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Earth changing event

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Bases are not being evaced,  I know this first hand,  second my scope and the observatory I goto all the time have shown nothing you claim in your first post. 


You can claim all you want, but when the proof smacks you in the face that a few of us know exactly what we are talking about, I think it's then time to pack it up and say sorry and move along. 



Now that I look at this

**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/portal_images/spacer.gif" border="0" alt="spacer" width="10" height="1" />

Asteroid 2005 YU55 to Approach Earth on November 8, 2011

is when that happend...  yawn.  I knew if something was coming I'd already know about it and the fact that you said "bases" are being evaced rofl!  my brother would of already informed me and my friend would of too.  funny,  maybe time to stop pulling things out your *** and provide 100% proof.


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OK the hope and thought of the word getting destroyed is infantile.

I remember being 5 years old and when I got mad i would say I wish the whole world would explode.


Listen, you might be under 21 and stuff, OK in fairness let me say you may not remember or even knew -

in 1984, we thought there was gonna be nationwide GOVT surveillance in every home. Didn't happen. (yes, 1984 was a BIG year, as big as 2000)

in 1992 they were REALLY convinced that the rapture was gonna happen.

in 2000, some Y2K bug was gonna cause worldwide chaos, planes falling out of the sky and whatever.

in 2012, they thought some mayan calender was gonna make the world turn upside down and day would become night and the rivers would flow as blood and fire raining blahblahblah.


Yes i said, "In 2012 they thought" cause in 2013 when someone necromances this thread, 2012 will have gone and we will all still be alive.


The planet we live on has been around about 4.5 billion years. It is just doing what it has always done. Our pitilly-ass little life spans of 70 - 100 years is nothing



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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:


in 1984, we thought there was gonna be nationwide GOVT surveillance in every home. Didn't happen. (yes, 1984 was a BIG year, as big as 2000)


Not so sure your right on this one, might not all ways be the government, but if it's there then the government can some times get access to it too, specially if it's over the internet.  If were not there yet were getting closer.






For doomsday predictions my favorite is,  5 days after the earth really ends some one will predict it's still there.




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phaedra Exonar wrote:

For doomsday predictions my favorite is,  5 days after the earth
ends some one will predict it's still there.


that will be 1 of the 13

8 of 13 will be arguing that they dead already

12 of 13 will then say: sry to hear that u think ur dead 8. so umm! can i haz ur stuff pls ???

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/me wonders if you work for one of those grocery store tabloids that have pictures of batboy and such on the cover

I can say with certainty that none of the bases in the US are being evacuated.  I live near a number of major bases that are clustered on the mid Atlantic coast.,  The official ground evacuation route for the ones on the coast here goes right through where I live and air evacuations would be flying over my house.  If there were any evacuations going on I  can assure you I'd know.

The state government  would also be evacuating the cities there and I'd have a house bursting at the seams with evacuees.  The official plan for evacuating that area if the coast ever had to be evacuated due to a natural disintegration's boarding people in all the private homes in my city as well as all the surrounding towns and counties  There are just not enough hotel rooms or public shelter space to accommodate the millions that would be headed inland.

I'd also be renting out beach chairs as a 400ft wave would give me ocean front property.

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I agree this is the best thread ever! Like watching a car crash...you know you should move along and get out of the way, but you can't help rubbernecking to catch all the details. I don't think anyone is going to convince this poor guy...I think he likes arguing too much and can't even consider admitting he could be mistaken. That video was priceless! I liked it s much I had to share it on FB, where I am sure I will offend many folks over there. Oh well. The movie...will have to watch it later as it is too long and I am sleepy...so please no one do aything to get this thread wiped out! Grin. 


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

If the orbit has been pulled south then when the earth reaches the equinox it will be lat, we are coming up to an equinox so easy to prove, the next one is on the 21st of september at 11:12 am, so if there is a brown dwarf close in the south we should see it later


As for now, the jet streams have moved, fact, weather all round the north is very bad, also the sun is more active than it has ever been and we are in danger of some huge flares, all these things support a brown dwarf star south of us.


where i live RL i can just about see the South Pole on a fine day. if a big brown dwarf come schooming out the sky then i let everyone know ok


in the meantime ima make a dwarf catcher

if it not work then all you guys up north can start your prayers when i say it not work k

so if you guys not see any brown dwarfs up your way then my dwarf catcher will have worked pretty good

if so then you guys not have to give me anything like money or nothing. not even a medal. maybe a ribbon for my hair. that be quite nice. not brown tho. i more like black ribbons mostly. sometimes blue or yellow is nice as well

but anyways. is ok if you dont. i got heaps ribbons already really. bows as well


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

No, if you do the math then we are not affected that much the usa is moving south we are just twisting, the sea level at the equator is about 500 feet higher than the poles, so if the USA moves south towards the equator then they could see a 500 foot rise in sea level, here in the uk we just twist a bit south west so no more than a foot or 2, the main worry is how fast it moves, it it is a jolt then we could all get tidal waves, but if gradual then we wont, if you look at the north pole which is moving it suggest it will be gradual, so the USA will see a slow rise in sea level and have to move to higher ground, the dissinfo gang are making out it extreme so to discredit it all.


I might add that lucinda talked of the planet crossing the sun's equator as being the time of greatest stress on the planet depending where the moon is, wel we are about to pass though the sun's equator, so could see large earthquakes that could make the planet jolt a bit, as lucinda no longer shares info with this forum we will have to just guess.

The only reason the equator has a higher sea level is due to the equatorial bulge from the rotation of the earth. Which means that if the US suddenly found itself at the equator, which is highly unlikely anyone on the planet would survive the massive earthquakes this would produce, the earths crust would also bulge out and keep the land at the same level as the water. 

You do realize how close Florida is to the equator, don't you? i don't think the are under 500 feet of water.

A little knowledge is a scary thing to some.



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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I have a few youtube channels that I will watch the day after, they look at every number NASA publish, you say you have a telescope, but don't seem to know of the many programs and public telescopes there are, plus all the leaked ones, what time it is I will only have to wait a few days to get the times, don't think ill be sticking my eye on anything or trying to do any math, just wait, the Russians are very good at telling all NASA are wrong on every thing, lots of Russians claim to know all about this brown dwarf, was them that spilled the beans, so if a hoax blame them and the US republicans.

Me too, I will be watching =3 and Wheezy Waiter and the Vlogbrothers. oh yes, also ROBBAZ the King of Sweden!!!! he will smite the dwarf with his Walrus riding Viking army!!

you are a nut.

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16 wrote:

Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

If the orbit has been pulled south then when the earth reaches the equinox it will be lat, we are coming up to an equinox so easy to prove, the next one is on the 21st of september at 11:12 am, so if there is a brown dwarf close in the south we should see it later


As for now, the jet streams have moved, fact, weather all round the north is very bad, also the sun is more active than it has ever been and we are in danger of some huge flares, all these things support a brown dwarf star south of us.


where i live RL i can just about see the South Pole on a fine day. if a big brown dwarf come schooming out the sky then i let everyone know ok


in the meantime ima make a dwarf catcher

if it not work then all you guys up north can start your prayers when i say it not work k

so if you guys not see any brown dwarfs up your way then my dwarf catcher will have worked pretty good

if so then you guys not have to give me anything like money or nothing. not even a medal. maybe a ribbon for my hair. that be quite nice. not brown tho. i more like black ribbons mostly. sometimes blue or yellow is nice as well

but anyways. is ok if you dont. i got heaps ribbons already really. bows as well


...dresses up like a brown drawf and runs around on your lawn.

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