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Pussycat, your people are the only true Americans (hugs) The rest of us are mudbloods and certainly not fit to claim supremecy over a lump of dirt, let alone your people. I'm about 1/4 and proud of it though I never claimed any rights.

People that think this isn't about race either have their head in the sand or they are lying about it not being about race, Oh yea, and there is the one percent who is so fixated on money they can't see past the dollar sgns and only care about who will work for peanuts (but they will still b!tch about immigrants if they can tell by your skin you are -if not you are off the hook...for now).

I'm just so relieved at the election results. Thank god for the minority votes. We all are Americans. Not just the vulture capitalists. The hispanics had a stake in the formation of our country. I'm not sure many realize that. I was wondering recently why exactly we have a state called New Mexico if it wasn't an invitation. I looked it up and turns out Mexican people had already migrated here and agreed to join the states when they became 48 states of the union (before Alaska and Hawaii) So people complaining about hispanics can please stop now ok? They helped found our nation and have as much right to be here as anyone. Though not as much right as Pussycat's people do.

Hugs again dear and congratulations. Make sure to vote up Hillary in 16 k? Muah!


Edit: Yea Peggy but any supressor when confronted is going to think themselves superior and try to put you down. BS I say. Fight back. A;ways. And keep up the fight untill the ugly sow of racism and prejudice has been put dwn for good and cannot get to it's feet any longer. It is not their freedom of speech, choice or religion. It is simply hate. Fight it . Kil it. Pemanently.  That and that only. and It needs to be driven from our world and our nation once and for all and for good!

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LOLz the people have stood up and spoken again. Voter suppression didn't work, laffs, redistricting didn't work, disenfranchisement didn't work. Preaching hate towards a man instead of directing it to a party didn't work. Hopefully the republicans can start taking care of the people and stop all the filibusters and acting like school ground bullies



that's all Im gonna say lol


I think it is an awesome acheivment for America. and President Obama. First Black President and he serves 2 terms... God Bless America :)

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There's lots to be surprised about in these results, and an awful lot for Republicans to digest for any hope of restoring the party to some relevance beyond that of a do-nothing Congress.

The news is pretty grim for the GOP, besides losing nearly every battleground state in the presidential race.

For example, losing those Senate seats is a pretty clear demonstration that massively overspending an opponent just doesn't win races anymore. (I think an argument could be made that the Koch brothers hurt the GOP more than they helped.)

And the ballot initiatives: significant wins for same-sex marriage and medical marijuana. Granted, those are in relatively blue states, but still a major reversal in Maine, and more baggage the GOP must shed going forward.

The Democrats have some work to do, too. Given the unexpected size of Obama's margin in the electoral college, it's pretty clear in hindsight that the party (and Obama himself) could have directed more attention to House races. Unlikely they had any chance of regaining a majority, but as it stands, Boehner isn't going to feel much pressure for bi-partisan compromise.

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tēnā koe Whaea Poti (:

ko Tiraroa ahau. ko Maungamuka te maunga. ko Hokianga te awa te moana. ko Ngāpuhi te iwi

(i just say hi and who i am and where i am from)


is not a lot can tell me about alienation of first peoples iwi tahi from our whenua lands and whanau

maybe all our lands we will never get back. even tho all our taonga and marae was burned by the pakeha tipuna in their drive to wipe us out in the name of the Empire and their greed for land. on the little lands we got left after the wars we survive as tangata whenua - people of the land - as best we can

we just try to learn the best parts of the pakeha ways and apply ourselves as best we can and endure and survive. like is way easier to survive with all that cool technology. like machine weave cloth and computers (: but anyways


on our lands we fully subject to national and local laws. we not even have protection of federal reservation land like in USA. we only 12.5% of over 15yrs population now but 60% of all women in prison are our wahine. 50% of all male prisoners are our tane - men. for not being fully assimilated into the pakeha ways seems like

i am not blame te tamariki o tipuna pakeha - the children of the olden empire. even if some of them think and act as if it still is. they will die before me. they are old now

their own tamariki are different. they was born here. they belong to us now. they belong to te whenua - the land. to Papatuānuku - the earth mother. they are tangata whenua same as me - is their tūrangawaewae same as mine - place to stand and belong. blue eyes, green eyes, brown and black eyes. and in time their tamariki and theirs and theirs will all belong to us and they will not know any other mama or papa and they will learn our ways bc will then be their ways as well

this not believed by all iwi tribes, they not have faith and bow to the pakeha and assimilate on the pakeha terms and rant about it even while they doing it

the way of our hapu and whanau as hand down to us since the days the pakeha first come to our own valley and is taught to us by our kuia and kaumātua - our elders. is to assimilate them by capture the hearts and minds of their children by the wairua of the awa and whenua


here is a pic from Awataha urban marae. my great grandfather was kaumātua there when the totem taonga came to us from the Americas peoples



kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere kārohirohi i mua i tou huarahi. ngā mihi anō (:

(may the sea glisten like greenstone and the shimmer of summer dance across your path)

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

There's plenty of votes for  Obama in California to put him over the top on the popular vote.

Yes, I cheated and waited until the day after.  I probly would have said the same thing last night tho.

yes ,my bad

i kinda forgot that in the early part of the counting the small booths come in first, they mostly from the countryside and tend to favour Rep. the big city booths come in last and favor the Dem

so it kinda skews the predictions when not factor that in


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The results didn't surprise me, since I've been following the online betting odds since the campaign started, and Obama has always been the odds-on favourite.    What has been surprising is that there's ever been any doubt about the outcome of a contest that's always looked to me (and, it would seem, to most people other than Americans) like a choice, certainly in Britain and, I think, anywhere in Europe, between a moderate Conservative (Obama) and someone who would be frankly unelectable anywhere other than the USA (other than, possibly, Pakistan, according to the BBC poll).

Meanwhile, a rather odd VR take on it from a Taiwanese studio:

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Not true, Pussycat........just not true.  I'm Republican.

Don't lump us into some group..........look at yourself.  The problems are not just one sided.......you contribute to it more than you think you do.

And yet your party is 91% white.

Facts are right there in front of you. GOP is the whites only party.

Everything about their message is harmful to the rest of America. Much of it is harmful to large sections of White demographics as well - and thus, Democrats are still 55% white.

You can dislike the reasons all you want, but you can't deny that 91%.

I may be wrong on the reasons - but that it is the case is there. And the GOP knows it, now more than ever before. They just lost an election largely because the "new face" of America finds them alienating.

Whether I'm right or wrong on why; their survival as a political engine hinges on figuring it out, or supressing my vote. So far they've gone for supression - as we saw in all the new voting requirement test laws they rushed through right before election. That strategy won't work in the long run. You can't use fire-hidrant hoses and lynch mobs to keep me out of the polls anymore, and legal gimmicks are just as blatant in today's information age.


Eileen Fellstein wrote:

Pussycat, your people are the only true Americans (hugs) The rest of us are mudbloods and certainly not fit to claim supremecy over a lump of dirt, let alone your people. I'm about 1/4 and proud of it though I never claimed any rights.


People that think this isn't about race either have their head in the sand or they are lying about it not being about race, Oh yea, and there is the one percent who is so fixated on money they can't see past the dollar sgns and only care about who will work for peanuts (but they will still b!tch about immigrants if they can tell by your skin you are -if not you are off the hook...for now).


I'm just so relieved at the election results. Thank god for the minority votes. We all are Americans.

Hugs again dear and congratulations. Make sure to vote up Hillary in 16 k? Muah!

That's really not the way to look at it though either. :)

The reason Democrats appeal so much for me is they embrace -everybody- in inclusiveness. We're all "real Americans" at this point in history - and one party gets that.

This is where it is about race.

Its about one side wanting to be race-exclusive in how they define America. "America is the ideals of the Constitution filtered through the vales of 'Race X'.

The other side wants to define America as the "values of Races A-Z brought together under the ideals of the Constitution."

- That's a race based debate. And the demographics get it, even if unconsciously. One side is 'our race sets the rules' the other side is 'everybody sets the rules.' The GOP has mostly distanced itself from the 'white-power' folks (sans Teabaggers who bring monkey posters to rallies) - but it still doesn't understand that there are choices other than 'which race rules' - many of them can't even define diversity or multicultural without labeling it as a destruction of their culture.


Future of America is diversity. Any political party that fails to get this will be doomed.


ps: I'm half-native. Other half is Asian. I've got an African avatar as I follow an African faith (Christianity :P - but as it is from Ethiopia where it has been since a little longer than it has been in Rome). Grew up in a multi-racial inner city area (North-West Oakland). But I have "family" from white trailer-parks, reservation lands, black ghettos, Irish ghettos, Israelis, and curiously: displaced Chinese who were 10%ers in Imperial times.

The only 'anti-non-native' I know is actually only 1/32nd Cherokee - and violently hates any non-rez person of any race. Poor confused soul there...


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The only words of your post that concern me are those where you equate being white with being racist or anti-something. It doesn't require a skin color to hate, to discriminate .. or to be out of touch. All it takes is ignorance.

I would be okay with you stating that the Republican party is 91% anti-whatever .. as I can buy into the idea of "being against" as also being a problem. But I'm having serious concerns when you state that the Republican party is 91% white and then following in the logic that that is the problem. If anything, it indicates that you are seeing whites through a racially biased eye .. and isn't that what you object to?

Personally I don't care what race, species or color you or your avatar happen to be today. I only care when it seems that whole swaths of people are being classified because of an external-only attribute .. and not on their character, their morals or their heart.

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Isn't Mr. Obama as much white as he is black? I believe his mother is white and his father black, right? Doesn't this make him our first bi-racial President, rather than our first 'black' President? Not that it should matter, skin color is just that, a color, but I wonder why he keeps being called black when at a lot of schools I went to he would have been called a half, or worse actually.

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Isn't Mr. Obama as much white as he is black? I believe his mother is white and his father black, right? Doesn't this make him our first bi-racial President,

Yep. Which is a good thing IMO. Not only are more folks getting over the 'scary black man' thing and looking through to decide on the person, but also the 'OMG miscegenation!' thing.

By contrast, a few decades back; Nixon spoke in favor of aborting mixed-raced fetuses.


(This quote is also linked on 'stormfront' - which many of the Europeans reading here might be blocked from going to, given its a Nazi website. But I suspect the "editorial stance" on the quote there is a tad different from the one Salon takes. Nixon is the one who gave the Republicans their 'Southern Strategy - without him, its very likely that minority votes today would be split evenly between the parties based on other issues. But he set both parties down long roads that lead to today.)


My favorite such mixed person is Bob Marley. Marley's father was a White British colonial who abandoned the family shortly after knocking his mother up. Marley was taken to be a 'house boy' for the white family until his mother found and rescued him - she having been told he was taken to go to school in the city, instead of what actually transpired.


We call Obama black and not mixed in the US, as that is something we have long done with African-White mixes. Most African Americans are in part white due to 'forced measures' during slavery and Jim Crowe... Obama is -more African- than many of them, as his Father was Kenyan.

Race though, is, beyond the degree of melonin one has, a biological fiction; but a cultural reality. And in that sense, he is a part of the Black American world - irregardless of growing up with his Caucasian mother, read his autobiography and you can see how his experience is shaped, and its a very African American experience shaped by the realities of his skin-tone.

To deny that, woudl belittle what African Americans go through - and much of that is an experience they encounter because of how they look, moreso that their genetic makeup. Similar to how I, as a Native American / Asian, get judged to be 'hispanic' because I look 'brown.'

In some sense we can define our identity, but to another it is also placed upon us by others.


This is relevant to the whole "91% stuck in one demographic" thing:


"The future of American politics — a majority-minority coalition handing complete political power over all branches of government to Democrats — is written here for anyone to see, in big, bold, rainbow-colored letters."


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Well im not sure if all the votes have been counted yet but based on what I have seen Obama already got it.

I thought Obama during his first 4 years would have been a good president but in my eyes he is not. He had 4 years to make changes to America instead I see him doing nothing at least from my point of view.

War in IRAQ what war there is no WAR, if we are going to war I say we wipe them off off the map, otherwise why are we over there in IRAQ Oil, politics. We have a president spending wasting money we don't even have on useless and senseless stuff, and uninformed people vote for him again seriously...

Each to their own I guess I can't say how romney would have done either until he was in office but I would rather take a chance than have someone who can't lead a country in a war, let alone ecnomics all messed up like they are at least in my eyes I have seen the reise in food costs and much more and I live in a small area lets just say.

Lets not forget all the rumors about Obama.

While I am not sure if its true or not about rumors Obama wasn't even born in the U.S searches on the internet a lot of them say he wasn't so doesn't this mean he should not be able to run again anyways?

Lets not forget about the conspirary in why I believe NewYork Huricane Sandy was no accident. I believe the government did this using their HAARP  which is a conspiracy but again during election time? But whatever maybe I am just a whack jobbed nut.


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Isn't Mr. Obama as much white as he is black? I believe his mother is white and his father black, right? Doesn't this make him our first bi-racial President, rather than our first 'black' President? Not that it should matter, skin color is just that, a color, but I wonder why he keeps being called black when at a lot of schools I went to he would have been called a half, or worse actually.

You raise an interesting point. I Think everyone is a mixed race of some sort (bi-racial). Maybe not mixed with black. But bi racial of some sort. even if white. You dont have to be black to be a race... /me wonders how he fills out application for a drivers license for his race now.

Makes me wonder if you went to a school of children and held his picture up and asked them to describe the mans features,How would they describe him these daYS? ,,I seen a similar "What Would you do" TV show that touched on this topic,

Regardless of being mixed. Mixed is not an accurate description, Why does a person have to be mixed with black to be bi-racial?  I am American Mixed with German and god knows what else down the line..

Interesting indeed. I do not mean any disrespect saying He is black in no way at all. I am proud of my President and the amazing history that has been made regardless

 One of the words that really bothers me is "Minority" How can a human be a minority. they are everywhere and why does a race have to be the defining factor

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GothGirl Demonia wrote:

Well im not sure if all the votes have been counted yet but based on what I have seen Obama already got it.

I thought Obama during his first 4 years would have been a good president but in my eyes he is not. He had 4 years to make changes to America instead I see him doing nothing at least from my point of view.

War in IRAQ what war there is no WAR, if we are going to war I say we wipe them off off the map, otherwise why are we over there in IRAQ Oil, politics. We have a president spending wasting money we don't even have on useless and senseless stuff, and uninformed people vote for him again seriously...

Each to their own I guess I can't say how romney would have done either until he was in office but I would rather take a chance than have someone who can't lead a country in a war, let alone ecnomics all messed up like they are at least in my eyes I have seen the reise in food costs and much more and I live in a small area lets just say.

Lets not forget all the rumors about Obama.

While I am not sure if its true or not about rumors Obama wasn't even born in the U.S searches on the internet a lot of them say he wasn't so doesn't this mean he should not be able to run again anyways?

Lets not forget about the conspirary in why I believe NewYork Huricane Sandy was no accident. I believe the government did this using their HAARP  which is a conspiracy but again during election time? But whatever maybe I am just a whack jobbed nut.



The majority of voters have spoken loudly and they disagree with you.  He didn't just win, with 303 electoral votes firmly his and 29 more  coming from Florida  for a total of 332 vs. Romney's 206, he won decisively. 

My suggestion is get over it and look for ways we can work together now instead of perpetuating lies and conspriracies as well as having such a divisive attitude.  Until we work together for the good of the country instead of a political party, things will only get worse not better.



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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


My suggestion is get over it and look for ways we can work together now instead of perpetuating lies and conspriracies as well as having such a divisive attitude.  Until we work together for the good of the country instead of a political party, things will only get worse not better.


^^ that


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Am I the only person who finds it more than a little sad that after four years we still haven't made it past "skin deep" with our president? Why haven't we gone any deeper and looked into the issues?

Personally, I feel that the US cannot sustain itself without a bit more financial restraint. Obama has shown the opposite of such restraint. Of course, so did Bush. So now, how are the dems and reps so different?

Obama was president when all the banks were bailed out. Ironic, since the republicans are usualy the party of "big business." It doesn't get any bigger than banks.

when was the last time the gop was capable of putting a minority or a woman on the ballot without getting the ridicule of the democrats? The truth is that the democrats wish to "own" that vote. They wish to "own" that demographic.

Anybody who considers ANY skin color to be a problem, is in fact, the person with the problem.

The real problem here is that we all get hung up on the petty distractions, instead of paying attention to what matters. Ballooning deficits are bad for us all. Inflation is bad for us all. Unemployment is bad for us all, and sending our troops all over the world is bad for us all. The problem is: Nomatter how you slice the demographics, this is what has happened both under Obama and under our previous republican president. It's what both parties are all about right now.

Let's just wait 4 years, paint a libertarian purple, then elect the super-minority.

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solstyse wrote:

The real problem here is that we all get hung up on the petty distractions, instead of paying attention to what matters. Ballooning deficits are bad for us all. Inflation is bad for us all. Unemployment is bad for us all, and sending our troops all over the world is bad for us all. The problem is: Nomatter how you slice the demographics, this is what has happened both under Obama and under our previous republican president. It's what both parties are all about right now.

Let's just wait 4 years, paint a libertarian purple, then elect the super-minority.

how do you propose to deal with the ageing population? in terms of the increasing cost of support them over the next 5 decades with their old age and health?

how do you propose to deal with the root cause of unemployment going into the same 50 years. like large scale unemployment. as we understand employment today, is going to increase not decrease

advances in technology and automation are ever increasing. is putting millions of people out of traditional jobs all over the world

in the lower socio-economic levels in just about every modern country unemployment has already reached 40%. is intergenerational now even in some of those communities

the unemplyment numbers arent going to go down. they going to go up. is already start to effect the traditional middle class


the answer at the moment is said to be education. like somehow getting a tertiary qualification will create more jobs

is not true this about education. is now millions of highly qualified young people pouring out the universities and trade schools all over the world, deep in education debt and no jobs for them


we heading for huge changes on societal level. i think that most the thought leaders in the all the nations know this. but they dont want to know. so they keep promise jobs and riches and wealth for all. is delusional

the "growth" in jobs only coming from government subsidies and anti-market regulation now. is fake growth. the govts borrow and borrow more and more to maintain what is now a fiction

is the myth also that if government not do this then the market will provide and will be happy nirvana. is not true either. not for all anyways. bc the market is about efficiency. is more efficient to replace humans with machines as much as possible


so less govt or less welfare for old people and no jobs for young even well-educated ones means what exactly? is not going to be happy nirvana. is going to get violent. very violent unless is a fundamental shift

the shift going to be violent as well, as people who will be disadvantaged by the shift will resist


is possible we will see the breakup of many countries i think before the end of this century. mostly bc many of them are fake countries. like lines on maps drawn up by 19th century oldworld empires that not exist anymore




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16 wrote:

am watching them on the map

is quite exciting


i have feeling that Mitt Romney is going to win the popular win and not be President

will depend on Ohio and Florida i think tho. which not be announced yet

If only we could live by feelings.

If only we didn't have to deal with things like facts.

I feel so blue.


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Solaria Goldshark wrote:

16 wrote:

am watching them on the map

is quite exciting


i have feeling that Mitt Romney is going to win the popular win and not be President

will depend on Ohio and Florida i think tho. which not be announced yet

If only we could live by feelings.

If only we didn't have to deal with things like facts.

I feel so blue.


the fact comes after the election is over. not before

cant know for a fact until all the votes been counted

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