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I've got an alt that has a specific goal of not busting past 4000 items. Its a bit crazy at times picking what to delete. :P

But on my main, on Pussycat... I wish I had had a plan over my inventory back when I made this avatar... For the folders I use its pretty slimmed down. But in that folder over there, the one down a bit to the left... what's in there and can I delete it?

- Every few months I remember something like "Oh hey, didn't I buy a do-hicky 2 years ago that would be perfect for this thing-a-jig?" Dig through, and there it is in that obscure folder...

So I dread deleting only to find out I needed it sometime down the line... o.O


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Did some last night. It's something I do frequently. I try to stay between 9K and 10K. When it starts getting to or slightly above 10K I go to work tossing out the unneccessary. I actually enjoy the process. I don't spend an excessive amount of time on it but each little visit results in fewer unused items and in a few more things being categorized where I can find them. For instance, last night I created an 'Eyewear' folder. At one time I had possibly one or two pair of eyeglasses. Now I have binoculars, a telescope, goggles, at least one scuba mask, and several pair of glasses. Made sense to put them all in one place (I probably missed some but I'll find them on another visit).

It's kind of like gardening, or maybe weeding. Simple minds, simple pleasures.

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I'm constantly purging items.  Right now it's under 13,000

If you have a hard time letting go of things, you can always box things up that you aren't using, or have no plans to use.  For this I have a folder called "The Attic"

...I rarely venture into the attic...it's cold and scary, dark and damp, and full of cobwebs....yuk.

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Approaching 35K items, but that's 6 years of collecting! I keep it pretty well organised, and rarely leave anything out in the root inventory. So I've a 'My Body Parts' folder subdivided into Eyes, Alphas, Tattoos, Hair, Avatars etc. and some folders are split down futher (the Avatars subfolder is divided into Animal, Humanoid, Tech, Furry & Bizarre for example). My Textures folder could probably do with some work to split off the uploaded photos from building textures, but on the whole it pretty manageable despite the size.

I try to keep it organised as I go, rather than making a big effort every now and then. Every few months I nuke my Trash and Demos folders, and check Lost & Found for anything unusual.

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Emilyaya Lenroy wrote:

Okay, I haven't cleaned up my inventory in about 2 years. I had over 12,000  items in my inventory and have gotten half way though it and is down now to 8,000 items.

My inventory was a mess.

How long was it since you cleaned out your inventory?

I'm an organization freak so I do an "eyeball" weeding out of inventory at least a few times a week.  That is to detect items I just accepted and didn't have time to read (notecards) or place in its correct category when I received them.

As far as sitting down to go through inventory, probably once a month.  I'm one of those strange people for whom this is relaxing.  I put on some music or a talk show and listen while I'm going through inventory.  Over the years I've developed an inventory system that works well for me, but the biggest boon to keeping a lean inventory is archiving those items one only needs every so often.  I have a bunch of "tips and tricks" for doing this beyond just boxing things up.  I have been in SL for over 5 years and my goal is to keep my inventory around 5,000.  I'm also a content creator so I have a bunch of textures, building supplies, tools, and the items I sell that others may not have to deal with - using great inventory tools can still keep my inventory hovering around the 5,000 range.

I would so love for there to be a safe way to organize other people's inventory.  I love doing it, I am skilled at it, and I bet there is a market for this service.  Just too risky, not to mention against the TOS, that the only current way I know of is to log in as the other person.

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When I first joined SL in 2006, I never organized my inventory. I learned that that was a very poor decision.

When I created my new account, I organized everything on the first day. I add/move/alter a folder whenever need be, but otherwise, my inventory is kept very neat - as soon as I get a new item, I put it where it belongs so I do not have to deal with it later. The result is an organized, uncluttered inventory where I know where everything is, when I need it.

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mew mew a mew :matte-motes-bashful:


12,000, thats funny, if i can get mine down to 12,000 i would consider that almost no inventory at all.


When i did my first real inventory clean, i wiped out 50K. My most recent one was just over 20K, good bye Peace On Earth hunt 2010, but hello POE 2012 hahahha

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Rhonda Pinion wrote:

*looks at you absolutely blank* Clean inventory? Huh? Oh - I think I threw out two notecards the other day. Does that count? *grabs a flashlight and wanders off mumbling, in search of a specific outfit in her 79000 item inventory*

*nods and agrees with Rhonda.

The inventory needs to be cleaned? uhmmm that might be why I got over 70.000 or so in mine, gosh I dont even know how much LOL..

But but but.. I tried it once.. I really did... I deleted about 20 items and then I found a box with 200 something in, and ermm opend it.. so with  -20 but +200 my cleaning aint working, its just no good when i try to clean up.. I been waiting over 3 or 4 yrs for my partner to log in as me and clean up. He keeps saying 'yeah sure darlin'.. so Im waiting..... waiting.....

Imma paitent girl... sits down and waits... Popcorn Rhonda?


Edited to add some popcorn...

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Over 100k most of which is due to rarely deleting early copies of things. When you rez something copyable it copies itself back to your inventory when you pick it up again. Took me a while to figure out I can safely delete that one. :)

And also from running sims, and having choices for decorating each, and administrative stuff, and on and on.

A lot less of it relates to avatar decoration than you might think...Still, I could get rid of a lot of that too. 

Every once in a while, when I'm feeling meditative, I do the 'busy work' of going through folder after folder, trying things on, and deleting them. It's probably been months since the last time I did that.

There is not a huge incentive since I don't see most of it, it's all organized well (or most of it is), and it doesn't clutter anything. And also because I spend gradually less time overall in SL itself. When I am there I have other things to do, so the mood and timing have to really strike me just right, to want to organize my virtual sock drawer.

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Melita Magic wrote:

And also because I spend gradually less time overall in SL itself. When I am there I have other things to do, so the mood and timing have to really strike me just right, to want to organize my virtual sock drawer.

Heh...I'm the opposite...because I'm also gradually spending less time overall in SL one of the reasons I log in is to clear out inventory. ;)  I'm not kidding when I say I actually find weeding out and organizing my inventory relaxes me.


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It's exhausting though, isn't it? Although I guess it's one way to get sleepy. I have to be in the mood to do it, though, and lately I have been finding less reasons to want to log in anyway, even when I can steal time from RL on a SL worthy computer.

I think people go through phases in Second Life and wax and wane with their involvement with it. It's kind of like Hotel California for most of us.

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Melita Magic wrote:

It's exhausting though, isn't it? Although I guess it's one way to get sleepy. I have to be in the mood to do it, though, and lately I have been finding less reasons to want to log in anyway, even when I
steal time from RL on a SL worthy computer.

I think people go through phases in Second Life and wax and wane with their involvement with it. It's kind of like Hotel California for most of us.

That's the thing, organizing my inventory is very soothing for me.  I realize I'm a in vast minority with this opinon...lol.  Although I did attend a class on inventory organizing a year or so ago that was so detailed it was taught in 3 separate classes.  The instructor was another "inventory geek" and had a group so those of us who liked to keep tight inventories could compare notes with each other.   For me, in addition to being relaxing, I find it a challenge to find unique ways to whittle down my inventory count without deleting items I want to keep.  With all the people I encounter who say they would love to clear out their inventory but hate to do it, I still say if it were possible I would have found my perfect "niche" job in SL. :)



Agree with the SL phases - I'm fairly apathetic at the moment.  None of the things I used to do really "call out" to me anymore and I have to be inspired to build.  About this time last year I took a break from SL for about 6 months and came back refreshed.  Might be time for another break here. ;)


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Coby Foden wrote:

I have 33,915 items now, and it's slowly growing.  Almost every day something new added. :smileysurprised:

I might understand that a man could survive with only 4000 items, but for a woman, no way!  A woman needs her stuffs. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Errrmmmmm, I'm a woman, need my stuffs and keep an inventory at approximately 5,000.  It's not how much stuff one has, it's how they have it. *Grins*


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Coby Foden wrote:

I have 33,915 items now, and it's slowly growing.  Almost every day something new added. :smileysurprised:

I might understand that a man could survive with only 4000 items, but for a woman, no way!  A woman needs her stuffs. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Ahhh .. but the REAL crucial question is ...


How much chocolate is your Inventory worth?

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