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Hi Zap.  Yeah this is the place for such a gripe :)  What's it's going to do though way up in the air.  We could have a long drawn out discussion about how awkward and un-intuitive this make believe forum is and next year at this time we'll still have the awkward, un-intuitive mess that we have today.  But I remember you from the only VBulletin forums of yesteryear....and I also know that you know that. 

Good to see you again Zap.  It's been like forever since I've read anything from you on any forum.  Carry on......I want to see if this gets as predictable as I think it will be.........bash city for Linden Lab.  :)

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I don't really hate this software that much. I'd rather edit HTML once in a while than have to use BBCODE all the time--most memory of which I've filed away with vague traces of troff and latex.

I do miss the people who scattered to the winds, driven off by the Jive clusterf*ck. SLU is fine for keeping up with many of them, but now it does feel very retro over there. And neither place really has the critical mass of the old, old forums. And the other places... well, my attention span isn't up to juggling that many forums, just for SL topics.

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Zaphod Kotobide wrote:

Is this the place where we gripe about how the old forums were so much better?

I believe this post fits within the category of "general discussion".


Thank you for opening the discussion!  Yes I, and obviously many others who left the "old forums" before the blogorums were put into place MUCH preferred the previous ones.  My top three reasons are:

1.  As pointed out in another thread, those forums actually became a community which expanded out into SL in world with The Forum Cartel. Those of us who bantered regularly with each other on the forums could meet and socialize "in person" there.  One solid rule - none of the forum arguments/debates were to be brought into the Forum Cartel.

2.  The long-running Advice on Sales thread launched many new business from their first tiny shops into well-known, profitable businesses.  That thread was all about sharing info and merchants helping merchants.

3.  There was a classified area for merchants to post their new releases.



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there were a lot of complaints about getting new forums back in the old forums..

or at least updated..

i don't think everyone will be happy with changes..

but once i've gotten used to these they are nice..they would be a lot nicer if a lot of those people from back in the old old forums were still here..

but we can't have it all..

can only hope some may pop in or decide to stick around..

for me it was them that made the older forums great..not the platform..

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Nothing wrong with Jive, I helped write it (seriously, I really did, 10+ years ago, take part in writing that package).

Zaphod: seems this forum is just like (among others) the WoW forums over at Blizzard: a place where a small but persistent group of people whine and complain about everything and anything that LL does or does not do, whatever it is, and ending up contradicting themselves by complaining about things that are added after their complaints about those very things not being there.

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I'm sure everyone who was on the old VB forums remembers that it was a virtual free for all.  LL completely ignored the forums and presented absolutely no moderation.  It wasn't always that way but the last year or so it sure was.  There were vicious arguments with name calling and insults.  I'm not one that objects to hard fought "forum fights"........I participated in my fair share (maybe more than my fair share in fact).  But there were quite a few who professed to be offended and outraged by some of the threads and called on LL to do something about it.........they did.  The brought in the Jive software for the forums and clamped down big time on the posters who were less than polite (yeah I got several posts deleted along with several warnings).  Many of the users left at that point......some because of the over reaction on LL's part but, I believe, most left because they could no longer do as they pleased on the forums.  Jive was absolutely horrid for use as a forum.......it simply did not work.  It was worse than this software as far as intuitive use is concerned.  I'm glad they got rid of it.........and, compared to Jive, this software is a dream come true.

It's changes that forced others to leave.  I stayed because I can adapt and I wanted to be part of the SL forums.  I could not get enthused with a third party forum even though it was populated by SL'ers.  I think (yeah I still do) that if you want to talke SL or help others in SL you should be on the "official forums".  It's changes......some accept them, some don't.  It's the people that make up a forum (not the company that supplies the forums).  Some good people left back them but most people who left really needed to leave.......they simply did not like LL or SL and only stayed around on the forums to infect others with their bad attitude.  I've gotten used to this software (even though it is not very good for a forum) and toned down my posts.  It serves it's purpose more than either the old VB or Jive forums did.  Though, I do believe LL could have solved the problems in the VB without moving to some blog software for a forum.  They didn't do it that way so I adapted.


Zap,  I think you know what I'm talking about.  How many fights did you and I have?  :)

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Actually over the last 6 months or so these forums have been rather well moderated.  I'm sure some (or most) of the more offensive and vicious posts/threads have been moderated, but nothing like it was on the Jive forums (where, you could not even dispute someone politely without a warning......I know I got several and so did others).  What that did is drive away some of the most angry, negative posters which is what I truly believe LL wanted to happen.  As long as we don't get too personal or too far out of the guidelines for posting we can have a pretty heated discussion again..........but only up to a point (when it gets too nasty LL will step in). 

And, that's a good thing.  I did think LL was way out of line when they first started with the very restrictive moderating and their failed attempt at moderating by software instead of real people.  Growing pains I guess......or was is "re-education"?  :)

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i think it was re-education, giving us limits that we can touch, at first, we pushed against them, but once we adapt to them mostly a balance has been found, most of us know more or less how far we can go.

The number of us who post here on a regular basis is really rather quite small, especially given the size of the SL population.

Sometimes I feel like I am a hold out by still posting here.  But I am not fond of the feeds nor SLU and this is the only other  SL-centric place I know.  I'd be hard pressed to prove this statement but I doubt if there are more than 50 of us who post on a fairly daily basis.  100 would be the absolute tops that I see.


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