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Do I look weird?


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Hi all!

My account is fairly new but this is not my first avatar. Though when people look at my profile and see that I was born recently some of them tell me I look noob and try giving me advice. In my opinion I look better than some of these advisors but still they think I must need their help because I'm apparently new to SL.

To be honest most people think my av looks good but there's a minority that says I desperately need some help to change it and I'm just wondering if this minority is right or not. I tend to think that it's all down to personal taste as I'm happy with it as it is. I find it quite annoying now when people tell me I look noob just because my av doesn't meet with their tastes.

Anyway, please have a look at these and let me know if I've got it all wrong.

Thanks. :)





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Based on what I see in your pics, no, you don't look "noobish"... I'd have to see you inworld to really see of there were any problems, but I don't see any in the pics...

: ) i ( :


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From your pictures, you do not look weird, but you are using pretty basic textures for your avatar as well as rather common hair, but other than that, I certainly wouldn't come up to you and say that you look like a noob.

Keep it up, just keep working on your avatar until YOU are happy with the outcome.

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you look awesome dude, and not a Newb. You should not Listen to what the fashionistas say. You be who you wonna be, look how you wonna look and explore. Your Avatar should be a collection of what you think is kool and you collect and perfect over time. You do NOT look like a Newb and those who say you do are just douchbags!

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The only thing that strike me as "noob" are your tattoos maybe. Your avatar isn't special or will stand out in a crowd but if you like this look, just keep it this way, there's realy nothing wrong with it.

Tastes differ and you should always go for what you like best and feel comfortable with (especialy seen from behind ;-) )


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No, you do not look weird.

You look like alot of male avatars in SL (choice of skin, hair, attire).  As time passes, you will see many other styles and 'looks' and yours might evolve as well.  Don't sweat it.  As long as YOU like how your avatar appears, that is all that matters.

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No, you don't look at all weird nor very noobish.  That's quite ok.  If you are happy with it just keep it for now.

As time passes you might find something else what pleases you.  Maybe you could use a bit less prominent tattoos?  And perhaps reduce the upper body muscles a bit?  Sometimes less is more, even in the good looks of avatars.  :smileyhappy:

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Thanks very much for your kind remarks folks, they're much appreciated. :) Sorry to summarise each reply but it's basically what I was thinking and hoping. The reason I did this post is because I've had one or two people say my av looks strange and being a pessimist, rather than take notice of compliments I tend to react to criticism. It's good to know that this minority are the ones with interesting taste shall we say.

Yes I actually do like my av the way it is, but that's not to say I don't want to improve it of course. As long as I know that I'm not looking weird thanks in part to your comments and also to the attention I get in-world then I'm good. :)

Thanks again nice people.

Ways (screen name)

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memyselfandi2 wrote:

Hi all!

My account is fairly new but this is not my first avatar.


Anyway, please have a look at these and let me know if I've got it all wrong.





I don't know about "weird", looks like a fairly average SL avatar. I'd say there's some proportion issues like a very thin waist and small head, but that's pretty typical of avatars because even the starter avatars have those same issues. They're not the sort of things I'd mention to someone unless, of course, they asked me to comment on their avatar.

 If you're really concerned, or just interested, I've written an article on getting better proportions out of the SL appearance editor.

The long version is here. This includes a somewhat detailed explanation on human proportions and the quirks of the appearance editor.

I've also posted a shorter version which is just the section on how to use prims to check your proportions, step by step.

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Thanks for the links Penny. I'll have a good look at the long version later. In the meantime I've reduced my shoulder width as my torso did look a bit too triangular. It seems to have solved the small looking head and waist issue because now I'm in better proportion. I dare say there's still a lot more I could do to make my av more realistic but just with that one adjustment it looks considerably more natural and less cartoon-like.

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I am glad the changes *you* chose to make are ones *you* like.  This is what is important.  In your travels through SL, check out other avies, too.  There may be looks you see that you appreciate and may wish to incorporate into what is your own style.  Never be afraid to ask someone where they picked up an item (be it skin, clothing, hair).  The vast majority of residents are only too pleased to share a landmark or shop name.


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Your avatar is fine.

With people telling you how you should look - yep, we all go thru that.

It is typically the residents at the one year mark who are the worst about thinking they know it all. People in SL who are older than that just avoid noobs altogether and could care less what someone looks like.


I guess it is like a generational thing - the noobs are as kids, the one year SL'ers are like teenagers and early 20's - think they have it together but don't know jack crap, and after about two years, one is settled in their ways and cannot be bothered with silly childish games.

With my avatar - she is larger and I don't go out and buy the MOST expensive clothes/hair/etc and no one gives me a hard time.

But if you are really concerned about if people will "approve" of your looks - some will, some won't. There is nothing you can do to change that. He is YOUR avatar, present him as you see fit.

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considering my self sort of a fashionista I agree with other commends that you should look how you feel, look how you want, don't mind other people's opinion - only if you want to ofcourse. So to answer your question: you look good, to my eyes not to refined (an updated hairstyle and a more sofisticated tatoo would do the trick i think)

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Thanks for your valued opinions folks. I've not been on SL for several days but when I next sign in I'm gonna make some changes based on the comments you've made which I agree with. From now on though I'll not be accepting unnecessary avatar advice from people in-world because I think as some of you have said it has nothing to do with anyone else really. My avatar needs to reflect my tastes rather than a selection of other people's. So I'm gonna stop letting it bother me now and just politely reject any well-meaning but unwanted criticism, as I'm sure I look at least fairly decent and therefore not in need of that sort of attention.

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I'm going to agree that you most likely look better than most of those talking to you.

Your head is about the right size for the body on the superhero-comic-book scale, your arms are long enough, your hands are only slightly smaller than they should be, your shoulders are not too wide, and your muscles seem properly fit. Most male avatars have these features way off. Extremely off in fact.

Proportionately you look decent enough, from those initial two images. I'd have to see more to be sure.

But if you made that shape, consider that you're already more skilled than 90% of the people in SL who sell shapes professionally... Which is pretty sad... but also true...


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