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Are both Darwin and creationist wrong?

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Seem we have only two choices as to how we got here, one that we were made in 7 days and the there being that we evolved due to survival of the fittest, I would like to propose a 3rd view, that both the above are wrong and it is food that changes life forms, I give ants and bees as an example, they use food to mod the structure of their body's to make queens, workers and solders, I think that this was well known ages ago by the elite and the GMO crops use these same chemicals which is making the bees die out as they can't make the life forms they need for each job.

Darwin used birds, he claimed only the ones with the right modded beaks survived, claiming that all birds produce random changes in beak size, well I think he was wrong, I think it is the seeds and flowers that contain the genes to mod beaks, for example they need birds to pollinate so mod the birds beak so it does little damage, also they need the seed of the fruit to pass though the birds gut, so the seeds contain chemicals that will mod its eater so to pass with no damage.

Darwin could have worked this out by just looking at ants and bees, but he seems to have avoided that like the plague,

Anyway this leads nicely to the next topic, on how we got here, I will leave that for another day

So what are you thoughts on my theory of evolution?

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You go with both being "wrong". I go with both being "right". I love science and am a proponent of the physical world having very "logical" explainations. I feel sure that some type of evolution occured. Either Darwin's OR yours, or some unmentioned. BUT I believe that they occur as the result of the intent of the God of Abraham.

I include "big bang", cosmic explosions, and alien life forms in that mix.

A million scientificly explicable things happen every day , from hurricanes to the fluttering of an eyelash BUT they happen ultimately because God has deemed that it will. AND given us a mundane processes by "how" so that we can make sense of our world in ways that we humans can.

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I have a bit of a theory myself on this. while i am a christian (NOT a creationist so to speak) i believe in the all powerful God, but you have to ask yourself.....just how long does a day last to an all powerfull being?....dont ask me, but i am betting it isnt 24 hours. possibley 100,000 years to us or whatever. anyway, this is the basis of my theory (not tha t a day is 100,000 years) that man, in his typical egotistical way, assumes Gods day is the same length as ours and therefore have stuffed up the entire revelation of the bible. God may be all powerful, but that doesnt mean magician...... and his patience is limitless, so he really doesnt mind waiting 500,000 years for something, after all thats may only be 5 days. with this in mind i re STUDIED THE BIBLE AND HAD A REVELATION MYSELF. EVERYTHING SEEMED TO MAKE MORE SENSE AND SO I BELIEVE EV ERYONE IS WRONG.......

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I am not a "Believer" in any of the currently popular theories. The reason is that in order for me to believe, I must have solid irrefutable evidence to prove it is correct. So far, neither myself nor anyone I've yet heard of has devised a method of proving absolutely any existing theory. There are a number of revolutionary ideas that may yet result in proof sufficient for me to believe, but not yet.

But as "Creation Theories" go, I have one that appeals to me for various reasons. It will possibly tread on a few toes, but then this is a subject that draws fire no matter which camp you call home.

In the early days of human kind, before modern man was actually an extant species, the Earth was populated by a number of primate species that had many of the basics already in place. They had begun the rudiments of society, of tribal behavior such as coordinated hunting, history keeping, structured language .. and the like.

About that time our planet was visited by a race of space traveling beings that were out tooling around, looking for neat places and generally looking to score some profit wherever they could. When they stumbled across the Earth, they found the aforementioned primates somewhat interesting. They were likeable, in much the same way as a good dog is likeable, and generally trainable to do mundane things. But even so, they still lacked a few things that the visitors deemed necessary .. y'know .. if they were going to prove profitable.

So they set out making a few genetic tweaks here and there, giving them a bit more intelligence, taming down the rampant body hair, and generally shaping them up to walk around among the crew without looking like embarassing knuckle-draggers. Even though they were a bit better off, and quite adequately filled the needs of the moment, a few of them "accidentally" stumbled across the line from "Dumb Animal" into "Sentient Being". Perhaps it was the feeble beginnings of language and society that just amped up the mental enhancement the visitors added, or it could be someone in the bio-lab goofed and twisted a gene the wrong way. But for whatever reason the new pets started thinking and making demands beyond the basics of being fed and let outside the ship to do their bidness.

So they isolated a few specimens back on planetside, set them up in a nice place and from time to time pulled one or two in for a bit more "study". After whittling down the number of thinkers, they found themselves with only one remaining male. Not being anxious to lose the entire population, they gassed him, took him into the operating room and excised a few genes to create a compatible female.

Now the real problem suddenly became apparent to them. See, the reason that one male was still around was because he was actually smart enough to have avoided their earlier "Test Groups". Once he had a companion by his side, he started really raising a ruckus, (probably because she was nagging him for some new clothes or better housing .. the usual). He got to be a real pain.

So they tossed 'em out and locked the door behind them. Just to make sure they didn't come back, the visitors erected a giant force field across the entrance. One of those Energy Shield flaming wall things that looks really cool and hurts like heck when you touch it.

Well, our newly minted couple, having realized they'd screwed the pooch and were no longer able to crash out at night in warm cozy pens, they set about finding warmer stuff to wear and generally kvetching about how it was "the other's fault". Which of couse led to makeup sex and eventually .. more kids.

From there it's been pretty boring. Begat here, begat there .. a few generations later and from time to time their offspring would catch the eye of a visitor .. or run into some real trouble .. and y'know you can toss 'em out, but you can't ever really stop feeling responsible. So more begats, some floating nuclear-powered relics.

Oh and they tagged a few too. To make sure they could really track them well, they gave them implanted two-way communication systems so they could .. y'know .. tell them not to do the stupid stuff that kept getting them killed.

And here we are today.

Like I said, it's just a theory. But it DOES explain a few of the folks higher up in my family tree.

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The earth has a rare element, gold, I believe gold is added to food to repair DNA so giving life spans in the range of millions of years, they are still mortal, but makes gold the most valuable and addictive drug in the universe. Simple to prove, we know how much gold has been mined, we only have to do a gold audit, as we have no use for it so every once should still be here.

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Rival Destiny wrote:

I think we are all created by LL equally & in the form of Ruth.

We are simply here to buy shoes & decorate our environment.

... and that's all I have to say about that.



edited to add:  so: for the popcorn lovers out there, get a bowl, over-buttered, with salt.

*dies laughing..nod nod, lets go shopping, evolution at work :catlol:

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

Seem we have only two choices as to how we got here, one that we were made in 7 days and the there being that we evolved due to survival of the fittest, I would like to propose a 3rd view, that both the above are wrong and it is food that changes life forms, I give ants and bees as an example, they use food to mod the structure of their body's to make queens, workers and solders, I think that this was well known ages ago by the elite and the GMO crops use these same chemicals which is making the bees die out as they can't make the life forms they need for each job.


It's a stretch to say that "food" is used to modify ant/bee structures. Royal jelly is a substance made by the insects themselves that contains a specific hormonal cocktail that triggers a pre-coded genetic sequence. It's basically the same as when a mammalian brain sends an electrical signal to an endocrine gland which then produces hormones that travel through the bloodstream and causes cells down the line to perform certain pre-coded functions. The only difference is that in a mammal all the body parts are connected and in an insect colony the parts are physically separated.

It's certainly possible that encountering chemicals in the wild can trigger certain unexpected reactions, and that encountering some chemicals at specific points in an organism's gestation can cause genetic mutation. However, there's a huge stretch between that and saying that a species is the way it is because at some point in the past one of its ancestors ate a strawberry.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

The earth has a rare element, gold, I believe gold is added to food to repair DNA so giving life spans in the range of millions of years, they are still mortal, but makes gold the most valuable and addictive drug in the universe. Simple to prove, we know how much gold has been mined, we only have to do a gold audit, as we have no use for it so every once should still be here.

This is a belief that is held by those 'Ancient Aliens' / 'Was God An Astronaut?' fruitcakes. Are you aligning youself with them? Are you one of them? Is the Queen of England an alien reptile in disguise in your opinion?

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You are on track to something. Notice the majority of earth's naturally occurring uranium & plutonium is also missing. Ancient nuclear wars, as described in Hindu manuscript, destroyed most of our planet's stockpiles & brought about the total collapse of these ancient civilizations, in the most destructive way possible! Previous global civilizations have exhausted supplies of numerous survival essentials, including surpluses of minerals required for normal human lifespans (1000 years), yes including gold.

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it could be that the plants decided to modify its chemistry to shape the organisms that consume them, and also that animals shape themselves to reach their food better, evolution is a collaborative work between all events that occur on our planet, the weather, chemistry, accidents, everything has its part on why the world is this way.

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As these ideas are just that ideas, wrong is just another idea.  We can talk about the creation of ideas all day, just read Plato.  Personally I think the real question is how matter is created, much more enlighting.  But back to the subject.  People just need to realize that everyone is living in their own reality.  Whatever way of thinking makes you happy and get things done you want done is right for you.  Just remember to stop telling people that they "HAVE TO THINK" a  certain way is just stupid, just not going to happen.  No one is right or wrong, they just think.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

If we are a short lived slave race here only to mine gold, then our masters will regularly collect it up with regular wars between us and feed us false science so we never discover the real truth, including wiping most of us out to destroy our knowledge base should we get to close to discovering the truth.

You say that we will be wiped out should we get too close to the truth? Yet you and others like you have been spreading this alleged "truth" around for years, so surely we should have been wiped out by now as we are passed being "close" to the truth, we know the truth....you have already told us. By using your logic, the only reason we have not been wiped out yet is because we have not become close to knowing the truth. Which means that things you have been telling us can not be true, if they were true then we would have been wiped out.

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