy to inventory, then move the box to my storage solution. Delete the box.

3. If Copy, but not in a box then rez a new cube, and copy all of the items to the cube, name the cube the same as the folder, take the cube into inventory and copy it to the storage solution. Delete the cube.

4. If Mesh, I only wear 2 sizes of mesh clothes. I delete the rest if the objects are Copy. If they are no copy I rez a cube and move the extra sizes to storage.

5. I delete all extra notecards, landmarks etc from the folder. pretty much anything that isnt relevant to the usage of the item.


My folder storage is pretty simple. I start with a broad category, say Landscaping. Then I put subcategories, like Trees. Then I create a folder by Store/Seller, so I have Botanical and Heart for example. Then I move the items inside there. For clothes I do something similar. For standard clothing and avatars I create folders by type: Jeans, Pants, Shorts, Sweaters. Then I create the designer/store folder under that and move the item folders in. 

I think that pretty much sums things up. I started my most recent inventory clean up at about 36,000 items and I am currently at about 18,000. Much of that was silly hunt stuff I will never use and old non-mesh clothing.

Hope it helps...




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iCade wrote:

Thanks Czari for the great tips, I will definitely check out an LM sorter!

I have cleared my trash, deleted most of the objects in my objects folder and am about done sorting my inventory. I still have 33.000 items x.x It's going to take me ages putting them all into boxes and some such.

I'm also currently going back and forth wether or not I should delete things I haven't used in ages, because you never know WHEN you will need them again!


Just a thought - you can hide your inventory Library - all those thing LL puts into your inventory that you can't delete, BUT hiding it, if even temporarily, gives a more accurate idea of how much inventory you personally have.

To hide inventory to to Advanced-Debug Settings and type noinventoryLibrary and set to TRUE.

Also...sending something to you in world via IM.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Be very careful emptying a lot of trash at once. One merchant (who has posted here about it) lost most of her inventory during a trash empty -- she crashed or something in the middle of it. LL was not able to retrieve it. (She closed her business after that.)  

This is strange.

Because you can just use marketplace to send yourself your own goods, or if in an inworld store, 'take copy' the items in your shop.


Being your own stuff, you'd have your original perms with it. Only damage would be with original textures that you were not selling. And that's going to got 10L per to re-upload. Lets imagine you use 5 textures per product and have 100 products. 5000L. Pricey, but if you have that many products - cheap. Probably what you make in a few days, or well, its time for product line clean out anyway (something I personally need...).


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Sorting tips:


Lots of categories and sub-categories.

My clothing looks a bit like this:

clothing --> mesh --> tops

 clothing --> mesh --> skirts

 clothing --> mesh --> pants


And 'tops' has recently hit the point where it needs breakout into further categories.


Regularly dump old stuff. I recently sent about 10k worth of stuff down to alts.

Still boxing up the no-trans items. I prefer buying copy/mod - so this is the larger task.


Leave nothing in the main inventory folder. Mine is a pure mess, but some of my alts are very clean here; having made them after I knew better.


Use a different account for uploading textures and building from the one used to sell and the one used to play.

- My building / product assembly alt mostly sits in a skybox. I can ruin my own inventory and not lose or have to re-upload anything.

I also use a specific alt for anything that requires giving debit perms in order to pay me. She never has any money, and controls nothing else that I do. But she did inherrit a -LOT- of my older inventory. And I use her to test whether or not I set the right perms on things in my shop.

seanabrady wrote:

I think that pretty much sums things up. I started my most recent inventory clean up at about 36,000 items and I am currently at about 18,000. Much of that was silly hunt stuff I will never use and old non-mesh clothing.

Not doing chairs and hunts and boards has helped me put a strong control on my inventory. If you're going to do these, do them mostly on an alt, and then come by on a main for only the good stuff.

- I've mostly kept that conduct to 'new concepts', like the first few mesh hunts when mesh clothes were new. Otherwise I leave that space for the newbies.


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

iCade wrote:

Thanks Czari for the great tips, I will definitely check out an LM sorter!

I have cleared my trash, deleted most of the objects in my objects folder and am about done sorting my inventory. I still have 33.000 items x.x It's going to take me ages putting them all into boxes and some such.

I'm also currently going back and forth wether or not I should delete things I haven't used in ages, because you never know WHEN you will need them again!


Just a thought - you can hide your inventory Library - all those thing LL puts into your inventory that you can't delete, BUT hiding it, if even temporarily, gives a more accurate idea of how much inventory you personally have.

To hide inventory to to Advanced-Debug Settings and type noinventoryLibrary and set to TRUE.

Also...sending something to you in world via IM.


I should probably test the current versions before I speak but last I checked, "Hide Library," is disabled in Firestorm/Phoenix.  It will return to defualt "False" upon relogging.

When I asked about this in FS support a while back, the answer I was given is that the 'bridge' is set up to act like a library object to reduce problems in locations with 'no object entry' enabled, so that is why the function was set to (not) work.


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Kenbro Utu wrote:

I would imagine it had more to do with the lack of trust in the platform in a business sense.  It would be hard to put that much work back in to something if you were always afraid it would disappear in the blink of an eye again.  

That was pretty much the case.  The merchant posted about the situation on the Merchant Forums as well as her blog.  She spent many days if not longer talking with customer support and at the end the answer given to her was essentially "Too bad...our TOS doesn't guarantee loss of inventory."  It was the shock of losing most of her business inventory plus all building tools, then not only couldn't customer service retrieve any of her items, their response was like Oh well.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

iCade wrote:

Thanks Czari for the great tips, I will definitely check out an LM sorter!

I have cleared my trash, deleted most of the objects in my objects folder and am about done sorting my inventory. I still have 33.000 items x.x It's going to take me ages putting them all into boxes and some such.

I'm also currently going back and forth wether or not I should delete things I haven't used in ages, because you never know WHEN you will need them again!


Just a thought - you can hide your inventory Library - all those thing LL puts into your inventory that you can't delete, BUT hiding it, if even temporarily, gives a more accurate idea of how much inventory you personally have.

To hide inventory to to Advanced-Debug Settings and type noinventoryLibrary and set to TRUE.

Also...sending something to you in world via IM.


I should probably test the current versions before I speak but last I checked, "Hide Library," is disabled in Firestorm/Phoenix.  It will return to defualt "False" upon relogging.

When I asked about this in FS support a while back, the answer I was given is that the 'bridge' is set up to act like a library object to reduce problems in locations with 'no object entry' enabled, so that is why the function was set to (not) work.


I'm currently using the version of Phoenix prior to the mesh version and it works. :)  But it still has a bridge, so if that's the issue...I don't see why the newer Phoenix/Firestorm couldn't disable the Library.  Not saying they don't since I can't use them and have never seen them, but works perfectly on my current viewer.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

iCade wrote:

Thanks Czari for the great tips, I will definitely check out an LM sorter!

I have cleared my trash, deleted most of the objects in my objects folder and am about done sorting my inventory. I still have 33.000 items x.x It's going to take me ages putting them all into boxes and some such.

I'm also currently going back and forth wether or not I should delete things I haven't used in ages, because you never know WHEN you will need them again!


Just a thought - you can hide your inventory Library - all those thing LL puts into your inventory that you can't delete, BUT hiding it, if even temporarily, gives a more accurate idea of how much inventory you personally have.

To hide inventory to to Advanced-Debug Settings and type noinventoryLibrary and set to TRUE.

Also...sending something to you in world via IM.


I should probably test the current versions before I speak but last I checked, "Hide Library," is disabled in Firestorm/Phoenix.  It will return to defualt "False" upon relogging.

When I asked about this in FS support a while back, the answer I was given is that the 'bridge' is set up to act like a library object to reduce problems in locations with 'no object entry' enabled, so that is why the function was set to (not) work.


I'm currently using the version of Phoenix prior to the mesh version and it works.
  But it still has a bridge, so if that's the issue...I don't see why the newer Phoenix/Firestorm couldn't disable the Library.  Not saying they don't since I can't use them and have never seen them, but works perfectly on my current viewer.

The change was made with the release of Firestorm Beta.

I don't know the current status.  As it was explained to me at that time, th echange was made to eliminate a problem with bridge creation.

I'll try to double check next time I am able to Log In, unless someone beats me to it.


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